Taylor Swift Fans Threatened Clothing Designers Over A Joke T-Shirt

Taylor Swift Fans Threatened Clothing Designers Over A Joke T-Shirt

The above tank top is available at Bad Kids Clothing for $19.99 and you can grab it in pretty much any size and five different colors. It’s the perfect way to tell people that you like making fun of Taylor Swift’s dating past and also feel like showing off your sculpted guns. You’re hip, young and relevant, and you don’t have a care in the world.
Except maybe some seriously pissed off Swift fans (AKA Swifties), as they’ve allegedly been going after Bad Kids Clothing’s founders, Lex Houser and Andi Cross, for cracking wise at their pop idol’s expense. According to the pair of 26-year old party lifestyle and dance music enthusiasts, Swifties are mad with power after forcing Abercrombie and Fitch to take its own Taylor Swift shirt off the market, so they have no problem going after these small-timers.
The only problem is… they’re not going to cave to the prepubescent pressure.

“They keep telling me to take it off the site, but it wasn’t on the site, so I guess they wanted me to take down the picture [from Instagram*],” Houser explains. “So I took down the picture–I don’t really care–and then they kept going. It got worse and worse.”
“Finally I just responded to one and I was like, ‘It’s gone, what do you want?’ And they were like, ‘Oh, you think just because it’s gone that this is over? Just wait until you see what happens to you.’”

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