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How to choose a mustache
19 oct 2012 03:47

As a dude it is imperative to grow and maintain the correct mustache. But how do we find the best mustache? This handy flow chart will help you determine which mustache you should go for.

As a dude it is imperative to grow and maintain the correct mustache. But how do we find the best mustache? This handy flow chart will help you determine which mustache you should go for.

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When Rednecks Make Cars...
19 oct 2012 03:43

Rednecks are known for many things. Missing teeth, big guns and low literacy rates are just some of the attributes that are frequently associated with being from the boondocks. One attribute that is rarely mentioned is a rednecks ability to pimp out their rides. Below is a gallery of a wide variety of redneck mobiles. I personally like the lifted Limo. Have a look.

Rednecks are known for many things. Missing teeth, big guns and low literacy rates are just some of the attributes that are frequently associated with being from the boondocks.

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Pink Contest In Nepal
19 oct 2012 03:00

Clad in pink, blue and yellow clothes, more than 250 lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) athletes took part in a sports festival in the Nepali capital, Kathmandu, at the weekend, billed by organizers as the first in South Asia.

Clad in pink, blue and yellow clothes, more than 250 lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) athletes took part in a sports festival in the Nepali capital, Kathmandu, at the weekend, ...

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Abandoned Places Of The World
19 oct 2012 02:58

Abandoned village and a huge radio telescope (Irbene, Latvia) Irbene is an abandoned town that used to be a military center with a developed infrastructure. The station of space surveillance Zvezdochka has not been there on the maps till 1993. The place was robbed and deprived of many things but visitors can still imagine what happened here 20 years ago. Irbene was built for the purpose of space surveillance and military men worked with 3 radar telescopes dislocated here. The same devices were also based in the Crimea and Ussuriisk. There is an opinion that one of the telescopes was used to bug phone conversations of the State Department of the USA and submarine centers of Norway.

Abandoned village and a huge radio telescope (Irbene, Latvia) Irbene is an abandoned town that used to be a military center with a developed infrastructure.

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First Photographs
19 oct 2012 02:56

A selection of first pictures... These pictures are perfect examples of the beginning of photography...

A selection of first pictures... These pictures are perfect examples of the beginning of photography...

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Deer Attacks a Bison
19 oct 2012 02:56

Brave deer decided to attack a bison, and perhaps vice versa, it is not the point. The point is, who is the winner.

Brave deer decided to attack a bison, and perhaps vice versa, it is not the point. The point is, who is the winner.

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Pictures Then And Now
19 oct 2012 02:55

A new compilation of pictures in "then and now" style.

A new compilation of pictures in "then and now" style.

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For Those Who Like Everything Tiny
19 oct 2012 02:55

A compilation of miniture things. Some of them are hand made, and some of them are tiny by their nature.

A compilation of miniture things. Some of them are hand made, and some of them are tiny by their nature.

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Phantom of Grandmother Seen on the Ultrasound Scan
19 oct 2012 02:54

When a pregnant woman took a look at her ultrasound scan, she got a shock no expectant mother should ever encounter. The face of her dead mother-in-law was staring back at her. Now, the family believe she has come back to watch over them and the new baby.

When a pregnant woman took a look at her ultrasound scan, she got a shock no expectant mother should ever encounter. The face of her dead mother-in-law was staring back at her.

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Cats and Money
19 oct 2012 02:54

A selection of pictures with cats that just love money. Unusual contrast, is it?

A selection of pictures with cats that just love money. Unusual contrast, is it?

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How Much Does James Bond Cost The Taxpayer?
19 oct 2012 02:53

This is how much James Bond costs the taxpayer.

This is how much James Bond costs the taxpayer.

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Only in Latvia
19 oct 2012 02:53

Interesting moments and funny situations that can be seen only in Latvia.

Interesting moments and funny situations that can be seen only in Latvia.

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You Make a Good Point…
19 oct 2012 02:52

A selection of very logical things to say and to do...)

A selection of very logical things to say and to do...)

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Riddle of the Day
19 oct 2012 02:51

What do you think this is? The answer is inside.

What do you think this is? The answer is inside.

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Demotivators Picdump
19 oct 2012 02:50

A fresh compilation of hilarious demotivator posters for you... Enjoy!)))

A fresh compilation of hilarious demotivator posters for you... Enjoy!)))

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Breathtaking Sidewalk Art
19 oct 2012 02:49

Edgar Mueller - Ice Age

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Astonishing Body Painting
19 oct 2012 02:20

Body painting is a thing in case you didn't know. Erin Bates and Trina Merry take it to a whole new level by transforming people into vehicles. Check it out.

Body painting is a thing in case you didn't know. Erin Bates and Trina Merry take it to a whole new level by transforming people into vehicles. Check it out.

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Awesome Creative Resumes
19 oct 2012 01:50

When putting your resume together it is a good idea to make sure it stands out. Here are some examples of really cool and creative resumes.

When putting your resume together it is a good idea to make sure it stands out. Here are some examples of really cool and creative resumes.

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Fabulous Bookshelves
19 oct 2012 01:29

If you are a book lover who happens to like design, you should check out these amazing bookshelves. They will house your books and look sexy.

If you are a book lover who happens to like design, you should check out these amazing bookshelves. They will house your books and look sexy.

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Redneck Couture!
18 oct 2012 16:08

Who else would wear a wedding dress of hunting camo?!

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Shorts for hipsters
18 oct 2012 12:21

Shorts are an integral part of any wardrobe. They provide a versatility that is no always found in pants. Also, hipster chicks look good in cut-offs.But you don't have to take my word for it.

Shorts are an integral part of any wardrobe. They provide a versatility that is no always found in pants. Also, hipster chicks look good in cut-offs.But you don't have to take my word for it.

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Can virutal reality compete with real life?
18 oct 2012 12:16

Second life is an online world where individuals can work, buy property, party, dance and pretty much anything their imaginations can imagine. You can develop the land you buy, and that is what these fine folk have done. Check out some of these spots and tell me you wouldn't want to see them irl.

Second life is an online world where individuals can work, buy property, party, dance and pretty much anything their imaginations can imagine.

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Best places to chill on a hammock
18 oct 2012 11:33

Summer is over but that doesn't mean we can't still long for a chill spot on a beach or some amazing tropical forest. In case you can't make out to these spots you can vicariously enjoy them with this gallery.

Summer is over but that doesn't mean we can't still long for a chill spot on a beach or some amazing tropical forest.

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Worste Bootleg Toys
18 oct 2012 11:26

When you are a kid it is easy to distinguish fakes from the real thing. But some manufacturers are sneaky and they make some convincing attempts. Allow me to elaborate with photographs.

When you are a kid it is easy to distinguish fakes from the real thing. But some manufacturers are sneaky and they make some convincing attempts. Allow me to elaborate with photographs.

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