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This Artist Creates Amazing Optical Illusions Using Simple Lines
05 dec 2018 10:30

Katy Ann Gilmore is a Los Angles-based artist. She has a degree in mathematics so it’s not hard to see where she takes most of her inspiration from – her works are highly detailed, rhythmic and symmetrical, much like an elegant equation.

Katy Ann Gilmore is a Los Angles-based artist. She has a degree in mathematics so it’s not hard to see where she takes most of her inspiration from – her works are highly detailed, ...

Tags: art    drawing    illusion    inspiration    katy-ann-gilmore    line    optical   
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What Your Heart Line Says About Your Life
19 may 2015 13:52

To figure out what your heart line says about the relationships you encounter in life and the love life you experience, you'll have to compare your your heart line (outlined in red) on the palm of your right hand. The heart line is the line that's below the index finger or middle finger (depending on how long yours is) and extends to the edge of your palm underneath your little finger.

To figure out what your heart line says about the relationships you encounter in life and the love life you experience, ...

Tags: heart    line    palm   
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A Simple Squiggly Line Watch
14 nov 2014 10:37

The Ora Unica is a beautifully simple watch designed by Denis Guidone for NAVA, a Milanese design studio. When you first look at it, it looks like it's purely ornamental, more like a bracelet than a device for telling time. However, it is actually a functioning watch with an hour and minute hand that's carefully disguised as one long, squiggly line.

The Ora Unica is a beautifully simple watch designed by Denis Guidone for NAVA, a Milanese design studio.

Tags: line    squiggly    watch   
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