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Rita Ebel, nicknamed 'Lego grandma', testing out one of her wheelchair ramps built from donated Lego bricks in Hanau, Germany, on Monday
20 feb 2020 14:36

Faced with rows of inaccessible shops and cafes, a German wheelchair user has devised a low-tech high-fun solution by building her own ramps made of Lego. Rita Ebel was left in a wheelchair after a car accident 25 years ago and found getting in and out of shops around the German town of Hanau very difficult. She has even been given the nicknamed 'Lego grandma' by other residents in her hometown.

Faced with rows of inaccessible shops and cafes, a German wheelchair user has devised a low-tech high-fun solution by building her own ramps made of Lego.

Tags: diy    germany    grandma    lego    ramp    story    wheelchair   
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