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Scrambled eggs the spot in the town
15 sep 2013 09:53

These sunny-side-up creations are the work of Dutch artist Henk Hofstra. His Art-Eggcident is open to all in the town’s Wilhelmina Square. The eight fried eggs have a diameter of 7.5 meters. Some have a bulging yolk 2.3 meters high. Members of the public have come out of their shell to engage with the artworks. The eggs will fry in the sun for the next six months… While breakfast lovers get to admire his extraordinary talent.

These sunny-side-up creations are the work of Dutch artist Henk Hofstra. His Art-Eggcident is open to all in the town’s Wilhelmina Square. The eight fried eggs have a diameter of 7.5 meters.

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