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#1 Just... A Little... Bit... Closer
21 feb 2019 11:53

Julian Rad, a wildlife photographer from Austria, shows the most lovable wildlife shots of squirrels, hamsters, and foxes that you’ve probably ever seen. Back in 2015, he won the renowned Comedy Wildlife Photography Award with his image of a running hamster, titled "Rush hour".

Julian Rad, a wildlife photographer from Austria, shows the most lovable wildlife shots of squirrels, hamsters, and foxes that you’ve probably ever seen.

Tags: animals    austrian    life    photo    photographer    wildlife    world   
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Finnish Squirrel-Whisperer Feeds Wild Animals For Cute Wildlife Photos
30 jan 2015 08:54

No forest animal in Finland will ever go hungry as long as Konsta Punkka has anything to say about it. This 20-year-old Finnish photographer and, in his words, “squirrel whisperer” makes simple trades with the wild animals he meets – for a little snack, they’ll pose so he can take adorable photos!

No forest animal in Finland will ever go hungry as long as Konsta Punkka has anything to say about it.

Tags: finland    photo    wildlife   
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Giant Anteater’s Legs Look Like Pandas
20 aug 2013 13:48

What looks like a weirdly crooked panda sniffing the ground, is actually… a leg of a giant anteater! Look closer, and you’ll see its thin snout, tiny eye and one ear right above an astonishing panda-like leg. The illusion is caused by the colors of the anteater’s fur, as its black and white coat forms what looks like panda’s eyes, ears and a nose. What you don’t see are the large claws on each of their paws, which are curled when the anteater walks, and are used while digging through the anthill. Having no teeth, they eat by flicking their tongue up to 160 times per minute, and that way eat as many as 30 000 ants a day! The giant anteaters are the largest ones of the four anteater species, and can be found in different habitats, such as rainforests or grasslands. Unfortunately, the mammal is classified as “vulnerable” by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). That’s gotta be one of our favorite animals as of now!

What looks like a weirdly crooked panda sniffing the ground, is actually… a leg of a giant anteater! Look closer, and you’ll see its thin snout, ...

Tags: "panda"    animals    anteater    funny-animal-pictures    funny-animals    giant-anteater    giant-anteater-legs    illusion    legs-like-panda    looks-like-panda    optical-illusion    wildlife   
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