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The Wild Wild West
19 feb 2013 21:27

  How is that for a sport?! To be honest i find monkey dog riding quite intertaining, look at the pictures to see for yourself. Notice with how much passion and skill they are handling the horses.. I mean dogs...Yahhooo!!!

  How is that for a sport?! To be honest i find monkey dog riding quite intertaining, look at the pictures to see for yourself.

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We All Make Mistakes
19 feb 2013 18:57


 We all make mistakes and animals are not an exception. Sometimes the desire to hump drives animals to very interesting decisions.


   We all make mistakes and animals are not an exception. Sometimes the desire to hump drives animals to very interesting decisions.  

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The Most Retro-Awesome Coffee Table
19 feb 2013 15:34

Are you one of those "mixtapes and roses" types? Then you're sure to love this throw back to the 80's with a giant tape as a coffee table. It comes in an array of color options and sizes. A seriously cool touch to an already cool home.

Are you one of those "mixtapes and roses" types? Then you're sure to love this throw back to the 80's with a giant tape as a coffee table. It comes in an array of color options and sizes.

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6.8 million years ago
18 feb 2013 22:00

To put a human face on our ancestors, scientists from the Senckenberg Research Institute used sophisticated methods to form 27 model heads based on tiny bone fragments, teeth and skulls collected from across the globe.

The heads are on display for the first time together at the Senckenberg Natural History Museum in Frankfurt, Germany.

To put a human face on our ancestors, scientists from the Senckenberg Research Institute used sophisticated methods to form 27 model heads based on tiny bone fragments, ...

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What Does Your Hair Say About You Based On Cosmopolitan!?
18 feb 2013 19:18

A pony tail belongs to very confident women, who are known to be bold between the sheets. The gesture of opening up the face, instead of hiding behind bangs, or hair in general indicates their self assurance.

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1000 Of Spiders Are Raining Down On People In Brazil!
18 feb 2013 18:57

Thousands of spiders descended down on shocked residents of Santo Antonio da Platina, a city near Sao Paulo, Brazil. This particular species called the "Anelosimus eximius" is very social, and lives in large colonies, each one is the size of a pencil eraser. The spiders make huge webs on trees, and strong winds, which are very common in the area this time of year, can tear down their webs and carry the whole colony consisting of 1000 or more spiders around the city. In this case a bunch of these poor spiders got stuck on telephone poles and wires, which made it seem like a cloud, or rain of spiders. Pretty crazy, I would definitely not want to be one of the witnesses on site.

Thousands of spiders descended down on shocked residents of Santo Antonio da Platina, a city near Sao Paulo, Brazil.

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Birthday Celebrating Kitties!
18 feb 2013 17:56

Although it is cute when people throw parties for their beloved cats, sometimes the kitty doesn't enjoy it quite as much as expected. Check out these sad, terrified, mad and some surprisingly content birthday celebrating cats!

Although it is cute when people throw parties for their beloved cats, sometimes the kitty doesn't enjoy it quite as much as expected.

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Motorcycles and Sexy Women what could be better
18 feb 2013 15:44

Motorcycles look good on there own but one of these sexy women by them and look out. These girls are looking to amazing on these Bikes.

Motorcycles look good on there own but one of these sexy women by them and look out. These girls are looking to amazing on these Bikes.

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Golf Just got Sexy
18 feb 2013 14:09

Lets Face it Golf can be boring to watch but when you put sexy ladies on the golf course that's a whole other story.

Lets Face it Golf can be boring to watch but when you put sexy ladies on the golf course that's a whole other story.

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Eeew. If you Don't die After Eating this...
18 feb 2013 13:02

... then there is something wrong with you. Have you ever seen epic meal time? I don't recommend it. In fact, I don't recommend any one to consume more than their daily allotted of calories.

... then there is something wrong with you. Have you ever seen epic meal time? I don't recommend it. In fact, I don't recommend any one to consume more than their daily allotted of calories.

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The Best Parks and Recreation GIFs EVER
17 feb 2013 16:57

There’s never a bad time for some ‘Parks and Recreation‘ and we can always count on our friends from Pawnee to make us laugh. Here are some of our favorite ‘Parks and Rec’ GIFs that capture the funniest little moments from the show. Send these GIFs to your family and friends or just enjoy them for yourself!

There’s never a bad time for some ‘Parks and Recreation‘ and we can always count on our friends from Pawnee to make us laugh.

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Barbie Dolls Pulled Apart & Made Into Jewellery
17 feb 2013 16:41

It’s not every day you see dismembered Barbie Dolls hanging around people’s necks – but that’s often the case with jewellery designer Margaux Lange who has conjured up a collection of wearable jewellery pieces made entirely out of former Barbie dolls (even Ken make an appearance or two.)

It’s not every day you see dismembered Barbie Dolls hanging around people’s necks – but that’s often the case with jewellery designer Margaux Lange who has conjured up a collection of wearable...

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Stylish Models Twisted Into Creepy Crawly Insects
17 feb 2013 14:57

Visual artist and graphic designer Laurent Seroussi must be prone to some seriously creepy and creative dreams. How else could you explain the following series of remarkable images, which feature high-fashion perfectly poised models, fused into the exoskeletons of bugs, critters and insects. It’s like the human centipede gone Vogue…a collection of nightmarish examples of metamorphosis gone awry. Before scrolling down, our advice would be to keep the light on when you go to bed tonight….

Visual artist and graphic designer Laurent Seroussi must be prone to some seriously creepy and creative dreams.

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Frog Legs
16 feb 2013 17:00

Dogs making frog legs is actually quite normal in young dogs and some breeds, such as the Boxer and Pitbull.

Share some laughs with your pooch with the frog legs! :)

Dogs making frog legs is actually quite normal in young dogs and some breeds, such as the Boxer and Pitbull. Share some laughs with your pooch with the frog legs! :)

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Shower Time!
16 feb 2013 17:00

Now that you've given your significant other a bunch of love for Valentine's Day, it's time to show some of that affection for your best friends and guardian, Fido!

How about a spa day? :)

Now that you've given your significant other a bunch of love for Valentine's Day, it's time to show some of that affection for your best friends and guardian, Fido! How about a spa day? :)

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Solving the Crisis of Energy Poverty One Solar-Powered Lamp at a Time
15 feb 2013 17:00

No electricity No problem! In Africa, the "Luci" is a sustainable light source brought to three billion people around he world by Indiegogo. Luci was designed by MPOWERD to assist those around the globe withou electricity.

No electricity No problem! In Africa, the "Luci" is a sustainable light source brought to three billion people around he world by Indiegogo.

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Headphones that Effing RULE
15 feb 2013 17:00

Tired of trying so hard to stand out in the crowd? With these babies you're sure to never meet another doppelganger on the bus to work again!

Forget about Beats or other poser "originals," these are the real deal. Better yet, DIY!

Tired of trying so hard to stand out in the crowd? With these babies you're sure to never meet another doppelganger on the bus to work again!

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Wet Girls Are Hot.
15 feb 2013 16:15

Combining water and hot women is one of mans best creations!

Combining water and hot women is one of mans best creations!

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President's Fist-Bump, Wassup Bro
14 feb 2013 17:00

Not all into all that physical affection stuff? It's all good! Nothing to worry about when meeting President Barack! He's down with the first bump like you've never seen!


Not all into all that physical affection stuff? It's all good! Nothing to worry about when meeting President Barack! He's down with the first bump like you've never seen!  

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High School Freshman Suspended For Red Hair?!
14 feb 2013 14:04

A 15 year old 9th grader Rylee MacKay was suspended from Hurrican High school in Utah after principal Roy Hoyt said her red hair color seemed pinkish purple on the light, and didn't belong to a natural color spectrum according to Washington County School District dress code: “Hair, including beards, mustaches and sideburns, should be groomed so that it is neat and clean. Extreme hairstyles are prohibited. Hair color should be within the spectrum of color that hair grows naturally.” Rylee's mother is outraged and will not oblige with school administators request to dye Rylee's hair brown in order to be able to come back to school. Other mothers are also speaking out, on that rule being too harsh.

A 15 year old 9th grader Rylee MacKay was suspended from Hurrican High school in Utah after principal Roy Hoyt said her red hair color seemed pinkish purple on the light, ...

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Even The Georgia Football Team is getting down with the Harlem shake
14 feb 2013 13:22

Con Lo Terrorita!! Georgia football Fans Getting down to the Harlem Shake and most of them are half naked.

Con Lo Terrorita!! Georgia football Fans Getting down to the Harlem Shake and most of them are half naked.

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Jason Schwartzman's Hilarious Valentine's Day Portraits
13 feb 2013 10:19

Who could pull off such a hilarious set of portraits but indie heartthrob Jason Schwartzman? For the February/March issue of BUST magazine, Los Angeles-based photographer Amanda Marsalis shot Schwarzman in a wide variety of hilarious scenes. From nonchalantly sucking on a lollipop while sporting heart-shaped sunglasses to lying passed out on the floor with the top of a chocolate box covering his head, the young actor played it up for the camera, in a wonderfully unexpected way.

Who could pull off such a hilarious set of portraits but indie heartthrob Jason Schwartzman? For the February/March issue of BUST magazine, ...

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Awesome Boiled Egg Recepy
13 feb 2013 07:39

Just check out this picturesque user manual and step into the kitchen, it really can't be any easier :D

Just check out this picturesque user manual and step into the kitchen, it really can't be any easier :D

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Funny Looking Animals
13 feb 2013 05:36

Did the Evolution created these animals while it was drunk?

Did the Evolution created these animals while it was drunk?

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The Only Reason I Don't Wanna Go to Brazil, Freaking Spiders!
13 feb 2013 00:00

In the Brazilian town of Santo Antônio da Platina, spiders known as Anelosimus eximius were shot by Erick Reis as they showered the sky. Marta Fischer, a local biologist, is quoted at G1 as saying (translated), “…They are usually in trees during the day and in the late afternoon and early evening construct a sort of sheet webs, each makes his and then they come together. The goal is to capture insects.” She also says this phenomenon is normal.

In the Brazilian town of Santo Antônio da Platina, spiders known as Anelosimus eximius were shot by Erick Reis as they showered the sky.

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Funny Demotivational Posters
13 feb 2013 05:17

A fresh compilation of hilarious demotivator posters for you... Enjoy!)

A fresh compilation of hilarious demotivator posters for you... Enjoy!)

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Supermarket Cart Throne
13 feb 2013 04:56

A cool instruction, how to make a throne out of an ordinary supermarket shopping cart...

A cool instruction, how to make a throne out of an ordinary supermarket shopping cart...

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