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Pencil Drawings
07 mar 2013 07:55

You'll never believe it, but these are not photographs, these are pensil drawings... Man, I wish, I had talant like this....

You'll never believe it, but these are not photographs, these are pensil drawings... Man, I wish, I had talant like this....

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Swim for Your Life, Cat!
06 mar 2013 19:10

Not all cats hate water, but most do. Have you ever tried to give you cat a bath?

It's actually not good for the cat's skin. Like birds, cat skin is delicate and should be self groomed so as not to dry out. 

Not all cats hate water, but most do. Have you ever tried to give you cat a bath? It's actually not good for the cat's skin.

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Kola Super Deep Borehole – Kola, Russia
06 mar 2013 19:06

Underground laboratories have been around for a while now. Some research just can't be done on land for security reasons. Say hello to DARK MATTER!

Just to name a few: direct searches for dark matter particles, double beta decay, proton decay, solar neutrinos, geoneutrinos etc. Of course, other forms of dark matter research can be done in space or in accelerator experiments.

Underground laboratories have been around for a while now. Some research just can't be done on land for security reasons.

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Bananas are an Art Form
06 mar 2013 18:53

Remember Bananas in Pajamas?

Well, now meet Bananas as an art form! Ba-Na-Na!

Have you ever made art out of your fruits?

Remember Bananas in Pajamas? Well, now meet Bananas as an art form! Ba-Na-Na! Have you ever made art out of your fruits?

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Dog is a Baby's Best Friend
06 mar 2013 18:45

Babies cry all day, but when Fido comes around all is well again. Funny how this doesn't seem to happen nearly as often with cats.

I wonder why...;)

Babies cry all day, but when Fido comes around all is well again. Funny how this doesn't seem to happen nearly as often with cats. I wonder why...;)

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Worlds 10 Most Famous and Oldest Lighthouses.
06 mar 2013 15:24

Cape Guardafui Lighthouse is one of the oldest in Somalia.

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Bad Lip Reading -  The Amazing Spider-Man video
06 mar 2013 15:12

Bad lip reading is creative and hilarious. Check out this extremely funny bad lip reading version of the Amazing Spiderman. This video is just too funny.

Bad lip reading is creative and hilarious. Check out this extremely funny bad lip reading version of the Amazing Spiderman. This video is just too funny.

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Me Vs You, I Win
06 mar 2013 14:44

Its good to be must be terrible to be you. Check out these photos of people who simply have it better than then others. I win, you lose.

Its good to be must be terrible to be you. Check out these photos of people who simply have it better than then others. I win, you lose.

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Animals Who Are Eating The Wrong Foods
06 mar 2013 13:26

These animals have an interesting taste in food. I don't think they know what they are supposed to be eating. Go home hungry animals your drunk.

These animals have an interesting taste in food. I don't think they know what they are supposed to be eating. Go home hungry animals your drunk.

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Odd Things You Didn't Know About Adolf Hitler
06 mar 2013 12:51

Hitler was a powerful man with some rather strange tendencies. Here are some of the things about Hitler that were often overlooked. These are odd facts you probably didn't know about Adolf Hitler.

Hitler was a powerful man with some rather strange tendencies. Here are some of the things about Hitler that were often overlooked. These are odd facts you probably didn't know about Adolf Hitler.

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Wake Up Prank Compilation Video
06 mar 2013 12:22

Want to see some hilarious pranks. These people all wake up to a surprise in the morning. This is a great compilation video of wake up pranks. This video is too funny.

Want to see some hilarious pranks. These people all wake up to a surprise in the morning. This is a great compilation video of wake up pranks. This video is too funny.

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 Funniest Fish on the Web
06 mar 2013 11:34

Who knew fish could be so funny? They’re basically the most unexpectedly hilarious creatures. Remember how they’re master blooper-makers? That’s just the beginning. Take a look closer at most fishies, and you’ll notice they’re pretty funny looking. The scaly things can be cute and all, but they’re also capable of making ridiculous faces that sort of look human and semi creepy all at once. Trust us– fish are way more entertaining than you ever thought possible. Check out their funny business below!

Who knew fish could be so funny? They’re basically the most unexpectedly hilarious creatures. Remember how they’re master blooper-makers? That’s just the beginning.

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Bradley Cooper and Zach Galifianakis Horse Around
06 mar 2013 08:56

Fans were overjoyed when The Hangover gang agreed to reunite for a third movie. And it was just like old time as Bradley Cooper horsed around with co-star Zach Galifianakis at a photoshoot for the movie in Hollywood. The latter will be the envy of women worldwide after he wrestled with the 2011 Sexiest Man Alive award winner.

Fans were overjoyed when The Hangover gang agreed to reunite for a third movie. And it was just like old time as Bradley Cooper horsed around with co- ...

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Fit and Flexible Girls
06 mar 2013 06:24

Fit and flexible girls are the the sexiest of all. And this is the fact...

Fit and flexible girls are the the sexiest of all. And this is the fact...

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Dragons Are Real!
05 mar 2013 21:57

What do you think, Dragon? Definitely a Dragon! No, this is actually a Armadillo girdled lizard(Cordylus cataphractus), a lizard found exclusively in the deserts of Southern Africa.




What do you think, Dragon? Definitely a Dragon! No, this is actually a Armadillo girdled lizard(Cordylus cataphractus), a lizard found exclusively in the deserts of Southern Africa.

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Funny Exam Answers
05 mar 2013 08:32

A compilation of hilarious exam answers... If you don't know something, try to be funny, it may help)

A compilation of hilarious exam answers... If you don't know something, try to be funny, it may help)

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12-year old from India has Higher IQ than Einstein
04 mar 2013 18:30

Neha Ramu, a 12-year-old girl from India achieved a score of 162 on her Mensa IQ test, which is the highest score possible! This means she is more intelligent than Stephen Hawking, Albert Einstein, and Bill Gates who all reportedly have an IQ of 160.

Neha and her parents have moved from India to Brittain when she was 7 years old. They knew she was a good student, but had no idea their daughter was so gifted. Only when she took her entrance exam for a high-achiever's grammar school and have gotten the perfect score of 280/280 did they realize their daughter's special abilities.


Neha Ramu, a 12-year-old girl from India achieved a score of 162 on her Mensa IQ test, which is the highest score possible!

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Lovers Instagram Their Incredible Journey Around The World
04 mar 2013 12:38

Instagram isn’t just a place for photos of shoes, legs and half eaten food – occasionally you can stumble across some seriously cool photographs that serve to inspire & captivate. One such series title ‘Follow Me’ by Instagram user Muradosmann documents a rather mysterious and beautiful girl leading him by the hand in various locations around the world. Together they visit the likes of Moscow, Disneyland in Paris, Italy, London, Hong kong Venice and Berlin – each time with his partner leading the way. The photos themselves not only paint a picture of wonder, discovery and love, they do so in magnificent detail. But who are they? What does each of them look like? Well, their identities are revealed (as well as their most recent travels) via their official Instagram feed. In the meantime, sit back and just imagine being there with them!

Instagram isn’t just a place for photos of shoes, legs and half eaten food – occasionally you can stumble across some seriously cool photographs that serve to inspire & captivate.

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8 signs your cat is actually a dog
04 mar 2013 11:20

Does you cat sometimes act a little off? Sometimes its as if your cat really acts like its a dog? Well here are 8 signs that your cat should be a dog.

Does you cat sometimes act a little off? Sometimes its as if your cat really acts like its a dog? Well here are 8 signs that your cat should be a dog.

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Oh No, What Happened To Your Face?
04 mar 2013 09:32

These girls are not afraid to be look ugly and silly) This is cool)

These girls are not afraid to be look ugly and silly) This is cool)

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Can You Believe This Is Actually The Beginning of Spring in Russia?
04 mar 2013 08:23

Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk began as a small Russian settlement called Vladimirovka founded by convicts in 1882. These photos show the beginning of spring there.

Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk began as a small Russian settlement called Vladimirovka founded by convicts in 1882. These photos show the beginning of spring there.

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Let's Learn Something New Today
04 mar 2013 07:54

OK, you won't find true love or make a million dollars by following these charts.

OK, you won't find true love or make a million dollars by following these charts.

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North Korea - the Life of a Closed Country
04 mar 2013 07:24

Recently first pictures of North Korea appeared in Instagram. Now we know, how life in the closed country looks like.

Recently first pictures of North Korea appeared in Instagram. Now we know, how life in the closed country looks like.

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New Punishments for Kids Who Break Curfew
01 mar 2013 21:46

The latest parental public shaming technique is also the most narcissistic one we’ve ever encountered. After his daughter broke curfew, a father forced the teenage girl to wear a t-shirt baring his image for a week at school. Under the photo of his giant mug were the words “Try Me!!” Apparently the girl also had to wash the shirt every day so it was fresh for school the next morning. The punishment came to light when a photo of dad and his special-shirt wearing daughter was posted to Reddit. “What my friend made his daughter wear to school for a week as punishment for coming home past curfew. Parenting win?,” the poster wondered. Reddit seemed split on the punishment’s effectiveness. What do you think? Is it a parenting win, or is somebody just a little too in love with his own face? We’re hoping that in a couple years from now she starts wearing the shirt ironically.

The latest parental public shaming technique is also the most narcissistic one we’ve ever encountered.

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Beautiful Women Of Different Origins!
01 mar 2013 19:30

Women are beautiful creatures who come in all kinds of packages. Lets take a look at the well known categories of backgrounds which give women from specific origins their distinct looks (At least stereotypically speaking. There are of course those with mixed genes who might look different.)

Women are beautiful creatures who come in all kinds of packages. Lets take a look at the well known categories of backgrounds which give women from specific origins their distinct looks (At...

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Disney Characters Inked Up!
01 mar 2013 17:02

Wouldn't Disney have been so much cooler if all of their characters were more alternative and inked up?

Can you imagine hipster Ariel, or tatted Pocahontas? Well now you can with these awesome illustrations!

Wouldn't Disney have been so much cooler if all of their characters were more alternative and inked up? Can you imagine hipster Ariel, or tatted Pocahontas?

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Incredible Melanistic (All Black) Animals
01 mar 2013 07:46

Melanism is an undue development of dark-colored pigment in the skin or its appendages and is the opposite of albinism. The word ‘melanism’ is deduced from a Greek word that means black pigment. Pseudo-melanism, also called abundism, is another variant of pigmentation, characterized by dark spots or enlarged stripes, which cover a large part of the body of the animal making it appear melanistic. Melanism related to the process of adaptation is called adaptive. Most commonly, dark individuals become fitter to survive and reproduce in their environment as they are better camouflaged. This makes some species less conspicuous to predators, while others such as black panthers use it as a foraging advantage during night hunting. Typically adaptive melanism is heritable: A dominant gene, which is entirely or nearly entirely expressed in the phenotype is responsible for the excessive amount of melanin. Adaptive melanism has been shown to occur in a variety of animals, including mammals such as squirrels, many felines and canids, and coral snakes. Below you will find a fascinating gallery of ten melanistic (all black) animals. If you know of other melanistic animals, please post in the comments below!

Melanism is an undue development of dark-colored pigment in the skin or its appendages and is the opposite of albinism. The word ‘melanism’ is deduced from a Greek word that means black pigment.

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Lumio: Portable Light Disguised As A Book
01 mar 2013 07:34

Stephen King once said that books are a uniquely portable magic. Industrial designer Max Gunawan materializes the thought quite literally as he disguises a portable light into a hard-bound book. It is called Lumio and at the first glance it really does look like an ordinary book. But when you open it up, it lights up transforming itself into a modern light.

Stephen King once said that books are a uniquely portable magic. Industrial designer Max Gunawan materializes the thought quite literally as he disguises a portable light into a hard-bound book.

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Where Every Day Abbreviations Actually Come From
01 mar 2013 06:40

I bet you’ve probably forgotten that the abbreviations you use every day are actually short for something else! Here are a few of them unpacked.

I bet you’ve probably forgotten that the abbreviations you use every day are actually short for something else! Here are a few of them unpacked.

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Wi-fighting Is a New Form of Cyber Arguing
01 mar 2013 06:31

Only used by geeks obviously.

Only used by geeks obviously.

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Anna Turaeva - Women's Powerlifting Champion
01 mar 2013 04:13

32-year-old Anna Turaeva is women's powerlifting champion of the world. No, she is not the girl on the right. She is the girl who is standing in the middle in the first photo.

32-year-old Anna Turaeva is women's powerlifting champion of the world. No, she is not the girl on the right. She is the girl who is standing in the middle in the first photo.

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Street Accordion Player was Given a Makeover
01 mar 2013 03:11

He may look like he’s about to enjoy a G&T at his club but this smartly dressed city type is street accordion player Stephen Rimmer. The 45-year-old was spotted playing in Manchester and given a regular gig on the Key 103 radio station. Having spent four years squatting, he has been transformed thanks to a haircut and new suit. ‘I’ll be on the show for as long as they will have me,’ said Mr Rimmer, who is now known as ‘Squatter Steve’ by listeners.

He may look like he’s about to enjoy a G&T at his club but this smartly dressed city type is street accordion player Stephen Rimmer.

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Most Awesome Happy Meal Toys Of The '90s
28 feb 2013 23:56

If you grew up in the US, chances are that you probably got a happy mean at some point or another. If you did, then you have lived an appropriate childhood

If you grew up in the US, chances are that you probably got a happy mean at some point or another. If you did, then you have lived an appropriate childhood

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