76 y.o. “Babushka of Baikal” Lives Alone In Siberia And Skates Across Baikal Every Day

76 y.o. “Babushka of Baikal” Lives Alone In Siberia And Skates Across Baikal Every Day

76 years old grandmother Lyubov Morekhodova from Siberia is not an ordinary pensioner. Lyubov learned to skate at the age of seven and now she spends her retirement days gliding across one of the deepest lakes in the world – Baikal. Retired technology engineer lives in a modest house and takes care of her beloved animals consisting of dogs, a cat, hens, roosters, calves, bulls, and cows.


Tags: baikal   life   russia   siberia   skating   story   womwn   
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