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Pugs Sledding Party Video Is Too Cute
06 mar 2013 13:02

want to see some pugs go sledding? Of course you do. These pugs look like they are having a great time having a sledding party. This video is way to adorable.

want to see some pugs go sledding? Of course you do. These pugs look like they are having a great time having a sledding party. This video is way to adorable.

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Let's Sing a Song Together!
06 mar 2013 12:34

Animals love music! And if you've been paying attention, you'll know that animals like to sing too.

Look at these awesome friends singing happy tunes and get inspired to make music... with your pets!

Animals love music! And if you've been paying attention, you'll know that animals like to sing too. Look at these awesome friends singing happy tunes and get inspired to make music...

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For Cats a Door = Bed
06 mar 2013 12:10

"Oh hey, I'm going to just take a nap right here on this door..."

Lol! Cats are fricking weird!

"Oh hey, I'm going to just take a nap right here on this door..." Lol! Cats are fricking weird!

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Cats and Cactuses
06 mar 2013 16:09

Cats are quirky, we all know that. But this is just plain weird! 

These kitties like to use cactuses are back scratchers, face massagers, and more!

Have you gotten one for  your kitty yet?

Cats are quirky, we all know that. But this is just plain weird!  These kitties like to use cactuses are back scratchers, face massagers, and more!

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Mesmerizing GIFs of Beautiful Frolicking Animals
06 mar 2013 07:08

There's something inexplicably beautiful about seeing scenes from nature in an endless loop, which is why the blog Head Like an Orange focuses solely on featuring nature-themed gifs. The Tumblr blog's animated images of animals are especially mesmerizing, revealing the intriguing habits of creatures in their natural habitats and their little quirks. Created by Dutch visual artist Marinus, each gif presents a unique look at life on land, water, and in the sky.

There's something inexplicably beautiful about seeing scenes from nature in an endless loop, which is why the blog Head Like an Orange focuses solely on featuring nature-themed gifs.

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Golden Retriever Makes a Very Lucky Find
06 mar 2013 06:42

Katie, a German Shepard, went missing for about 30 hours when she escaped from her back yard. She was found stuck in a drain pipe by Bojangles, a Golden Retriever belonging to her owner’s own daughter.

Katie, a German Shepard, went missing for about 30 hours when she escaped from her back yard. She was found stuck in a drain pipe by Bojangles, ...

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Riddle of the Day. What is This?
06 mar 2013 06:09

This looks disgusting. Can you guess, what this is? The answer is in the end of the post.

This looks disgusting. Can you guess, what this is? The answer is in the end of the post.

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Let's Get This Party Started!
06 mar 2013 19:06

Talk about an alcohol problem! These little fellas can't seem to get enough of the thug life. Living large with booze and weed, these creatures know how to party hard. Which one of these guys are you?

Talk about an alcohol problem! These little fellas can't seem to get enough of the thug life. Living large with booze and weed, these creatures know how to party hard.

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Camels on Drugs
06 mar 2013 15:37

Camels are like the horses of the middle east. Weird and mysterious in their ways, these creatures look like they're on drugs sometimes.

Maybe they're finally starting to feel the dehydration.

Camels are like the horses of the middle east. Weird and mysterious in their ways, these creatures look like they're on drugs sometimes. Maybe they're finally starting to feel the dehydration.

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The Coolest Pug Outfits EVER
05 mar 2013 23:13

Further proof that not only are pugs the coolest dogs in the world, they have some of the coolest owners as well! These shots were taken at the annual Puglandia event in the USA.

Further proof that not only are pugs the coolest dogs in the world, they have some of the coolest owners as well! These shots were taken at the annual Puglandia event in the USA.

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Only Jesus Can Walk on Water?
06 mar 2013 19:32

Jesus has been resurrected! These animals are Jesus!

You are witness of the millionth coming of Jesus. 

Jesus has been resurrected! These animals are Jesus! You are witness of the millionth coming of Jesus. 

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Up, Up, Up! Animals in Flight
05 mar 2013 22:51

Animals in flight are the most awesome thing in the whole world. 
Have you ever caught your cat flying?

Animals in flight are the most awesome thing in the whole world. 
Have you ever caught your cat flying?

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Laughing Eels
05 mar 2013 22:36

 Eels are funny, they always look like they just told a joke and are waiting for your reaction? Sooo?:)

 Eels are funny, they always look like they just told a joke and are waiting for your reaction? Sooo?:)

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Baby Polar Bear, What Can Be Cuter?
05 mar 2013 22:08

It's estimated that there are less than 25,000 polar bears left in the wild. In spite of this, more than 400 are shot legally every year by hunters.The legal hunting of polar bears is a fairly divisive issue. Many claim that the hunting is sustainable and carefully monitored by ecologists. I don't know about that

Let's save them, look how cute they are.

It's estimated that there are less than 25,000 polar bears left in the wild. In spite of this, more than 400 are shot legally every year by hunters.

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Do Our Dogs Really Look Like Us?!
05 mar 2013 15:44

It is thought that people tend to choose their dogs based on what they might see in themselves subconsciously. Let's see how these owner pooch couples stand up to the theory!

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Stuff on My Rabbit
05 mar 2013 09:43

Sometimes, the simplest ideas are the best ideas. Case in point: the tumblr blog Stuff on My Rabbit, which is way more entertaining than it probably should be…

Sometimes, the simplest ideas are the best ideas. Case in point: the tumblr blog Stuff on My Rabbit, which is way more entertaining than it probably should be…

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Dog Photos
05 mar 2013 09:32

A big compilation of hilarious and cute dogs... Everybody loves them, cause they are very cool creatures)

A big compilation of hilarious and cute dogs... Everybody loves them, cause they are very cool creatures)

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Tiger Adopts Piglets as Her Own Kids
04 mar 2013 14:32

After recovering from a tough delivery, this tigress started losing her mental health. Physically she was completely in shape, but her behaviour had gotten strange. Vets said the loss of her babies had caused her a type of large cat depression. The only solution was to surrogate some new cubs. 

After checking with many other zoos across the country, the depressing news was that there were no tiger cubs of the right age to introduce to the mourning mother. The veterinarians decided to try something that had never been tried in a zoo environment.Sometimes a mother of one species will take on the care of a different species. The only orphans" that could be found quickly, were a litter of weaner pigs. The zoo keepers and vets wrapped the piglets in tiger skin and placed the babies around the mother tiger.

After recovering from a tough delivery, this tigress started losing her mental health. Physically she was completely in shape, but her behaviour had gotten strange.

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Hella Mad Puppies
04 mar 2013 13:51

Do not get these puppies angry because they'll come and bite you with their needle sharp teeth and claw you with thoe untrimmed nails of theirs! RRRRRR!

Do not get these puppies angry because they'll come and bite you with their needle sharp teeth and claw you with thoe untrimmed nails of theirs! RRRRRR!

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Scottie Pups Form Drinking Pinwheel, Cute!
04 mar 2013 13:45

The six pups purebred Scottish terriers from champion lineage were 10 weeks old at the time the video was made. They'd been drinking their milk this way already for 5 weeks prior. Strange phenomenon going on here. Any guesses as to why they do it?

The six pups purebred Scottish terriers from champion lineage were 10 weeks old at the time the video was made. They'd been drinking their milk this way already for 5 weeks prior.

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Thumbs Up, Y'all!
04 mar 2013 14:39

Cats have had a good run this year, but is it the end of the cat's reign yet? Naaaaaaah, not with these Facebook "Like" cats hanging around!

Cats have had a good run this year, but is it the end of the cat's reign yet? Naaaaaaah, not with these Facebook "Like" cats hanging around!

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See Through Butterfly, Beautiful!
04 mar 2013 12:27

This is a glasswing butterfly (Greta oto), a brush-footed butterfly with transparent wings.
They're found from from Mexico through to Panama and have a wingspan of 5.6 to 6.1 cm.

This is a glasswing butterfly (Greta oto), a brush-footed butterfly with transparent wings.

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Meet Mishka & Laika 2 Dogs That Love To Argue (Subtitled )
04 mar 2013 11:34

Meet Mishka and Laika 2 dogs that just love to argue and have long conversations together. These funny videos are subtitled so you know exactly what these dogs are arguing about. These to cute Husky's will definitely give u a good laugh.

Meet Mishka and Laika 2 dogs that just love to argue and have long conversations together. These funny videos are subtitled so you know exactly what these dogs are arguing about.

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Unbelievable Friendship Between Man and Lions!
04 mar 2013 11:28

There's just something about this man that lions seem to love. He swims with them, dances with them, run around, and more! Is he just brave or does he really have a connection with these giant predators?

There's just something about this man that lions seem to love. He swims with them, dances with them, run around, and more!

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Want To See A Dog Who Can Makes Faces On Command?
04 mar 2013 11:13

Check out this German Shepard who makes faces on command of his owner. Pretty funny video. Enjoy

Check out this German Shepard who makes faces on command of his owner. Pretty funny video. Enjoy

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Rats Train as Bomb Squad Engineers
04 mar 2013 10:28

In Mozambique, the years of civil warfare have left many unexploded landmines. Rats have been trained to point out these hidden mines and are an extremely efficient force.

In Mozambique, the years of civil warfare have left many unexploded landmines. Rats have been trained to point out these hidden mines and are an extremely efficient force.

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Meet Champ, The Happiest Dog in the World
04 mar 2013 07:49

20-year-old Candice Sedighan was recently flown out by Yahoo! (the parent of Flickr) to New York City to do a short interview about her incredibly sweet photography. Two days ago, Flickr posted that interview on their blog, sharing the behind-the-scenes story about the golden-haired subject that's in most of her shots. Like Jessica Trinh's photos, Sedighan's feature a very happy and photogenic golden retriever. Surrounded by bubbles, autumn leaves and butterflies, 10-year-old Champ seems to be truly living the good life.

20-year-old Candice Sedighan was recently flown out by Yahoo! (the parent of Flickr) to New York City to do a short interview about her incredibly sweet photography.

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This Bird Feeder Is Not For Birds Only
04 mar 2013 07:45

I have never seen something like this before.

I have never seen something like this before.

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Duckling Escort
04 mar 2013 07:44

It is some kind of new migration. Looks very cute!

It is some kind of new migration. Looks very cute!

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Who Said Kitties Don't Like Water?!
01 mar 2013 18:18

Well you can be the judge of weather these cats are enjoying their water adventures or not. They're faces won't leave you guessing.

Well you can be the judge of weather these cats are enjoying their water adventures or not. They're faces won't leave you guessing.

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Roller Legs for a Paralyzed Dog
01 mar 2013 03:57

Abayed, a herding dog from Jordan, who was paralyzed by a bullet, gets roller legs. Now Abayed is doing his job again.

Abayed, a herding dog from Jordan, who was paralyzed by a bullet, gets roller legs. Now Abayed is doing his job again.

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Whatever happens, don’t say Awwww!
28 feb 2013 23:35

Go ahead. I dare you. Make it to the end of this series with out saying: awwwww!! And if you make it to the end and you are silent, then you simply have no soul.

Go ahead. I dare you. Make it to the end of this series with out saying: awwwww!! And if you make it to the end and you are silent, then you simply have no soul.

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Manicure Your Dog! It's Fun!
04 mar 2013 14:50

Yes, doggie manicures are real. 

Match your nails with your pal, be it glitter, solids, or bloody red!

But beware, most dogs hate the smell of nail polish. You might consider ordering a dog friendly version online.

Yes, doggie manicures are real.  Match your nails with your pal, be it glitter, solids, or bloody red! But beware, most dogs hate the smell of nail polish.

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Adorable Portraits of People and Their Pets
28 feb 2013 10:17

Your Pet and You is an ongoing series by Hamburg, Germany-based photographer Tobias Lang that juxtaposes pictures of people with portraits of their precious pets. They say that pets tend to look like their owners and Lang's series shows us just how true that statement is. From the typical pets like cats and dogs to the more exotic breeds of owned animals like snakes and owls, the photographer's images offer a diverse selection of subjects accompanied by their human counterparts. The dual subjects within each composed frame complement each other, almost echoing each other's exact mood and personality.

Your Pet and You is an ongoing series by Hamburg, Germany-based photographer Tobias Lang that juxtaposes pictures of people with portraits of their precious pets.

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