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Who knew Rabbits were so Badass
19 feb 2013 16:27

Wow I never Thought Rabbits were so Badass until I saw this video. Apparently Rabbits have some fight in them

Wow I never Thought Rabbits were so Badass until I saw this video. Apparently Rabbits have some fight in them

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Dogs in Football Jerseys! How Cute
19 feb 2013 14:18

Nothing better on Game day then putting on your football Jersey, getting ready for the game and then Putting you're puppy's football Jersey on too. These sports fan companions know how to make you say awww

Nothing better on Game day then putting on your football Jersey, getting ready for the game and then Putting you're puppy's football Jersey on too.

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Talk about getting that kitty cat mojo on!
19 feb 2013 15:34

 Japanese treat their pets like children, and since they are also masters of good design, it’s no surprise that some Japanese housing builders are now designing homes with special features for pets.These amazing images are from Asahi Kasei’s Plus-Nyan house. Obviously a great deal of research went into the design of these beautiful spaces, from the perspective of both the cats and the homeowners.

 Japanese treat their pets like children, and since they are also masters of good design, it’ ...

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Dogs Don't Stop to Amaze
22 feb 2013 07:26

It's a dog's life. 

It's a dog's life. 

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Giant Squid Do Exist
19 feb 2013 15:34

It's believed that giant squid (genus Architeuthis) can grow up to 55 feet long. The individual captured on video via a small submarine located in the North Pacific Ocean was about 30 feet long and silver and gold in color, marine biologist Edie Widder, who helped to shoot the footage, said. Her colleague Tsunemi Kubodera added that the squid was missing its two longest tentacles.

It's believed that giant squid (genus Architeuthis) can grow up to 55 feet long. The individual captured on video via a small submarine located in the North Pacific Ocean was about 30 feet long...

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Real Snakes Wear Pink
19 feb 2013 15:34

Milky Joe is one lucky snake. His human, Stephanie Christine Davidson, wants to make sure that he doesn't freeze during the winter. This sweater will keep him both warm and fashionable. Real snakes wear pink!

Milky Joe is one lucky snake. His human, Stephanie Christine Davidson, wants to make sure that he doesn't freeze during the winter. This sweater will keep him both warm and fashionable.

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The Cutest Frog Ever
19 feb 2013 15:34

At 7mm (0.27 inches) long, Paedophryne amauensis may be the world’s smallest vertebrate – the group that includes mammals, fish, birds and amphibians.

They are well camouflaged among leaves on the forest floor, and have evolved calls resembling those of insects, making them hard to spot.

Sadly, there are not many of them left. Probably because they're just so small and edible!

At 7mm (0.27 inches) long, Paedophryne amauensis may be the world’s smallest vertebrate – the group that includes mammals, fish, birds and amphibians.

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Don't Pass The Elephant!
19 feb 2013 15:34

Did you know that elephants have a very good memory?

Stories tell about elephants crashing into trains and cars because of some trauma in their early life. See them in action now.

Did you know that elephants have a very good memory? Stories tell about elephants crashing into trains and cars because of some trauma in their early life. See them in action now.

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Cats and Bird Feeders
21 feb 2013 17:46

Cats and birds have a weird relationship. Cats want to eat the birds, birds taunt the cats with flights...

Cats and birds have a weird relationship. Cats want to eat the birds, birds taunt the cats with flights...

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The Absurdity Of Collective Animal Nouns
17 feb 2013 15:10

You’ve no doubt seen hundreds if not thousands of photographs of fireworks from around the world, from New Years Eve, to sporting events, public openings and most recently the Olympic opening and closing ceremonies. But you’ve probably never seen photographs quite this special or as unique as those taken by photographer David Johnson. As it turns out, he was recently at the International Fireworks Show in Ottawa, Canada and it was there that he photographed these simply beautiful images. He did so by refocusing his camera whilst taking long exposure shots, in doing so creating these alien like origami-esque photos. You can see more of his wonderful captures

You’ve no doubt seen hundreds if not thousands of photographs of fireworks from around the world, from New Years Eve, to sporting events, ...

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Creepy Pictures of Owls Hiding in a Tree
15 feb 2013 02:00

 Owls are such a creepy creatures. Did you know that they sleep with their eyes open? 

Well they sure know how tohide and these pictures are a proof.

 Owls are such a creepy creatures. Did you know that they sleep with their eyes open?  Well they sure know how tohide and these pictures are a proof.

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Nighty Night:)
15 feb 2013 02:30

 Our pets are so funny in the way how they addopt our behavior, sometimes they look just like people and when they go to bed they must have their own Teddy Bear:)

 Our pets are so funny in the way how they addopt our behavior, sometimes they look just like people and when they go to bed they must have their own Teddy Bear:)

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Spider Webs and Water Drops = Natures Art Installations
17 feb 2013 17:42

Nature is beautiful Spiders are proof. These creatures sprindle up instricate designs faster than any human team can whip up half the bauty of a home. Better yet, they catch prey in it. How many times did you score dinner (or booty) with your crib?

Nature is beautiful Spiders are proof. These creatures sprindle up instricate designs faster than any human team can whip up half the bauty of a home. Better yet, they catch prey in it.

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Look at This Happy Spider!
15 feb 2013 13:17

 Our Nature is trully amazing with it's creations. Take for example this happy faced spider, it surely leaves with a lot of questions about our planet.

Scientists think the spider, which has the scientific name Theridion grallator and is harmless to humans, has evolved the patterns to confuse predators.

When a bird or other predator first sees a prey item it has not seen before there is a moment before it decides whether to eat it or not.

 Our Nature is trully amazing with it's creations. Take for example this happy faced spider, it surely leaves with a lot of questions about our planet.

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This Little Baby Loggerhead Sea Turtle Swims for Thousands Miles to Survive
16 feb 2013 17:00

 50% of these little creatures die even before they get from the sand to the ocean waters eaten by crabs, birds and other predators. The survived ones get to the waters to only begin their 8000 miles journey around the North Atlantic basin. 

Young loggerheads that survive this incredible migration will return to the coastal waters of North America in about 6 to 12 years — only after they have grown too large to be eaten by most types of predatory fish and birds that populate coastal waters.

The migrations of young loggerhead turtles take them into the relative safety of the open ocean where predators are less abundant than in coastal waters. The journey is among the longest and most spectacular migrations in the animal kingdom. The turtles begin as utterly defenseless, two-inch-long hatchlings — the odds stacked heavily against them.

Able to swim at maximum speeds of only about half a mile an hour, and unable to dive, young turtles slowly swimming along the ocean’s surface can’t evade most predators. Most do not survive. Only about one in 4,000 Florida hatchlings reaches adulthood.

 50% of these little creatures die even before they get from the sand to the ocean waters eaten by crabs, birds and other predators.

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The Whole Feline Family Tree!
14 feb 2013 17:10

You'd be surprised at how many different types of wild cats live in our world, most of them are very rare. This is a tribute to these elegant, agile, smart, powerful, beautiful animals! Here's the whole feline family.

You'd be surprised at how many different types of wild cats live in our world, most of them are very rare.

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Jusss' Playin'!
22 feb 2013 04:34

Doggies doing winky faces are the best! What's the best prank your dog has played on you?


Doggies doing winky faces are the best! What's the best prank your dog has played on you?  

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Don't Feel Like Cooking? Teach Your Pet to Make You Dinner:)
14 feb 2013 17:00

Everybody has those days when getting out of bed just seems liek the worst idea ever. That's why training your dog to make scrambled eggs is truly the best idea ever.


Everybody has those days when getting out of bed just seems liek the worst idea ever. That's why training your dog to make scrambled eggs is truly the best idea ever.  

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Teasing Time!
14 feb 2013 17:00

Cats stickign out their tongues is a serious thing. And with the strong attitude that cats have, you know they mean it!

...Cat got your tongue? ;)

Cats stickign out their tongues is a serious thing. And with the strong attitude that cats have, you know they mean it! ...Cat got your tongue? ;)

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We All Fall into The Same Trap... Love Rules The World, Happy Valentines Day!
14 feb 2013 17:00

heart Happy Valentine's Day from your furry friends around the world! 

 Happy Valentine's Day from your furry friends around the world! 

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Dogs Love Extreme Water Sports Too!
14 feb 2013 17:00

Dogs are actually way cooler than those grumpy cat lovers say. These dogs are action-loving pooches with a passion for water (something your cat probably won't ever condone). 

Dogs are actually way cooler than those grumpy cat lovers say. These dogs are action-loving pooches with a passion for water (something your cat probably won't ever condone). 

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Lets Wrap Up Here and Take a Vacation!
14 feb 2013 17:00

Have you ever traveled with your pet? What about taking your furry friend for a weekend in the sun? 

With the falling prices on airline tickets due to weather conditions, this might just be the time to snag a ticket for two to Hawaii. You and Fido? :)

Have you ever traveled with your pet? What about taking your furry friend for a weekend in the sun?

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Elephant Pedicure
13 feb 2013 09:41

That's right, even an elephant needs a pedicure. Just imagine a possible commotion if he broke an overgrown nail ...

That's right, even an elephant needs a pedicure. Just imagine a possible commotion if he broke an overgrown nail ...

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You Are Dismissed!
13 feb 2013 07:48

Cats that have mastered the art of GTFO, I don't blame them, there is a lot of pricks around these days. :D

Cats that have mastered the art of GTFO, I don't blame them, there is a lot of pricks around these days. :D

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Florida's Gentle Giants
13 feb 2013 07:45

Manatees (often known as Sea Cows) are one of Florida's most endangered creatures and few remain in the local waters. An aquatic relative of the Elephant, they can grow up to thirteen feet and are often referred to as 'Gentle Giants'. These animals are endangered despite the fact that they have little or no predators, this is due to the fact that they are often injured by boats or polluted waters. Usually found grazing on seagrasses in the shallow waters (at depths of 1-2 meters) these harmless animals can become trapped between the water bottom and the bottom of boats that have entered the shallow waters. Watercrafts are also responsible for the injury and death of some Sea Cows as they collide with the vessels propellers. Amongst the small population of these Sea Cows, you will find on many, the scars they bare if they are lucky enough to survive the collision. The animals can also become trapped and crushed in flood control gates which automatically close and some fall victim to fishing nets.

Manatees (often known as Sea Cows) are one of Florida's most endangered creatures and few remain in the local waters.

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Ridiculous Cat Names
13 feb 2013 07:35

Picking the right name for your cat can definitely be challenging. But by the looks of these little guys, their owners were right on! Still thinking that your feline has the best name of all time?

Picking the right name for your cat can definitely be challenging. But by the looks of these little guys, their owners were right on! Still thinking that your feline has the best name of all time?

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Caffrey the Cat
13 feb 2013 05:18

When Caffrey was three years old he was run over by a car and lost his left hind leg. Four months ago his front left leg amputated. Caffrey has to live with only two legs left. But it didn't stop him from climbing trees, chasing mice, showing off to the ladies, etc.

When Caffrey was three years old he was run over by a car and lost his left hind leg. Four months ago his front left leg amputated. Caffrey has to live with only two legs left.

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Surprise Guest on Ordinary Night Drive
13 feb 2013 04:32

In Florida, this lady was driving home at 100 km/h when she heard a thump outside the vehicle.

In Florida, this lady was driving home at 100 km/h when she heard a thump outside the vehicle.

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Teacup Piglet Cuteness Overload!
12 feb 2013 22:29

Pigs are very smart and entertaining animals, a teacup piggie can make the perfect pet for someone looking outside the ordinary (cat, dog) box. They can be litter trained, perform tricks, and are very clean. Check out these adorable baby teacups!

Pigs are very smart and entertaining animals, a teacup piggie can make the perfect pet for someone looking outside the ordinary (cat, dog) box.

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Treat Your Pet with a Nice Pod for This Valentine!
12 feb 2013 17:00

Fellow cat ladies and home improvement obsessors! 

If your kitty is your Valentine this year, don't forget to show your appreciation by gifting her/him this super chic, super cuddly new pod. It looks great in your modern home atmosphere and is a great addition to your kitty's favorite hang out spots. Get it hanging, elevated, or on the floor.

Fellow cat ladies and home improvement obsessors!  If your kitty is your Valentine this year, don't forget to show your appreciation by gifting her/him this super chic, ...

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Shockingly Creepy and Bloodthirsty Birds
12 feb 2013 11:21

Alfred Hitchcock did not know his birds very well, otherwise he would not have used mere crows and gulls in his avian horror movie. The truly terrible birds that stalk the world’s continents and remote islands are among the creepiest and most disturbing creatures. We follow these feathered stalkers which inspired the unclean birds of ancient religious texts, folklore warnings, and the demons of many nature religions. Vampirism, impalement, ghoulishness are the hallmarks of these species. One may even harvest humans on occasion.

Alfred Hitchcock did not know his birds very well, otherwise he would not have used mere crows and gulls in his avian horror movie.

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