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World's 10 Most Beautiful Jellyfish.
05 feb 2013 16:54

What a mesmerizing creature.

What a mesmerizing creature.

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Puppy Super Bowl  :)
05 feb 2013 17:00

Even if you're not a sports fan, this is too cute to resist. 

Puppies playing football even comes with an award! This time adorable Marta was named as the star of the game. 

Who did you like best? :D

Even if you're not a sports fan, this is too cute to resist.  Puppies playing football even comes with an award! This time adorable Marta was named as the star of the game.

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Animals. Animation vs Real Life
05 feb 2013 07:44

Take a look at these animal animations in real life. Enjoy.

Take a look at these animal animations in real life. Enjoy.

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Camel Wrestling in Turkey
05 feb 2013 04:00

Camel Wrestling is a traditional sport very popular along the west coast of Turkey, where male camels from local villages are pit against each other in a dusty stadium. The days leading to the grand fight is an exciting one for the Turkish people. The camels are draped with decorative rugs, carved saddles, and bells and walked through the streets, accompanied by music and dance. Camel owners are dressed in checkered caps, customary scarves around their neck, jackets, special pants and boots in an accordion-like shaped. On the night before the tournament, a Hali Gecesi or Rug Nigh is held attended by camel owners and wrestling lovers where they meet new friends and old acquaintances enjoy the food, drinks and generally make merry.

Camel Wrestling is a traditional sport very popular along the west coast of Turkey, where male camels from local villages are pit against each other in a dusty stadium.

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Animals stuck in bad situations = Funny for Humans.
04 feb 2013 19:03

We all love animals. Their energy and affection are infectious and bring joy to so many. They are also total idiots. That is why they get caught in totally ridiculous and terrible scenarios. Thankfully, most of their owners have a sense of humor about these incidents and photograph them to spread around the Internet. Here are out favorite photos of animals getting stuck in hilariously precarious situations.

We all love animals. Their energy and affection are infectious and bring joy to so many. They are also total idiots. That is why they get caught in totally ridiculous and terrible scenarios.

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Cats Ridicule
04 feb 2013 09:59

A compilation of awkward and hilarious cat poses. Are they really comfortable sleeping or just sitting like this???

A compilation of awkward and hilarious cat poses. Are they really comfortable sleeping or just sitting like this???

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A Cool House For a Dog
04 feb 2013 08:48

For most dogs, a kennel is made out of a few planks of wood and some rusty nails. But Wellington, a two-year-old St Bernard, is living it up in his very own brick-built house with carpets, working lights and insulated walls. It even has a gravel drive complete with patio stepping stones and ceramic statues.

For most dogs, a kennel is made out of a few planks of wood and some rusty nails. But Wellington, a two-year-old St Bernard, is living it up in his very own brick-built house with carpets, ...

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Lonely Naked and Bald Woman
04 feb 2013 08:41

Totally bald and all alone, it's no wonder that this baboon has such a long face. The four foot tall hairless female was found wandering around the African bush by a British housewife in Zimbabwe. While she should be with her sociable troop of baboons out looking for food, this poor animal appears to have no friends.

Totally bald and all alone, it's no wonder that this baboon has such a long face. The four foot tall hairless female was found wandering around the African bush by a British housewife in Zimbabwe.

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Can't Say No To This
04 feb 2013 03:16

Dog lovers around the world know very well the tricks their lovable fuzzies pull on them for a treat or two. A dog's cute face is something nobody can say no to! Just look at those eyes! 

On a side note, did you know that humans percept cuteness as the ratio of eye to face size?! That is why celebrities with big eyes always seem cuter, babies look cuter than teens, and why you can't seem to say no to your pet when he makes the doe eyes at you!

Dog lovers around the world know very well the tricks their lovable fuzzies pull on them for a treat or two.

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They Can Dance, Sing, Play!
04 feb 2013 17:00

It's been proven that Mozart's tunes can change the behaviour of plants, boost the IQ of newborns, and help your hyper active dog stop chewing up your shoes while you're out. Here's a tip for those with nervous pets; leave some classical music on while you run your errands and see the difference after one or two weeks. 


It's been proven that Mozart's tunes can change the behaviour of plants, boost the IQ of newborns, and help your hyper active dog stop chewing up your shoes while you're out.

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Groundhog Day: Is It Realistic?
04 feb 2013 03:12

Just how accurate is Puxatawney Phil? Yes, that is his name. Every February 2nd, the plump little critter decides on the season to come. But with global worming on the rise, the meteorologist might just be at a loss.

If he sees his shadow, we will get six more weeks of winter. If he doesn’t see his shadow, we will get an early spring. This year Phil failed to see his shadow on this Groundhog Day 2013. According to the Groundhog legend, that means an early spring! On the other hand, according to, Punxsutawney Phil has seen his shadow 100 out of 116 times. That doesn't sound like he landed the correct answer all 116 times...


According to, Punxsutawney Phil has only been correct approximately 39% of the time. Yeah, so I guess we won't be paying much attention to this guy anymore.

Just how accurate is Puxatawney Phil? Yes, that is his name. Every February 2nd, the plump little critter decides on the season to come.

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04 feb 2013 03:05

Much like the photography of people sneezing, when animals sneeze it's a photograph worth framing up in your guest bathroom or game room. 

Much like the photography of people sneezing, when animals sneeze it's a photograph worth framing up in your guest bathroom or game room. 

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This Is Epic. Cats in Tanks.
31 jan 2013 22:43

Remember Planet Of The Apes? Well imagine if you’re kitty one day took over the world. This is probably what would happen. And yes, this video really is as awesome as it sounds.

Remember Planet Of The Apes? Well imagine if you’re kitty one day took over the world. This is probably what would happen. And yes, this video really is as awesome as it sounds.

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Take Me for A Ride!
04 feb 2013 17:00

If you've ever had a dog, you probably know all about how much they love to stick their faces out of the car when you're driving around town, or even on the highway! A dog's nose is so powerful that they just can't help to try and sniff all of the awesome scents of the neighborhood. 

If you've ever had a dog, you probably know all about how much they love to stick their faces out of the car when you're driving around town, or even on the highway!

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‘Menswear Dog’: Flyest Tumblr in town.
30 jan 2013 14:41

Dogs have a particular knack for cleaning up nicely. They groom their eyebrows and sport bow ties from time to time, but these days, they’re taking things a step further. How, you ask? Pups are modeling menswear. Modeling Men's wear you say? Yeah. For real.

Dogs have a particular knack for cleaning up nicely. They groom their eyebrows and sport bow ties from time to time, but these days, they’re taking things a step further.

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Strange animals on the planet.
30 jan 2013 12:49

There are creatures on earth that you never imagined existed. Fortunately, they serve as inspiration for most horror movies.

There are creatures on earth that you never imagined existed. Fortunately, they serve as inspiration for most horror movies.

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If Cats Could Speak
30 jan 2013 13:00

If your cat could talk what would he say? Sometimes I see my cat, Bob sitting at the end of the couch and it's almost as if I can hear him speaking to me. 

Most of the time he's screaming obscenities at me, but every once in while he really tells a good joke. 

Oh, Bob :)

If your cat could talk what would he say? Sometimes I see my cat, Bob sitting at the end of the couch and it's almost as if I can hear him speaking to me.

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Cats Like to Be Around... Your Shoulder
30 jan 2013 13:00

As if cats weren't weird enough, check out their new favorite nesting spot -- on your shoulders!

I once had a cat who would make nests out of my hair while I slept, so that every time I woke up I'd have to curl my hair all over again.

Do you own a kitty? What's your cat's favorite cuddle spot? 

As if cats weren't weird enough, check out their new favorite nesting spot -- on your shoulders! I once had a cat who would make nests out of my hair while I slept, ...

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29 jan 2013 15:00

Birds are so weird. 

Ornithophobia iis the phobia of birds. If you've ever seen the movie, THE BIRDS (Hitchcock) then you understand why this phobia exists. 

If these photos creep you out, maybe you should go get checked for mild Ornithophobia!

Birds are so weird.  Ornithophobia iis the phobia of birds. If you've ever seen the movie, THE BIRDS (Hitchcock) then you understand why this phobia exists.

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29 jan 2013 15:00

Office dog whining in your ear all day? Or maybe the good old tennis ball just isn't doing it for Buster anymore. Time to hit the playground! 

These dogs love it, why shouldn't yours?Well, it's probably not all that good of an idea, but at least these pics are cute :))

Office dog whining in your ear all day? Or maybe the good old tennis ball just isn't doing it for Buster anymore.

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Weird World of Flies
29 jan 2013 15:00

Flies are like hyper people. Restless, noisy, and quirky as it gets. 

What's it like to be a fly? Well, apparently it's nothing liek the Clay Aiken lyrics suggest, "I wish I could be a fly on your wall..." haha :)


Flies are like hyper people. Restless, noisy, and quirky as it gets.  What's it like to be a fly?

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Best Friends Forever
30 jan 2013 08:00

Just like people, animals can be friends with different species. Sometimes monkeys love giraffes. Sometimes crocs hang out with bears. What's the oddest couple you've ever seen?

Just like people, animals can be friends with different species. Sometimes monkeys love giraffes. Sometimes crocs hang out with bears. What's the oddest couple you've ever seen?

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Photos of Wild Cat Jaguarundi
28 jan 2013 10:25

The jaguarundi is a small-sized wild cat native to Central and South America. The jaguarundi is found from southern Texas and coastal Mexico in the north, through central and South America east of the Andes, and as far south as northern Argentina.

The jaguarundi is a small-sized wild cat native to Central and South America. The jaguarundi is found from southern Texas and coastal Mexico in the north, ...

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Leopard Seal Eats a Penguin
28 jan 2013 10:21

Amazing photos capturing the last moments of a penguin in icy waters off the Antarctic Peninsula before being eaten by a leopard seal.

Amazing photos capturing the last moments of a penguin in icy waters off the Antarctic Peninsula before being eaten by a leopard seal.

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Poor Pooches Get Openly Shamed
28 jan 2013 08:58

They look so cute, even when they are so shamed... I'm sure, they are very very sorry))

They look so cute, even when they are so shamed... I'm sure, they are very very sorry))

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I Pee Wherever I Want
28 jan 2013 15:00

Having a male dog is sometimes difficult because they seem to think that everything they pass by needs to be theirs. Good ol' Buddy will mark his territory on anything!

These guys are like professional peeing photobombers. ;)

Having a male dog is sometimes difficult because they seem to think that everything they pass by needs to be theirs.

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Pets With Class!
28 jan 2013 15:00

Do you dress up your cat or dog? Are you one of those cat ladies with 12 furry friends at home?

Even if you're not, these guys are adorable. 

Who's your fave?

Do you dress up your cat or dog? Are you one of those cat ladies with 12 furry friends at home? Even if you're not, these guys are adorable.  Who's your fave?

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A True Killing Machine!
24 jan 2013 15:46

The Komodo Dragon is one of the oldest, scariest, baddest reptiles on earth. They grow up to 10 ft. and can weigh 150 lb. and are found mainly on the Indonesian islands. Their mouths are full of deadly bacteria, which they use to slowly kill pray with a bite, while waiting near by. There has even been a fatal attack on a person. An 8 year old boy was killed in 2007, on Komodo Island. The child was bitten in half and died from massive blood loss. Attacks on people are very uncommon however, this one was a 1st in 33 years. Check out these formidable lizards!

The Komodo Dragon is one of the oldest, scariest, baddest reptiles on earth. They grow up to 10 ft. and can weigh 150 lb. and are found mainly on the Indonesian islands.

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The 50 Best Dogs In Bags On Instagram
24 jan 2013 11:05

The #doginabag tag is proof that puppies of all shapes and sizes look adorable in bags.

The #doginabag tag is proof that puppies of all shapes and sizes look adorable in bags.

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