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Horrifying Halloween Foods We Dare You to Eat
16 oct 2012 04:44

There’s something about browsing through photos of Halloween-themed foods that we find endlessly entertaining. Maybe it has something to do with the insane level of detail that certain people put into creating something that looks incredibly gruesome, yet is totally edible — and in some cases, delicious to boot. With only 20 days to go until Halloween, we thought that now would be a good time to round up some of the scariest eats we could find on the Internet. If you plan on throwing an epic party, we hope you’ll consider adding a few of these truly terrifying food items to the menu

There’s something about browsing through photos of Halloween-themed foods that we find endlessly entertaining.

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Most Desirable Girls 2012
16 oct 2012 04:43

British tabloid The Sun has made a rating of the sexiest girls.

British tabloid The Sun has made a rating of the sexiest girls.

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The Thinnest Waist of UK
16 oct 2012 04:42

The girl's name is Nerina Orton. She is 22 years old and she is from Birmingham, UK. She dreams of becoming the owner of the thinnest waist in the world, and she has a good chance. Now the size of her waist in girth is 40 cm.

The girl's name is Nerina Orton. She is 22 years old and she is from Birmingham, UK. She dreams of becoming the owner of the thinnest waist in the world, and she has a good chance.

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Drunk Guy Prank
16 oct 2012 04:41

Do not drink this much in the company of your friends... Or this can happen to you.

Do not drink this much in the company of your friends... Or this can happen to you.

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Actors from Horror Movies: Then and Now
16 oct 2012 04:40

Let's take a look at actors, who starred in horror movies, when they were kids. Who likes this genre will sure recognise these characters. Here is how they have changed over the years.

Let's take a look at actors, who starred in horror movies, when they were kids. Who likes this genre will sure recognise these characters. Here is how they have changed over the years.

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Girls From Social Networks
16 oct 2012 04:38

A fresh compilation of sexy girls from social networks.

A fresh compilation of sexy girls from social networks.

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Riddle of the Day
16 oct 2012 04:38

Why do you think people in Indonesia set fire to coconuts?

Why do you think people in Indonesia set fire to coconuts?

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Actors Who Change Their Body for Their Roles
16 oct 2012 04:37

Sometimes "getting into character" means a certain level of body modification. Whether it's slimming down, bulking up, or something more painful, Hollywood's finest will go the distance.

Sometimes "getting into character" means a certain level of body modification. Whether it's slimming down, bulking up, or something more painful, Hollywood's finest will go the distance.

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Tom Hanks: Life on the Screen
16 oct 2012 04:36

A fresh compilation of hilarious demotivator posters for you... Enjoy!)))

A fresh compilation of hilarious demotivator posters for you... Enjoy!)))

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Demotivators Picdump
16 oct 2012 04:29

A fresh compilation of hilarious demotivator posters for you... Enjoy!)))

A fresh compilation of hilarious demotivator posters for you... Enjoy!)))

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Highest Paid: DJs
16 oct 2012 03:58

Electronic music has come full force to the mainstream. Selling out massive venues like the staples arena is just one example of how mainstream this scene has become. The take home for some of these djs is massive! Check out how much the top 10 highest paid djs took home last year.

Electronic music has come full force to the mainstream. Selling out massive venues like the staples arena is just one example of how mainstream this scene has become.

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The things cats see
16 oct 2012 02:41

Cat have better vision than humans which means they can see things we can't. In photograph we have captured these cats going about their days dealing with these invisible (to humans) objects.

Cat have better vision than humans which means they can see things we can't. In photograph we have captured these cats going about their days dealing with these invisible (to humans) objects.

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The Official 'Biden To English' Dictionary
16 oct 2012 02:03

the folks over at Jest have come up with their own Joe Biden dictionary. I find that it is helpful to decipher what the VP is saying.

the folks over at Jest have come up with their own Joe Biden dictionary. I find that it is helpful to decipher what the VP is saying.

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The Hipsters Of Russia
16 oct 2012 01:30

Hipsters are associated with the great cities of America like New York, San Francisco and Portland. Did you know that there are hipsters outside of these troves? Here is a gallery of hipsters found in Russia. Yeah, some hipster catalougers went all the way to Russia to get these.

Hipsters are associated with the great cities of America like New York, San Francisco and Portland.

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Cool Princess Bride Posters
16 oct 2012 01:18

Nathanwpyle posted these over on /r/movies. I Think long time fans will appreciate the subtlety of these posters.

Nathanwpyle posted these over on /r/movies. I Think long time fans will appreciate the subtlety of these posters.

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We Should All Play with our food more often
15 oct 2012 16:56

I know... usually mom says "don't play with your food!" Followed by a wrist slap. You know what though!?!?! Playing with your food makes for good art.

I know... usually mom says "don't play with your food!" Followed by a wrist slap. You know what though!?!?! Playing with your food makes for good art.

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Easy DIY Ways To Upgrade Your Life
15 oct 2012 16:52

There are just a couple modifications that we can make to all our lives that would make living in it, just a bit cooler. Here are those life hacks.

There are just a couple modifications that we can make to all our lives that would make living in it, just a bit cooler. Here are those life hacks.

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20 Amazing Photos You Don't Want To Miss
15 oct 2012 16:43

Photographers have the amazing privilege of being able to capture life's most simple treasures. These are all the things we wish we were there to see, but fortunately we have the internet and pictures.

Photographers have the amazing privilege of being able to capture life's most simple treasures. These are all the things we wish we were there to see, ...

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Email Etiquette Rules that Everyone Needs to Use
15 oct 2012 16:23

Everyone nowadays has to communicate through email. Here are some simple rules to remember so as to avoid looking like a donkey.

Everyone nowadays has to communicate through email. Here are some simple rules to remember so as to avoid looking like a donkey.

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Most Awesome Cover Letters On The Internet
15 oct 2012 16:14

The Devilishly Handsome Prom King

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Silly Things That Just Won't Fly After College
15 oct 2012 16:10

College life. It's that weird purgatory where it's ok to still be fun goofy silly and do all kinds of shenanigans, but you still have responsibilities as an adult. After you graduate, you should not be doing any of the following:

College life. It's that weird purgatory where it's ok to still be fun goofy silly and do all kinds of shenanigans, but you still have responsibilities as an adult.

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How The World Has Changed Since The '90s
15 oct 2012 16:04

Ah the 90's. A time when people acted flamboyant and cared about their furbies. Here are all the cool ways that life has changed since the 90's.

Ah the 90's. A time when people acted flamboyant and cared about their furbies. Here are all the cool ways that life has changed since the 90's.

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10 Terrifying Psychotherapy Treatments
15 oct 2012 15:46

Not a lot was truely known about neurosis, or the human brain in general. Luckily, all your illnesses could be cured with a lobotomy right? WRONG! These are the worst psychotherapy treatments that used to exist. Thank ethical medical practices that these things don't happen anymore

Not a lot was truely known about neurosis, or the human brain in general. Luckily, all your illnesses could be cured with a lobotomy right?

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If Movie Posters Were Neon Signs
15 oct 2012 15:38

I like going to Vegas because there's something that every human being loves about neon signs. I miss them. We don't have them very often. Bright flashing lights can make everyone happy. That's why, i've decided to share with you some movie posters that would be AWESOME as neon signs.

I like going to Vegas because there's something that every human being loves about neon signs. I miss them. We don't have them very often. Bright flashing lights can make everyone happy.

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The Man/Bear Bromance
15 oct 2012 15:32

Ok so there is this guy, his name is Casey and one day he decided to adopt a bear and name it Brutus. No I'm not joking. Seriously. This guy adopted a WILD BEAR. And now they are like... BFF's!?!? Awesome. Human beings are awesome. check out this man bear bromance.

Ok so there is this guy, his name is Casey and one day he decided to adopt a bear and name it Brutus. No I'm not joking. Seriously. This guy adopted a WILD BEAR. And now they are like...

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Why Kids Are Actually Quite Awful
15 oct 2012 15:24

Kids. I don't understand why people have them. They are needy, clingy, and take up too much time. Here are all the reasons why kids are actually quite awful.

Kids. I don't understand why people have them. They are needy, clingy, and take up too much time. Here are all the reasons why kids are actually quite awful.

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Monday Motivation!
15 oct 2012 15:19

Everyone right about now has the worst case of the Monday's. You know how I know? Because I have the Mondays. So! To cheer you all up, here is some motivation for you to keep working hard! Woooo!!!!

Everyone right about now has the worst case of the Monday's. You know how I know? Because I have the Mondays. So! To cheer you all up, here is some motivation for you to keep working hard! Woooo!!!!

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Rednecks Say The Darndest Things
15 oct 2012 15:10

Rednecks have a different mentality then us city folk. That's why, it's important to share the views and opinions of others. These are the best redneck quotes.

Rednecks have a different mentality then us city folk. That's why, it's important to share the views and opinions of others. These are the best redneck quotes.

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The Craziest Eyes At New York Comic Con
15 oct 2012 15:03

Every Comicon event is a place where awesome nerds and geeks can do their thing free of judgement. These are the coolest eyes that people came up with during NY comicon!

Every Comicon event is a place where awesome nerds and geeks can do their thing free of judgement. These are the coolest eyes that people came up with during NY comicon!

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Sexy girls with glasses
15 oct 2012 15:02

Females are capable of amazing features. I think girls pull off the cute hipster think pretty well. At least they can do it better than the boys. Then again, females can pull off cute and sexy at anything better than boys. Here are the cutest hipster girls in glasses.

Females are capable of amazing features. I think girls pull off the cute hipster think pretty well. At least they can do it better than the boys.

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WTF Weird Creepy Animals
15 oct 2012 14:47

Some animals are unfortunately gross looking and just plain weird. Natural selection seems to have skipped these poor unfortunate souls. These are the creepiest wierd animals alive.

Some animals are unfortunately gross looking and just plain weird. Natural selection seems to have skipped these poor unfortunate souls. These are the creepiest wierd animals alive.

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Step 1: Get naked
15 oct 2012 14:23

Make me something healthy. Salad works.

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C-U-T-E pets!
15 oct 2012 14:17

Pets make every human being happier. I don't know anyone who doesn't like to cuddle up next to a fluffy cat, or play with a fun dog. Have fun with all these cute animal pics!

Pets make every human being happier. I don't know anyone who doesn't like to cuddle up next to a fluffy cat, or play with a fun dog. Have fun with all these cute animal pics!

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Muscle Cars that will make you DROOL
15 oct 2012 14:16

I don't know about you guys, but hot cars, make me hot. I've put together some of the hottest muscle cars for your Monday viewing pleasure. Enjoy.

I don't know about you guys, but hot cars, make me hot. I've put together some of the hottest muscle cars for your Monday viewing pleasure. Enjoy.

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