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10 Hot Celebs Who Wouldn’t Be Considered Attractive 25 Years Ago
24 may 2016 14:51

25 years ago, the 90’s were upon us: Gameboys, Seinfeld, Nirvana and a beauty ideal that is very different from the curvaceous, big booty babes of today. Take a look at Scarlett Johansson, for example, and compare her with the women who embodied beauty in the 90s, like supermodel Kate Moss. The beauty standard in the 90s was a thinness that was borderline skeletal, but bodies of the today celebs wouldn’t have been as trendy, attractive as they are now.

25 years ago, the 90’s were upon us: Gameboys, Seinfeld, Nirvana and a beauty ideal that is very different from the curvaceous, big booty babes of today.

Tags: beauty standard    celeb   
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