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Real life Mufasa and Simba: Cub gives his father a hug in scene reminiscent of Lion King
21 jun 2019 13:38

The adorable lion cub brought out his father's softer side, as the pair embraced in a touching hug for a real life Lion King moment. Sabine Bernert, 53, from Paris, was documenting wildlife in Kenya, when she captured the heartwarming sequence. The photographer's images show a father gazing around his territory in the plains before his cubs sneak into the long grass, pretending to attack him.

The adorable lion cub brought out his father's softer side, as the pair embraced in a touching hug for a real life Lion King moment.

Tags: Mufasa    Simba    cub    father    hug    lion-king    real-life    scene   
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