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Another 15 Derp Faces from Wimbledon!
01 jul 2013 12:36

It turns out when you’re trying to be a champion, you don’t always have time to try to look cool. Sometimes you just have to do what it takes and hope that later the awesomeness of being champion will erase any embarrassing moments from memory. These tennis players, competing in Wimbledon over the weekend, are a pretty great example of this. Sure, they could probably snap our necks just be squeezing them between their biceps and forearms, but that’s *probably* not going to happen, so hahahahaha derpface! Here are some great expressions from the Wimbledon courts.

It turns out when you’re trying to be a champion, you don’t always have time to try to look cool. Sometimes you just have to do what it takes and hope that later the awesomeness of being champion...

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Ermahgerd: The 12 Most Ridiculous Faces Of Wimbledon
28 jun 2013 14:03

Look, we don't usually give much love to tennis around here, but OMG the faces! THE FACES!!! They're just so meme-able -- we simply can no longer ignore them. Sure, the first week has been chock full of drama (from Sharapova and Williams spatting off the court to Federer bowing out in round 2 to ball boys eating it) but NOTHING is as good as all the "Ermahgerd, I'm concentrating so hard on the ball so hard right now" faces. These poor players have no idea what the must look like while playing tennis. They are practically walking memes. Check out the most ridiculous faces of the tournament so far. (Though it's really hard to top the image below.)

Look, we don't usually give much love to tennis around here, but OMG the faces! THE FACES!!! They're just so meme-able -- we simply can no longer ignore them.

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7 Ridiculous Fitness Fads That Thankfully Died
28 jun 2013 13:21

Everyone wants to be lean and fit and Americans will go to great lengths to avoid doing it the old fashioned way — actual exercise. It’s because we’re pretty lazy. Since we’d all like to find that secret shortcut to getting in shape, there have been some pretty hilarious fitness crazes in the past few decades. Though most have fizzled and died, they are thankfully preserved on the internet. Here are a few of our favorites with their original commercials. Operators are standing by…to laugh at you.

Everyone wants to be lean and fit and Americans will go to great lengths to avoid doing it the old fashioned way — actual exercise. It’s because we’re pretty lazy.

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Running Low on Intergalactic Felines? Cats in Space Will Help
28 jun 2013 13:17

It’s no secret that we love cat GIFs, and everyone loves space, right? For years we’ve dreamed of an internet where both could peacefully coexist, and this Tumblr has finally made our dreams come true. OMGCATSINSPACE is dedicated to taking cute and hilarious cat GIFs to the next level the furthest reaches of the galaxy. If you ever wondered what cats would do if they were free to roam the great galactic unknown, take a look at these 10 cats in space, and make sure to check out the Tumblr to see the full collection in all it’s extra(terrestrial) awesome GIF glory:

It’s no secret that we love cat GIFs, and everyone loves space, right? For years we’ve dreamed of an internet where both could peacefully coexist, ...

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12 Excellent 'Racist' Moments
28 jun 2013 12:39

Alright, I'll be the first to admit, my first reaction to this series of photos was: "Damn. That's f---ed up!" but after I got the tree hugging, feminist, all loving, all accepting, stinky smelly San Franciscan hippie washed off of me, I found this quite hilarious. Seriously. Go through this post with out laughing. Even all my dark homies laughed at this one.

Alright, I'll be the first to admit, my first reaction to this series of photos was: "Damn. That's f---ed up!

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A Comic Strip on Sad But True Facts about the Internet
28 jun 2013 12:06

A compilation of hilarious comics about the Internet. Some of them are sad but very true.

A compilation of hilarious comics about the Internet. Some of them are sad but very true.

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The Teenage Girl Has a Strange and Unusual Obsession
28 jun 2013 11:31

Katie Lawrence is an 18 year old British teenager who is so obsessed with looking like a doll that she spends up to three hours every day transforming her looks with makeup and clothing. Inspired by Japanese video games, she also expresses herself with cosplay, dressing up as Serah Farron, her favourite character from Final Fantasy. Katie says, “"I spend more than $300 (£200) a month on makeup but for me it's essential.”

Katie Lawrence is an 18 year old British teenager who is so obsessed with looking like a doll that she spends up to three hours every day transforming her looks with makeup and clothing.

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Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-man!
28 jun 2013 10:37

Spider-man, amongst many other red and blue superhero's, is an iconic symbol of justice and freedom. As well as karma, we all know what happened to uncle Ben...

In anycase, many of us trust good old Spidey to come through for those in need. This morning, on Reddit, Spiderman apparently returned a young man's I.D card back to him. Amazing as that is, let's not forget that recently, in many meme sites, spiderman has been acting like a bit of a douche bag. For your viewing pleasure, I've put together a compilation of all the best Spidey memes I could find out there. Let's take a look at all the adventures Spiderman has gone through recently...

Spider-man, amongst many other red and blue superhero's, is an iconic symbol of justice and freedom. As well as karma, we all know what happened to uncle Ben...

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Funny Commixed Pictures
28 jun 2013 10:36

This becomes more and more popular on the net, like the motivational pictures. Of course, many of them are funny because of inscriptions and dialogues. But the fact that good pictures are chosen, with great mimics…etc counts too. What makes it even funnier is the fact that all of us know people, movies, characters which are in it. So take a look at this great collection of commixed pictures.

This becomes more and more popular on the net, like the motivational pictures. Of course, many of them are funny because of inscriptions and dialogues.

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McKayla Maroney vs Her Brother
28 jun 2013 10:22

American artistic gymnast McKayla Rose Maroney and her brother on Twitter. Funny conversation.

American artistic gymnast McKayla Rose Maroney and her brother on Twitter. Funny conversation.

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Full Bottle Of Wine! Just Saying
27 jun 2013 16:30

Here are today's best of the best photos. This Photo Gallery features some hilarious and awesome pictures. The internet is constantly putting out fun photos and these ones are some of today's greatest.

Here are today's best of the best photos. This Photo Gallery features some hilarious and awesome pictures.

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Presenting ‘Cat March,’ the Happiest Video on the Internet
27 jun 2013 13:58

You need to watch this. If you’re having a good day, it will fit right in. If you’re having a bad day, it will certainly cheer you up. It’s cartoon cats playing instruments and spinning in circles and eating pasta and dancing, for Pete’s sake. Do yourself a favor — watch it immediately. Maybe bookmark it for future bad days.

You need to watch this. If you’re having a good day, it will fit right in. If you’re having a bad day, it will certainly cheer you up.

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10 Unforgettable Non-Human Video Game Companions
27 jun 2013 13:55

While it might be easy for players to identify the bonds that exist between two human characters in video games, there should be an acknowledgement of the non-human characters that go above and beyond the call of assistance. These characters connect to gaming protagonists in a way that most other human characters cannot and tend to exhibit an unparalleled form of dedication to their counterparts. Without these characters, the games in which they appear would not feel the same. Be prepared to do the impossible, because you’re not alone as we present our list of 10 Unforgettable Non-Human Video Game Companions.

While it might be easy for players to identify the bonds that exist between two human characters in video games, ...

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BREAKING NEWS! Supreme Court Gay Marriage Rulings: Celebs on Twitter
26 jun 2013 22:31

When there’s big news in the world, the celebs who do the tweeting take to Twitter and do what they do best. Today, the Supreme Court issued a pair of rulings in favor of gay marriage — and afterwards, most of the stars were super excited. Diane Sawyer broke the news and got the ball rolling.

When there’s big news in the world, the celebs who do the tweeting take to Twitter and do what they do best.

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Reporter Caught Dropping Multiple F-Bombs On Air
26 jun 2013 22:09

As you could maybe surmise from the “multiple f-bombs” in the headline, this video contains NSFW language. We would suggest, however, that it is worth watching, for the look on the news anchor’s face when it cuts back to her after hearing not one, but two f-bombs in the segment that just aired. The funniest part, though, is that the whole thing wasn’t even supposed to be on air, so this is more of an easily preventable editing gaffe than anything else. Ohhh, it is so glorious.

As you could maybe surmise from the “multiple f-bombs” in the headline, this video contains NSFW language.

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10 Hilarious Siri Conversations
26 jun 2013 22:08

Siri, iPhone’s voice-activated personal assistant, has a reputation of being kind of a jerk. Sure she’s a tad snarky and sometimes sarcastic, but she’s totally misunderstood, guys. In fact, Siri’s actually pretty darn funny! To clear up this whole bad rep situation, we’re here to bring you some of the most clever and entertaining convos between Siri and iPhone users. Check out our favorites, and then ask yourself– ain’t she Siri awesome?!

Siri, iPhone’s voice-activated personal assistant, has a reputation of being kind of a jerk. Sure she’s a tad snarky and sometimes sarcastic, but she’s totally misunderstood, guys.

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26 jun 2013 16:42

Here is today's funny photo gallery. This hilarious collection of pictures is guaranteed to make you laugh and smile. The work day is almost complete! Celebrate with a laugh. Enjoy the awesomeness.

Here is today's funny photo gallery. This hilarious collection of pictures is guaranteed to make you laugh and smile. The work day is almost complete! Celebrate with a laugh. Enjoy the awesomeness.

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Pizza Box Fun
26 jun 2013 16:13

Anyone else bored at work? These people too sometime to have some fun while at work. The day is almost over, you can make it! It's important to clear your head and enjoy a good laugh every once in a while at work.

Anyone else bored at work? These people too sometime to have some fun while at work. The day is almost over, you can make it!

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Celebrity vs Paparazzi
26 jun 2013 14:03

There’s always going to be this crazy battle between the paparazzi world and the celebrity world. It’s just the way it is. Celebrities don’t like the invasion of privacy but unfortunately there’s an entire industry based on following the lives of celebrities. Hey, look at this site. I mean come on. So while the paparazzi and celebrities continue to feud and judge what is moral and what is not, sites like ours can at least take a comical approach to it all by sharing some of the funnier moments celebs encounter with those taking the pictures. Enjoy this gallery of funny celebrity encounters with the paparazzi.

There’s always going to be this crazy battle between the paparazzi world and the celebrity world. It’s just the way it is.

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Fan does Transporter Effects In 'Star Trek' With Lights And Chairs
25 jun 2013 17:03

While I generally enjoyed the film, one of the things I didn’t much like about Star Trek Into Darkness, was the new effect they came up with for the transporter. It just seemed overdone and a bit off. Well, a Trek fan by the name of Joey Shanks has gone and created his own flashy transporter effect that, in my opinion, looks a lot cooler than the one used in the J.J. Abrams movies, and he did it all with Christmas lights. Yup, Christmas lights — hit the jump to check the effect out…

While I generally enjoyed the film, one of the things I didn’t much like about Star Trek Into Darkness, was the new effect they came up with for the transporter. It just seemed overdone and a bit off.

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Pixar's Sad Decline, an Infographic
25 jun 2013 17:02

One knock on Pixar you hear a lot is that they aren’t the same company that gave us Wall E, Finding Nemo, Up and The Incredibles. I somewhat have to plead ignorance because I still haven’t seen Monsters University or Brave, but the general consensus seems to be that they weren’t up to the same standard. Is that because Pixar hasn’t been Pixar since Disney bought it, or is it just the way of all things, to start out young and supple like a ripe peach and eventually end up old and saggy like your mom? We don’t have the answers to those questions, but we do have this sciencish charge from The Atlantic that proves beyond the shadow of a doubt that Pixar is in decline. Okay, maybe “proves” a bit strong, but it does kinda depict it graphically, from a certain perspective.

One knock on Pixar you hear a lot is that they aren’t the same company that gave us Wall E, Finding Nemo, Up and The Incredibles.

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Baby Punch
25 jun 2013 16:22

Here is today's collection of awesome hilarious photos. This photo gallery is guaranteed to make your work day get at least a little bit better. Enjoy a smile and laugh!

Here is today's collection of awesome hilarious photos. This photo gallery is guaranteed to make your work day get at least a little bit better. Enjoy a smile and laugh!

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10 Lunch Fails to Avoid
25 jun 2013 15:45

We’ve all made mistakes. We’ve all had to eat a zucchini for lunch. Like, just a zucchini. But some of us are capable of learning from our mistakes. Others…not so much. Admire these awful lunch fails and hope that it is never you. Never again.

We’ve all made mistakes. We’ve all had to eat a zucchini for lunch. Like, just a zucchini. But some of us are capable of learning from our mistakes. Others…not so much.

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'Veep' Season Two Finale Recap: The 10 Funniest, Meanest Lines
24 jun 2013 17:38

It essentially entailed a half-hour of flip flops, in which we didn’t know if Vice President Meyer would be quitting the Presidential ticket, getting fired from the ticket, or running as President in two years or six, but last night’s season finale of Veep easily featured the highest number of outstanding lines (there were several more that didn’t make the cut). In the end, it was the president’s team — Kent, Jonah, and Ben — that were on the outs, while the VP is poised to make a run for the Presidency in two years, along with a core team that doesn’t include “Br-Br-Br-ead?” Minnesota Governor Chung appears to be her primary challenger, while Roger Furlong will be the VP’s likely running mate, which means at least another season or two of Dan Bakkedahl’s Furlong taking the piss out of his assistant, Will (Nelson Franklin), which has become my favorite part of the show. It was another fantastic season of Veep, and I cannot wait to see where Armando Iannucci takes it during election season next year. Here were the episode’s best lines.

It essentially entailed a half-hour of flip flops, in which we didn’t know if Vice President Meyer would be quitting the Presidential ticket, getting fired from the ticket, ...

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Straight Puggin
24 jun 2013 15:09

Here are today's WTF hilarious photos and Gif's. This collection of random funny photos will make you say "Huh?" If you are looking for a good laugh than this post is definitely for you.

Here are today's WTF hilarious photos and Gif's. This collection of random funny photos will make you say "Huh?" If you are looking for a good laugh than this post is definitely for you.

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Worst Video Game Tattoos Ever
24 jun 2013 12:11

We understand your love for gaming. We really do. But sometimes your love for electronic entertainment can cause you to do crazy and irrational things. Like getting a really ugly tattoo of your favorite game or character. Take a look at some of the Worst Video Game Tattoos Ever.

We understand your love for gaming. We really do. But sometimes your love for electronic entertainment can cause you to do crazy and irrational things.

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A hilarious tribute to YouTube musicians
24 jun 2013 12:06

Mark Douglass of The Key of Awesome performs the ultimate viral, YouTube, multi-track, one-man-band, hit song about…ultimate viral, YouTube, multi-track, one-man-band, hit songs…

Mark Douglass of The Key of Awesome performs the ultimate viral, YouTube, multi-track, one-man-band, hit song about…ultimate viral, YouTube, multi-track, one-man-band, hit songs…

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21 Yahoo Answers That Are Too Clever For Their Own Good
23 jun 2013 11:25

Has your teacher ever told you "there's no such thing as a stupid question"? Well, she likely forgot to mention the other part of that sentence that is: "There are only stupid answers". In this case, there is such a thing as stupid questions and equally stupid answers. Next time you have a silly question, instead of spending a limitless amount of time on the internet, proceed to seek the nearest tall big handed person. Ask your stupid question. And then ask them to slap you. Let's check out what Yahoo answers has to offer us... WARNING! You might want to bang your head against your desk.

Has your teacher ever told you "there's no such thing as a stupid question"? Well, she likely forgot to mention the other part of that sentence that is: "There are only stupid answers".

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21 Ultra Hilarious & Awkward Text Conversations Made on iPhone
21 jun 2013 11:26

From accidentally sexting your mum to finding out they're cheating on each other. Here are a few texts that should NEVER have been sent.

From accidentally sexting your mum to finding out they're cheating on each other. Here are a few texts that should NEVER have been sent.

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If You Watch These Movies Backwards
21 jun 2013 11:04

Sometimes we all wish certain movies could have ended differently (which is probably why so much fan fiction exists out there). It’s easy to re-imagine an alternate closing scene to some of our favorite flicks…but what about an alternate timeline? Check out these classic movies that would be made much different (and perhaps more entertaining) if their plots were played backwards!

Sometimes we all wish certain movies could have ended differently (which is probably why so much fan fiction exists out there).

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Sylvester Stallone's mother Jackie relaxes in her pajamas whilst pictured at her home in Santa Monica
21 jun 2013 03:33

Jackie Stallone has spoken about her plastic surgery regrets – saying countless botched procedures have left her looking ‘like a chipmunk with a mouth full of walnuts’. The 91-year-old socialite opened up for the first time about her health since she suffered a terrifying heart attack two months ago.

Jackie Stallone has spoken about her plastic surgery regrets – saying countless botched procedures have left her looking ‘like a chipmunk with a mouth full of walnuts’.

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Star Wars
20 jun 2013 16:28

Here is today's collection of awesome and hilarious Photos and Gif's. This photo Gallery is sure to brighten your day and make you smile. Were almost through this week! You can make it!

Here is today's collection of awesome and hilarious Photos and Gif's. This photo Gallery is sure to brighten your day and make you smile. Were almost through this week! You can make it!

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John Goodman Loses His Sh*t
20 jun 2013 16:05

Today is John Goodman's Birthday! Happy Birthday John. To honer this amazing Actor her is Nearly five full minutes of John Goodman’s characters having spectacular meltdowns. Enjoy!

Today is John Goodman's Birthday! Happy Birthday John. To honer this amazing Actor her is Nearly five full minutes of John Goodman’s characters having spectacular meltdowns. Enjoy!

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Hide And Seek
20 jun 2013 16:01

Here are the best Gif's from around the internet today. These Gif's will be sure to give you a good smile and laugh. Keep these Gif's coming internet. This is awesome!

Here are the best Gif's from around the internet today. These Gif's will be sure to give you a good smile and laugh. Keep these Gif's coming internet. This is awesome!

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You Are Addicted To Facebook
20 jun 2013 15:56

It's hard to find someone who doesn't have a Facebook account. There is a big difference between being a casual user and an addicted user. These are some examples that prove you might be addicted to Facebook. Is this you?

It's hard to find someone who doesn't have a Facebook account. There is a big difference between being a casual user and an addicted user.

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