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In a Burkinabe home living on $29/month per adult, the favorite toy is an old tire
23 may 2018 09:53

Anna Rosling Rönnlund has spent the last 15 years making global public data easier to understand and use. Trying to come up with an idea that would connect with people better than colorful charts, she started Dollar Street. The initiative had a team of photographers documenting over 264 homes in 50 countries. In each home, the photographer spent a day taking pictures of up to 135 objects, like the family’s shoes, toothbrushes, or… children’s toys.

Anna Rosling Rönnlund has spent the last 15 years making global public data easier to understand and use.

Tags: Income    childhood    kid    people    project    toy    world   
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Find Out How Much These DJs Make At Every Show
22 may 2014 10:34

These DJs make crazy amounts of money. These guys are definitely living it up as they make more from one gig than most people make in an entire year.

These DJs make crazy amounts of money. These guys are definitely living it up as they make more from one gig than most people make in an entire year.

Tags: Income    dj   
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