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Greatest Belly Flops And Dives On The Internet
10 jul 2013 12:49

Nothing shows off your style better than jumping into a body of water. Here are the 21 greatest flops and dives on the Internet, along with their official Olympic Diving score.

Nothing shows off your style better than jumping into a body of water. Here are the 21 greatest flops and dives on the Internet, along with their official Olympic Diving score.

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Aladdin And Titanic Similarities
10 jul 2013 12:38

If you rearrange a couple plot points these movies become remarkably similar. You know, except for the glaringly obvious fact that Jack dies at the end. Um, spoiler alert?

If you rearrange a couple plot points these movies become remarkably similar. You know, except for the glaringly obvious fact that Jack dies at the end. Um, spoiler alert?

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Lovely And Original Hand-made Deer Antlers
10 jul 2013 12:31

Have you ever thought about what deers dream about? Well, we asked a few of our deer friends about those dreams. It appears that they also want to be sailors and pirates, Elvis or Marylin, just like us. We made some of these dreams come true and fell in love with all of them.

Have you ever thought about what deers dream about? Well, we asked a few of our deer friends about those dreams.

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“Game of Thrones” Characters Get a “Simpson’s” Makeover
10 jul 2013 12:14

Artist Adrien Noterdaem doesn't spare the creator of "Game of Thrones" from a "Simpsons" makeover. This version of author George R. R. Martin renders the writer with three fingers and the trademark yellow skin of characters from "The Simpsons." This is part of a large series of celebrities and fictional character reimagined as residents of Springfield.

Artist Adrien Noterdaem doesn't spare the creator of "Game of Thrones" from a "Simpsons" makeover. This version of author George R. R.

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Hilarious Royal Alphabet Poster
10 jul 2013 12:10

It's safe to say that there's no baby the world is more excited to see than the the one the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge will be having any day now. (Can you believe it's already been over two years since Kate Middleton married Prince William?) Though there's no word on if the baby will be a boy or a call, the child will be third in line to the throne behind grandfather Prince Charles and father Prince William. An official title has already been chosen. It will be: His/Her Royal Highness Prince/Princess [first name] of Cambridge.

It's safe to say that there's no baby the world is more excited to see than the the one the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge will be having any day now.

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Incredibly Detailed Faces Formed Out of Wonder Bread
10 jul 2013 12:08

Rather than eating her sandwiches, Polish artist Milena Korolczuk has recently taken to transforming them into tiny sculptures. Using Wonder Bread as her medium, the Oakland-based artist draws from iconic pop-culture, art, literature, and historic figures to inspire each detailed face. She uses slices of classic white Wonder Bread and a steady hand to shape the tiny balls into something unique and unexpected.

Rather than eating her sandwiches, Polish artist Milena Korolczuk has recently taken to transforming them into tiny sculptures.

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A Series Of Idiots Fighting With Inanimate Objects
10 jul 2013 12:05

Sure we all get frustrated at times and some (for reasons best known to themselves) like to vent their irritation at inanimate objects. You know the score, punching a wall, kicking a chair or slamming a door. But as you’re about to see, this next group of individuals like nothing more than to take on objects head on – the difference? These objects fight back. Prepare to witness karma in full effect.

Sure we all get frustrated at times and some (for reasons best known to themselves) like to vent their irritation at inanimate objects.

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Movie Roles That Johnny Depp Almost Got
10 jul 2013 12:02

In the early ‘90s and ‘00s there were many roles that Johnny Depp lost to other actors but these were also others that he actually passed on himself. Here are some re-imagined movie posters done by Kristy Puchko of some of the movies that he almost starred in.

In the early ‘90s and ‘00s there were many roles that Johnny Depp lost to other actors but these were also others that he actually passed on himself.

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Special One-of-a-kind Marriage Proposal
10 jul 2013 11:56

Joseph Gonzales wanted to surprise his girlfriend, Jordan Seibert, with a marriage proposal. See what he planned….

Joseph Gonzales wanted to surprise his girlfriend, Jordan Seibert, with a marriage proposal. See what he planned….

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Chris Pratt Loses the Flab for Movie Role
10 jul 2013 11:54

Known for his role as Any Dwyer in “Parks and Recreation”, Chris Pratt is usually the slightly overweight, “nice guy”. But for his role in “Zero Dark Thirty”, Chris hit the gym to get ripped to play a member of the Seal Team Six. The first 2 pictures are how he normally looks…

Known for his role as Any Dwyer in “Parks and Recreation”, Chris Pratt is usually the slightly overweight, “nice guy”.

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12 Creative Restaurant Signs
10 jul 2013 11:26

The restaurant biz is super competitive, which is why standing out from every other place is a key compenent to success. Of course a good restaurant should have great food, but first impressions (aka the kind that happen before you even walk into an establishment) are often overlooked. This is where creative signs come into play. Those sidewalk sketches do way more than list the day’s specials. If you look close enough, some of ‘em are pretty darn clever. Maybe a Bruce Springsteen drawing helps to advertise a Corn in the USA dish, or perhaps an awful poem draws in the crowds. Regardless, we’re huge fans of these 12 creative restaurant signs.

The restaurant biz is super competitive, which is why standing out from every other place is a key compenent to success.

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12 Stealthy Photobombs They Never Saw Coming
10 jul 2013 11:24

If you’ve ever tried to pull off a photobomb, you probably know it’s tougher than it looks. Ruining a picture takes a lot of skill, although there are the select few who’ve already gotten it down. (See: babies, this stingray and Kevin Spacey) But we haven’t covered ‘em all. See, there’s a particular breed of picture-wreckers who are super talented in a sneaky (and hilarious) way. Ladies and gents, these are 12 of the stealthiest photobombers on the Web.

If you’ve ever tried to pull off a photobomb, you probably know it’s tougher than it looks. Ruining a picture takes a lot of skill, although there are the select few who’ve already gotten it down.

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‘Honest’ Take on the Universal Studios Logo Proves Terrifying
10 jul 2013 11:19

You’ve watched it a million times, but have you ever actually imagined what would be happening on the Earth depicted in the Universal Studios logo if the word “Universal” actually scrolled around the planet in giant letters the way it does before each of the company’s movies? We’d say this video is a pretty good guess. NSFW, obviously, because what do you think people say when gigantic backwards letters float across the sky for no reason? Here’s a hint: they say expletives … lots of expletives. And they scream.

You’ve watched it a million times, but have you ever actually imagined what would be happening on the Earth depicted in the Universal Studios logo if the word “Universal” actually scrolled around...

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PORTLANDIA PSA Video On Real Nerds
10 jul 2013 11:12

Portlandia is a fantastic show. It's always good at calling out the hip trendsetters and putting them in their place. Seriously though, who hasn't met someone who claimed they were geeky because "they like Batman" or "have been playing a lot of Zelda on their brother's N64?" Please, knowingly dedicate over 80 hours of your life to a sci fi series, or find yourself killing conversations in bars because you're too into potential Justice League casting lineups, then give me a call.

Portlandia is a fantastic show. It's always good at calling out the hip trendsetters and putting them in their place.

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SDCC 2013: AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D. Take Over San Diego Trolleys
10 jul 2013 11:10

Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is coming to Comic-Con! In fact, it looks like it's already arrived! It has taken over the city's trolleys. San Diego is currently preparing for the epic geek event, and the city is starting to transform into geek heaven once again. The highly anticipated series will be the subject of a panel at the convention on Friday, July 19th. Producer Joss Whedon and Marvel's Head of Television and series executive producer Jeph Loeb will be in attendance. The show will also be spotlighted at the Marvel Entertainment Booth on the Convention Center floor throughout the entire weekend, with other special surprises to be announced! Clark Gregg reprises his role of Agent Phil Coulson from Marvel’s feature films as he assembles a small, highly select group of Agents including Brett Dalton as Agent Grant Ward, Iain De Caestecker as Agent Leo Fitz, Elizabeth Henstridge as Agent Jemma Simmons, Ming-Na Wen as Agent Melinda May, and Chloe Bennet as the mysterious computer hacker Skye. It will air on Tuesdays this fall on ABC.

Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is coming to Comic-Con! In fact, it looks like it's already arrived! It has taken over the city's trolleys.

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New AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2 Set Photos: Rhino and Spider-Man
10 jul 2013 11:08

I don’t want to get all mushy or anything, but I thoroughly enjoyed Marc Webb’s The Amazing Spider-Man. So much so that it has worked itself into my regular Blu-Ray rotation. Needless to say, I am excited for the sequel. I am a little less excited that there are going to be multiple villains in the movie, but I will save my opinion on that for a later post. Some more set images from the movie have made their way onto the interwebs, and I have to say that I am a little more intrigued than I was before. It shows some action shots of Andrew Garfield as Spider-man, but it also gives a little peek into how Paul Giamatti will look as Rhino. I know that it doesn’t show much other than insane facial expressions. It will be interesting to see what this Rhino armor he's wearing will look like.

I don’t want to get all mushy or anything, but I thoroughly enjoyed Marc Webb’s The Amazing Spider-Man. So much so that it has worked itself into my regular Blu-Ray rotation.

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GAME OF THRONES Characters Get SIMPSONS Style Makeover
10 jul 2013 10:51

The Game of Thrones series has become a Titan in the TV world as of lately. So it's only appropriate that artists are going to the drawing board and getting creative with these characters. Here's an incredibly cool collection of fan art featuring several of our favorite Game of Thrones characters in the world of The Simpsons. The mashup redesigns were created by artist Adrien Noterdaem for the Draw the Simpsons Tumblr.

The Game of Thrones series has become a Titan in the TV world as of lately. So it's only appropriate that artists are going to the drawing board and getting creative with these characters.

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Darth Vader Mask and Lightsaber Mail Box
10 jul 2013 10:48

Check out this impressive Darth Vader mask and lightsaber mail box created by Deviant Art user SenseiMonkeyboy who says, "A friend asked me to paint up a Darth Vader mail box for her... it started that direction then veered off sharply into this." As you can see it, turned out way more awesome than it was supposed to be, and now I want one!

Check out this impressive Darth Vader mask and lightsaber mail box created by Deviant Art user SenseiMonkeyboy who says, "A friend asked me to paint up a Darth Vader mail box for her...

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Two Featurettes for THE WOLVERINE - "Logan" and HBO First Look
10 jul 2013 10:46

We've got two new featurettes for James Mangold's The Wolverine to share with you. The first is called "Logan" and obviously focuses on the badass character played by Hugh Jackman. The second one is part of the HBO "First Look" movie segment. Each one features Jackman discussing the movie and his character, saying that this is the best Wolverine that there is. The movie will open in theaters on July 26th, and I'm looking forward to seeing Wolverine go ballistic and kick some ninja ass!

We've got two new featurettes for James Mangold's The Wolverine to share with you. The first is called "Logan" and obviously focuses on the badass character played by Hugh Jackman.

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Harry Potter and Star Wars Collide When Hagrid Gets a Pet Rancor
10 jul 2013 10:40

Here's an amusing LEGO animated short that mashes the Harry Potter and Star Wars universes together when Hagrid decides to adopt a Rancor as a pet. The short was done by brickshowtv, and here's a note that was included with the video: Hagrid has always been obsessed with strange and dangerous creatures...but his newest pet may prove to be more than he bargained for!

Here's an amusing LEGO animated short that mashes the Harry Potter and Star Wars universes together when Hagrid decides to adopt a Rancor as a pet.

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STAR WARS Retold in the Style of William Shakespeare
09 jul 2013 18:53

Have you wondered what Star Wars would have been like had it been written by William Shakespeare? Me neither, but Ian Doescher did and he ended up adapting the story in the language of Shakespeare. His book is called William Shakespeare's Star Wars, and below you'll find a video short giving you a little taste of what it's like. Here's a description for the book:

Have you wondered what Star Wars would have been like had it been written by William Shakespeare? Me neither, but Ian Doescher did and he ended up adapting the story in the language of Shakespeare.

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Silhouette Splatter Superhero Art Will Rock Your World!
09 jul 2013 18:47

Check out this great set of fan made poster art featuring creatively stylish designs for Superman, Spider-Man, Batman, and Iron Man. The illustrations were created by Etsy user DigitalTheory, and they look like they would make a great set to own. I'd like to see the artist do some more of these for other superhero characters.

Check out this great set of fan made poster art featuring creatively stylish designs for Superman, Spider-Man, Batman, and Iron Man.

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Infographic: Rappers Say They're Worth Vs. How Much Actually Worth
09 jul 2013 18:09

I bet you can't find one day, when you turn on the radio and don't hear a rap song about how 'they be gettin' all dat dough'. As it turns out, inflating your literal worth is a time-honored tradition in music, and Business Week took a look at the worst offenders. They put together an infographic that compares “specific lyrics with data from Forbes’s annual ‘Cash Kings of Hip Hop’ report from the same year the given artist’s net worth-related rap song was released.” Basically, Pitbull and Nicki Minaj are goddamn liars.

I bet you can't find one day, when you turn on the radio and don't hear a rap song about how 'they be gettin' all dat dough'.

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Godzilla GIFs Are Here To Trash Your Tuesday
09 jul 2013 17:58

We're seeing a new wave of interest in giant monster movies, in light of the arrival of Pacific Rim in theaters this Friday. But, of course, none of this would be possible without the one true big scaly lizard, Godzilla, who we're celebrating today in GIF form. Godzilla has been around for twenty-eight movies, one terrible remake, and a lot of licensing and merchandising. Even though the dignity and attempt at larger social commentary in the first film was quickly discarded in favor of giant monsters performing wrestling moves on each other, Godzilla is and remains the most beloved giant monster of them all. Also, he is a rich source of ridiculous GIFs, such as...

We're seeing a new wave of interest in giant monster movies, in light of the arrival of Pacific Rim in theaters this Friday.

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January Jones Is One Pissed Off Gunslinger In The New Movie Trailer
09 jul 2013 17:57

Invoking the mid-90s Old West GRRRRRRRL POWER of Bad Girls and The Quick and the Dead, January Jones is trying her steady hand as a widowed gunslinger in Sweetwater (AKA Sweet Vengeance, depending on which country you’re in). Jones plays a former prostitute named Sarah Ramirez, whose husband “disappears” after a psychotic and violent religious “prophet” shows up with a plan to mold new America in his own design. In the new international trailer for Sweetwater, Jones’ hooker is also being hunted by an eccentric sheriff, played by a long-haired and flamboyant Ed Harris, while she dispatches her own vigilante justice during her Tarantino-lite mission of gun-fueled vengeance. She’s also topless, which is something I’m told people enjoy.

Invoking the mid-90s Old West GRRRRRRRL POWER of Bad Girls and The Quick and the Dead, January Jones is trying her steady hand as a widowed gunslinger in Sweetwater (AKA Sweet Vengeance, ...

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The Best NBA Bench Reactions Of 2012-13
09 jul 2013 17:39

The NBA put together a compilation (a supercut, if you will) of the best bench reactions from the 2012-13 season, and it is full of fun and jumpkicks for the entire family. You get to see people flipping out over Chris Paul dunking, a golden treasury of Robert Sacre karate dances and at least one instance of Blake Griffin pretending to have fun. Sometimes one of the best parts of a play is the way the team’s bench reacts. Check out some of the best ones from the 2012-2013 season!

The NBA put together a compilation (a supercut, if you will) of the best bench reactions from the 2012-13 season, and it is full of fun and jumpkicks for the entire family.

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The U.S. Is No Longer The World's Fattest Country
09 jul 2013 17:37

While there are people who will present things like “facts” and “statistics” that “prove” that the U.S. is no longer the world leader in everything from education to handsome bloggers, I thought that there was still one category that the stars and stripes would have locked up as long as Uncle Sam kept us Super-Sizing everything. I’m speaking, of course, of obesity, and it appears that America can’t even keep its chubby, greasy sausage fingers wrapped around the title of the world’s fattest country anymore. Instead, Mexico has passed the U.S. on its Rascal scooter to take the top spot, as 32.8 percent of people in Mexico are obese, compared to 31.8 percent in the U.S. Health experts in Mexico claim that the problem is indicative of the increasing difference between the wealthy and the poor, and health problems are only going to get worse for those who can’t afford healthier lifestyles.

While there are people who will present things like “facts” and “statistics” that “prove” that the U.S.

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Celebrities With surprising Net Worth's
09 jul 2013 15:56

Some Celebrities are rich, others are ridiculously rich. Some of these famous people however, show that no matter how much you make you can always spend more. This is a list of Celebrities with net worth cash that might surprise you.

Some Celebrities are rich, others are ridiculously rich. Some of these famous people however, show that no matter how much you make you can always spend more.

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Embarrassed || Spoken Word by Hollie McNish
09 jul 2013 15:37

Hollie McNish challenges the reaction that she and her friends (and so many others) have faced to public breast-feeding. In this video Hollie McNish speaks an amazing impassioned poem. She said she got fed up with feeding her daughter in bathroom stalls and so she wrote this poem. She makes some unbelievable points. Take a look.

Hollie McNish challenges the reaction that she and her friends (and so many others) have faced to public breast-feeding. In this video Hollie McNish speaks an amazing impassioned poem.

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The 'Grand Theft Auto V' Gameplay Video Is Here!
09 jul 2013 15:29

Rockstar Games has released a gameplay trailer for Grand Theft Auto V, which is coming to Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 on September 17th. And for anyone worried it might not come to PC (there still isn’t a Red Dead Redemption for PC), there’s promising news. Rockstar posted a job listing online for “a talented graphics programmer to help bring our latest titles to the PC platform.” Please let those “latest titles” be Red Dead and Grand Theft Auto V. Check out the gameplay trailer below. As with the three-in-one trailer, this video gives little indication of how cool the sandbox aspects of the game may be. Like I said before, I play sandbox games for the sandbox and the potential hilarious mods, not for pixel boobs and cutscenes. Just give me a jet pack and a rocket launcher and I’m happy (both in life and in game).

Rockstar Games has released a gameplay trailer for Grand Theft Auto V, which is coming to Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 on September 17th.

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Most Dangerous Ways to Open a Bottle of Wine
09 jul 2013 15:19

Don't have a Wine Bottle Opener? Feeling Dangerous? Well, here are some ideas for the most dangerous ways to open a bottle of wine! Do not try this at home!!!

Don't have a Wine Bottle Opener? Feeling Dangerous? Well, here are some ideas for the most dangerous ways to open a bottle of wine! Do not try this at home!!!

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Can I Help You?
09 jul 2013 15:09

Here is your daily dose of random WTF photos. Some of these photos will make you say "huh?" While others will make you laugh and smile. Enjoy a break from your work day with this hilarious photo and Gif gallery.

Here is your daily dose of random WTF photos. Some of these photos will make you say "huh?" While others will make you laugh and smile.

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World Body Paint Festival
09 jul 2013 14:48

Look but don't touch! Here are some stunning images from the World Body Painting Festival. Hundreds of artists showed off their human canvases to thousands of onlookers. This still life art took place in the Austrian Town of Poertschach. Amazing Art!

Look but don't touch! Here are some stunning images from the World Body Painting Festival. Hundreds of artists showed off their human canvases to thousands of onlookers.

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Curse of Chucky Trailer: The Sixth Chucky Movie Going Direct to DVD
09 jul 2013 14:26

Being the Child’s Play historians I know you all are, you no doubt already know that the Child’s Play franchise started in 1988, the brainchild of the handsomely-named Don Mancini, and that there have since been five installments, the last in 2004, starring Redman and Jennifer Tilly. That one was Mancini’s directorial debut, and he did such a good job that he’s back just nine years later with the direct-to-DVD Curse of Chucky. The most notable castmember this time around is Brad Dourif, the original voice of Chucky returning to voice him yet again, and father of Fiona Dourif, who stars in the film, eight years after making her acting debut as “Chez Ami Whore” in three episodes of Deadwood. It looks, uh… well, it looks like a direct-to-DVD Chucky film, that’s for sure. It could definitely use some Redman.

Being the Child’s Play historians I know you all are, you no doubt already know that the Child’s Play franchise started in 1988, the brainchild of the handsomely-named Don Mancini, ...

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Watch: A Life-Size Dexter Birthday Cake Isn't Creepy At All
09 jul 2013 14:25

We were busy celebrating America on the 4th of July, so we missed Michael C. Hall’s appearance on Jimmy Kimmel to discuss the Dexter Final season. Hall was charming, as usual, in talking about how getting mistaken for his Dexter character is not so bad when he’s waiting in line at a grocery store. He also mentioned that he had a friend who had once promised him that, if Hall changed his name to “The Force,” that friend would give him half of his earnings for THE REST OF HIS LIFE. Fun Fact: Because there’s already a Michael Hall in the Screen Actor’s Guild, not only does Michael C. Hall have to use his middle initial, but the same guy was responsible for the addition of Anthony to Anthony Michael Hall’s name. Anyway, the best part comes in part II of the videos below, where Jimmy Kimmel shows Michael C. Hall pictures of a life-sized birthday cake made in the image of Dexter, which is awesome if you like the idea of slicing up Dexter. I’ve also included several pictures of the cake, which are not creepy at all, compliments of Miss Cakehead. The details are impressive.

We were busy celebrating America on the 4th of July, so we missed Michael C. Hall’s appearance on Jimmy Kimmel to discuss the Dexter Final season.

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