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19 Funny Birthday Cards
08 jul 2013 12:57

There are those people who get you a mushy, heartfelt birthday card…and then there’s these people.

There are those people who get you a mushy, heartfelt birthday card…and then there’s these people.

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Photos Of Men In Their Girlfriends’ Outfits
08 jul 2013 12:43

This is a series of photos by Jon Uriarte called ‘The Men Under The Influence’. The pics features guys dressed up in their girlfriend’s clothing, NOT a bunch drunk dudes as I had initially expected. Per the photographer: [The project] adresses the recent change in roles in heterosexual relationships from the relationships of our predecessors and how those changes have affected men in particular. the photos attempt to capture men’s sense of loss reference, now that women have taken a step forward and have finally come into their own as equal partners.

This is a series of photos by Jon Uriarte called ‘The Men Under The Influence’. The pics features guys dressed up in their girlfriend’s clothing, NOT a bunch drunk dudes as I had initially expected.

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A Selection Of Funny Hats On Even Cuter Cats
08 jul 2013 12:40

Cats. Without them, where would the internet be? It wouldn’t be half as much fun that’s for sure. But whilst it’s not hard finding hilarious fashion accessories for your dog, when it comes to frocking up your kitty, it’s not always easy because lets face it, cats are not easy creatures to pin down. But few (if any moggy) would turn down the opportunity to be seen in these amusing and stylish hats created by Sarabi Rose. From a funny Fez, the classic bowler through to even Luigi and Mario Bros hats! Which one do you love the most & more importantly which do you think your feline friend could rock the most?

Cats. Without them, where would the internet be? It wouldn’t be half as much fun that’s for sure. But whilst it’s not hard finding hilarious fashion accessories for your dog, ...

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Playful Posters Feature Animals Around the World
08 jul 2013 12:21

UK-based illustrator Andy Ward created this Natural History poster series as a way for kids—and everyone—to learn about the animals of the world. Leo the Lion was originally developed for a children's book, but the little guy was set aside and sat on a shelf for almost ten years. Eventually, Ward pulled Leo off the shelf and, along with 15 other African mammals, the artist created the first poster of the series—Animals of Africa—which was then followed by Animals of the Arctic Circle and Animals of Amazonia. Finally, Ward blended all of the characters together to produce the Animalfabet in which each drawing represents a single letter of the alphabet.

UK-based illustrator Andy Ward created this Natural History poster series as a way for kids—and everyone—to learn about the animals of the world.

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Adorable Love Illustrations Filled With Twists and Turns
08 jul 2013 12:06

Spain-based graphic designer and illustrator Marta Colomer (aka Maruta) is behind TuttiConfetti, adorable character illustrations about love, relationships, and life. Though quite simple, the illustrations are often paired with short stories that are filled with twists and turns. On the surface, you can enjoy many of these cute works for what they are, but take a moment to read some of the stories and you'll be in for quite the surprise. The 39-year-old freelance illustrator describes TuttiConfetti this way, "To me, it has become a wishing well where I drop all my hopes, my sorrows and even my particular life point of view. I try to talk about everyday things but without falling into sentimental and kitschy stereotypes. Inspiration comes to me day by day, looking at whatever is going on around me including the happenings of today's society, with all the rights and wrongs. "My illustrations go a little bit beyond a simple drawing, throughout them I try to address common people with everyday problems but with a witty speech. My goal is to make people think and grin at the same time."

Spain-based graphic designer and illustrator Marta Colomer (aka Maruta) is behind TuttiConfetti, adorable character illustrations about love, relationships, and life.

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Hilarious Look at the Everyday Life of Wookiees
08 jul 2013 12:03

Portland, Oregon-based photographer Mako Miyamoto (aka neon werewolf) playfully explores the everyday lives of Wookiees. The funny images feature the giant, hairy beasts as they kick back, relax, and have some fun. Each episode in his growing collection presents a different adventure, from the mundane and ordinary to the less mundane but still pretty standard activities. Unlike Chewbacca, the woolly sidekick in the Star Wars franchise, these Wookiees aren't in the business of fighting Stormtroopers. With the exception of the few menacing crooks looking to rob a diner, these furry fellas are just looking to have a good time at the roller rink, celebrate a birthday with cake, have a rejuvenating yoga session, sit down for a delicious meal outdoors, re-enact their favorite karate moves on the beach, and even get in on the Hadoukening photo meme.

Portland, Oregon-based photographer Mako Miyamoto (aka neon werewolf) playfully explores the everyday lives of Wookiees.

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The Anorexic Pregnant Girl
08 jul 2013 11:47

Holly Griffiths is 21 years old and has battled anorexia from the age of eight. She gave birth to her son at 37 weeks via caesarean and she was so thin that the baby actually broke one of her ribs while he was growing inside of her. Holly is now pregnant with her second baby and here are some pictures of her before and during her pregnancy so far.

Holly Griffiths is 21 years old and has battled anorexia from the age of eight. She gave birth to her son at 37 weeks via caesarean and she was so thin that the baby actually broke one of her ribs...

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Mother Leopard Saves Her Baby
08 jul 2013 11:27

Pulling wild faces was just enough for this baby leopard cutie to scare away a pack of ruthless jackals. Travelling the wilds of the African bush this little leopard family of a mum and two cubs ran into a SPOT of bother in the shape of greedy jackals looking for their next meal. Mum managed to grab one of her cubs in her mouth leaving its brave but pint-sized sibling to fend for itself while she carried the cub to safety.

Pulling wild faces was just enough for this baby leopard cutie to scare away a pack of ruthless jackals.

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Pepper vs Naomi Grossman
08 jul 2013 11:15

Pepper is a character from the second season of the American Horror story. Now, let's see how Naomi Grossman, the actress who played Pepper in the series, looks like in the real life.

Pepper is a character from the second season of the American Horror story. Now, let's see how Naomi Grossman, the actress who played Pepper in the series, looks like in the real life.

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The Most Faked iPhone Ever
08 jul 2013 11:13

One client brought this iPhone to a service center saying it wasn't working at all, and the battery was low all the time. Let's see what was inside the phone.

One client brought this iPhone to a service center saying it wasn't working at all, and the battery was low all the time. Let's see what was inside the phone.

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Draw On Me Chalkboard Car
08 jul 2013 10:59

You can cover pretty much anything in chalkboard paint, and it’s clear, because it seems nearly every hip home, store or restaurant has a wall featuring chalk messages and art. But did you ever think about bringing joy to perfect strangers by painting your car with a few gallons of chalkboard paint? Armed with a Drawonme vanity license plate, NY artist Phillip Romano did just that. His 2004 Hyundai is a chalkboard on wheels, and it’s encouraging folks all over the city to take a moment out of their busy days to doodle. Way to go Phillip!

You can cover pretty much anything in chalkboard paint, and it’s clear, because it seems nearly every hip home, store or restaurant has a wall featuring chalk messages and art.

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Controversial & Private Lives Of Superheroes Exposed
08 jul 2013 10:56

We always catch superheroes doing cool stuff like flying, running real fast, or beating up on bad guys. We don’t really get to see the normal, regular-people type stuff like teeth brushing, taco eating or bathroom pooping. Enter Artist Greg Guillemin. He shows us the other side of superheroes. The not so super side. There’s Batman and Robin making out like there’s no tomorrow, Wonder Woman stuffing her bra, even Superman picking his nose! For real, though, it look like Supes over there is digging for kryptonite gold. Just because you’ve got x-ray vision doesn’t make you invisible, bro!

We always catch superheroes doing cool stuff like flying, running real fast, or beating up on bad guys.

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Rap Lyrics Amusingly Set Against Beautiful Landscapes
08 jul 2013 10:53

When it comes to online, context is everything. That’s why these rap lyrics set against relaxing, expansive and beautiful scenic backgrounds are hilarious to read. When sharply delivered behind some slick production & in the middle of the flow they make perfect sense – but them in isolation and they come across as nothing sort of ridiculous. They’re just a few examples of some of the fine work going on via Tumblr blog Rap Poems where both the fun and lyrics never end.

When it comes to online, context is everything. That’s why these rap lyrics set against relaxing, expansive and beautiful scenic backgrounds are hilarious to read.

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The Whiniest Ever First World Problems
08 jul 2013 10:50

One of our favourite Twitter hashtags is #1stworldproblems a cheeky reference to that fact it isn’t easy being a privileged citizen of a developed nation. So it wasn’t going to be long until someone decided to combined some of the most superficial & narrow-minded tweets into a visual series. It’s amusing, depressing & dumbfounding in equal amounts. It might suck that you don’t have wifi right now, but none of us should ever lose sight of the fact there are scenes like this happening every day in 3rd world countries. Kick back, relax and prepare to shake your head at 140 characters of self-indulgent first world problems.

One of our favourite Twitter hashtags is #1stworldproblems a cheeky reference to that fact it isn’t easy being a privileged citizen of a developed nation.

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10 Movie Sequels We Want to see Starring Milton From ‘Office Space’
05 jul 2013 18:15

‘Office Space’ is one of the best movies of all time, especially if you’ve ever worked in an actual office. Since it came out way back in 1999, we’ve pretty much given up hope that there will ever be a sequel. Never fear; we’ve got great imaginations. Here are 10 movie posters for sequels we’d love to see our favorite character Milton in. We can dream, can’t we?

‘Office Space’ is one of the best movies of all time, especially if you’ve ever worked in an actual office.

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Exclusive Preview: 'Demon Knights' #22: The Comic you should Read
05 jul 2013 18:04

Demon Knights is DC's high fantasy series featuring Etrigan, Madame Xanadu, and a whole host of DC's fantasy characters as they fight magical menaces and dig up surprising ties to other DC books. And now they're after what all magical super teams have to search for eventually: The Holy Grail. The book is engaging not least because it's had a string of superb writers. Paul Cornell launched the book with the concept of a magical Magnificent Seven, and it's currently being written by Robert Venditti, who isn't shy about, say, having Vandal Savage stomped by giants if it serves his plot (and also if it happens to be pretty funny). Also, as we'll see, it's a bad idea to try and mug a bunch of magic users...

Demon Knights is DC's high fantasy series featuring Etrigan, Madame Xanadu, and a whole host of DC's fantasy characters as they fight magical menaces and dig up surprising ties to other DC books.

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Check Out The First TV Spot For ‘Riddick’
05 jul 2013 18:03

The third installment in the Chronicles of Riddick series, simply titled Riddick, hits theaters on September 6 and stars Vin Diesel once again as the titular science-fiction antihero with the super cool abilities of being able to see in the dark and kick the asses of every species throughout the universe. Karl Urban returns with his intergalactic mullet as Vaako, while they’re joined by Katee Sackhoff, Dave Bautista, Bokeem Woodbine and others as the people out to finally capture the greatest fugitive of any galaxy, whose full name is Richard B. Riddick. It would seem that despite defeating their king, the Necromancers have turned on Riddick since Chronicles, and they left him on an empty planet to die alone. Of course, that won’t stop every bounty hunter in the universe from finding and trying to capture him and then, I’m sure, hilarity ensues. Anyway, Riddick’s new TV spot debuted yesterday, and it looks more Pitch Black than it does Chronicles, which is great for everyone, except for Judi Dench, who probably sobered up and skipped this one.

The third installment in the Chronicles of Riddick series, simply titled Riddick, hits theaters on September 6 and stars Vin Diesel once again as the titular science- ...

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UFC 162's Silva Vs. Weidman Gets The Taiwan Animation Treatment
05 jul 2013 18:01

Yes, that is Anderson Silva kicking through the Incredible Hulk’s chest. UFC 162 goes down tomorrow night, and Taiwan’s Next Media Animation has come through in the clutch with the best-possible preview of the show’s much-anticipated Anderson Silva/Chris Weidman title fight. Instead of arguing about whether Silva’s strikes will give him the advantage over Weidman’s ridiculous wrestling ability, Taiwan Animation has Silva kneeing off Iron Man’s head and Weidman using M.U.S.C.L.E. attacks on WWE’s John Cena. Yep. Oh, and the video ends with (who I assume is) Arianny Celeste beating up both of them. You should know the drill by now. Watch the video below, share it with everyone you’ve ever known, and drop down into our comments section to let us know whether Chael Sonnen could beat up that raccoon with a gun from Guardians Of The Galaxy, or whatever.

Yes, that is Anderson Silva kicking through the Incredible Hulk’s chest. UFC 162 goes down tomorrow night, ...

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Your Friendly Neighborhood Sexy Friday
05 jul 2013 17:59

Alright folks. It's been a while since I've done a sexy post. In honor of Awesome Friday, here's what I ahve to say: With great sexiness comes great responsibility reason to shut the door to get some alone time with the computer. Seriously. Shut the door. It's about to get sexy in here.

Alright folks. It's been a while since I've done a sexy post. In honor of Awesome Friday, here's what I ahve to say: ...

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We’re Devoted to ‘Dexter’ Star Michael C. Hall
05 jul 2013 17:07

He may play a serial killer on ‘Dexter,’ but that doesn’t make Michael C. Hall any less handsome in our eyes — you know, because television is fiction. Duh. On the Showtime series ‘Dexter,’ Michael C. Hall has portrayed anti-hero Dexter Morgan for seven years now — the show just started its eighth and final season, which feels bittersweet. On the one hand, it’s about time for the show to end, and on the other, well, we’re going to miss seeing Hall on our TV every Sunday night. His character is a serial killer, but not just any serial killer; he only kills murderers. So he’s kind of a good guy? But not really. Hall used to star on the HBO series ‘Six Feet Under,’ and he was married to his ‘Dexter’ co-star Jennifer Carpenter, who plays his sister Deb on the show. (Note that we said “was” because they’re no longer wed.) Hall is currently dating novelist Morgan Macgregor. Up next for him is a role in the upcoming film ‘Kill Your Darlings,’ with Daniel Radcliffe and Dane DeHaan. Dude sure loves to be involved in projects about death, eh?

He may play a serial killer on ‘Dexter,’ but that doesn’t make Michael C. Hall any less handsome in our eyes — you know, because television is fiction. Duh.

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Boston Pops Perform Amazing Tribute To Bombing 1st Responders
05 jul 2013 17:00

If you were busy checking out the fireworks in your locality, or if you were already passed out after your food and beer orgy with America, you may have missed the outstanding show the Boston Pops puts on every year in Boston for the Fourth of July. Given the events that transpired this year in Boston with the Marathon bombing and the subsequent manhunt, this year’s Boston Pops performance obviously carried more weight. It was therefore all that more special when MBTA Transit Police officer Dick Donohue, who was seriously wounded after a shootout with the bombing suspects, came out on crutches to lead the Pops in a rousing rendition of the Dropkick Murphy’s “I’m Shipping Up To Boston.” You don’t get more patriotic than the Dropkick Murphys (at least in Boston). If you were busy checking out the fireworks in your locality, or if you were already passed out after your food and beer orgy with America, you may have missed the outstanding show the Boston Pops puts on every year in Boston for the Fourth of July. Given the events that transpired this year in Boston with the Marathon bombing and the subsequent manhunt, this year’s Boston Pops performance obviously carried more weight. It was therefore all that more special when MBTA Transit Police officer Dick Donohue, who was seriously wounded after a shootout with the bombing suspects, came out on crutches to lead the Pops in a rousing rendition of the Dropkick Murphy’s “I’m Shipping Up To Boston.” You don’t get more patriotic than the Dropkick Murphys (at least in Boston).

If you were busy checking out the fireworks in your locality, or if you were already passed out after your food and beer orgy with America, ...

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Hanksy's Walter Flite Is Breaking Bad's Walter White As A Bald Eagle
05 jul 2013 16:54

Everyone’s favorite master of pop culture puns and graffiti artistry celebrated America’s birthday yesterday with an extra special Breaking Bad/patriotism themed edition of his always enjoyable works of city scenery. As you can see (full image below), “Walter Flite” molds pop culture’s most iconic bald drug kingpin with our national bird to create a majestic tribute to a country where we have the freedom to idolize a television drama about cooking meth in Albuquerque. Behold the full version — shared physically at Orchard and Canal — below.

Everyone’s favorite master of pop culture puns and graffiti artistry celebrated America’s birthday yesterday with an extra special Breaking Bad/patriotism themed edition of his always enjoyable...

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A 'Happy Endings' Writer Tweeted A Bunch Of Rejected Jokes
05 jul 2013 16:52

Last Friday, after Sony Pictures Television threw in the towel and stopped shopping Happy Endings to other networks, writer Jason Berger went on Twitter and posted a bunch of screencaps of rejected and alternate jokes that never made it into the show. They’re exactly what you’d expect, even if they’re not presented in the ideal format: lightning fast, heavy on pop culture references, and occasionally about Chris Bosh’s weird face. What more could anyone want? Anyway, why am I posting these now, a full week after they went up on Twitter? Well, a few reasons. One, it’s July 5 and there’s bupkis happening anywhere on the news front, so now is as good a time as any to sit back and reminisce a little about a great show that left us too soon. Two, I completely forgot to do it earlier in the week. And three, there are one or two commenters who always pop up in posts about Happy Endings to rant and rave about how much they hated the show, and I figured it would be nice to give them something to do this afternoon. Here to help, gang.

Last Friday, after Sony Pictures Television threw in the towel and stopped shopping Happy Endings to other networks, ...

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Actor Brady Corbet Is the Next Cute Face to Watch
05 jul 2013 16:49

Today we’re going to take some time to help you get acquainted with rising star Brady Corbet, who is kind of a big deal, even if you don’t know it yet. Brady Corbet has been acting since the age of 10, so you’ve probably seen him in something without even realizing it. As a kid he was in ‘The King of Queens,’ and at the age of 14, he got his first film role in the tween drama ‘Thirteen.’ In 2004, when he was 16, Corbet started taking on the kinds of roles that would come to define his career, starting with the dark drama ‘Mysterious Skin,’ co-starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt — it’s kind of a bizarre movie, but it’s really incredibly poignant and worth seeking out. In 2008, he starred with fellow sexy actor Michael Pitt in the horror flick ‘Funny Games,’ and in recent years he’s been in ‘Martha Marcy May Marlene’ and “Melancholia.’ Most recently, he was the lead in the psychological drama ‘Simon Killer,’ which is currently available for rent OnDemand, so check that out ASAP. Up next for Corbet are roles in ‘Paradise Lost’ and ‘Sils Maria,’ two films to definitely keep an eye out for next year. Until then, feast your eyes on your latest obsession.

Today we’re going to take some time to help you get acquainted with rising star Brady Corbet, who is kind of a big deal, even if you don’t know it yet.

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Get Drunk, ‘New Girl’-Style with Zooey Deschanel in new GIF's!
05 jul 2013 16:46

It’s summer, which means it’s time to sit back with your friends, relax, and have a few drinks. And we don’t know anyone better at getting a little tipsy than the cast of ‘New Girl.’ Let Jess, Nick, and the whole gang show you how to properly behave when you’ve had a few with these hilarious GIFs.

It’s summer, which means it’s time to sit back with your friends, relax, and have a few drinks. And we don’t know anyone better at getting a little tipsy than the cast of ‘New Girl.

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K-Stew insults Paparazzi, Clearly Doesn’t Understand Fashion Week
05 jul 2013 16:44

Kristen Stewart spent her Fourth of July surrendering to Paris Fashion Week, but not to photographers. Despite being at, well, Paris Fashion Week, the ‘Twilight’ starlet apparently didn’t understand that her purpose at the style mecca was to be photographed. As a result, she was caught on camera lashing out at paparazzi for no reason. Stewart was snapped leaving Le Castiglione restaurant in Paris before going to her hotel, where she snapped back, but verbally: She griped that the paps were parasites, cockroaches and rats. (Maybe she’s still bitter about the whole “Rupert Sanders in the car” thing.) As a result, the paps who recorded the above video made sure to note that When she left the hotel, she didn’t bother to take a second to sign autographs or pose with fans, opting instead to ignore them. K-Stew has long had an adversarial relationship with paparazzi, comparing getting photographed to “rape” — and later apologizing for it. Still, it appears she still feels violated by camera flashes … even though, you know, that’s why she went to Fashion Week in the first place. That and to show off her pretty scowl in the front row.

Kristen Stewart spent her Fourth of July surrendering to Paris Fashion Week, but not to photographers.

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Enjoy These Manatees Wearing Sunglasses
05 jul 2013 16:27

Are you enjoying your summer? Do you know what would probably make you enjoy it a little more? Some pictures of manatees wearing sunglasses. Why? Just look at them — we think it’s pretty obvious. They’re the ultimate chilled-out summer animals.

Are you enjoying your summer? Do you know what would probably make you enjoy it a little more? Some pictures of manatees wearing sunglasses. Why? Just look at them — we think it’s pretty obvious.

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If You Were Honest About Your Summer Reading
05 jul 2013 16:27

It’s summer again – time to relax on the beach with a good book (or a trashy one, let’s be honest). But how are you to know what really lies beneath the cover of that paperback you picked up from the table at the front of the airport bookstore? Well, we’re here to give you the straight truth about what these best-selling books should REALLY be called.

It’s summer again – time to relax on the beach with a good book (or a trashy one, let’s be honest). But how are you to know what really lies beneath the cover of that paperback you picked up from...

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Beyonce Superfan Excited About Some Other Things
05 jul 2013 16:23

This photo from Beyonce’s Mrs. Carter Show World Tour is so incredibly amazing. Look at that fan. Ridiculous. A face so amazing deserves some attention, so we decided to imagine what other things could cause such a reaction. The results are pretty great.

This photo from Beyonce’s Mrs. Carter Show World Tour is so incredibly amazing. Look at that fan. Ridiculous.

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Books With a Letter Missing Are Better Than the Originals
05 jul 2013 15:27

Remember that time that #BooksWithALetterMissing was trending on Twitter, and it was hilarious? No, because your life consists of more than clicking around the internet all day searching for meaning in your life that you’re never going to find? Well, let us tell you — it was indeed hilarious. Even better, though, are the covers for books that have had a single letter removed from their title. Photoshop genius twitterer extraordinaire @darth made these mock-ups for books that we absolutely love. Follow them on twitter for more awesome pics.

Remember that time that #BooksWithALetterMissing was trending on Twitter, and it was hilarious? No, because your life consists of more than clicking around the internet all day searching for...

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These Stunning Images Will Make You Question Reality
05 jul 2013 15:24

We’re tremendous admirers of Argentine architect / artist Leandro Erlich and after this next article hopefully you will be too. Not only is he incredible gifted, he’s a master of illusion as well. His latest work titled ‘Dalston House’ is a testament to his skill and vision, it’s art designed to boggle, perplex and thrill. Visitors can simply lay on the floor and look up, only to suddenly find themselves dangling out of windows, hanging from the roof or sitting on a ledge. It’s all part of Erlich’s unique gift of toying with our perception and sense of reality. You can view more of his absorbing and visually arresting work via his official site or why not grab a copy for your own home. In the meantime prepared to be amazed…

We’re tremendous admirers of Argentine architect / artist Leandro Erlich and after this next article hopefully you will be too. Not only is he incredible gifted, he’s a master of illusion as well.

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Super Moon Fun
05 jul 2013 14:45

Here are this weeks top funny photos and Gif's. This collection of pictures and Gif's is sure to make you smile and laugh. Lets kick this weekend off right. Hilarious!

Here are this weeks top funny photos and Gif's. This collection of pictures and Gif's is sure to make you smile and laugh. Lets kick this weekend off right. Hilarious!

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Man BASE Jumps Off Bridge From MOVING VAN - eleMENTAL Ep. 1
05 jul 2013 14:28

Check out this amazing video. This is some incredible footage of base jumper Sam Hardy leaping off a 460-foot bridge — from the top of a moving vehicle. Unbelievable! Insane but super cool.

Check out this amazing video. This is some incredible footage of base jumper Sam Hardy leaping off a 460-foot bridge — from the top of a moving vehicle. Unbelievable! Insane but super cool.

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The Ultimate Fireworks Fail Compilation
05 jul 2013 14:23

I hope your fourth of July fireworks went off a little better than these peoples. These are the best firework fails compilation on the internet. Fireworks are always fun but be care! Hope you all had a happy Fourth Of July!!

I hope your fourth of July fireworks went off a little better than these peoples. These are the best firework fails compilation on the internet.

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These Need To Happen
05 jul 2013 14:18

Video Game films show us adaptations can be done with style. Video Games are a booming industry gaining more and more popularity each year. These are video games we would all love to see adapted into movie form.

Video Game films show us adaptations can be done with style. Video Games are a booming industry gaining more and more popularity each year.

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