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The result of world of warcraft
23 may 2013 12:11

Video games have become very important part of many people's lives. This is what they do to their lives... It is almost as sad as it's funny)

Video games have become very important part of many people's lives. This is what they do to their lives... It is almost as sad as it's funny)

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Graduation Dog
22 may 2013 16:01

Here is today's collection of hilarious jokes and memes. These funny photos will help you get through the work week. Enjoy a good laugh and smile! The Day is almost over!

Here is today's collection of hilarious jokes and memes. These funny photos will help you get through the work week. Enjoy a good laugh and smile! The Day is almost over!

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Swallowing Gum
22 may 2013 15:23

A recent trend was started on Reddit where someone asked what peoples parents told them that scared them as children. The results were some hilarious lies told by parents to their kids. Here are some of the funniest and semi sad lies that parents told to their children.

A recent trend was started on Reddit where someone asked what peoples parents told them that scared them as children. The results were some hilarious lies told by parents to their kids.

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Biting camel
22 may 2013 09:36

Women usually like all the cute and fluffy creature, they always want to pet them... But these creatures can be not that cute. And this is what can happen, if you try to get along with them... Have a look)

Women usually like all the cute and fluffy creature, they always want to pet them... But these creatures can be not that cute. And this is what can happen, if you try to get along with them...

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Damn It John!
21 may 2013 15:37

Here are today's randomly awesome photos. This week has barely begun and already we can't wait for the weekend. Luckily for us we get gut busting photos like this to help get us through these long days. Enjoy a few laughs with these epic hilarious photos.

Here are today's randomly awesome photos. This week has barely begun and already we can't wait for the weekend.

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Cat beard
21 may 2013 12:42

No, that isn't a young woman with a full-grown white beard, nor is the image Photoshopped. In fact, that's a cat looking up, right in front of a person's face. This great and hilarious photo illusion, created in-camera, is what's known as a Cat Beard. Cats have been getting all the attention on the internet and now their humans are getting in on the action (with their help, of course).

No, that isn't a young woman with a full-grown white beard, nor is the image Photoshopped. In fact, that's a cat looking up, right in front of a person's face.

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What should I search for?
21 may 2013 11:04

A compilation of "British people problems" memes. They will tell us something about British way of thinking. Very funny, have a look)

A compilation of "British people problems" memes. They will tell us something about British way of thinking. Very funny, have a look)

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Break Dancing Polar Bear
20 may 2013 16:29

The world is such an amazing place but it could get better. These are some changes that would make the world even better. This is the world we all wish we could live in.

The world is such an amazing place but it could get better. These are some changes that would make the world even better. This is the world we all wish we could live in.

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20 may 2013 16:13

Sometimes preachers have great intentions but what they put on the church signs just comes off as down right dirty. These suggestive signs are not something you would expect from a church and are very inappropriate. These are some hilarious unintentionally dirty church signs.

Sometimes preachers have great intentions but what they put on the church signs just comes off as down right dirty.

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Welcome Back LeBron
20 may 2013 15:59

Billboards can be extremely creative and fun. Sports billboards are often some of the most interesting billboards. The best ones usually come courtesy of the sports fans themselves. These are the best sports billboards ever!

Billboards can be extremely creative and fun. Sports billboards are often some of the most interesting billboards. The best ones usually come courtesy of the sports fans themselves.

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College Professors Have Fun
20 may 2013 12:47

I don’t know about you all, but I never had a professor who was this FUN… (or evil).. This is great way to make your students love your classes. Good job, guys)

I don’t know about you all, but I never had a professor who was this FUN… (or evil).. This is great way to make your students love your classes. Good job, guys)

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My hair is helicopter
20 may 2013 11:47

"Your Argument is Invelid" meme is still quite popular all over the Internet, because it is hilarious. Here are some of the best examples. Enjoy)

"Your Argument is Invelid" meme is still quite popular all over the Internet, because it is hilarious. Here are some of the best examples. Enjoy)

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Then: Judit Mascó (1990)
20 may 2013 10:51

’90s Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue cover models then and now. These women manage to age very beautifully. They are as pretty as the were in 90s. Amazing!

’90s Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue cover models then and now. These women manage to age very beautifully. They are as pretty as the were in 90s. Amazing!

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'The Office' Series Finale GIFs
19 may 2013 23:14

Of the hundreds of reasons why NBC's The Office was so beloved and so great for so long, the one that always stuck out the most was its reliability. We've all been there: sh*tty job, sh*tty town, sh*tty boss, sh*tty life. For most of us, life isn't going to be easy; you have to make the most of a bad situation, a point Jim Halpert brought up during the talking head montage at the end of last night's The Office's series finale. "Everything I have," he said, speaking as much to the camera crew as himself, "I owe to this job...this stupid, wonderful, boring, amazing job." There was a lot of "stupid" and "boring" in "Finale," but there was just as much, if not more, "wonderful" and "amazing." We want good things to happen to the people we've spent nine years with, and nearly everyone was given their happy endings: Michael has kids with Holly, Dwight and Angela are married, Jim and Pam are moving to Austin for Athlead, excuse me, Athleap, Stanley's officially changed his name to Florida Stanley. But much of the episode felt a little too convenient (since when are Dwight and Kevin friends?), too self-congratulatory (the crowd cheering for Andy, even though we're the crowd and would boo that Baby Wawa; plus, that Auto-Tune remix yikes), too mawkish (Erin reuniting with her birth parents) for it to be truly great. Then again, even at its best, The Office, with its tricky mix of heart of humor, was always slightly sloppy. That was often part of its charm, though; if the show had been too perfect, it wouldn't have resonated the way it did, and this rose-colored episode was "too perfect." (I initially didn't like the Michael Scott appearance because of how inconsequential it felt, until I realized that was the point: he's not the Michael Scott we know anymore; he finally realized not all parties are for him.) "Finale" may have played well in the moment, but I don't think it's one of The Office's greatest moments. But hey, at least we'll have seasons two-seven to come on back to, and yes, that's what she said.

Of the hundreds of reasons why NBC's The Office was so beloved and so great for so long, the one that always stuck out the most was its reliability.

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George Takei Responds To Anti-Gay Protesters
19 may 2013 22:52

As much as I love Star Trek, the original series, the acting in Star Trek: Into Darkness, the movie, is about 34,294 times better (number provided by Mr. Spock). Chris Pine’s William Shatner is better than William Shatner’s William Shatner, Zoe Saldana and Zachary Quinto are given more to do as Uhura and Spock then Nichelle Nichols and Leonard Nimoy ever did, and Alice Eve, well, I don’t want to spoil anything, but Alice. Eve. The one major exception: Hikaru Sulu. John Cho is a very good actor, but no one can play the Enterprise’s helmsman with such delicious delight as George Takei. His slinky “oh my” is a thing of legend, and as we’ve highlighted time and time again, he’s making the Internet a better place to be. BuzzFeed had the wise idea to get Takei, one of the world’s foremost gay rights advocates, to respond to anti-gay protestors who attended the Prop 8/DOMA hearings outside the Supreme Court in March. He’s as good at shaming bigots as he is at fencing.

As much as I love Star Trek, the original series, the acting in Star Trek: Into Darkness, the movie, is about 34,294 times better (number provided by Mr. Spock).

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21 Brillant Objects Made From Recycled Materials
19 may 2013 12:04

Out of all the items we purchase every day, how many do we keep for over a year? Not many. Now more than ever, we seem quite at ease constantly discarding and throwing away items at will. You might take one last sip from a plastic bottle and toss it aside in the bin or your keyboard dies and you launch it onto the scrap heap for the council to pick up. We seldom keep anything and whilst we might recycle, we often don’t reuse. With that in mind, today’s post is designed to give you little inspiration and some examples of every time items that you can reuse and convert into some pretty cool items for you home, plus they’ll prove to be a major talking point! So next time you’re about throw away an item, just think – it might look really good on your wall, hanging from the ceiling or even make a unique chair to sit on. If you have any suggestions, please leave us a comment in the post below we’d love to hear them!

Out of all the items we purchase every day, how many do we keep for over a year? Not many. Now more than ever, we seem quite at ease constantly discarding and throwing away items at will.

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Adventure Time's 13 Greatest Sports Moments
19 may 2013 00:00

If you aren't familiar with the show, it follows the various quests and activities of a human boy and his dog as they live and fight monsters in the Land of Ooo, a post-apocalyptic Earth full of candy people, inter-dimensional vampire demons, anus-obsessed ghosts and every D&D joke imaginable. It's a show you either love from the moment you give it a shot, or spend the rest of your life side-eying. Hopefully you're in the first group. Be sure to check out the moments and the other Sports On TV columns after the jump, and don't miss the Peppermint Butler commenting badge we're giving you for sharing our list around and dropping a comment. Do that, and you're tops blooby.

If you aren't familiar with the show, it follows the various quests and activities of a human boy and his dog as they live and fight monsters in the Land of Ooo, ...

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You Will Never Sleep After These 1950's Kids Safety Manual Scenes!
18 may 2013 17:47

Okay, I feel lucky to have been born in the 90's, because if I was a child during the publishing and teachings of this safety manual, I would probably be damaged for life. Whoever created this had a very direct way of communicating, I'm sure. Check these kinda funny, but mostly "wtf?" scenes from the 1950's kids safety manual, just don't show them to your kids!

Okay, I feel lucky to have been born in the 90's, because if I was a child during the publishing and teachings of this safety manual, I would probably be damaged for life.

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The Best Of Neil deGrasse Tyson Memes.
17 may 2013 19:51

This is one of my favorite memes! I totally feel like him all the time too. Get your laughs on people, and stay badass, so we can make fun of you ;-)

This is one of my favorite memes! I totally feel like him all the time too. Get your laughs on people, and stay badass, so we can make fun of you ;-)

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10 Sprinkler GIFs to Get Us in the Summer Mood
17 may 2013 19:10

Summer will be here before we know it, and you know what that means. Sprinkler season is fast approaching, and obviously the best way to celebrate is by rounding up the greatest sprinkler GIFs on the Web. From raccoons to kiddos, all sorts of folk are fans of said summer fun, although sometimes playing in a sprinkler ends in hilarious fails. So let’s all enjoy some pre-summer sprinkler entertainment, shall we?

Summer will be here before we know it, and you know what that means. Sprinkler season is fast approaching, ...

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10 Smiling Horses Guaranteed To Make You Smile, Too
17 may 2013 19:09

Horses are funny creatures. Tthey’re totally into Skrillex hair and crazy hats. And don’t even get us started on Mr. Ed. Even without talking, horses still crack us up, which is good, because horses can’t actually talk. They can wear a ridiculous horse grin though. Truth be told, a picture of a smiling horse is probably funnier than the funniest thing you’ve ever said. There’s pretty much no way you can look at one and not crack a smile yourself. See what we mean below.

Horses are funny creatures. Tthey’re totally into Skrillex hair and crazy hats. And don’t even get us started on Mr. Ed.

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Some Useful But Mostly Ridiculous Duct Tape Uses.
17 may 2013 18:05

Here's a tribute to human creativity and stupidity combined! Enjoy these ridiculous, and occasionally useful duct tape uses.

Here's a tribute to human creativity and stupidity combined! Enjoy these ridiculous, and occasionally useful duct tape uses.

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WTF Construction Mistakes.
17 may 2013 16:58

Okay people aren't perfect, but C'mon architects, engineers and construction workers! These idiotic, but hilarious construction mistakes make me feel a bit unsafe in my house, and I wonder about the strictness of criteria for the jobs! Oh well I guess all we can do at this point is laugh it off, and hope that doesn't happen to us.

Okay people aren't perfect, but C'mon architects, engineers and construction workers! These idiotic, but hilarious construction mistakes make me feel a bit unsafe in my house, ...

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Itty Bitty Living Space
17 may 2013 11:10

There is no way for me to express how much I love illustrator and web designer Chris Gerringer's series titled I Know That Feel, Bro. The series of illustrations, which echo the artist's great sense of humor, follow the basic template of placing two subjects, often fictional pop culture characters, side-by-side, bumping fists, who have something in common to commiserate about. The project has really taken off in the last month with Gerringer's release of over 20 illustrations (that's 40 different characters) of these well-known figures finding company for their shared misery.

There is no way for me to express how much I love illustrator and web designer Chris Gerringer's series titled I Know That Feel, Bro.

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Horses Gonna Horse
17 may 2013 10:11

While visiting toy stores, the artist became fascinated by all the detail in rigid plastic toys so he decided to start this series. "Most of them are very banal and uninteresting - but it's that banality juxtaposed with an unusual or subversive context that makes them fun," he tells us. "I guess it started when I was imagining the more mundane farm animal meeting fantastical creatures and I figured because they are so detailed they would photograph really nicely.

While visiting toy stores, the artist became fascinated by all the detail in rigid plastic toys so he decided to start this series.

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Appearance Costs
17 may 2013 09:59

Viktor Hertz is still hard at work on his funny series, Honest Logos . We featured a few earlier this year, and since then he's created even more. In keeping with the hilarious theme from his last pieces, Hertz dishes out even more wit and cleverness for our viewing pleasure.

Viktor Hertz is still hard at work on his funny series, Honest Logos . We featured a few earlier this year, and since then he's created even more.

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1. This cat for being dressed in a snail costume
17 may 2013 08:49

Let’s be honest: us humans don’t always treat our cats with the respect and dignity they deserve (or, think they deserve). Below are a few cats who clearly deserve an apology.

Let’s be honest: us humans don’t always treat our cats with the respect and dignity they deserve (or, think they deserve). Below are a few cats who clearly deserve an apology.

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Born: yes
17 may 2013 08:08

Every now and then some things may not seem to be quite logical but very rarely are things so blatantly wrong that it’s actually amusing. In this gallery we have 21 examples of logic based out of cartoons that seem completely illogical. So strange that explaining them does no justice. You simply have to go through this slideshow to understand this seemingly growing phenomenon of illogical hilarity.

Every now and then some things may not seem to be quite logical but very rarely are things so blatantly wrong that it’s actually amusing.

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Here’s Julianne Moore on the Cannes red carpet.
17 may 2013 07:41

It's one of the biggest nights in the showbiz calendar, so every star has paid close attention to how they'll look down to the finer details, knowing the world's eyes are on them. But it seems Julianne Moore had forgotten to select her shoes correctly for Wednesday night's Cannes Film Festival Opening Ceremony. The actress, 52, tottered on to the rain soaked red carpet among the Hollywood elite to see a screening of opening movie, The Great Gatsby. But while most eyes were on her large lilac coloured Dior dress with black strapless detailing, eagle eyed fans would have been astonished to see the state of her tortured toes.

It's one of the biggest nights in the showbiz calendar, so every star has paid close attention to how they'll look down to the finer details, knowing the world's eyes are on them.

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Awkward moment
17 may 2013 06:48

It's almast weekend, so here is a compilation of the most hilarious demotivator posters for you to make your weekend funnier. Have a look)

It's almast weekend, so here is a compilation of the most hilarious demotivator posters for you to make your weekend funnier. Have a look)

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They like to look strong...
17 may 2013 06:43

Self shots are always awkward, especially if guys are posing for them. Here are the most popular guys' poses illustrated by a girl. It looks even funnier this way. Don't do this, guys. It looks weird)))

Self shots are always awkward, especially if guys are posing for them. Here are the most popular guys' poses illustrated by a girl. It looks even funnier this way. Don't do this, guys.

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Cosplay Appreciation: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Costumes
16 may 2013 16:50

We may well end up being disappointed in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot currently filming in New York City. Even Megan Fox bouncing on a trampoline may not save it. But that doesn't mean we have to stop appreciating well done TMNT cosplay. With that in mind, let's check out 25 awesome costumes based on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles characters. (And check back next week for some more cosplay appreciation.)

We may well end up being disappointed in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot currently filming in New York City. Even Megan Fox bouncing on a trampoline may not save it.

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9 Stages
16 may 2013 16:33

We all have experienced a bad hangover. Hangovers usually come in 9 simple stages. Lets take a look at these 9 stages and what happens after a nigh of drinking. Do you have a favorite hangover story?

We all have experienced a bad hangover. Hangovers usually come in 9 simple stages. Lets take a look at these 9 stages and what happens after a nigh of drinking.

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Civil War Pensions
16 may 2013 16:02

Here are some facts that sound so crazy you wont believe they are real. These facts are ridiculous but all true. Some of these will blow your mind. Truly unbelievable.

Here are some facts that sound so crazy you wont believe they are real. These facts are ridiculous but all true. Some of these will blow your mind. Truly unbelievable.

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McDonald's Worker
16 may 2013 15:51

McDonald's is like a second home for some people. They don't care what they look like or what they do in McDonald's because of how comfortable they are there. This is some of the weird crap and funny situations you might encounter in a McDonald's Fast Food Restaurant.

McDonald's is like a second home for some people. They don't care what they look like or what they do in McDonald's because of how comfortable they are there.

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