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Halle Berry
27 may 2013 11:06

i don't know, how they do it, but they do not age at all. They look as cool as they looked 10 or 15 years ago. This is just amazing. Take a look)

i don't know, how they do it, but they do not age at all. They look as cool as they looked 10 or 15 years ago. This is just amazing. Take a look)

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Genie Cloud
27 may 2013 11:03

Today is a day to celebrate. Lets kick off the holiday with some hilarious and awesome photos. Happy Memorial Day! Enjoy a good laugh and have fun with your families!

Today is a day to celebrate. Lets kick off the holiday with some hilarious and awesome photos. Happy Memorial Day! Enjoy a good laugh and have fun with your families!

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The Formosan termites flew across the New Orleans area in their tens of thousands last night
27 may 2013 10:58

New Orleans was struck by tens of thousands of swarming Formosan termites on Wednesday night causing hundreds of thousands of people's skin to crawl. Resembling something out of a creepy disaster movie, the termites made for any car headlights, streetlights or lit homes they could find in residential or commercial areas. Usually the termites swarm like clockwork at the beginning of May, but with cooler temperatures in the New Orleans area combined with drier air the termite outbreak was delayed until last night's warmer conditions.

New Orleans was struck by tens of thousands of swarming Formosan termites on Wednesday night causing hundreds of thousands of people's skin to crawl.

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Knowing how to work the grill
27 may 2013 10:35

Lots of us have a lot of ideas in our heads. They usually look very beautiful, but reality is a cruel thing. This is how most of our ideas look in reality.

Lots of us have a lot of ideas in our heads. They usually look very beautiful, but reality is a cruel thing. This is how most of our ideas look in reality.

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Herbs and olive oil
27 may 2013 10:12

These ideas and tips are useful not onle for housewives, but for everybody. There are tips for saving a little bit space in your house, to make it cozier and make your life easier. Very cool)

These ideas and tips are useful not onle for housewives, but for everybody. There are tips for saving a little bit space in your house, to make it cozier and make your life easier. Very cool)

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Snoop Dogg
27 may 2013 04:10

Anthony Geoffroy's Caricatures of famous celebs are cool and hilarious. The French Caricaturist has done sketches for people like Robert De Niro, Hugh Laurie, Kiefer Sutherland and many others.  He beautifully  exaggerates the qualities of the person in a very drastic way. Check it out!

Anthony Geoffroy's Caricatures of famous celebs are cool and hilarious. The French Caricaturist has done sketches for people like Robert De Niro, Hugh Laurie, ...

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Blond and Chaos
27 may 2013 02:15

Photographer Maya Fuhr has taken it upon herself to document the wild girl in her natural habitat, the messy room. These bodacious babes shamelessly show off their impossibly chaotic bedrooms, whilst giving you a brazen stare that dares you to chastise them for the mess they've made.

Photographer Maya Fuhr has taken it upon herself to document the wild girl in her natural habitat, the messy room.

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Big Hand at a Market
27 may 2013 02:03

Masking Tape Street Art by Street Artist Buff Diss has been adorning the city streets, abandoned walls and urban spaces in Paris, Barcelona, Jerusalem and his native Australia. All his work are made free hand with Masking Tapes which are easy to remove. Check out his clever works, he definitely has a sense of humor.

Masking Tape Street Art by Street Artist Buff Diss has been adorning the city streets, abandoned walls and urban spaces in Paris, Barcelona, Jerusalem and his native Australia.

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Teacher of Your Dreams
27 may 2013 01:51

Geek is commonly used for people who are into Computer and IT related fields and who wear big glasses making them look highly intellectual. This was most commonly associated with males. However, as the use of IT grew in the last decade, the number of women in computing also rose and the geek culture spread amongst women too. See The sexiest of them!

Geek is commonly used for people who are into Computer and IT related fields and who wear big glasses making them look highly intellectual. This was most commonly associated with males.

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Guinea Lion
27 may 2013 01:04

New Animal Species created by Photoshop artist Gyyp   are the most bizarre types of species you can ever imagine. Gyyp likes creating new animal species for fun. The results certainly are fun, check it out!

New Animal Species created by Photoshop artist Gyyp   are the most bizarre types of species you can ever imagine. Gyyp likes creating new animal species for fun.

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Sandwich Slippers
27 may 2013 00:32

With the warm weather on the way, toes will be coming back out to play in some sensational summer sandals.With such a wide array of hilarious  summer sandals to choose from, this summer should be one where freshly pedicured little piggies everywhere can strut their stuff in style with humor.

With the warm weather on the way, toes will be coming back out to play in some sensational summer sandals.

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Look Me in The Eye
27 may 2013 00:18

Retouching Fun is a collection of funny creative experiments by Photographers Metra Bruno and Laurence Jeanson. They created these work by superimposing magazine cutouts of facial parts like lips, nose, eyes etc on models faces as creative experiments. The end results are quite shocking and hilarious. 

Retouching Fun is a collection of funny creative experiments by Photographers Metra Bruno and Laurence Jeanson.

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Female beauty standards around the world
26 may 2013 10:41

These photos taken by Mike Mike (?) for the ““Face of Tomorrow”” project, are actually composite images of the inhabitants of each country, taken to illustrate how globalisation has affected the way we look. A number of individual pictures are taken, and then blended together into one “average” face.

These photos taken by Mike Mike (?) for the ““Face of Tomorrow”” project, are actually composite images of the inhabitants of each country, ...

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Screw You Too Broccoli
24 may 2013 17:01

Here are the best of the best internet photos of the day. These hilarious photos will definitely make your day better! Enjoy these joke pictures and memes. Have a Great weekend!

Here are the best of the best internet photos of the day. These hilarious photos will definitely make your day better! Enjoy these joke pictures and memes. Have a Great weekend!

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Lingerie Friday!
24 may 2013 16:49

Is there anything better than some super sexy women in lingerie to kick off the weekend? I don't think so. This is one hot collection of photos. Happy Friday everyone! The weekend has arrived and it looks like its gonna be hot!

Is there anything better than some super sexy women in lingerie to kick off the weekend? I don't think so. This is one hot collection of photos.

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24 may 2013 16:39

Remember the Duck Face trend? Well this makes that old trend so much better. It's Called Noodling and its the great new internet trend. It's as simple as taking a Selfie with a bowl of Spaghetti. Boom! Noodling!

Remember the Duck Face trend? Well this makes that old trend so much better. It's Called Noodling and its the great new internet trend. It's as simple as taking a Selfie with a bowl of Spaghetti.

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50 Common Misquotations - mental_floss on YouTube (Ep.11)
24 may 2013 16:30

John Green looks at 50 common misquotations and mis-attributions. These are common quotes you might will probably notice but might have been misquoting all along. More knowledge, good to know.

John Green looks at 50 common misquotations and mis-attributions. These are common quotes you might will probably notice but might have been misquoting all along. More knowledge, good to know.

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Best Athlete One-Liners
24 may 2013 16:12

Athletes and Coaches constantly have to deal with the media. They always have the cameras on them and sometimes say some pretty funny one liners. This is a hilarious list of the best one-liners and comebacks said by coaches and athletes.

Athletes and Coaches constantly have to deal with the media. They always have the cameras on them and sometimes say some pretty funny one liners.

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These Kitties Need Some Hiding Lessons.
24 may 2013 16:08

Cats are masters of camouflage! Or are can be the judge of that. These kitties tried their best.

Cats are masters of camouflage! Or are can be the judge of that. These kitties tried their best.

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10 Unconventional Sport Games You Have To Try This Summer!
24 may 2013 15:48

Summer is here! Time to get outdoors and play some sports. But not just the regular boring kind, we have a list of goofy, weird, interesting, fun and cool sports you have to try this summer. Ready, Set, Go!

Summer is here! Time to get outdoors and play some sports. But not just the regular boring kind, we have a list of goofy, weird, interesting, fun and cool sports you have to try this summer.

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The Awkward Snooki/Governor Of New Jersey Situation.
24 may 2013 15:24

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie recently blocked a $420,000 tax credit that was supposed to go to the production company behind the MTV hit show 'Jersey Shore'. Snooki and the governor exchanged an awkward moment when they met at the Shore town of Seaside Heights where the coverage of the Hurricane Sandy was taking place, as well as where the show was filmed. Check it out.

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie recently blocked a $420,000 tax credit that was supposed to go to the production company behind the MTV hit show 'Jersey Shore'.

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Baptist Church Causes Trouble In Oklahoma.
24 may 2013 15:06

Westboro Baptist Church has caused quite an outrage in Moore, Oklahoma. Church members were planning to picket the funeral of the 9 year old Nicolas McCabe, tornado victim, but chickened out because the community united and hundreds of bikers lined up to guard the funeral from the hateful protesters. They apparently believe that natural disaster victims were meant to die, because god is punishing people for sins.

Westboro Baptist Church has caused quite an outrage in Moore, Oklahoma. Church members were planning to picket the funeral of the 9 year old Nicolas McCabe, tornado victim, ...

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Amanda Bynes Busted For Weed, And Throwing A Bong Out The Window!
24 may 2013 14:52

The ridiculous physical transformation Amanda Bynes underwent is apparently not enough for her new bad girl image. She was arrested for criminal possession of marijuana, tampering with evidence and reckless endangerment this Thursday night. The 26 year old was reported to the cops by the doorman, for smoking pot in the lobby, and as they entered her smoke filled apartment she threw a bong out the window of the 36th floor. This girl is going to be the next Lindsay Lohan.

The ridiculous physical transformation Amanda Bynes underwent is apparently not enough for her new bad girl image.

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YouTube Reactions To 'GTA V' Don't Disappoint
24 may 2013 11:14

YouTube has revolutionized the way we all view the internet, but the most important part about youtube are the comments people leave. The internet is blessed with all the worlds creativity and the best creative minds are the ones who always leave youtube comments. These people are undoubtedly the most intelligent, grammatically correct, creative humans on Earth. Gaze upon the wonders of humanity in this awesome clip on youtube reacting to the internet reacting to the new GTA 5.

YouTube has revolutionized the way we all view the internet, but the most important part about youtube are the comments people leave.

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Andy Dwyer Reacts To Great Moments In Recent Television History
24 may 2013 11:05

With no new comedies last night I found myself missing Parks & Rec harder than ever. But my life motto is that there's nothing more pointless than an empty glass AND it's the Friday before Memorial Day AND I'm always looking for ways to use this season finale GIF, so having Andy Dwyer react to awesome things in recent television history feels like a good idea. Roll with it.

With no new comedies last night I found myself missing Parks & Rec harder than ever. But my life motto is that there's nothing more pointless than an empty glass AND it's the Friday before...

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Bill Murray Knows How To Respond To Crying Babies
24 may 2013 10:10

Breaking news. We found the only person in the world who doesn’t love Internet god Bill Murray: a baby, a baby who’s probably related to Jon Snow because he knows nothing. Earlier in the week, “Laura R.” from Scotland submitted a photo of her child to Reasons My Son is Crying, with the simple caption, “He met Bill Murray.” Murray, of course, had the perfect response. Hey, he’s worked with Dan Aykroyd — he’s used to dealing with babies.

Breaking news. We found the only person in the world who doesn’t love Internet god Bill Murray: a baby, a baby who’s probably related to Jon Snow because he knows nothing.

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Aziz Ansari On Fallon: Aziz Is So Hilariously Done With Late Nights
24 may 2013 10:07

If you’ve paid any attention to Aziz Ansari’s late night appearances over the years you know that he pretty much uses them as an opportunity to work on his stand-up material — and then occasionally mentions whatever he is plugging at the moment. Last night’s appearance on Fallon was no different, except that his opening material hit home hard with a certain not-as-cool-as-they-used-to-be demographic. As someone on the other side of thirty himself, I often look back on my twenties and think about how much time I wasted while simultaneously reminding myself how astonished the twenty-something version of me would be with all the things the current model is done with. I imagine I’m not alone here. And now we can add recently turned 30 year-old Aziz Ansari to our lameass ranks. This first bit on his evolving perception of staying out late is us in a microcosm.

If you’ve paid any attention to Aziz Ansari’s late night appearances over the years you know that he pretty much uses them as an opportunity to work on his stand- ...

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Bill Hader Tells Howard Stern About Justin Bieber's Entourage
24 may 2013 10:06

Earlier today, former-SNL cast member Bill Hader (that feels wrong to type) spoke to Howard Stern on his Howard 100 radio show about what life’s like as an unemployed man without a Studio 8H to call his own. Stern’s a big fan of Hader — he once said that “Puppet Class” is one of SNL‘s all-time great sketches — but he did admit that he was surprised how funny Justin Timberlake was during his March episode. Hader sang JT’s praises, too, saying, “He’s great…Also, guy doesn’t show up with anybody. It’s just him.” Unlike a certain other pop star named Justin.

Earlier today, former-SNL cast member Bill Hader (that feels wrong to type) spoke to Howard Stern on his Howard 100 radio show about what life’s like as an unemployed man without a Studio 8H to...

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Get Ready To Tell Shaquille O'Neal How His 'Shaqfighter' Tastes
24 may 2013 09:44

Psst, hey, kid. You there. Remember the ’90s? No, this isn’t Buzzfeed, hear me out. Dude, remember the ’90s? Remember Shaq-Fu? Oh dude, tell me you remember the game where Shaquille O’Neal gets pulled into an alternate dimension while on his way to a charity basketball game, then proceeds to fight a cyborg with martial arts in a game involving no basketball whatsoever? That would be a stupid and insane concept for a video game, you say? Oh, but it happened, kid. I seen it. Shaq-Fu was a notoriously awful and unplayable 16 bit fighting game, and yet here we are again, standing on the precipice of history, about to witness another Shaq video game involving no basketball despite that being the only reason — besides Kazaam and his rap masterpieces, of course — that we know who Shaquille O’Neal is. Shaq has registered a trademark for Shaqfighter.

Psst, hey, kid. You there. Remember the ’90s? No, this isn’t Buzzfeed, hear me out. Dude, remember the ’90s? Remember Shaq-Fu?

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Artist Photographs, Animates & Loops Himself To Infinity
24 may 2013 09:42

It’s rare to find animated GIFs featuring their actual creator, many are just endless loops from films, time-lapse landscapes, funny portraits or even stupid infomercials on repeat. That’s why it’s refreshing to find that multifaceted visual artist & photographer Erdal Inci has opted to photograph, create and star in his own. Based in Istanbul, his GIFs are spellbinding & enthralling to watch, each showcasing a different scenario and situation. It’s one man endlessly cloned, man marching, jumping, fire twirling, sliding down stairs , dazzling you with movement, motion and fairy lights for infinity.

It’s rare to find animated GIFs featuring their actual creator, many are just endless loops from films, time-lapse landscapes, funny portraits or even stupid infomercials on repeat.

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This Awesome 20ft Dinosaur Is Made From Balloons
24 may 2013 09:41

In history museums the world over, the remains of ginormous monsters and towerings dinosaurs are pieced together bone by bone to give you an accurate portrayal of the creatures that roamed the earth millions of years ago. Unless you visit the Virgina Museum of Natural History because there right alongside the bones of their cousins, you’ll find the a 20ft long acrocanthosaurus – made entirely from balloons!

In history museums the world over, the remains of ginormous monsters and towerings dinosaurs are pieced together bone by bone to give you an accurate portrayal of the creatures that roamed the...

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2013 Memorial Cup - American National Anthem Butchered - Alexis Normand
24 may 2013 07:15

At the 2013 Memorial Cup game between the Portland Winterhawks and the Halifax Mooseheads, French Canadian folk/jazz singer Alexis Normand was charged with singing both the Canadian and the U. S. national anthems. Reasonably, she didn’t already know “The Star-Spangled Banner,” so she memorized it for this event. But apparently she didn’t learn it quite well enough. Everything fell apart as she reached the end of the third line and had to take a break, before coming back in with nonsense lyrics to get her through to the last line, which she remembered just fine. Poor lady…

At the 2013 Memorial Cup game between the Portland Winterhawks and the Halifax Mooseheads, French Canadian folk/jazz singer Alexis Normand was charged with singing both the Canadian and the U. S.

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A couple rides a Harley Davidson motorcycle during the annual Harley Davidson National Rally in Qian Dao Lake, in Zhejia
24 may 2013 06:56

Last weekend, Reuters photographer Carlos Barria traveled to Zheijiang Province, China, to photograph some of the 1,000 Harley Davidson enthusiasts who attended China's 5th annual Harley Davidson National Rally, part of the company's 110-year anniversary. Harley Davidson only began official sales in China in 2005, and its bikes are considered to be luxury items by Chinese tax authorities, so they are taxed at extremely high rates -- a 2013 motorcycle might sell for 200,000 yuan ($32,500), approximately four times the average annual salary in Beijing. Transportation authorities have also placed Harleys in the same category as electric bikes, horses and bicycles, so they cannot be ridden on highways and major avenues.

Last weekend, Reuters photographer Carlos Barria traveled to Zheijiang Province, China, to photograph some of the 1, ...

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Remove the baby's ears
24 may 2013 06:22

As a non-designer, I think the popularity of mocking the people that keep designers employed is kind of petty and patronizing…but that doesn’t mean it isn’t funny. So…here are lots of the best examples.

As a non-designer, I think the popularity of mocking the people that keep designers employed is kind of petty and patronizing…but that doesn’t mean it isn’t funny.

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Snow White and Sherlock Holmes
24 may 2013 06:16

In this creative campaign from last year, a Colombian book exchange program promoted itself with the slogan, “Come with a story and leave with another.” Each poster featured a minimally designed but easily recognizable fictional character with a key character from another book hidden in the image.

In this creative campaign from last year, a Colombian book exchange program promoted itself with the slogan, “Come with a story and leave with another.

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