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'Arrested Development' Season 4 Guest Star List
28 may 2013 14:28

By now, you’ve likely Arrested Development season four, so in another five days, you’ll finally be able to adsorb everything you saw. Hopefully this helps making sense of the 15-episode bonanza: a guest star guide. Not every season four guest star, mind you, because that post would consist of 700 pictures, but some of the biggest names, both old (like Ron Howard and Ben Stiller) and new (heyyy, Workaholics crew).

By now, you’ve likely Arrested Development season four, so in another five days, you’ll finally be able to adsorb everything you saw.

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Tom Waits Joined The Rolling Stones For Concert
28 may 2013 13:37

The last time Tom Waits went on a tour that didn’t involve the acronym “PEHDTSCKJMBA” (which stood for each of the tour’s stops, i.e. Phoenix, El Paso, Houston, Dallas, etc., obviously) was back in 2006, when he hit the road behind his wonderful Orphans: Brawlers, Bawlers & Bastards compilation. And before that, 2004. Waits rarely travels anymore, possibly because it’d be impossible for him to fit his garage full of rusty instruments into the tour bus, but more likely because he doesn’t need to. He spent nearly all of the 1970s and much of the 1980s traveling from Cleveland to Akron, and no one, be they in their 20s or 60s, should ever have to do that more than once. So it was a treat when Waits joined a bunch of other near-senior citizens, the Rolling Stones, on-stage during their stop in Oakland last night. They performed a growling rendition of “Little Red Rooster,” one that Howlin’ Wolf would have loved, assuming he could have heard it over the sound of his laughter at Mick’s struts.

The last time Tom Waits went on a tour that didn’t involve the acronym “PEHDTSCKJMBA” (which stood for each of the tour’s stops, i.e. Phoenix, El Paso, Houston, Dallas, etc.

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Brave Idiot Slaps Beyoncé's Butt, Somehow Survives
28 may 2013 13:35

Beyoncé’s butt is like a da Vinci painting: it’s meant to be admired from afar, not felt. (Though only Bey has a workout video with her name on it.) NO TOUCHING, as it were, unless your name is Jay-Z or Carmen: A Hip Hopera star Mekhi Phifer. Then it’s all yours; otherwise, how dare you touch the Queen’s behind, especially during a live show, when she’s performing “Irreplaceable,” as one brave idiot recently did in Copenhagen. Beyonce’s response: “I’ll have you escorted out for that.” She was joking, but not really. In other words:

Beyoncé’s butt is like a da Vinci painting: it’s meant to be admired from afar, not felt. (Though only Bey has a workout video with her name on it.

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We Want to Cuddle with ‘Mad Men’ Star Jay R. Ferguson (and His Beard)
28 may 2013 13:24

Jay R. Ferguson from ‘Mad Men‘ (aka Stan Rizzo) just keeps getting cuter and cuter — what is it with that guy? Oh right, it’s that glorious beard. Something happened between season five of ‘Mad Men’ and season six — okay, a lot of things happened on that show between seasons, but what I’m thinking of specifically is Stan’s beard. Stan, played amazingly by actor Jay R. Ferguson, came back for season six in straight-up hippie creative mode with a full-on beard. And for whatever reason, it’s made his character better times a million. Anything he says or does now is so much more awesome because he’s doing it with that beard on his face. And gah, don’t you just want to cuddle up on it? So cute! Ferguson was particularly in top form in this week’s episode, in which a bunch of the guys at the ad agency get high on some sort of wacky stimulant and run around the office like crazy-pants fools. Also, did you know that Ferguson is a former teen idol? Like, he had photos in Bop and everything. Ferguson starred on the TV show version of ‘The Outsiders’ and in the series ‘Evening Shade.’ Chances are, you probably had a crush on him when you were younger. Go ahead and resume that crush right now.

Jay R. Ferguson from ‘Mad Men‘ (aka Stan Rizzo) just keeps getting cuter and cuter — what is it with that guy? Oh right, it’s that glorious beard.

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We’d Have a ‘Hangover’ with Zach Galifianakis
28 may 2013 13:23

‘The Hangover Part 3‘ hits theaters this weekend, and when you’re not salivating over Bradley Cooper, you’ll likely find yourself smitten with comedian Zach Galifianakis and his adorable beard-face. There’s something really cute about the guy. He’s a bit chubby, he’s got that mountain man beard thing going on, and he always plays characters that are sort of obnoxious or gross or childish — basically, he makes us laugh our butts off. A guy with a sense of humor and an amazing beard? Sign us up. But here’s why else you should love Galifianakis: Back in 1994, when he was trying to make a name for himself, he met an elderly woman who helped out at a local laundromat in LA. Her name was Mimi, and she got by on the tips she earned for helping patrons. The two became friends, but then Galifianakis got a bit famous and they lost touch — until a couple of years ago, when he found out that Mimi had become homeless. So he found her a one bedroom apartment, pays her rent, and introduced her to Renee Zellweger, who also helps out with Mimi’s expenses. Even cuter? Galifianakis has taken Mimi to premieres for ‘The Hangover’ movies and for his comedy ‘The Campaign.’

‘The Hangover Part 3‘ hits theaters this weekend, and when you’re not salivating over Bradley Cooper, you’ll likely find yourself smitten with comedian Zach Galifianakis and his adorable beard-face.

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Darren Criss Gives Us ‘Glee’ With Those Sexy Moves
28 may 2013 13:22

Love it or hate it, we can all agree that ‘Glee’ is responsible for giving us at least one amazing gift: Darren Criss. Seriously, have you stopped to take a look at this guy? ‘Glee’ is a thing that still exists for some reason, and while your little sister or your mom or your closeted uncle still watch it, there’s just not much about that show that’s appealing (anymore, anyway). Except for Darren Criss. That show can keep on keeping on as long as they’ve got this dude around. On ‘Glee,’ Criss plays openly gay high school student and amazing singer Blaine — have you heard his cover of Katy Perry‘s ‘Teenage Dream’? It’s a real panty-dropper. (We mean that almost literally, because unlike his on-screen alter-ego, Darren plays for Team Hetero in real life.) Criss’ talents go all the way back to his childhood. He began playing violin at the age of five, and by the time he was 10 he was accepted into the American Conservatory Theater. He spent all of his formative years studying acting, singing, and other performing arts, making him a total pro. He’ll make his big screen debut this year with comedy goddess Kristen Wiig in ‘Girl Most Likely,’ in which he gets to have a very saucy affair with the former ‘SNL‘ star and one of our favorite imaginary BFFs. And aside from acting and singing and basically taking over the world, Criss is super into charity — he’s an outspoken advocate for LGBT rights, he’s a member of UNICEF, and he supports The Trevor Project. This guy really can do it all.

Love it or hate it, we can all agree that ‘Glee’ is responsible for giving us at least one amazing gift: Darren Criss.

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Ed Skrein Is the Sexy New Man on ‘Game of Thrones’
28 may 2013 13:21

If you were watching ‘Game of Thrones’ this week, your eye was undoubtedly drawn to mysterious new hunk Daario Naharis, played by British actor Ed Skrein. Who is this guy?! Is there a secret cave in Britain where they keep sexy men like him and wait to spring him on us when we’re least expecting it? This week on ‘Game of Thrones,’ we were introduced to a trio of guys who lead an army known as the Second Sons. Of the three leading men, the most magnetic is Daario Naharis, a long-haired beauty who seems more well-mannered and noble than his two compatriots. Daario is sent to kill fierce Mother of Dragons Daenerys, but then he finds her in the bath tub (NAKED!) and he’s all, “Nah, I told those fools we need to help you, so we’re going to do that.” And he so clearly wants to be all over her body. And she so clearly wants that, too. It’s pretty sexy. Anyway, the actor who plays Daario Naharis is Ed Skrein, an artist, musician and rapper (yep, really) who only recently moved into acting. He’s got three credits on his resume prior to ‘Game of Thrones,’ including ‘The Sweeney’ and ‘Ill Manors.’ Check him out below.

If you were watching ‘Game of Thrones’ this week, your eye was undoubtedly drawn to mysterious new hunk Daario Naharis, played by British actor Ed Skrein.

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Carrie Underwood Donates $1 Million to Oklahoma Tornado Relief Efforts
28 may 2013 13:19

Carrie Underwood has a somewhat inexplicable reputation as an ice queen, something she vehemently denies. And she may well have proved it by warming a lot of hearts with a huge charitable gesture. The ‘American Idol’ alum and Checotah, Okla. native donated a whopping $1 million — yes, million — to relief efforts following the devastating tornadoes in her home state. Oklahoma, particularly areas around Oklahoma City, suffered at least 24 deaths, including children, and massive destruction to homes and businesses following several F5 twisters. “I have watched the devastation in my home state of Oklahoma over the past several days with great sadness,” Underwood said in a press release (via News OK). “With the help of my fans who attended my concerts over the past year, we can offer the Red Cross a little extra help in comforting those affected by the recent tornadoes.” The $1 million donation was derived from Underwood’s concert proceeds from her now awkwardly titled Blown Away tour. This wasn’t the first time she gave away a big chunk of concert change, either — earlier in her tour she dropped coin on Hurricane Sandy relief efforts. The Red Cross, obviously, couldn’t be more thrilled. “The impact of the tornadoes in Oklahoma and the Midwest was devastating and the road to recovery will be long for many families,” the organization said in a statement. “Through the generosity of Carrie, the American Red Cross can quickly respond with shelter, food and comfort now, and with lasting help as they move toward recovery.” Doesn’t sound like sociopath behavior, now does it?

Carrie Underwood has a somewhat inexplicable reputation as an ice queen, something she vehemently denies. And she may well have proved it by warming a lot of hearts with a huge charitable gesture.

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Portraits made of pencil shavings
28 may 2013 13:16

For this 2011 series, artist Kyle Bean sharpened new colored pencils down to just a nub and then arranged the pile of shavings from each pencil into a different face…

For this 2011 series, artist Kyle Bean sharpened new colored pencils down to just a nub and then arranged the pile of shavings from each pencil into a different face…

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Princess Leia’s childhood if Darth Vader had been a normal dad
28 may 2013 12:58

We’ve seen scenes from Luke Skywalker’s childhood if Darth Vader had been a good dad from Jeffrey Brown’s Book Darth Vader and Son. Now Brown has a sequel called Vader’s Little Princess, featuring Vader parenting a young princess Leia. Here is a selection…

We’ve seen scenes from Luke Skywalker’s childhood if Darth Vader had been a good dad from Jeffrey Brown’s Book Darth Vader and Son.

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28 may 2013 12:55

Lauren Ryan is a 20-year-old “crazy artist/animal lover” who has been crafting pipe-cleaner creatures since she was in the 9th grade. Here is a selection of her work…

Lauren Ryan is a 20-year-old “crazy artist/animal lover” who has been crafting pipe-cleaner creatures since she was in the 9th grade. Here is a selection of her work…

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‘The Amazing Spider-Man’ Andrew Garfield Gets on the Court with Kids
28 may 2013 12:34

Okay, if you didn’t love Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker before, we bet you will now. ‘The Amazing Spider-Man’ star took a break from filming — but not from his Spidey suit — to play basketball with kids. And it’s on video. Garfield doesn’t seem to be too skilled at hoops, though he may well be toning his game down to accommodate the youngins’ (or the suit). You can’t see the British actor’s face, but several sources close to the action (via Digital Spy) say it is, in fact, Garfield, and that he and girlfriend Emma Stone were taking a break from filming the sequel to ‘The Amazing Spider-Man’ nearby. Stone can also be seen briefly in the clip walking a dog. So cute! “This is the real deal,” one YouTube uploader insists. “Andrew Garfield, taking it to the hole, buries the jumper on the two kids.”

Okay, if you didn’t love Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker before, we bet you will now. ‘The Amazing Spider- ...

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Lindsay Lohan Is Getting Good at This Whole Rehab Thing
28 may 2013 12:32

Perhaps practice really does make perfect, because Lindsay Lohan is reportedly doing a spectacular job in rehab. TMZ reports that Lilo has been a model patient at the Betty Ford Center despite her initial refusal to even check in. Sources say Lohan has been attending every single one of her meetings and talking to pals about what she’s learned in rehab — and that she’s taking all of it really seriously this time. Further a sign of progress? The notorious drama queen has two roommates because she doesn’t like being alone, and she’s getting along beautifully with them. La Lohan is learning about reckless impulses and self-control and is said to look better than she has in a long time. Keep it up, Lilo!

Perhaps practice really does make perfect, because Lindsay Lohan is reportedly doing a spectacular job in rehab.

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Looking Like Taylor Swift May Get You Beat Up
28 may 2013 12:29

Apparently feelin’ ’22′ can make you black and blue. Lots of girls want to look like Taylor Swift, because well, look at her. But it may not be all it’s cracked up to be — and may result in you getting cracked in the head. A Swift look-alike in the U.K. came forward saying she was brutally beaten purely for having a passing resemblance to the oft-heartbroken singer. Swift’s quasi-doppelganger Xenna Kristian, 18, who only sort of looks like Swift when she’s all done up, vented to The Daily Mail, “Some girls at college had started making nasty comments, but it escalated really quickly. The girl came up behind me and dragged me off my chair by my pony tail, then started kicking me in the face. It just came as a complete shock.” Kristian’s been working as a Swift look-alike for a while and assumes people beat her up out of jealousy. “I never expected anything like this to happen. It’s not nice to see people being nasty about you,” she lamented. “Since I started being a look-alike people have been saying stuff. They must be jealous that I’m going off to do something with my life,” she continued. “Nothing like this has ever happened to me before. I still feel shaken up.” C’mon, guys. Why you gotta be so mean?

Apparently feelin’ ’22′ can make you black and blue. Lots of girls want to look like Taylor Swift, because well, look at her.

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Angelina Jolie Mourning Death of Beloved Aunt
28 may 2013 12:21

Angelina Jolie just underwent a double mastectomy of her own, and now the Oscar-winning actress is mourning the loss of her beloved aunt, Debbie Martin, to breast cancer. E! Online reports that Martin, the younger sister of Jolie’s mother, Marcheline Bertrand, succumbed to a long battle with breast cancer on May 26. Martin is survived by her husband and two sons. Martin’s husband Ron said that Jolie had both spoken with and seen the family numerous times since his wife’s diagnosis. “Angelina has been in touch throughout the week and her brother Jamie has been with us, giving his support day by day,” Ron told E! News. “They both loved Debbie very much and although Angie is not able to come right now she has sent her love and support which was very nice.” He added, “We have seen Angelina a number of times since Debbie was diagnosed with breast cancer and Debbie and I were both very proud of her recent decision to have the double mastectomy and to do everything she can to keep her family from having to go through what we’ve been through. Angelina’s father Jon Voight has also been tremendously supportive — he came down to see Debbie last Sunday and spent the whole day, talking with her and sharing his love and I know Debbie really enjoyed seeing him and talking with him.” Our thoughts are with Jolie and her family during this time.

Angelina Jolie just underwent a double mastectomy of her own, and now the Oscar-winning actress is mourning the loss of her beloved aunt, Debbie Martin, to breast cancer.

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Little wiener dog licking a 500-pound lion’s teeth
28 may 2013 12:21

This video of a dachshund dentist and its big kitty client comes with absolutely no context, but one thing is abundantly clear: This is by far the cutest cleaning symbiosis in the Animal Kingdom (suck it, hippos and oxpeckers).

This video of a dachshund dentist and its big kitty client comes with absolutely no context, but one thing is abundantly clear: ...

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Justin Bieber Still Drives Like a Jerk
28 may 2013 12:18

Police are once again investigating Justin Bieber for alleged incidents of reckless driving in his gated community, even though it’s a proven fact that’s how serious artists drive. (Ask Billy Joel.) According to the L.A. County Sheriff’s Department, two residents of the Biebs’ swanky Calabasas neighborhood called police on Sunday (May 26) to report the singer’s Ferrari cruising down the streets at a ”startling high rate of speed” while kids were nearby. TMZ reports that police officers were dispatched but Justin gave them the cold shoulder and they went on their way. Because the rich and famous can do that to the cops. As you might recall, this isn’t Justin’s first brush with the law for his douchey driving habits. Prosecutors are already looking into a previous case that involved him tearing around his swanky ‘hood and then maybe spitting on a neighbor who complained about it. Now they can add this incident to their docket. Life is tough for 19-year-old millionaire artists. Your neighbors hate you. Jon Bon Jovi thinks you’re an asshole. Taylor Swift is disgusted by you. People like to boo you. And worst of all, everyone’s always harshing your mellow by telling you to go below 80 mph in a 25 mph zone. It’s enough to drive a brother to drink.

Police are once again investigating Justin Bieber for alleged incidents of reckless driving in his gated community, even though it’s a proven fact that’s how serious artists drive. (Ask Billy Joel.

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Joan Rivers Tells Anna Wintour to Stick a Broom In a Very Dark Place
28 may 2013 12:15

As a gabber on the style sewing circle known as ‘Fashion Police,’ Joan Rivers is the humorous foil to her co-hosts. She isn’t afraid to voice her opinion, with the goal of getting a laugh out of viewers. She’s now upped the ante with a verbal attack on Vogue editor Anna Wintour, chiding the helmet-bobbed editress for taking herself (and fashion) too seriously. “Anyone who takes it seriously is a fool,” the comedian said. “Anna Wintour, just take your broom and stick it up your ass.” Since we’re pretty sure Joan’s aware that Anna herself hasn’t physically swept anything with an actual broom in quite some time, odds are Rivers meant Wintour is a witch who flies around on one. In which case, said broom would probably be one custom-made by Prada with baby fox fur bristles and a lacquered handle polished with the tears of a thousand Vogue interns. Rivers seems to have a legit beef with the fashion doyenne, but it’s worth nothing that Vogue is the bible of the fashion world — and someone has to treat the dissemination of all the runway has to offer with the seriousness of a UN peacekeeping mission.

As a gabber on the style sewing circle known as ‘Fashion Police,’ Joan Rivers is the humorous foil to her co-hosts.

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Jennifer Lawrence Has an Insane Stalker Who Thinks He’s Jesus
28 may 2013 12:13

A 23-year-old Canadian man (and complete creeper) has been apprehended in Jennifer Lawrence‘s hometown of Louisville, Ky. after harassing her family in an attempt to meet her. Zhao Han Cong of Vancouver, British Columbia, was cited for interstate stalking and repeated harassing phone communications after continuously calling and texting Blaine Lawrence, the ‘Hunger Games’ star’s brother, according to an affidavit written by FBI agent Richard Boswell III. Using the pseudonym “Ted,” Cong began sending Blaine texts asking to be put in contact with his famous sister so he might “protect” her. He also referenced the Boston bombing, blaming Blaine for allowing Jen to film her latest project in Boston in the weeks before the attack. After commenting on the “bad things” he thought would befall the Lawrence family, Cong eventually relinquished his real name and address in Canada — totally reasonable. But then he continued to email Blaine, telling his life story, relating bible passages to Jennifer and saying he was her “husband for life.” (We understand that Jen’s hotness can bring about something similar to a religious experience, but not cool, dude.) On April 18, after more messages, Cong actually flew to Louisville and set out to meet the actress, sending Blaine the message, “You got me really upset. When I’m, when I’m upset, let’s see what happens, alright?” Cong then took a cab to the Indian Hills Police Department and played it real cool by asking for the address of Lawrence’s mom, whereupon he was immediately taken into custody and interviewed for three hours — during which he confessed to being the second coming of Jesus, saying Jen’s mom held the key to his mission. In summary, Jesus came back as an Asian-Canadian to chat with Jennifer Lawrence’s mom, just like the bible said he would. As you might imagine, Cong underwent a psych evaluation and was hospitalized in the Central State Hospital where he used his one phone call to dial — guess who — Blaine Lawrence. After his release he was re-arrested and federal complaints were filed, and the nightmare is hopefully over for Jen and her family.

A 23-year-old Canadian man (and complete creeper) has been apprehended in Jennifer Lawrence‘s hometown of Louisville, Ky. after harassing her family in an attempt to meet her.

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Amanda Bynes Has fallen off some imaginary ledge and lashes at Rihanna
28 may 2013 12:10

Amanda Bynes has been acting increasingly unhinged for a while now, and being arrested late last week seems to have pushed her off some imaginary ledge. Not only is she claiming the bong she tossed out a window was really just a vase, she’s threatening to sue pretty much everyone — and now, for reasons no one can quite explain, she’s lashed out at Rihanna with some particularly appalling words. In a series of quickly deleted tweets on Sunday (May 26), she told RiRi: “@rihanna Chris Brown beat you because you’re not pretty enough” and “@rihanna no one wants to be your lover so you call everyone and their mother that I almost named my new dog Rihanna.” Uhhh. What?

Amanda Bynes has been acting increasingly unhinged for a while now, and being arrested late last week seems to have pushed her off some imaginary ledge.

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Chris Brown May Be Prison Bound
28 may 2013 12:05

While Rihanna is on tour, Chris Brown and Karrueche Tran have reunited, because that’s what they always do. And this time, it did damage to something other than Tran’s self-respect. The duo were in a Mercedes that slammed into the back of another Mercedes. (Rich people have problems too, you guys.) TMZ cameras caught the couple exchanging info with the female driver of an SUV that they rear ended. The damage was described as “medium” so no cops came — which was likely a relief for Brown, who would have been held at fault. The accident is now being investigated by the LAPD as a hit-and-run because Brown reportedly refused to exchange information with the other driver. A charge like that poses a potential a probation violation — and possibly jail time for the drama-magnet star. Brown is said to have not wanted to hand over his driver’s license info, and the insurance information he provided had incorrect details. And, not so surprisingly, Brown was said to have an attitude about the whole thing, because nothing is ever his fault. She made him. For those who can’t keep track, Breezy is on probation for his 2009 assault on then-girlfriend Rihanna; one of the conditions of his probation is that he simply has to obey the law. If he left the scene of an accident without exchanging proper documents, that’s a probation violation that can land him behind bars for four years.

While Rihanna is on tour, Chris Brown and Karrueche Tran have reunited, because that’s what they always do. And this time, it did damage to something other than Tran’s self-respect.

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Adam Lambert Goes All Out Ali Baba for 2013 Life Ball
28 may 2013 12:02

Open sesame! Adam Lambert brought not just a new song, but also a new look to the 2013 Life Ball — and yes, it was scorching. The Life Ball, which benefits Europe’s HIV and AIDS causes, was held in Vienna, Austria at the Hofburg Palace. The fete had a ’1,001 Nights’ theme, and Lambert took it very seriously. The ‘Trespassing’ chart topper rocked an Ali-Baba style turban and intricately decorated harem pants and shirt, while flanked by lots of shirtless “thieves” — 40 to be exact. Lambert performed an original track, written by himself as well as Martin Gellner and Werner Stranka, of the Beat4Feet production team, just for the ball. The song was titled ‘Love Wins Over Glamour.’ But in his case, it really looks like a tie to us.

Open sesame! Adam Lambert brought not just a new song, but also a new look to the 2013 Life Ball — and yes, it was scorching.

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 Goat riding a sheep
28 may 2013 12:00

Single topic blog Animals Riding Animals features exactly what you'd expect: animals riding other animals. The hilarious and at times adorable Tumblr blog includes all members of the animal kingdom, from your basic house cat and dog to barnyard animals and exotic wildlife. The blog first launched in December 2010, but it has only in the last two months been especially fruitful with image after image of entertaining animal combinations. There are even a few gifs thrown in to show the feathered, furry, aquatic, reptilian, and amphibious creatures giving each other a ride.

Single topic blog Animals Riding Animals features exactly what you'd expect: animals riding other animals.

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11 Examples of Hilarious Kid Poetry
28 may 2013 11:56

It’s no secret kids are smart little nuggets. For starters, they’re chock-full of helpful logic and know how to fool parents with a fib. As we’ve recently discovered, they’re also very talented in the poetry department. See, with all those smartypants thoughts in kids’ heads, poetry is a way for them to express it in a creative manner. We’re talking about gators eating people, vampire bunnies and tickling pickles. And that’s just the beginning. Check out more poems by munchkins below!

It’s no secret kids are smart little nuggets. For starters, they’re chock-full of helpful logic and know how to fool parents with a fib.

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Kmart Offers Some ‘Big Gas’ Savings in Funny New Ad
28 may 2013 11:55

We don’t know who is behind the sudden trend of laugh-out-loud Kmart ads, but we say keep ‘em coming! Just last month we gave you the famed ‘Ship Your Pants‘ Kmart commercial that created both headlines and guffaws around the country. Now the discount chain is back with a hysterical ad about the gas savings offered by Kmart. The commercial promises “big gas savings,” which as you might guess, sounds a little like something else… The commercial is another win for Kmart. We can’t guarantee we’ll shop there, but we definitely won’t use the DVR to fast forward through their commercials anymore.

We don’t know who is behind the sudden trend of laugh-out-loud Kmart ads, but we say keep ‘em coming!

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Reenacted Conversation With a 2-Year-Old Proves Toddlers Monsters
28 may 2013 11:55

Oh, sure it sounds cute when a two-year-old says awful things, but let’s be real — basically anything a two-year-old says is going to be at least a little adorable. Take away the facade of a smiling baby face, though, and the truth comes out — that little kids are essentially sociopaths with no regard for the feelings of others. That’s what this video does — it takes the actual words of a toddler, and gives them to a full-grown man. It is hilarious. And a reminder that we should be thankful babies are born baby-sized, and not with the strength and coordination of adult humans.

Oh, sure it sounds cute when a two-year-old says awful things, but let’s be real — basically anything a two-year-old says is going to be at least a little adorable.

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Watch the ‘Workaholics’ Gang Rap About Wizards
28 may 2013 11:54

It would be perfectly understandable to be disappointed if you were looking forward to seeing the guys from ‘Workaholics’ on Conan’s show, and he announced that they had to cancel last minute. But that disappointment would be worth the excitement of realizing PSYCH that’s totally them dressed as wizards and rapping! This video is NSFW, due to wizard-y swearing and also we guess chicks in bikinis pole dancing. That’s NSFW, right? We look at so much stuff on the internet that we’re pretty much numb at this point. Anyway, here’s the ‘Workaholics’ crew, straight outta Mordor.

It would be perfectly understandable to be disappointed if you were looking forward to seeing the guys from ‘Workaholics’ on Conan’s show, and he announced that they had to cancel last minute.

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Jim Carrey GIFs For Every Situation
28 may 2013 11:54

Good old Jim Carrey. Everyone knows that Jim Carey has a face for every single imaginable emotion. Not only that, but he also has a face for every single imaginable situation. True to his craft and a real piece of work. Always there for you when you need an over-the-top reaction GIF. Don’t believe us? See what we mean.

Good old Jim Carrey. Everyone knows that Jim Carey has a face for every single imaginable emotion. Not only that, but he also has a face for every single imaginable situation.

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Funny Video Proves Siri Is a Real Jerk
28 may 2013 11:46

Yet another reason we are more than happy to just google something — Siri is a real jerk. This compilation of Vine videos from artist Ridd Sorensen might be a slight exaggeration, but we think he’s got the gist of it right. There’s something so condescending about her robot voice. Even when we don’t ask her anything, it’s like she’s just waiting in the phone, silently judging us. When our contract expires, we’re getting a Droid.

Yet another reason we are more than happy to just google something — Siri is a real jerk. This compilation of Vine videos from artist Ridd Sorensen might be a slight exaggeration, ...

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10 BBQ Fails to Avoid on Memorial Day
28 may 2013 11:46

Got any Memorial Day plans? Maybe you’re heading to a parade and dressing up in those American flag shorts (guilty). Or perhaps heading to the public pool to kick off swimming season is more your style. Whatever you do, there’s one Memorial Day staple that all Americans must experience on Monday— the BBQ. While barbecuing makes basically everything taste delicious, it does run a high fail risk. Fires start, food is burned and the entire experience becomes a whole bunch of shenanigans. There are also situations where people try to get creative when it comes to barbecuing, like using a shopping cart as a grill, and that’s just wrong. So when you fire up the grill this Memorial Day, remember these BBQ fails, and try to avoid any sort of reenactments.

Got any Memorial Day plans? Maybe you’re heading to a parade and dressing up in those American flag shorts (guilty).

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Hungry Delivery Man Caught Eating Customer’s Pizza
28 may 2013 11:44

You may want to think twice the next time you order a pizza. In this clip, a pizza delivery man in Russia is caught on camera helping himself to some of the food he’s about to bring to a presumably hungry customer. And we can all imagine just how mouth-watering pizza in Russia is, so who can blame him, right? It appears as if the fella plucks a few toppings off the pizza to curb his own appetite as he goes up an elevator with the order. He quickly gobbles up the food and then puts the pizza back in the heated bag and steps off the elevator where he presumably completes the transaction. Does the tip fill his wallet as much as he filled his stomach? Sadly, we’ll never know. Maybe in addition to delivery, he works quality control and wants to make sure the ingredients are fresh and delicious. Who knows, maybe that could be the next great gimmick in the Papa John’s versus Dominos.war? Nah, probably not.

You may want to think twice the next time you order a pizza. In this clip, a pizza delivery man in Russia is caught on camera helping himself to some of the food he’s about to bring to a...

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The Funniest Paranoid Parrot Memes
28 may 2013 11:44

For your meme enjoyment this week, we’ve rounded up an entertaining set featuring a certain suspicious feathered friend. Though parrots are often known for their mimicking abilities, ‘Paranoid Parrot’ is too worried about his classmates reading minds or 99.9% odds to bother with tricks. Characterized by its mundane scenarios followed by a completely irrational response, this meme is just too funny. Check out the best of ‘Paranoid Parrot’ below!

For your meme enjoyment this week, we’ve rounded up an entertaining set featuring a certain suspicious feathered friend.

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10 Extremely Grilled Foods We Don’t Want for Memorial Day BBQs
28 may 2013 11:43

It’s Memorial Day today, which certainly means some of you are planning to have a cookout. Whipping out the ol’ BBQ for the first time all year is no doubt exciting, but sometimes the “Grill Master” (as our dad nicknamed himself) become a little too wrapped up in said excitement AKA beer. And you know what happens as a result? Extra-crispy, black, covered-in-carcinogens food. Deeee-lish. While some BBQ fans might enjoy a little char here and there, we highly doubt many, if any, prefer the “tastes like straight up ash” variety of food (unless they, too, became a little too wrapped up in all the “excitement”). Let these 10 extremely grilled foods be a friendly little reminder to watch those burgers on the grill, folks!

It’s Memorial Day today, which certainly means some of you are planning to have a cookout. Whipping out the ol’ BBQ for the first time all year is no doubt exciting, ...

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11 Funny Autocorrects on the Web
28 may 2013 11:43

The handy autocorrect feature on our smartphones is something that’s so awesome yet so terrible. When we’re running a million miles per hour during the day and want to shoot off a quick text, simple messaging is something that keeps our day speedy. But with that convenience come mistakes that are way too hilarious to not share. More often than not, there’s this great disconnect between what we want to say and what our phone thinks we want to say. Out of nowhere our iPhone can interpret “mashed potatoes” as “mashed pirate,” and then things just get way confusing and entertaining. Check out 11 of our favorite autocorrects below.

The handy autocorrect feature on our smartphones is something that’s so awesome yet so terrible. When we’re running a million miles per hour during the day and want to shoot off a quick text, ...

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An ‘Arrested Development’ GIF Guide to Watching New Episodes
28 may 2013 11:41

The long-awaited fourth season of ‘Arrested Development‘ finally came out this weekend, forcing thousands of people to cancel their Memorial Day plans to sit in their dark living rooms, far away from nature and sunlight instead. But mindlessly shoveling takeout into their mouths as they sank deeper and deeper into their sofas wasn’t all they were doing — they were also complaining about the new episodes on Twitter and Facebook. Surprised that a show isn’t exactly the same as it was before it took a seven-year hiatus, this is a GIF guide to the nearly universal reaction people had to the fourth season.

The long-awaited fourth season of ‘Arrested Development‘ finally came out this weekend, forcing thousands of people to cancel their Memorial Day plans to sit in their dark living rooms, ...

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