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Sports To Play Drunk
21 jun 2013 14:55

Playing Sports is always a ton of fun. Drinking is also a ton of fun. Usually the two activities don't mix. However; There are a handful of sports which are considered appropriate to drink while playing. Here are 9 fun sports you can play while drinking.

Playing Sports is always a ton of fun. Drinking is also a ton of fun. Usually the two activities don't mix.

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This Guy Has Insane Matrix-Style Robot Dance Moves
21 jun 2013 03:25

His name is Kenichi Ebina, he’s from Tokyo, Japan and his performance on America’s Got Talent didn’t go unnoticed!

His name is Kenichi Ebina, he’s from Tokyo, Japan and his performance on America’s Got Talent didn’t go unnoticed!

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17 jun 2013 15:59

Just when you think you’ve seen every trick shot video imaginable, someone decides to work stunt driving into the mix. The people at Dude Perfect are back with some more impressive shots. Take a look at this awesome video!

Just when you think you’ve seen every trick shot video imaginable, someone decides to work stunt driving into the mix. The people at Dude Perfect are back with some more impressive shots.

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17 jun 2013 15:46

This joyful dogs have a smile on their face and will put a smile on yours. These grinning dogs are too cute and will definitely brighten your day. It's good to be happy!

This joyful dogs have a smile on their face and will put a smile on yours. These grinning dogs are too cute and will definitely brighten your day. It's good to be happy!

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Dad Guesses Game Of Thrones Character Names With Hilarious Results
13 jun 2013 19:01

With a stroke of brilliance that deserves to be chronicled in some sort of pop culture digest, one Game of Thrones fan decided to quiz his father — who regularly watches the show with him — thirty minutes after the season three finale ended with pictures of all the different characters to see how many his dad could name. He then of course made images and shared the fun with his buddies on r/GameOfThrones. The results are — of course — glorious, and vary from nailing Jon Snow and Gilly to re-christening Bran Stark as James Stark and somehow offering up incorrect two syllable non-words for Hodor. Seriously, he missed Hodor. Twice! The whole thing is just the perfect combination of zeitgeist meets massive confusing ensemble meets dad brain meets internet good times. The question marks are a nice touch as well. I thought.

With a stroke of brilliance that deserves to be chronicled in some sort of pop culture digest, one Game of Thrones fan decided to quiz his father — who regularly watches the show with him — thirty...

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A GIF Of A Russian Kid Dancing Set To Daft Punk's 'Get Lucky'
13 jun 2013 19:00

Here’s what happened… Last week Cajun Boy posted a video of a sunglasses-wearing kid dancing his heart out inside a Russian disco. Then I stumbled across a GIF of it. Then I watched the GIF for five straight minutes. Then I closed the tab. Then I opened the tab back up. Then I watched it for another 10 minutes. Then I opened up my video editing software and copied and pasted it a million times, and laid the whole thing over the song “Get Lucky” by Daft Punk. (Similar to the GIF loop videos I’ve made before.) Then I uploaded the video to YouTube, and I watched it 200 times over the next few days. And now I’m sharing it with you. Not to toot my own horn here, but I really think this video is a more powerful anti-depressant than anything Big Pharma will ever cook up in a lab, maybe even more powerful than dogs riding in cars. You are very welcome.

Here’s what happened… Last week Cajun Boy posted a video of a sunglasses-wearing kid dancing his heart out inside a Russian disco. Then I stumbled across a GIF of it.

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Arrested Development Meets Street Fighter In Awesome Game Parody
13 jun 2013 18:59

File this under “awesome fake things made by the internet that need to become a reality like yesterday.” From the guy who brought you Lego Breaking Bad comes a not-real-but-should-be YouTube preview of an arcade game that allows you to pit Bluths against Bluths in a battle to the huge mistake and even tag in guest stars for ultimate gaming/pop culture/Arrested Development nerd pleasure. (I won’t spoil the guest appearances in the vid but you won’t be disappointed.) All the jokes and scenery are S1-S3, which is kind of a nice change of pace with all the season four discussion going around. The important thing is that with all the resources at the internet’s disposal this should be a fully functional thing I have mastered all the combos to by this time next week.

File this under “awesome fake things made by the internet that need to become a reality like yesterday.

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Movie Trailer: The 300: Rise of an Empire
13 jun 2013 18:56

Seven years after Zack Snyder slo-mo’d our faces off in 2006′s The 300 (eight by the time this actually comes out), 300: Rise of an Empire, which Laremy’s curse pushed back from a summer 2013 to a spring 2014 release, is back to clean up the remaining scraps of demand that hasn’t already been exhausted by the 15 previous movies that look exactly like it. Directed by Noam Murro, which I’m not even sure is a real name, it tells the story of Whoselah and Whathisstopheles, and their epic battle over whether to cover Greece in the gold curtain rods and shiny face piercings sweeping the great real estate empire of Persia, where all the evil people identify themselves by being grotesque and weird. Something like that. Honestly, I sorta zoned out halfway through. The best part about this for me was Eva Green being in it, because it reminded me to do an image search for Eva Green. My God does that woman have a fantastic attitude about getting naked.

Seven years after Zack Snyder slo-mo’d our faces off in 2006′s The 300 (eight by the time this actually comes out), 300: Rise of an Empire, ...

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Celeb Transformations Through Photoshop Magic.
13 jun 2013 17:02

Using Photoshop to alter celebrity appearance isn't a new invention, non the less it's use definitely continues to embed unrealistic beauty expectations into our society. Look at these not very drastic, but just enough to alter young minds transformations. Whata you know, they're actually just normal people with wrinkles and imperfections.

Using Photoshop to alter celebrity appearance isn't a new invention, non the less it's use definitely continues to embed unrealistic beauty expectations into our society.

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Funny Portraits of Dogs Dressed Like Humans
13 jun 2013 08:03

Graphic designer-turned-photographer Sebastian Magnani combines man and his best four-legged friend for a collection of whimsical portraits in his series titled Underdogs. Using the head and fluffy fur of a dog cloaked in human clothing, each portrait that Magnani creates features its own personality while putting a smile on the viewer's face. Some of the photographer's canine subjects even have accessories like sunglasses or hats to go on top of their full and luscious manes, heightening the resemblance between man and his dog and making the image all the more hilarious.

Graphic designer-turned-photographer Sebastian Magnani combines man and his best four-legged friend for a collection of whimsical portraits in his series titled Underdogs.

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Hydrogen Peroxide Mixed With Potassium Iodide
13 jun 2013 07:28

Scientific experimentation has yielded many anomalies, baffling the senses, and Imgur user Gloryholio has amassed some of these visually awe-inspiring experiments into a series of gifs. Luckily, Redditor preggit has shared the scientific set, allowing viewers to look on in amazement at the wonders of science. Whether they reveal a foamy surge shooting upward from mixing two liquid ingredients in a tube or a simple look at smoke being blown into a soapy bubble, there's something about these gifs that puts a smile on one's face and takes them back to science class in elementary school. Many of the animated graphics seem as though there is some sort of special effects or magic involved, but all that's presented are actions met with scientific reactions.

Scientific experimentation has yielded many anomalies, baffling the senses, and Imgur user Gloryholio has amassed some of these visually awe-inspiring experiments into a series of gifs.

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Mean Tweets - NBA Edition
11 jun 2013 16:07

Jimmy Kimmel asked NBA players and personalities to read the mean things people tweet about them. The results are hilarious. Check out this clip for yourself. Too Funny!

Jimmy Kimmel asked NBA players and personalities to read the mean things people tweet about them. The results are hilarious. Check out this clip for yourself. Too Funny!

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‘New Girl’ Actress Zooey Deschanel is Quirky and Sexy
11 jun 2013 15:27

Zooey Deschanel gets awkward on Fox’s “New Girl.” Best known for her role in 500 Days of Summer, Deschanel typically plays some derivation of the whimsical, hard-to-get hipster chick. Which is why her “New Girl” character is kind of difficult to take seriously. Then again, it’s a comedy. Right? Every time she's on screen, Zooey has a charming and enticing presence that is hard to turn away from. That's why, today you get what you want! Zooey Deschanel in all her quirky sexiness, here all in one spot.

Zooey Deschanel gets awkward on Fox’s “New Girl.” Best known for her role in 500 Days of Summer, Deschanel typically plays some derivation of the whimsical, hard-to-get hipster chick.

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It's Kate Upton's 21st Birthday So Let's Throw Her A GIF Party
10 jun 2013 18:53

Today is Kate Upton’s 21st birthday, and as such we would like to wish our favorite Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue cover model and reigning With Leather Celebrity Sports Fan of the Year (2010-probably when she turns, like, 34 or something) the best of birthday wishes. I also hope that she doesn’t go out and drink awful mixed shots until she throws up on an Applebee’s toilet seat like I did on my 21st birthday 13 years, I mean, three years ago. And if she does go out to have some drinks on her birthday, maybe she’ll tell me where it is so I can totally not go there and stare at her like some crazy pervert wearing a top hat and holding an engagement ring. That would, haha, that would just be ridiculous. Anywho, to honor our special lady, I slapped together this collection of my favorite 21 Kate Upton GIFs because she is wonderful and it’s Monday, so we should start off the week in style. Happy birthday, Kate.

Today is Kate Upton’s 21st birthday, and as such we would like to wish our favorite Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue cover model and reigning With Leather Celebrity Sports Fan of the Year (2010- ...

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Model Justice Joslin Makes Us Believe There Is Justice in This World
07 jun 2013 21:28

Model and former football player Justice Joslin is a sexy southern boy that’ll put a smile on your face and a swoon in your heart. Born in Johnson City, Tenn., Justice Joslin played for the Canadian Football League until injuries left him sidelined and he discovered that sports weren’t his only strong suit — he’s got a great body and a pretty face, which makes him ideal for modeling, obviously. Joslin has also acted a little, appearing in ‘The Quarry’ and ‘Fish Bait: The Movie’ — we’ve never heard of these films, but guy’s gotta start somewhere, right? Here’s hoping he continues down the acting path so we can see more of his sexy face on the big screen. He’s currently signed to Ford models in New York and d’management in Milan, and he’s appeared in GQ China, GQ Style Italy, and Man of the World — fitting, since he’s totally international. Check out some pics of this sexy male model below, and be on the look out for Joslin in magazines and, hopefully, more movies soon.

Model and former football player Justice Joslin is a sexy southern boy that’ll put a smile on your face and a swoon in your heart. Born in Johnson City, Tenn.

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Amy Poehler Teaches Us Everything We Need to Know About Being Awesome
07 jun 2013 21:27

As Leslie Knope on ‘Parks and Recreation,’ funny lady Amy Poehler has been a beacon for empowering women hilariously for several seasons. The former ‘SNL‘ star and host of her own advice web series, ‘Ask Amy,’ has taught us a lot over the years about how to be an awesome person. And now we share these lessons with you — in GIF format, of course. (It’s the best way.)

As Leslie Knope on ‘Parks and Recreation,’ funny lady Amy Poehler has been a beacon for empowering women hilariously for several seasons.

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Joel Edgerton Is Serious and Sexy, and Seriously Sexy
07 jun 2013 21:27

Actor Joel Edgerton has been making a splash in the last couple of years on the big screen, and it’s not hard to see why. (Hint: he’s sexy.) You may recognize Joel from, well, a lot of things. He caught his big break in the Australian crime drama ‘Animal Kingdom’ (not a film for the faint of heart, believe me — it’s rough), and his star just took off from there. He went on to star alongside fellow sexy man Tom Hardy in ‘Warrior,’ in which the two played UFC fighters and brothers, and last year he starred in ‘Zero Dark Thirty.’ More recently, you probably saw him in ‘The Great Gatsby‘ alongside cuties Leonardo DiCaprio and Tobey Maguire, playing the mean husband of Daisy Buchanan and sporting a sinister mustache. Dudes with mustaches in movies are usually bad news. (Or they’re in the ’80s.) Edgerton is a serious actor, a sort of manly-man type who usually takes on very dark or dramatic roles. But if you want to see his softer side, check out last year’s touching kids’ movie ‘The Odd Life of Timothy Green.’

Actor Joel Edgerton has been making a splash in the last couple of years on the big screen, and it’s not hard to see why. (Hint: he’s sexy.) You may recognize Joel from, well, a lot of things.

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‘Teen Wolf’ Star Dylan O’Brien Is Fiercely Hot
07 jun 2013 21:26

‘Teen Wolf‘ star Dylan O’Brien is about to take off in a huge way, and you should be along for the ride when it happens. Get ready to swoon over O’Brien, who also stars in ‘The Internship,’ hitting theaters this Friday. I had never heard of Dylan O’Brien. There I was, minding my own business at a screening of ‘The Internship,’ when I saw this incredibly cute guy on screen with those sexy-dorky, thick-framed black glasses, and DAMN. Can I get an AMEN from the congregation? Thanks to Google, I discovered that O’Brien is a star of the MTV series ‘Teen Wolf,’ which is apparently a pretty good show? I just figured a TV remake of a classic ’80s movie would be kind of lame, especially on MTV, home of ‘Jersey Shore.’ But no! It’s supposedly good! And it stars Dylan O’Brien, who is extremely friggin’ cute. He’s like a miniature Josh Hartnett — remember Josh Hartnett, star of ‘The Faculty’ and ‘The Virgin Suicides’ and your dreams in the early ’00s? That guy has just like, fallen off the face of the earth. Dylan O’Brien is like our second chance at Josh Hartnett! You guys! Dreams come true!

‘Teen Wolf‘ star Dylan O’Brien is about to take off in a huge way, and you should be along for the ride when it happens.

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Samuel Jackson Performs ‘Breaking Bad’ Monologue for Research
07 jun 2013 21:22

Samuel L. Jackson has been raising money through the website Reddit for Alzheimer’s research by promising to read monologues each time a donation goal is reached. This time around, after raising $155,000, Jackson read the memorable “I am the one who knocks” monologue from ‘Breaking Bad’ protagonist Heisenberg/Walter White. Since his idea to have his Marvel character Nick Fury on the show didn’t pan out, this should help fill some of that void. When $150,000 was initially raised, Jackson read a monologue written by a Reddit user in which he announced he would be retiring from acting. (You can watch that hilarity below.) The next donation goal is $175,000, and when that mark is reached, Jackson will choose three random donors for whom he’ll record what are likely to be the world’s most epic voicemail messages. You can currently donate to the Alzheimer’s Association and simultaneously enter to win a weekend in England and lunch with Jackson, as well as two tickets to hang out with him and other celebrities at this year’s Shooting Stars Benefit. So get on that already.

Samuel L. Jackson has been raising money through the website Reddit for Alzheimer’s research by promising to read monologues each time a donation goal is reached.

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Kate Upton’s Scene-Stealing Boobs Are Two Masses, Yearning to Be Free
07 jun 2013 21:19

Kate Upton is everywhere lately. So it’s no surprise that she’s been cast in ‘The Other Woman,’ a romantic comedy in which she and Cameron Diaz discover they are mistresses of Leslie Mann’s husband. But none of that is necessary to appreciate these pictures, because you’ll forget the plot in seconds.

Kate Upton is everywhere lately. So it’s no surprise that she’s been cast in ‘The Other Woman,’ a romantic comedy in which she and Cameron Diaz discover they are mistresses of Leslie Mann’s husband.

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Girls In Dresses + Wind = Nice!
07 jun 2013 16:36

The wind gets naughty once in a while too! Can't have enough of these spontaneous, sexy, dress lifting Oops moments.

The wind gets naughty once in a while too! Can't have enough of these spontaneous, sexy, dress lifting Oops moments.

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Daisy. The Cutest And Most Photogenic Kitten In The World.
06 jun 2013 16:43

Daisy lives in Japan and is the most adorable and photogenic kitten in the world! Her photographer owner Ben Terode seems to know exactly how to make her cuteness come out. Check these pictures out, and have an Aww kind of fuzzy day!

Daisy lives in Japan and is the most adorable and photogenic kitten in the world! Her photographer owner Ben Terode seems to know exactly how to make her cuteness come out.

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The Best Tweets From the ‘Prancercise’ Lady
06 jun 2013 14:28

Attention everyone: the lady who launched Prancercise, the internet’s favorite new exercise craze, is back. That’s right folks– horse fanatic Joanna Rohrback is now on Twitter, where we can learn important tips on how to live the Prancercise lifestyle. Okay, so we’re not entirely sure it’s the real Joanna, but the tweets are helpful (and amusing) regardless. For example– do you know what sort of slacks are essential to Prancercise? We didn’t think so. Check out some of our favorite tweets for the answer to that and more.

Attention everyone: the lady who launched Prancercise, the internet’s favorite new exercise craze, is back.

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Lip Biting
06 jun 2013 10:41

These beautiful women know how to rock the pig tails hair style. They make this cute hair style seem super sexy. Here are today's gorgeous girls with a side of Pig Tails. Enjoy!

These beautiful women know how to rock the pig tails hair style. They make this cute hair style seem super sexy. Here are today's gorgeous girls with a side of Pig Tails. Enjoy!

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102-year-old base jumper Dorothy Custer celebrates birthday by leaping from a bridge in Idaho
06 jun 2013 08:29

102-year-old Dorothy Custer celebrated her birthday by leaping from a bridge in Idaho over the Snake River. Best quote of the clip from Dorothy "It Was Too Short!" Check out this video below. How would you spend your 102nd Birthday?

102-year-old Dorothy Custer celebrated her birthday by leaping from a bridge in Idaho over the Snake River. Best quote of the clip from Dorothy "It Was Too Short!" Check out this video below.

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Fluffy Cows
06 jun 2013 02:37

These adorable fluffy cows are “show cattle,” a cross between two high-quality breeds of cattle whose luxurious coats have been fluffed up using product, hair dryers, and a lot of time. According to Lautner Farms, it takes about two hours and copious amounts of hairspray and oil to style one of these fluffy cows for showtime. I had no idea these exist.

These adorable fluffy cows are “show cattle,” a cross between two high-quality breeds of cattle whose luxurious coats have been fluffed up using product, hair dryers, and a lot of time.

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10 Surprisingly Bilingual Celebrities.
04 jun 2013 17:25

They are hot, successful and talented! But stopping at that is not an option. Check out these celebs you probably didn't know were bilingual.

They are hot, successful and talented! But stopping at that is not an option. Check out these celebs you probably didn't know were bilingual.

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Sexiest Catherine Zeta-Jones GIF's.
04 jun 2013 14:03

Catherine Zeta-Jones has had a great time being in the spot light, and was awesome at it. She always had a very feminine, charming allure which won her a reputation of one of the most beautiful women in the world for years. Let these GIF's show you what we mean.

Catherine Zeta-Jones has had a great time being in the spot light, and was awesome at it. She always had a very feminine, ...

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14 Smashingly Absurd Nigel Thornberry GIFs
01 jun 2013 16:19

Even if you’ve never seen ‘The Wild Thornberrys’ or an episode of ‘Rugrats’ in your life, you need to see this. If you hang out on Tumblr much, you might be familiar with these Nigel Thornberry GIFs. If not, hold onto your butts. Basically people like to put peppy Thornberry patriarch Nigel into crazy situations. And they are in a word, smas–blaarrrgh! Oh, plus bonus Nigel Thornberry Taylor Swift Remix. You’re welcome.

Even if you’ve never seen ‘The Wild Thornberrys’ or an episode of ‘Rugrats’ in your life, you need to see this. If you hang out on Tumblr much, you might be familiar with these Nigel Thornberry GIFs.

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Who Wins? Better Sign?
31 may 2013 09:18

Here is this weeks collections of awesome and hilarious sports Gifs, Memes and Screen Shots. The sports world is filled with entertaining moments and these are some of the best of the best. Enjoy a good laugh plus some great amusement from these Gifs, Memes and Screencaps.

Here is this weeks collections of awesome and hilarious sports Gifs, Memes and Screen Shots. The sports world is filled with entertaining moments and these are some of the best of the best.

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Original Bike Tricks from Tim Knoll
31 may 2013 09:07

Tim Knoll shows off a series of truly original tricks that are like nothing you’ve ever seen on a bike before. These are very impressive. I never knew you could do half of these tricks on a Bicycle. All I can say is Wow! Check it Out!

Tim Knoll shows off a series of truly original tricks that are like nothing you’ve ever seen on a bike before. These are very impressive.

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Worlds Freakiest Medical Museums.
30 may 2013 16:08

People have been fascinated by medicine, anatomical deformities and pathologies for ages, and what better way to put together and preserve years of studies, experiments and observations throughout the history of mankind than a museum. Get ready to be fascinated, appalled, and educated with these creepy famous museums around the world, featuring grotesque displays.

People have been fascinated by medicine, anatomical deformities and pathologies for ages, and what better way to put together and preserve years of studies, ...

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Rats Riding Dog
30 may 2013 03:17

Animals Riding Animals is a Tumblr blog that claims to be the “most comprehensive collection of animals riding other animals on the whole wide internet.” The blog features an adorable collection of photos and even animated GIFs of animals riding on top of other animals.

Animals Riding Animals is a Tumblr blog that claims to be the “most comprehensive collection of animals riding other animals on the whole wide internet.

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Staggering Hi-Five Fails in Sports
29 may 2013 15:23

In Sports and in life the High-five is still man's go to gesture in a time of celebration or welcoming. When done correctly a High-Five is rewarding and awesome but when there are few things funnier than a failed High-five. These people just can't seem to get it right.

In Sports and in life the High-five is still man's go to gesture in a time of celebration or welcoming.

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Ron Tugnutt
29 may 2013 14:43

Face it peoples names can be hilarious and down right dirty. As dignified as we try to be, it's hard not to laugh when someones name sounds like a sexual innuendo. Unfortunately for these athletes that's just what they must have gotten used to. These athletes all have names that sound like sex acts or what certain sex acts might entail.

Face it peoples names can be hilarious and down right dirty. As dignified as we try to be, it's hard not to laugh when someones name sounds like a sexual innuendo.

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