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I thought it was normal to take baby to a rave
13 feb 2013 04:27

Sarah-Jane Hulme, 41, was branded a “disgrace” after being pictured cradling tiny Django at a late-night drum and bass thrash.

Sarah-Jane Hulme, 41, was branded a “disgrace” after being pictured cradling tiny Django at a late-night drum and bass thrash.

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10 Top Banned Breeds!
12 feb 2013 19:21

In the late 1980's, early 90's an outbreak of dog breed bans swooped England, U.S., and many European countris due to inproper owner handling, which resulted in many attacks on people and other animals. Bully/mastiff (also known as molosser) type dog breeds became considered as dangerous, because of their history as fight, war, or bait dogs, and got banned. Here's the list of 10 most banned breeds around the world. Even in areas where these breeds are legal, it can be nearly impossibel for a homeowner to get liability insurance, having one,  today.

In the late 1980's, early 90's an outbreak of dog breed bans swooped England, U.S., and many European countris due to inproper owner handling, ...

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Humongous Toys! Why?
12 feb 2013 18:41

Who and why came up with these? Have you ever receive one of these useless humongous toys as a gift, or planning to give that to a special someone on V-day? Just say No!

Who and why came up with these? Have you ever receive one of these useless humongous toys as a gift, or planning to give that to a special someone on V-day? Just say No!

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Beautiful Black and Photos of Central Park After the Blizzard
12 feb 2013 09:15

Brooklyn, New York-based photographer Dustin Cantrell just wrote to us to tell us about a beautiful new set of photos he took of New York's Central Park after the recent blizzard. The massive snowstorm, nicknamed Nemo by The Weather Channel, was caused by the collision of two weather systems, from the west and the south.

Brooklyn, New York-based photographer Dustin Cantrell just wrote to us to tell us about a beautiful new set of photos he took of New York's Central Park after the recent blizzard.

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Two Headed Royal Python
12 feb 2013 08:32

Royal python named Regius was born with two heads in the south of Germany in Villingen-Schwenningen. His owner, snake breeder Stephen Bruckheimer said that the python is now about a year old and has already grown to half a meter. Pythons from this species are usually found in Africa and can grow up to five feet.

Royal python named Regius was born with two heads in the south of Germany in Villingen-Schwenningen. His owner, ...

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iPad Stand for Your Bathroom
12 feb 2013 08:06

Cool iPad stand. I like the idea.

Cool iPad stand. I like the idea.

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Snakes in HighRes!
12 feb 2013 00:11

Many people are afraid of snakes for their venom and sneaky nature. Snakes are in fact, not slimey at all. They are dry, scaly creatures that once might have had legs! That means that the folks afraid of snakes might as well be afraid of all lizards too!

See some snakes in high resolution and learn a little bit about the scaly creature from Biblical tales. SSSSSSsssss!

Many people are afraid of snakes for their venom and sneaky nature. Snakes are in fact, not slimey at all.

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Lady Gaga did the Impossible and Upstagged Jagger at his own Concert!
11 feb 2013 18:26

While I love Lady Gaga, I often get irritated with her because her penchant for walking around with live ocelots on her head obscures the fact that she’s a mad talented vocalist. Ask most people if she can actually sing and they probably wouldn’t even know. But the Lady can wail. And she proved it at a Dec. 15 appearance with the Rolling Stones.

While I love Lady Gaga, I often get irritated with her because her penchant for walking around with live ocelots on her head obscures the fact that she’s a mad talented vocalist.

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Asians Are Effing Weird
09 feb 2013 09:22

Snake wine and Scorpion wine are asian beverages that can be found in some Southeast Asian countries such as Vietnam, Thailand, Laos Cambodia, but also in Korea, and Japan. Many types of snake drinks can be found all across Asia, but the most famous one and the only original one is the one found in Vietnam, Thailand, and Laos.

To prepare this strange beverage, a cobra snake or some scorpions are put into a bottle fulfilled with transparent rice wine liquor and some herbs are added before the drink is left to ferment for months. The venomous cobra snake used to make Snake wine is preserved to have the snake poison dissolved in the rice wine, but because snake venoms are protein-based they are inactivated by the denaturing effects of ethanol, and no more dangerous, but this makes a healthy liquor with many health benefits.


Snake wine and Scorpion wine are asian beverages that can be found in some Southeast Asian countries such as Vietnam, Thailand, Laos Cambodia, but also in Korea, and Japan.

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Tug-a Tug-a Choo chooo!
08 feb 2013 17:52

There must be something wrong with these articles of clothing. They just don't seem to be fitting correctly.

There must be something wrong with these articles of clothing. They just don't seem to be fitting correctly.

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The internet makes fun of Beyonce’s halftime photos
08 feb 2013 17:32

Beyonce’s publicist was offended at some of the more “unflattering” photos taken of her during last week’s Super Bowl halftime performance and asked for them to be taken offline. But nobody tells the internet what to do. People on the internet took this as a great opportunity to create these funny photo mashups in response to this request. Here are the hilarious results… The first few photos are the unedited pictures straight from Beyonce’s performance at the Super Bowl.

Beyonce’s publicist was offended at some of the more “unflattering” photos taken of her during last week’s Super Bowl halftime performance and asked for them to be taken offline.

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Some Cool Tights For Your Next Night Out
08 feb 2013 17:00

Tights have been trending since the middle of 2012. Now, in 2013 they're majorly in again as long as they're just a little out of the ordinary. Great places to shop for original tights are Etsy, Asos, and Modcloth.

Tights have been trending since the middle of 2012. Now, in 2013 they're majorly in again as long as they're just a little out of the ordinary.

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08 feb 2013 12:48

Jade is a childhood friend of Princess Kitana. While her motives were unclear, she served Shao Kahn alongside Kitana and Mileena as his personal assassin for most of her life. When Kitana finally turned against Shao Kahn, Jade was ordered to capture her for the Emperor.

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4,000 Pounds of Rocks Fill a Human-Shaped Steel Frame
08 feb 2013 05:54

Florida-based artist Celeste Roberge is fascinated with creating art where there is an intersection of geological time and human time. She identifies the layers of history and memory that exist within everything, from people, to furniture, to natural materials found in the world around us. The artist says she creates sculptures where "the presence of matter and materiality is dominant," and where combinations of fleeting human existence stand in direct harmony with the steady and enduring powers of nature.

Florida-based artist Celeste Roberge is fascinated with creating art where there is an intersection of geological time and human time.

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Shipwrecks at Big Tub Harbour in Lake Huron
08 feb 2013 03:44

Lake Huron is one of the five Great Lakes of North America, a collection of freshwater lakes located in northeastern North America on the Canada–United States border. Aside from Huron, the lakes consist of Lakes Superior, Michigan, Erie, and Ontario. Together they form the largest group of freshwater lakes on Earth, containing 21% of the world's surface fresh water. The lakes are so huge that they are sometimes referred to as the North Coast or "Third Coast" by the people.

Lake Huron is one of the five Great Lakes of North America, a collection of freshwater lakes located in northeastern North America on the Canada–United States border.

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New Guinea is Still Burning Witches
07 feb 2013 17:19

A Young New Guinea Woman, Kepari Leniata, Was Accused of Sorcery and Was Burned Alive!

You read that right, she was burned to death.

20 year-old mother, Kepari Leniata was stripped, tied up with rope, rubbish and old tires tossed on top of her, then lit afire; burned alive! Onlookers watched and photographed the public execution, as if it was something to pop into their family photo  albums as a fond memory.

Kepari Leniata was accused of sorcery by the relatives of a six-year-old boy, who recently died in a hospital under unclear circumstances. These were also the people who chose to take the law into their own hands, and bury the poor woman. Oddly enough, the persecutors were also able to gain support from local citizens, who agreed with what they were doing, and even blocked firefighters who had raced to the scene to put out the blaze. Children and families gathered to watch the cruel murder of Leniata, snapping photos and video footage with their mobile devices.


A Young New Guinea Woman, Kepari Leniata, Was Accused of Sorcery and Was Burned Alive! You read that right, she was burned to death.

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Schrute meme
07 feb 2013 17:00

Need some help today? We'll set you straight towards the right direction.

Need some help today? We'll set you straight towards the right direction.

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The Best Commercial EVER
07 feb 2013 17:00

Somewhere in Belgium, a lot of people are having fun with this button. Press it and get instant Hollywood style drama.

The epic stunt is actually an advertisement for TNT tv and its awesome action films! Would you have the guts to push the button!?

Somewhere in Belgium, a lot of people are having fun with this button. Press it and get instant Hollywood style drama.

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Piggy in a Wheel Chair
07 feb 2013 17:00

"Chris P. Bacon" is the name of an adorable little 4 lb. piglet who has no use of his back legs.

Thanks for veteranarian Dr. Len Lucero, he can now get around on a dog style wheelchair that was custom built out of K’NEX pieces. According to the Toronto Star, Lucero acquired Chris P. Bacon from a young lady who brought the handicapped piglet to his place of work (Eastside Veterinary Hospital in Florida) and did not know what to do with him.

Watch Chris P. Bacon in action in the videos below or follow his challenging journey via Facebook and Twitter!

If there is one complaint that viewers have, however, is that the wheels seem too light for Chris. However, the vet has since weighed the wheels down by about two pounds, and the wheels work better now. At some point, he will graduate to a larger wheelchair donated by the group known as Handicapped Pets.

"Chris P. Bacon" is the name of an adorable little 4 lb. piglet who has no use of his back legs. Thanks for veteranarian Dr.

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Scrap Metal Cat
07 feb 2013 10:15

The author of this sculpture has decided to restore order in his garage. A lot of car parts and scrap metal, a real pity to throw away, so he decided to make something interesting out of them.

The author of this sculpture has decided to restore order in his garage. A lot of car parts and scrap metal, a real pity to throw away, so he decided to make something interesting out of them.

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Sleeveface is a Creative Funny Art Form
07 feb 2013 02:41

Very cool idea... I wish, I had records like these)))

Very cool idea... I wish, I had records like these)))

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Best of the ‘Go Home, You’re Drunk’ Meme
06 feb 2013 17:30

It’s interesting how one picture with a witty caption can become a universally applied meme. One of the most recent examples is the “Go home, you’re drunk!”, which ridicules somebody’s failure, a misplaced object, or just awkward circumstances.

It’s interesting how one picture with a witty caption can become a universally applied meme. One of the most recent examples is the “Go home, you’re drunk!

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Unstoppable Force Paradox
06 feb 2013 16:10

What happens when an unstoppable force meets an unmovable object? If the force moves the object, then it is not unmovable. If the force doesn’t, the force is not unstoppable.ANSWER: This situation can never happen, as if there is an unstoppable force, there couldn’t be an unmovable object and vice versa. More interestingly, there can never be an unmovable object. An unmovable object would have to have infinite inertia, and therefore infinite mass. Infinite mass cannot exist in our finite...

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The Strangest Phone Ever Made
06 feb 2013 01:21

Shoe phone was created by a 41-year-old artist, Sean Miles. It's a fully functional but totally useless phone. You can buy it for $3,950. And some people say that iPhone 5 is expensive...

Shoe phone was created by a 41-year-old artist, Sean Miles. It's a fully functional but totally useless phone. You can buy it for $3,950. And some people say that iPhone 5 is expensive...

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How Is This Horse Real?!
05 feb 2013 17:37

The president of Turkmenistan Kurbanguly Berdymukhamedov who is known for his excellent horsemanship has recently announced a national beauty contest for horses, which will be held every year in April. In fact there is a horse of the ancient Turkmen breed called the Akhal Teke, which is known as "the wings of the Turkmen" residing in Turkey and is considered to be the most beautiful horse in the world. It looks like it came straight out of a fairytale. This horse breed is very elegant and has the shiniest metallic coat. It's thought to be one of the oldest breeds on earth. Currently there are only 3500 of these horses left in the world. It will most likely be the winner of the next competition.

The president of Turkmenistan Kurbanguly Berdymukhamedov who is known for his excellent horsemanship has recently announced a national beauty contest for horses, ...

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Let's Save Some Change With These Owesome Piggy Banks
05 feb 2013 17:00

Have a lot of spare change? Keep track of how much you save in these unlikely little piggy banks. 

People often unestimate how much they can actually save with a piggy bank! Last time I chashed out some $300-400!

Have a lot of spare change? Keep track of how much you save in these unlikely little piggy banks.  People often unestimate how much they can actually save with a piggy bank!

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The Art of Pool Tables
05 feb 2013 17:00

Who says Billiards can't be artistic? If you're investing into a game room at home, take inspiration from these hunky pieces of art. You'll be sure to get the girl with this one ;)

Who says Billiards can't be artistic? If you're investing into a game room at home, take inspiration from these hunky pieces of art. You'll be sure to get the girl with this one ;)

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spoon it!
05 feb 2013 17:00

Hannes Coetzee of South Africa has come up with a new way to playthe slide guitar. It require a teaspoon! 

The technique is called "otel and knyp," and is featured inn a 2003 documentary titled Karoo Kitaar Blues.

Hannes Coetzee of South Africa has come up with a new way to playthe slide guitar. It require a teaspoon!

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Tattooed Celebrities
05 feb 2013 14:58

A lot of celebs have tattoos (not just Miley effing Cyrus!). To many people it's a turn on. What do you think? Should actors have tattoos, or does that just take away from their character?

A lot of celebs have tattoos (not just Miley effing Cyrus!). To many people it's a turn on. What do you think? Should actors have tattoos, or does that just take away from their character?

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King's Richard III Remains Found Under a Parking Lot
05 feb 2013 14:58

The last English king to die in battle, Richard had been buried five centuries earlier with little pomp in the church of the Grey Friars, all physical trace of which had long since been lost. Incredibly, the excavation uncovered not only the friary – preserved underneath a council car park – but also a battle-scarred skeleton with spinal curvature. On 4th February 2013, after a battery of scientific tests, the University announced to the world’s press that these were the remains of Richard III. England’s last Plantagenet monarch had been found…WTF!

The last English king to die in battle, Richard had been buried five centuries earlier with little pomp in the church of the Grey Friars, all physical trace of which had long since been lost.

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Chanel's New Styles Go Ultra Art Deco
05 feb 2013 15:03

Iconic brand, Chanel has been all over the place these passed few years. Now they've come up with a blast from the past, magnified to a whole new degree. Chanel took it's runway from minimal to maximum with these oversized circle bags and rectangular cut outs.

Iconic brand, Chanel has been all over the place these passed few years. Now they've come up with a blast from the past, magnified to a whole new degree.

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Bored of Your Haircut? Her's a Few "Fresh" Ideas
05 feb 2013 14:54

The seasons are changing, and that means your hair should too! Spring is known for the best time of year for change. Are you ready to try something new? Well, as long as you don't plan on getting any of these awful dos, you're fine :))

The seasons are changing, and that means your hair should too! Spring is known for the best time of year for change.

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Cool Sunglasses Ideas
05 feb 2013 14:46

Most folks don't realize just hot much harmful light is damaging to the eyes on a rainy, snowy, or cloudy day. If you find yourself needing to use eyedrops often, it might be because of the extreme UV exposure. Try on some cool shades for a change. 

Most folks don't realize just hot much harmful light is damaging to the eyes on a rainy, snowy, or cloudy day.

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