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Don't Do It Men!
05 jul 2013 14:13

There are a lot of ways for guys to win over a lady. Unfortunately, There are also a ton of reasons men screw up their chances with particular women. Here are some of the worst ways you can mess up your chances.

There are a lot of ways for guys to win over a lady. Unfortunately, There are also a ton of reasons men screw up their chances with particular women.

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Easily Startled French Cook Gets Scared Over and Over Again
05 jul 2013 13:54

French YouTuber NICOLAS HUSARD published this video on the First of July, and already is has accumulated over a quarter million hits. The video features a French kitchen worker who is frightened by his coworker over and over until his pants have a permanent stain.

French YouTuber NICOLAS HUSARD published this video on the First of July, and already is has accumulated over a quarter million hits.

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Fur Coat Made Out Of Men’s Chest Hair
05 jul 2013 13:52

Here’s a coat made out of men’s chest hair. Well, presumably men’s, but who knows? Maybe we got some lady chest hairs in there too! One could hope spend their time pondering more important things. The Human Fur Coat costs £2,499 (just over $3,800) and took over 200 hours to weave. LOLWUT? Two-hundred hours? That is a lot of hours to spend doing anything. Especially anything that involves handling a bunch of random dudes’ chest hair. Thanks to The Royal Angel King for the tip. I heard his chest hair is made of angel hair pasta. Cool!

Here’s a coat made out of men’s chest hair. Well, presumably men’s, but who knows? Maybe we got some lady chest hairs in there too! One could hope spend their time pondering more important things.

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Reinterpreting Disney Princess Costumes Through a Historical Lens
05 jul 2013 13:48

If you grew up watching Disney movies, then you can probably picture the evening gown that Cinderella wore to Prince Charming’s ball or what Jasmine was wearing when she took that magic carpet ride with Aladdin. What you probably never considered was whether or not these signature ensembles were historically accurate. LA-based illustrator Claire Hummel, an artist for Microsoft Game Studios Publishing, decided to do some research on the subject, and the resulting images, while not necessarily the stuff of childhood memories, provide an interesting glimpse into the history of fashion.

If you grew up watching Disney movies, then you can probably picture the evening gown that Cinderella wore to Prince Charming’s ball or what Jasmine was wearing when she took that magic carpet...

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Strange, Ironic, and Hilarious Fireworks Packaging
05 jul 2013 13:43

Every year, Cabel Maxfield Sasser visits Blackjack Fireworks in Vancouver, Washington and takes a look at colorful, ironic, and absolutely hilarious fireworks packaging. More of the weird fireworks packages he discovered this year can be viewed on Sasser’s blog.

Every year, Cabel Maxfield Sasser visits Blackjack Fireworks in Vancouver, Washington and takes a look at colorful, ironic, and absolutely hilarious fireworks packaging.

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Minimalist Screen Printed Posters of Classic Cocktails
05 jul 2013 13:42

Classic cocktails like the Moscow Mule and the Old Fashioned are rendered as minimalist screen printed graphics in this cocktail poster series by design duo Crispin Finn (Anna Fidalgo and Roger Kelly).

Classic cocktails like the Moscow Mule and the Old Fashioned are rendered as minimalist screen printed graphics in this cocktail poster series by design duo Crispin Finn (Anna Fidalgo and Roger...

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Ultimate Weird Japanese Commercials Compilation
05 jul 2013 13:38

We’re no strangers to weird ass commercials, even foreign weird ass commercials but this compliaction of weird ass Japanese commericals features some of the weirdiest assiest commericals we’ve ever seen. It’s got jingles about “jerry beans” that blush when their underpants get pulled off, giant tanuki testicles, Tommy Lee Jones shouting at high school students in Japanese, and much more weird ass stuff. Not that you’d need more, because that’s a lot of weird ass stuff already. Unless you’re from Japan, then it’s a lot average ass stuff.

We’re no strangers to weird ass commercials, even foreign weird ass commercials but this compliaction of weird ass Japanese commericals features some of the weirdiest assiest commericals we’ve...

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Man Spends 16 Years Building a Gigantic Model Railway
05 jul 2013 12:34

This impressive model was built by New Jersey local, Bruce Williams and has over 12 km of track, 100 trains, 400 bridges, over 3000 buildings, 50,000 trees and much more.

This impressive model was built by New Jersey local, Bruce Williams and has over 12 km of track, 100 trains, 400 bridges, over 3000 buildings, 50,000 trees and much more.

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Stunning Underwater Photos of People Fighting Against the Ocean
05 jul 2013 12:14

Mark Tipple, a rapidly emerging Australian documentary photographer, captures people completely out of their element in his Underwater Project photo series. Exploring Australia’s relationship with the ocean, Mark goes below the sea surface and photographs swimmers and surfers not when they’re on top of the wave, but after they get underwater and forget all about posing and smiling. Every pictures is uniquely organic, with tightened face muscles in reaction to the dive, eyes shut tightly and fingers clawing to the sand. While going through the photos, not only do you get to practically feel people’s struggle against the element, but you can also admire the beauty of the underwater world, with different shades of water splashes and the waves.

Mark Tipple, a rapidly emerging Australian documentary photographer, captures people completely out of their element in his Underwater Project photo series.

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Outer Child Photography by Cristian Girotto
05 jul 2013 12:03

The man-baby amalgamations combine the haggardness brought on by adult life with the doughy cheeks and hopeful grins of youth. Girotto and Curtat’s combined forces create miniature people so convincingly creepy they make Oompa Loompas look adorable. Peruse the series below and let us know if the image of a toddler with chest hair scarred you for life.

The man-baby amalgamations combine the haggardness brought on by adult life with the doughy cheeks and hopeful grins of youth.

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Barbie in Real Life
05 jul 2013 12:00

The American artist has created a Barbie doll with the proportions of an average girl. Barbie doll figure is very different from the figure of an ordinary woman: she is anorexic thin, with unrealistically thin waist and a child-sized legs. This creates an unhealthy thoughts about your body shape in girls and adults is a concern. His contribution to the coverage of this issue has made American artist Nickolay Lamm.

The American artist has created a Barbie doll with the proportions of an average girl. Barbie doll figure is very different from the figure of an ordinary woman: she is anorexic thin, ...

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First time watching fireworks:
05 jul 2013 11:51

Kids have the darndest reactions to things. Whether they're seeing a worm for the first time or learning they're getting a new brother or sister, the cute-o-meter registers sky-high levels of adorable when confronted with this kind of happiness. Take a look at pictures of 23 kids who are seeing things for the first time, and try to remember the last time you were this elated.

Kids have the darndest reactions to things. Whether they're seeing a worm for the first time or learning they're getting a new brother or sister, ...

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Empire State Building's Dazzling 4th of July Light Show
05 jul 2013 11:34

Thursday night, if you were in New York you may have witnessed an epic light show high up in the sky. During the grand finale, while the final fireworks exploded over the Hudson River for the 37th Annual Macy’s Fourth of July fireworks display, a brand new light show on a world famous building joined in on the fun. With music curated by Usher, a dazzling array of lights synched to both the music and the fireworks lit up the Empire State Building. The light show was created by lighting design artist Marc Brickman.

Thursday night, if you were in New York you may have witnessed an epic light show high up in the sky.

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Funny Pictures with Captions
05 jul 2013 11:21

Here is a hilarious compilation of pictures with captions. This compilation proves that words can make the photo muck funnier, that it originally was. So enjoy!)

Here is a hilarious compilation of pictures with captions. This compilation proves that words can make the photo muck funnier, that it originally was. So enjoy!)

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Dexter Cake
05 jul 2013 11:13

Dexter cake was created by a food artist Annabel de Vetten to celebrate the final series of Dexter. Have you already watched the first episode? It was pretty good.

Dexter cake was created by a food artist Annabel de Vetten to celebrate the final series of Dexter. Have you already watched the first episode? It was pretty good.

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Best New Yorker cartoons of all time
04 jul 2013 13:26

Bob Mankoff has been publishing cartoons in the New Yorker for over 30 years and has been the cartoon editor there for about half that time. After a recent TED talk he gave, they asked him to choose his favorite New Yorker cartoons ever. He listed 11. Here are a few of them…

Bob Mankoff has been publishing cartoons in the New Yorker for over 30 years and has been the cartoon editor there for about half that time.

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Surviving the World
04 jul 2013 13:22

I wonder how blogger would fare in Dante Shepherd's Surviving the World series, a nifty webcomic "lessons" he started back in 2008 (and has been going strong ever since!). take a look at his lessons.

I wonder how blogger would fare in Dante Shepherd's Surviving the World series, a nifty webcomic "lessons" he started back in 2008 (and has been going strong ever since!). take a look at his lessons.

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Taipei Landscapes Served in Traditional Porcelain Bowls
04 jul 2013 13:19

From a young age, Shanghai-based artist Yang Yongliang has explored Chinese art and calligraphy, but, even with its thousands of years of history, he is concerned that these traditional art forms are moving towards extinction. However, the artist believes that there are ways to move this art culture into more modern times by using the newest technology and techniques and blending them with the old. He says, "As long as the characteristics don't change, the media you use to express the art doesn't matter."

From a young age, Shanghai-based artist Yang Yongliang has explored Chinese art and calligraphy, but, even with its thousands of years of history, ...

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Meet Norm, the Personality-Filled Pug
04 jul 2013 13:16

In the latest issue of Ludique Magazine, the online publication all about mobile photography, you'll find a great little story about one of the most personality-filled pugs you'll ever come across. Seattle-based Jeremy Veach has been the proud owner of Norm, his four-legged friend, since the pup was just 8 weeks old (he's now 1 1/2). Soon after Jeremy got him, he started taking photos of the photogenic dog, inspired by some canine favorites like good 'ol Maddie, and began posting them on Instagram. (Jermzlee now has almost 24,000 followers.) Most hilarious are the "selfies" where it looks like Norm is taking a picture of himself. All in all, we can appreciate how owner Jeremy always changes things up, adding funny captions and even posing with Norm in a few of the shots. "He loves the pictures and gets really into it," Jeremy told Ludique. "And when there is something he doesn't like, I can tell, and I just will move on to a new idea." Now here are some of our favorite shots.

In the latest issue of Ludique Magazine, the online publication all about mobile photography, you'll find a great little story about one of the most personality-filled pugs you'll ever come across.

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3D-Printing Technology Produces Modern Exoskeletal Cast
04 jul 2013 13:13

With this new 3D-printed exoskeletal cast idea, the incredibly fun and funky looking design provides a bit of leeway when it comes to scratching that itch halfway down your arm or balancing one leg outside of the shower so as not to get the cast wet. Victoria University of Wellington Architecture and Design school graduate Jake Evill recently developed this concept, called Cortex.

With this new 3D-printed exoskeletal cast idea, the incredibly fun and funky looking design provides a bit of leeway when it comes to scratching that itch halfway down your arm or balancing one...

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Weather woman drops her fake smile before the camera is off her
04 jul 2013 13:08

BBC London weather presenter Wendy Hurrell finishes the weather with a face that matches the sunny weekend she’s predicting. But then she lets down the facade just a bit too soon… In response to her little gaffe going viral, she has explained that the frustration was due to technical problems, specifically that she had just done her spiel without any graphics to go on.

BBC London weather presenter Wendy Hurrell finishes the weather with a face that matches the sunny weekend she’s predicting.

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Incredibly Colorful Rock Formations in China
04 jul 2013 13:03

We are living in times when Photoshop is capable of practically anything, but this time it has nothing to do with this article! Zhangye Danxia Landform in China is just one of those places that are hard to believe really exist. Located in Gansu province, a naturally formed landscape astonishes its visitors with the burst of colors – its streaks of yellow, orange and red to emerald, green and blue make it hard to believe it’s all real. The vast area of intensely colored valleys, waterfalls and natural pillars looks surreal in the pictures, reminding more of a impressionistic painting than a photograph.

We are living in times when Photoshop is capable of practically anything, but this time it has nothing to do with this article!

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School Teacher Wears The Same Outfit for 40 Years
04 jul 2013 13:00

There are superstars who wouldn’t wear the same dress twice, but this one teacher from Prestonwood Elementary in Richardson, USA, had himself photographed with the same outfit for 40 years in a row. PE teacher Dale Irby started his legendary yearbook photograph sequence by mistake, when he realized we was wearing the same polyester shirt and coffee-colored sweater like he did for the photo shoot one year ago, back in 1973.

There are superstars who wouldn’t wear the same dress twice, but this one teacher from Prestonwood Elementary in Richardson, USA, had himself photographed with the same outfit for 40 years in a row.

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Huge Mural of a Graffiting Grandma in Montreal
04 jul 2013 12:57

It's been a few years since we wrote about Montreal-based artist collective A'shop but the team is back. One of their latest works was for the MURAL street art festival that recently took place on Saint-Laurent Boulevard, in downtown Montreal. As one of twenty street artists that came from all over the world, A'shop painted one huge side of a building in some eye-popping colors. Their piece featured a colorfully dressed grandma spray painting into the sky. (Check out the amazing details like that sick graffiti dress!)

It's been a few years since we wrote about Montreal-based artist collective A'shop but the team is back.

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Electronic Performers Use Their Bodies as a Brush
04 jul 2013 12:54

Trinity is an immersive performance using interactive technology by Electronic Performers. Designed and produced by Oscar Sol, the piece integrates sound, dance, and visuals to present a dynamic view of motion. Using video cameras installed above the stage and under infrared lighting, along with position tracking technology, the piece is animated in real-time through live interaction.

Trinity is an immersive performance using interactive technology by Electronic Performers. Designed and produced by Oscar Sol, the piece integrates sound, dance, ...

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A Velvet Covered Ferrari
04 jul 2013 12:51

This Ferrari 599 was spotted on the streets of London and passers-by were fascinated by it due to its unique velvet covering. Bizarre bodywork would have cost $7,500 (£5,000) to apply. Isn’t it just too ugly for words?

This Ferrari 599 was spotted on the streets of London and passers-by were fascinated by it due to its unique velvet covering. Bizarre bodywork would have cost $7,500 (£5,000) to apply.

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Baby Bird Is Rescued by the Kindness of Man
04 jul 2013 12:50

This tiny bird fell to the ground in someone’s home as a result of the scorching heat. The people who witnessed him crash to the ground rescued him from the hot pavement and revived him with water. Here are some photos of the event.

This tiny bird fell to the ground in someone’s home as a result of the scorching heat. The people who witnessed him crash to the ground rescued him from the hot pavement and revived him with water.

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This Woman Chose an Unusual Way of Dealing with Her Divorce
04 jul 2013 12:47

When Amanda Brignall separated from her husband at the age of 37, she decided to change her life and chose to undergo a dramatic makeover… The mom of two from Beverley, Yorkshire started adding tattoos to her body almost every week and now at 49 years old, approximately 80 percent of her body is covered in ink, including her face. The only problem is that she has not been on a date in seven years as the tattoos seem to scare men off!

When Amanda Brignall separated from her husband at the age of 37, she decided to change her life and chose to undergo a dramatic makeover… The mom of two from Beverley, ...

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Book Titles With One Letter Missing
04 jul 2013 12:29

Sometimes hashtags are annoying, but sometimes they bring out creative genius. Take “Books With a Letter Missing” (#bookswithalettermissing). Though many Twitter users have contributed ideas, one, @darth, has actually been Photoshopping the covers of these “fake” books.

Sometimes hashtags are annoying, but sometimes they bring out creative genius. Take “Books With a Letter Missing” (#bookswithalettermissing).

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The Best Selfie Ever
04 jul 2013 12:21

Three Nebaraskan girls, who filmed themselves storming the field at the College World Series last week, have earned themselves a possible $1,500 fine for their daring stunt but at least have a couple of amusing cell phone videos to remember it by. The girls, who appear to be sisters, rushed onto the field during the series final between UCLA and Mississippi State on June 25 in Omaha. They captured every detail of their brush with the law on camera-phone - including a rather disgruntled looking security guard wrestling them off the field. Kayleigh, Emily and Torrie Hill let their social media followers know of the daring plan while sitting watching the game.

Three Nebaraskan girls, who filmed themselves storming the field at the College World Series last week, have earned themselves a possible $1, ...

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Signs It’s Too Hot Outside
04 jul 2013 12:11

Summer has barely started and it’s already insufferably hot in the United States. If you’re wondering whether or not it’s too hot, here are a few signs to look for…

Summer has barely started and it’s already insufferably hot in the United States. If you’re wondering whether or not it’s too hot, here are a few signs to look for…

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NEWS: Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi Has Been Removed From Office
03 jul 2013 22:20

Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi previously had one claim to fame – he was the country’s first president elected through a democratic process. As of this afternoon, he now has another nail to hang his hat on – he was Egypt’s first democratically-elected president to be ousted from office. In a television address earlier today, General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi declared that Morsi is no longer in charge of the country, as he has been effectively overthrown in the wake of the incredible protests that have filled the streets of Cairo for the past several days. The announcement by the army follows the ultimatum that it issued to Morsi to either reach an agreement with the demands of the millions of people calling for his resignation or be removed from office. Despite the pressure from the protesting party, the Tamarod, Morsi remained steadfast that he was the elected leader of Egypt. Today, “was” is the key word. Morsi is now in hiding as the protesters and his opposition celebrate their victory, while Egypt’s government will be controlled by the head of the constitutional court until new elections can be held, according to Sultan Sooud Al Qassemi, a commentator on Arab affairs, whose Twitter feed has served as a good source of both the news and emotions coming from Cairo today.

Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi previously had one claim to fame – he was the country’s first president elected through a democratic process.

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BREAKING NEWS: Doug Engelbart, Inventor Of The Mouse, Has Passed Away
03 jul 2013 22:17

American inventor Doug Engelbart passed away last night at the age of 88 from kidney failure, and while he’ll be known as many things – husband, father, grandfather and the creator of hypertext – he’ll forever be known as the man who invented the original computer mouse. In a 2004 interview with Wired, Engelbart offered some insight into his technological legacy that he first started developing more than five decades ago. I first started making notes for the mouse in ’61. At the time, the popular device for pointing on the screen was a light pen, which had come out of the radar program during the war. It was the standard way to navigate, but I didn’t think it was quite right…We set up our experiments and the mouse won in every category, even though it had never been used before. It was faster, and with it people made fewer mistakes. Five or six of us were involved in these tests, but no one can remember who started calling it a mouse. I’m surprised the name stuck. (Via Wired, H/T to Tech Crunch) Engelbart patented his mouse in 1970, but it didn’t become an everyday computer accessory until 1984, when it was included with the Apple Macintosh. However, according to Fox News, Engelbart’s patent expired just three years later, after which the patent became public domain and he never made much money at all from the mouse. Regardless, between the mouse and his many other accomplishments, Engelbart is remembered fondly in his industry as a man who saw the future of today’s computers and networking long before anyone else.

American inventor Doug Engelbart passed away last night at the age of 88 from kidney failure, and while he’ll be known as many things – husband, father, ...

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Miley Cyrus Thinks She Was Lil Kim In Another Life
03 jul 2013 22:14

Miley Cyrus recently sat down for an interview with to discuss, among other things, her musical inspirations, and she named the five female singers who have had the greatest impact on her. For starters, she mentioned her godmother Dolly Parton as being the influence of her childhood, and followed that up with Joan Jett, because she “represented a time when females weren’t supposed to come out and kick ass” and that’s a pretty solid 1-2 punch. Her third choice, however, was a bit more intriguing, as she said that it’s Lil Kim because “She just is” and then it got a little confusing. “In my past life, I feel like that was me, like Lil Kim is who I am, like, on the inside, and she just makes me happy listening to her music, and she is, like – I just love her.” I don’t know if that means that Miley thinks that Lil Kim is dead and she was Lil Kim before she died, or if she means that in her past life, she was someone like Lil Kim. I think it’s the latter. And does she mean that she’s Lil Kim pre-plastic surgery or Lil Kim after plastic surgery, because there’s a pretty big difference these days.

Miley Cyrus recently sat down for an interview with to discuss, among other things, her musical inspirations, ...

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LEGO’s New ‘Lord Of The Rings’ Tower Of Orthanc Is Pretty Amazing
03 jul 2013 22:13

One of the cool things about having young nieces and nephews is that I can buy them the latest and most awesome LEGO sets under the complete guise that I’m going to help them put them all together so they can play with them. But what they don’t realize is that they’re mine! They’re all mine, so they have to keep their grubby little fingers off of them! Next up on the list? The relatively new Lord of the Rings Tower of Orthanc set that just debuted on the official LEGO online store. Back in April, the three designers behind this awesome toy project recorded a video (after the jump) explaining what the massive tower would come with, and for the hefty price of $199.99, LEGO enthusiasts and LOtR fans get the six-floor tower, 5 character figures, as Great Eagle and their very own Ent. Although, for $200 I should be able to summon my own army of Uruk-hai.

One of the cool things about having young nieces and nephews is that I can buy them the latest and most awesome LEGO sets under the complete guise that I’m going to help them put them all together...

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