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This Week in Popular Movie Posters!
03 jul 2013 22:07

AFTERNOON DELIGHT: The trailer for this one hit the other day, so that's after the jump. But since this feature is about posters, let's talk about that. I'm not sure I like the neon light approach to this one. For one thing, the poster seems to depict a problem marriage, but the mysterious cure for this common marriage seems pretty obvious: buy that broad her own laptop! That way, instead of sitting there all bored and neglected with no one to keep her company but her Jamba Juice, BOOM, you're LAN partyin'.

AFTERNOON DELIGHT: The trailer for this one hit the other day, so that's after the jump. But since this feature is about posters, let's talk about that.

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5 Things You May Not Know About The Cast Of USA Network's 'Suits'
03 jul 2013 22:00

The third season premiere of USA Network’s Suits debuts on Tuesday, July 16th, and I’ve seen it. It’s good. If you’ve been following the show all along, you should know that the premiere ratchets up the interoffice politics to an even greater degree next season. It looks like the season’s big bad, so to speak, is Edward Darby, the British guy who merged his firm with Pearson Hardman at the end of last season. Edward Darby is played by Conleth Hill, and even though he was in two episodes last season, and even though I am obviously a religious viewer of Game of Thrones, it took me until midway through the third-season premiere to realize that, “Hey! That’s Varys!” Sometimes, outside of context, it just never clicks.

The third season premiere of USA Network’s Suits debuts on Tuesday, July 16th, and I’ve seen it. It’s good.

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10 Things We Know About Jay-Z's 'Magna Carta Holy Grail'
03 jul 2013 21:55

A couple of weeks ago, Jay-Z and Samsung released a commercial during the NBA Finals to shock the world with an announcement that his new album, Magna Carta Holy Grail, would be released on July 4th for Samsung users and nationwide three days later. Other than that, we don’t know much. Jay and company have embarked on a quizzical rollout that only includes the lyrics to the album. It’s easily one of the most worthless forms of anticipation for an album in recent memory. Rap lyrics with no audible context? Why? But have no fear. We’ve gathered some info that’s leaked over the last few weeks to come up with clues of what to expect from what will either be one of Jay-Z’s milestone projects or the rap version of Star Wars: Episode 1. Take a look.

A couple of weeks ago, Jay-Z and Samsung released a commercial during the NBA Finals to shock the world with an announcement that his new album, Magna Carta Holy Grail, ...

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Arrested Development Season 4 A New Attitude In-Depth Recap
03 jul 2013 21:51

Beyond the Binge reflects on episodes from a full season perspective. It is not intended to be spoiler-heavy, but there will be some spoilers throughout. Previously: Queen B. Short of line-by-line highlighting the entire episode there’s very little I can do to convey the sheer brilliance that is “A New Attitude.” If you left “Colony Collapse” assuming it would be your favorite of Season 4, I’ll venture a guess that you crowned a new champion by the time the credits rolled here. So much GOB goodness, surface jokes and meta jokes galore, storylines coming together, perfectly utilized Ben Stiller, this episode is Season 4 at its absolute best. I got all tingly when the mariachi band played. So perfect. Let’s get right to what you may have missed and then handle the rest of the highlighting in the comments, shall we? That way we can entertain each other over our national holiday in the thread below. Man, I have been over-explaining the sh*t out of everything lately. “Is yours Julie Bowen?” Presumably because Mitch Hurwitz has on many occasions alluded to Modern Family being a more mainstreamed version of Arrested Development, there are several Modern Family references throughout Season 4, the best of course being this opening bit where GOB and Michael get competitive over the fact that neither of them is dating Julie Bowen.

Beyond the Binge reflects on episodes from a full season perspective. It is not intended to be spoiler-heavy, but there will be some spoilers throughout. Previously: Queen B.

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Have a Blast With This Fourth of July Survival Guide
03 jul 2013 21:46

With Independence Day approaching, it’s time for us to reflect on what makes our nation great, remember the heroes who have made her what she is, and get rip-roaring wild while fireworks light up the sky above us. It’s a wonderful time, as long as you can avoid the all too common summer hazards like sunburn, poison ivy, food poisoning, and losing fingers to firecrackers. But we’re safeguarding your holiday with some survival tips that will keep everything awesome.

With Independence Day approaching, it’s time for us to reflect on what makes our nation great, remember the heroes who have made her what she is, ...

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Thug Notes Will Explain ’1984′ in a Way You Understand
03 jul 2013 21:43

Thug Notes is definitely our favorite web series at the moment. After we saw Dr. Sparky Sweets’ analysis of ‘To Kill a Mockingbird,’ which quickly became a viral hit, we went back and watched all the other Thug Notes videos. Now ’1984′ by George Orwell is added to the Thug Notes canon. We think this book is just as relevant as ever; after all, sales of the book did spike on Amazon after Edward Snowden leaked all those secrets about the NSA. Does giving away your freedom in order to be free remind anyone else of doublethink? Needless to say, we can’t wait for the next one.

Thug Notes is definitely our favorite web series at the moment. After we saw Dr. Sparky Sweets’ analysis of ‘To Kill a Mockingbird,’ which quickly became a viral hit, ...

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Historical Photos Colorized And Brought Back To Life
03 jul 2013 21:41

In a world of continual status updates, countless photos, millions of videos and internet speeds that continue to bring us information faster than ever before – there’s little time to catch your breath. Forget having a quiet moment for reflection or contemplation, even that’s now been consigned browsing a Wikipedia page on your smartphone. Yet pausing occassionally to sit back and soak in our history can prove invaluable A glimpse into our past, provides powerful reminder of just how far we’ve come as a society and also, how some things never truly change. Recently we’ve taken you back down memory lane into Life In 19th Century New York, shown you the Childhood Photos Of The World’s Most Brutal Dictators and even put together this unique list of 30 Must-See Photographs From Our Past - but today we’re doing something different. We wanted to add a new twist by highlighting a series of historical photographs that have been brilliantly brought back to life in colour. These colorised photoshopped images are interpretations based solely on the drawings, fashion and art at the time. But they give us a closer connection to our past and serve as proof that not everything about our history is always black and white….

In a world of continual status updates, countless photos, millions of videos and internet speeds that continue to bring us information faster than ever before – there’s little time to catch your...

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This Ukrainian Outdoor Gym Is Made From Scrap Metal
03 jul 2013 21:40

It’s a long way from the likes of Venice Beach, but Kachalka Muscle Beach in Kiev, Ukraine is home to just as many muscle-bound individuals. The key difference though is that they pump iron, not on state of the art gym equipment, but by using a devices, weights and machine built from scrap metal. One mans old tractor axle, is another man’s weight lift! And whilst the gear they use is different to just about every single gym in the developed world – the results are the same. When it comes to Kachalka Muscle Beach, the former machines of the industrial revolution are turning the locals into leaner and meaner machines themselves.

It’s a long way from the likes of Venice Beach, but Kachalka Muscle Beach in Kiev, Ukraine is home to just as many muscle-bound individuals.

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Soon! Nope Never Mind, Now!
03 jul 2013 15:22

Here are today's top funny internet photos. This photo gallery is guaranteed to give you a good laugh and smile. Today is almost over people! Don't worry you can make it! Tomorrow is a holiday so cheer up and have a laugh!!!

Here are today's top funny internet photos. This photo gallery is guaranteed to give you a good laugh and smile.

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Patriotic Cat
03 jul 2013 15:12

America!! Here are some pet's who love the USA! This animals are more patriotic than most people I know. Have a Happy Fourth Of July Everyone!

America!! Here are some pet's who love the USA! This animals are more patriotic than most people I know. Have a Happy Fourth Of July Everyone!

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Johnny Depp Making Weird Faces - Supercut
03 jul 2013 15:11

Need a good laugh? Check this video out of Johnny Depp making strange and Wacky Faces. Over his career Johnny Depp has been in some funny roles. Here are some of his most memorable funny moments. This is some great acting!

Need a good laugh? Check this video out of Johnny Depp making strange and Wacky Faces. Over his career Johnny Depp has been in some funny roles. Here are some of his most memorable funny moments.

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Best Maid of Honor Toast Ever (Eminem Rap)
03 jul 2013 14:44

Jennifer Gabrielli might have just given the internet the best maid of honor toast ever given. Take a look at this Eminem Rap Style Speech. Impressive work! This is one cool toast.

Jennifer Gabrielli might have just given the internet the best maid of honor toast ever given. Take a look at this Eminem Rap Style Speech. Impressive work! This is one cool toast.

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Fat People Use The Stairs
03 jul 2013 14:22

Elevators are usually a place where we have those awkward 2 minute conversations. We talk about the weather or what we are doing for the weekend. Well, that's what happens when you ride up or down with someone. These people made a passive attempt to joke with their neighbors or coworkers. Here are some hilarious elevator letters.

Elevators are usually a place where we have those awkward 2 minute conversations. We talk about the weather or what we are doing for the weekend.

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Chuck Norris Knows
03 jul 2013 14:15

This is America!! Enjoy your 4th of July! This funny photo gallery should help you appreciate America this much more. Murica! Loud and proud! Have fun tomorrow, Careful with those fireworks!

This is America!! Enjoy your 4th of July! This funny photo gallery should help you appreciate America this much more. Murica! Loud and proud! Have fun tomorrow, Careful with those fireworks!

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Mad Men Season 6 Screenshots With Things Hilariously Written On Them
02 jul 2013 16:58

It's a senseless tragedy that brilliant Tumblr "Mad Men Screenshots with Things Drawn On Them" has been around for years and I'm just now finding out about it. Oh, the times we could have had with acid trips. But much like puberty, I'll take this better late than never. The concept has really hit a refined groove in season six, so maybe the timing is for the best. If I had been on this years ago I probably wouldn't want the next Pete Campbell masterpiece hanging over my fireplace as badly as I do now. I honestly can't think of a better way to ease into the depressing truth that we'll be without Bob Benson, bearded Stan, and Sterling's gold until 2014 after Sunday night. So strap your knees down and prepare to have your Friday made. I defy you not to laugh Bert's balls off.

It's a senseless tragedy that brilliant Tumblr "Mad Men Screenshots with Things Drawn On Them" has been around for years and I'm just now finding out about it.

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Dwarves Get In Shape And Cherries Get Popped: 'The Hobbit' Video Blog
02 jul 2013 16:55

Peter Jackson released the second production blog for The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (first one here) along with an announcement. He says they won’t be present at San Diego Comic-Con this year, his reason being that they’ll be shooting pickup scenes that week and he doesn’t have time to get a sizzle reel ready while staying on schedule for Smaug‘s release this December 13th. We suspect he may also be avoiding a repeat of last year’s Barfgate™. But any disappointment about the lack of Comic-Con clips evaporated when the video introduced us to “Dwarvicising”.

Peter Jackson released the second production blog for The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (first one here) along with an announcement.

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'Game of Thrones' Characters Reimagined As '80s And '90s Stereotypes
02 jul 2013 16:54

Last month we enjoyed artist Mike Wrobel's depiction of Game of Thrones characters if they lived in the 1980s and '90s. Now he's back with another set of our favorite Westeros residents as fashion stereotypes drenched in pastel and cheesy fashions. There's Tyrion Lannister in a shirt based on a Parker Lewis Can't Lose episode. Khal Drogo and Bronn both look suitably badass in grunge gear and Adidas tracksuit, respectively. Cersei Lannister is looking as quarrelsome as ever in glam rock mode. Margaery Tyrell is channeling Six from Blossom (Don't know about the future; that's anybody's guess). And then there's Theon Greyjoy in a picture which simultaneously made me laugh-groan and get the heebee-jeebies. All pictures (save for the last one) are from Mike Wrobel's website here, here, and here. Prints are available in Wrobel's Society6 shop:

Last month we enjoyed artist Mike Wrobel's depiction of Game of Thrones characters if they lived in the 1980s and '90s.

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'The Wolverine' Unsheaths New Footage And Photos
02 jul 2013 16:46

The Wolverine or as we like to call it Let's Just Gloss Over X3 And Origins, Sound Good? arrives July 16th, and Fox has been firing up the hype machine accordingly. We've got a new featurette, and a big, big pile of photos. First, there's this featurette, which has plenty of new footage, a fair chunk of which is dedicated to reassuring us all our favorite Japanese stereotypes will be on display: The action scenes look pretty good, we have to admit, although the plot seems even more extraneous than it already was. Also, we're starting to think Yukio, the red-headed ninja waif, has pretty low odds of making it out of this movie alive. Fox also revealed some exclusive pictures over on IGN, featuring more of Yukio, Mariko (who is apparently less of a doormat here than in the comics), the Silver Samurai, and, oh yeah, Wolverine.

The Wolverine or as we like to call it Let's Just Gloss Over X3 And Origins, Sound Good? arrives July 16th, and Fox has been firing up the hype machine accordingly.

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George Michael Bluth's Unfailing Internal Clock Hilariously Tested
02 jul 2013 16:44

I should probably save this for the “It Gets Better” installment of Beyond the Binge, but I honestly can’t help myself, not to mention it’s July 2nd and yesterday was Canada Day and Michael Cera grew up in Ontario so I would be doing the universe a disservice if avoided all the signs. Anyhoo, one stickler-for-details Arrested Development fan decided he’d test George Michael Bluth’s “unfailing internal clock” in one of my favorite scenes from S4 and said test led to him sharing his findings in the below YouTube video and r/Arrested Development with the caption, “I timed George Michael’s ‘unfailing internal clock.’ I don’t know what I expected.” I enjoyed this more than I can justify.

I should probably save this for the “It Gets Better” installment of Beyond the Binge, but I honestly can’t help myself, ...

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TRENDING NEWS: Police In Hawthorne, Ca Arrest A Man And Shoot His Dog
02 jul 2013 16:42

I just want to warn you up front that this is one of the most disturbing things you will ever see, especially if you’re a lover of dogs. With that said, it’s something that probably needs to seen, precisely because it’s so disturbing on a number of levels. Here’s the gist of what happens in the video embedded below: a man named Leon Rosby is seen videoing some sort of large police operation going on in a residential part of Hawthorne, CA while walking his dog, Max. A couple of cops near the scene then walk over and promptly slap handcuffs on Rosby, who had put Max in his car when the officers began to approach him. When Rosby’s dog saw the officers arresting its owner from the car, it naturally got upset and began barking, eventually jumping out the window of the car to run to Rosby’s aid. One of the cops then unloaded on the animal. All of this was captured on video by other bystanders. Again, I warn you, this is very disturbing to watch, so proceed with caution before you press play. According to a report by the Daily Breeze, Hawthorne police claim they arrested Rosby because the music playing in his car was loud and was “distracting the officers.” Additionally, Rosby had previously refused to comply with a request by police on the scene to turn down the music. As for why they shot Max, a police spokesman said they did it out of concern for the safety of the officers, but also out of concern for Rosby: “We’ve got a guy handcuffed that’s kind of defenseless. We have a duty to defend him, too.” I guess pepper spray or, you know, uncuffing Rosby so that he could calm his dog weren’t viable alternatives to deadly force. Also, I’m sure it’s no big deal that this took place in Los Angeles County and involves a black man and two white cops. Ugh.

I just want to warn you up front that this is one of the most disturbing things you will ever see, especially if you’re a lover of dogs.

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Don't Look Down: Real Parkour Video Is Close To 'Mirror's Edge' Game
02 jul 2013 16:25

So, there’s a new Mirror’s Edge game on the way. That’s exciting — or at least it is if you can handle playing that sort of game. I’m both prone to motion sickness, and scared s–tless of heights, so the Mirror’s Edge games are mostly just terrifying and uncomfortable for me. Speaking of terrifying and uncomfortable, some British guys went and strapped a camera to themselves as they were bounding around rooftops and construction sites and the result is a video that looks shockingly similar to Mirror’s Edge gameplay. I had to watch the entire thing through my fingers…

So, there’s a new Mirror’s Edge game on the way. That’s exciting — or at least it is if you can handle playing that sort of game.

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Ring In The Fourth Of July Early With Captain America GIFs
02 jul 2013 16:23

It's the Fourth of July this week, that most American of holidays. And so for our regular Tuesday GIF round up, we focus on that most American of superheroes: Captain America. One could argue that Cap is a lot more than just a buffoon in a suit. If you've read Captain America comics over the years, the series has often explored what it means to be a patriot, especially as the moral waters become more and more complex. For all the simplicity the character seems to engender, he's often had complex looks at how creative teams struggle with their country, such as War & Remembrance and Captain America No More. Hey, this is getting a little heavy. Bring on the Cap booty dancing!

It's the Fourth of July this week, that most American of holidays. And so for our regular Tuesday GIF round up, we focus on that most American of superheroes: Captain America.

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Movie Supercut: Johnny Depp making silly faces, a mash-up
02 jul 2013 16:23

I love the idea of this new ScreenJunkies supercut, which highlights Johnny Depp’s key contribution to cinema: the silly-face reaction shot. If Dominique Wilkins was the Human Highlight Reel, Johnny Depp is the Human Reaction Shot Reel. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, mind you, it’s a legitimate talent. He’s the only human being that can pull off the kind of joke punctuating normally reserved for a dog covering its eyes with its paws. He has those gentle eyes that seem to say “Ruh roh, here we go again.”

I love the idea of this new ScreenJunkies supercut, which highlights Johnny Depp’s key contribution to cinema: the silly-face reaction shot.

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5 Ambiguous Movie Endings That Had Ridiculously Simple Solutions
02 jul 2013 15:50

Once a film’s over, what’s really going to stick in your head is the ending. Those last moments will be what you and your buddies discuss long after the credits have rolled and is why filmmakers put a lot of stock in those last few scenes. It’d be really easy to make an M. Night Shyamalan joke about now, but kicking a man whose career has had the same trajectory as a skydive without a parachute seems a little too far. Besides, it’s more than just twist endings, which are becoming more and more ubiquitous in Hollywood cinema that I’m on about here. Teases for new movies, be it a sly line of dialogue or a post credit sting also work well, but if you really want to get audiences chatting, leave them uncertain. Nothing’s going to make people recommend a film more than when they’re not even sure if there’s a twist at all. After seeing the film whose ending is succinctly solved in the image above, the ending stumped me for months. I saw the film multiple times in cinemas, each time debating with my fellow cinemagoers over the increasingly high number of nuances we were picking up. Me and my friends would even spend nights out in the real world trying to get to the bottom of what we saw. So without any more forced ambiguity, here’s ten films that people constantly say have confusing, cryptic endings, but actually have pretty simple and obvious solutions. Hopefully you’ll come away with feeling a little more certain about some classic films. Warning – MAJOR SPOILERS for every film featured. Only a handful come from the past few years and most form a key role in popular culture, but better safe than sorry.

Once a film’s over, what’s really going to stick in your head is the ending. Those last moments will be what you and your buddies discuss long after the credits have rolled and is...

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Only the Voice of Adam Lambert Can Get This Baby to Stop Crying
02 jul 2013 15:16

Some babies cry pretty much all the time like a shrieking siren of doom — except apparently when Adam Lambert is rocking them to sleep with his voice. And he doesn’t even need to be in the room to do it. As proof, we present this video of an infant who won’t stop squalling unless he’s listening to the velvety voice of the Glam One. “When our 6-week-old baby doesn’t stop crying, there’s only one thing that can rescue us… And that’s Adam Lambert – ‘Never Close Your Eyes (Radio Edit).’ The healing powers of this record are remarkable,” the baby’s mama posted on YouTube. “Please let me know if it cures any other babies.” Asked by viewers if her tot is equally calmed by other music, she responded, “Nope, this is the only song it works with.” So you know what to do, exhausted mothers. Buy an Adam Lambert cutout and hide a boombox behind it that plays his music on a constant loop. Apparently it’s the same sound the baby hears while in the womb. How’s that for a parenting tip?

Some babies cry pretty much all the time like a shrieking siren of doom — except apparently when Adam Lambert is rocking them to sleep with his voice.

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Pink’s New Music Video ‘True Love’ Features Her Family & is Adorable
02 jul 2013 15:09

Pink‘s new song, ‘True Love,’ has quirky cute lyrics and a video to match, starring her husband Carey Hart and their cherubic daughter Willow. And it’s all kinds of adorbz. The video features scenes of domestic bliss between the couple and their little girl (dressed in a squee-worthy shirt reading “I’m all Hart”), switching between on-stage and behind the scenes shots of the singer during her tour. It also finds Pink and her hubby in front of a green screen interacting with flash tattoo art, which somehow escalates into the cutest rose petal fight we’ll probably ever see. (Also the only one we’ll probably ever see.) Bonus: It’s a love song without being an overly sentimental schlock-fest. Because with lyrics like this, it has to be pure Pink: “I wanna hug you / I wanna wrap my hands around your neck / You’re an asshole but I love you / And you make me so mad I ask myself / Why I’m still here, or where could I go / You’re the only love I’ve ever known / But I hate you, I really hate you, / So much, I think it must be / True love” Que simultaneous "aaaawwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!"

Pink‘s new song, ‘True Love,’ has quirky cute lyrics and a video to match, starring her husband Carey Hart and their cherubic daughter Willow. And it’s all kinds of adorbz.

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Tracy Morgan Finally Gets a Daughter
02 jul 2013 15:07

Comedian Tracy Morgan, the father to three boys, has been wishing hard for a baby girl — and it all paid off today (July 2) when his fiancee, Megan Wollover, gave birth to a daughter the couple named Maven Sonae. Maybe it’s just us, but we smell a future sitcom called ‘That’s So Maven!’ Early this morning, Tracy joyfully posted the news to Twitter: “Mother and child are doing fine,” 44-year-old Morgan told People of his fiancee and her first child. “Love to all my fans and thank you for your support. We hope to see you soon.” A rep for the couple told the magazine that the baby was born in New York at 12:03 a.m. on Tuesday, July 2, and that she weighed in at 7 lbs., 3 oz. Morgan has three sons from a previous marriage, but Maven is his first daughter, which seems to be awfully reminiscent of a plot point on ’30 Rock’ in which he realizes that everyone is someone’s daughter. Yes, even strippers. (Oh, ’30 Rock.’ How we miss you.)

Comedian Tracy Morgan, the father to three boys, has been wishing hard for a baby girl — and it all paid off today (July 2) when his fiancee, Megan Wollover, ...

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After Watching Big Sean’s Mom Read His Lyrics, We Want Her to Adopt Us
02 jul 2013 15:05

In the early days of rap and hip-hop, the rappers always politely sent words to our mothers — only it came out more like “word to ya’ mutha.” But really, if you listen to the lyrics of most rap songs, your mother is the last person you’d want to hear them. And that’s where Jimmy Kimmel and Big Sean‘s mom come in. In the most recent installment of his segment ‘Words From Your Mother,’ Kimmel had Sean’s maternal unit read lyrics from his song ‘Dance’ (A$$).’ Which she does, eloquently and adorably. The woman is the picture of taste and composure. In front of the picture of, well, ass. Sorry (not sorry) you can’t stop laughing now. And just for good measure, here’s a sweet snap of Sean and his mom that he posted to his Instagram account a couple months ago. Honest to God, she’s cute as a kitten calendar.

In the early days of rap and hip-hop, the rappers always politely sent words to our mothers — only it came out more like “word to ya’ mutha.

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WTF Is She Wearing: Jennifer Lawrence at Paris Fashion Week
02 jul 2013 15:03

Jennifer Lawrence usually bats .1000 on the red carpet and at big events, but the Oscar winner whiffed mightily with this outfit — simply because the pants have such a split fashion personality. The actress, now a Dior pitchwoman, wore a pair of the brand’s billowy, harem-style trousers at the Christian Dior Couture fashion show in Paris on Monday (July 1). She paired the pants with a cute, cropped pink top, showing off her trim midsection. But those pants … No, they were not as hideous as Miley’s Hall of Shame bottoms, but they were an anomaly. The only thing semi-saving this outfit was the fact that J. Law exuded effortless cool behind a pair of Dior shades. Notice one leg has pleating and the other has print. One is voluminous while the other feels more straight-legged. It’s as though the designer couldn’t decide which trend to go with so instead opted for both. Tailored? Flowing? Tailored? Flowing? Decisions, decisions, decisions. See, even fashion brands can be wishy-washy.

Jennifer Lawrence usually bats .1000 on the red carpet and at big events, but the Oscar winner whiffed mightily with this outfit — simply because the pants have such a split fashion personality.

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Henry Cavill Is Dating ‘Big Bang Theory’ Star Kaley Cuoco
02 jul 2013 14:59

In news that would have the characters on ‘The Big Bang Theory’ salivating, Kaley Cuoco (who plays hot girl-next-door Penny on the hit sitcom) is dating Hollywood’s newest Superman, Henry Cavill. It’s a match made in nerd heaven. Aka Comic Con. “They are totally hot for each other,” a pal revealed to Us Weekly. Said yet another source, Cavill is “a massive ‘Big Bang Theory’ fan” and “has always wanted to date her.” The couple have been decidedly hush-hush about their relationship, but in a now-telling tweet from a couple weeks ago, Cuoco revealed that she loved the new ‘Superman’ and you should too — and to prove it, she included a snap of herself drooling lovingly at a promotional photo of the guy we now know is her new man. Her missive included the commentary, “Everyone go see ‘man of steel.’ It’s fantastic in every single way.” What we’re saying is last month you got trolled by Penny … and you didn’t even know it.

In news that would have the characters on ‘The Big Bang Theory’ salivating, Kaley Cuoco (who plays hot girl-next-door Penny on the hit sitcom) is dating Hollywood’s newest Superman, Henry Cavill.

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Cats Barf to Techno Music, Internet to Close Up Shop
02 jul 2013 14:51

Well, someone has done. A YouTuber made a video of cats barfing set to techno music. Where can viral videos go from here? Time to close up shop, internet. There’s nowhere to go from here. But, seriously, good luck watching this video! No, seriously, good luck watching this — we aren’t sure how it ends. It was too gross for us. If you’re not totally disgusted by watching cats throw up, you’ll probably think this video, which syncs up cats retching to house music, to be the, uh, cat’s PJs. If you are totally disgusted by watching cats throw up, maybe this is not the video for you. Or maybe challenge yourself — how far can you get? (Our guess: not very.) Good luck!

Well, someone has done. A YouTuber made a video of cats barfing set to techno music. Where can viral videos go from here? Time to close up shop, internet. There’s nowhere to go from here.

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Hear Classic Movie Characters Voiced by ‘Spongebob’ Actors
02 jul 2013 14:49

Hey, why not watch classic movies overdubbed with the voices from Spongebob Squarepants’? Seriously, what have you got to lose, other than your bad attitude, Mr. ‘I-don’t-want-to-hear-Spongebob-do-’Singin’-in-the-Rain’? In this video, Spongebob, Patrick, Squidward and Sally provide the dialogue to scenes from cinema classics ‘Casablanca,’ ‘Singin’ in the Rain’ and ‘The Godfather.’ It’s a great way to teach children about classic films/introduce them to R-rated movies! Win-win!

Hey, why not watch classic movies overdubbed with the voices from Spongebob Squarepants’? Seriously, what have you got to lose, other than your bad attitude, Mr.

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50 Strange and Funny Google Suggestions
02 jul 2013 14:08

You’ve probably already read how cool Google’s offices are, but in addition to having the coolest offices, google gives us the funniest search suggestions. As you type into the search box, Google Suggest guesses what you’re typing and offers suggestions in real time. It uses data about the overall popularity of various searches and makes smart suggestions. These suggestions are not only funny, but they can also be very educating, as they tell a lot about us – our biggest fears, concerns and curiosities. Can I eat my cat? Can I swallow sperm? (just some typical questions) Because google makes suggestion based on searches that occurred most often, these suggestion are not a joke, they are real searches made real by people. Ready to kill your boredom again? Scroll down the list!

You’ve probably already read how cool Google’s offices are, but in addition to having the coolest offices, google gives us the funniest search suggestions.

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Violent Plush Toys by Patricia Waller
02 jul 2013 14:05

You probably think of a plush toy as something very cute and soft you go to sleep with. Well, at least until you get to know Patricia Waller, a German based artist, born in Chile whose toys are a little bit different. “Due to the technique of crocheting – all my works are produced by myself in handicraft – and the selection of the subject-matter, my works seem harmless at first sight. But if you take a closer look, you will discover biting irony and a strong dose of nastiness.” says Patricia. The artist is interested in our fears and our ability to suppress them – that’s why Patricia plays with various themes that we usually ignore like fears of aging, illness and disability. When looking at the pictures, many people don’t realize that these toys are really huge - for instance the shark is almost 6.5ft (2 meters) long!

You probably think of a plush toy as something very cute and soft you go to sleep with. Well, at least until you get to know Patricia Waller, a German based artist, ...

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“Great Gatsby”’s beautiful and meticulous effects
02 jul 2013 13:41

The VFX supervisor for Baz Luhrmann’s The Great Gatsby recently released this compilation of scenes from the movie, combining footage pre- and post-visual effects…

The VFX supervisor for Baz Luhrmann’s The Great Gatsby recently released this compilation of scenes from the movie, combining footage pre- and post-visual effects…

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