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You Couldn't steal their virginity even if you TRIED
23 oct 2012 23:36

Virgins: some of them just want to keep their virginity forever. That, or they are too busy playing dungeons and dragons to notice they are virgins.

Virgins: some of them just want to keep their virginity forever. That, or they are too busy playing dungeons and dragons to notice they are virgins.

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Movie Object Posters
23 oct 2012 23:25

Aside from those unarguably important elements like actors, a script and a decapitation scene, movies would be nothing without their props. Providing an ode to the objects that help propel the narratives of five classic films, Maxime Pecourt's genius posters demand long amounts of gawping time. So, ermmm, we'll leave you to it then.

Aside from those unarguably important elements like actors, a script and a decapitation scene, movies would be nothing without their props.

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Famous Hand Posters
23 oct 2012 23:23

Use yours to applaud them There's a lot to be said about a person from a swift examination of their hands. You can usually work out whether they have a manual job and if you're well-versed, you can also make some sort of sweeping statement about their romantic future. But nine times out of ten, the hands we encounter are fairly dull and repetitive. If only we had more iconic friends (no offence, like). The rather talented Rocco Malatesta has created a set of posters which pay tribute to some of the most famous hands ever to be shook, pointed and, ermmm, crucified. High five!

Use yours to applaud them There's a lot to be said about a person from a swift examination of their hands.

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Pictogram Rock Posters
23 oct 2012 23:22

Professing your unwavering fandom for a particular rock act usually involves endless karaoke tributes, a brief and misguided hairstyle change and a framed, slightly torn concert poster, given pride of place in your home. Hoping to update this final cliché, the immensely talented Viktor Hertz has created a set of pictogram posters which symbolise classic songs from legendary acts. Hertz is trying to fund the printing of the posters with your help so if you want to see them in your flat, as well as the flats of many other people then click here to donate. For now, see if you can identify each of the songs he's brought to life. Full marks gets nothing.

Professing your unwavering fandom for a particular rock act usually involves endless karaoke tributes, a brief and misguided hairstyle change and a framed, slightly torn concert poster, ...

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23 oct 2012 23:11

The earliest entrant on our list deserves its spot for showcasing the invention and complexity of poster design back in a time when Photoshop would have been understood as an actual shop full of photos. Themes of oppression and social hierarchy take precedence, giving the poster equal parts style and substance.

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The greatest new supercars
23 oct 2012 23:10

It’s every man’s dream to have a supercar in the garage – but what’s the next best thing? Well, says Jack Rix, a secondhand supercar in the garage… If you’re the type of man who likes to spend the same on your car as a semi-detached in the Cotswolds, then 2012 could leave you feeling a little light. Behold, and feel free to ogle, the seven hottest new cars which, let’s face it, few of us will ever be able to afford. To address this hitch we’ve compiled a list of secondhand alternatives that could turn your dreams into shiny reality. Better start thinking of an excuse for spending the savings…

It’s every man’s dream to have a supercar in the garage – but what’s the next best thing? Well, says Jack Rix, ...

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Celeb Superheroes
23 oct 2012 23:05

With great power comes great responsibility If it’s true that celebrities are the superheroes of the modern age, will someone please design some cracking costumes for, oh, shall we say, David Beckham, Jamie Oliver, Cheryl Cole and Beyoncé among others? What’s that? Someone has. Bonkers!!!

With great power comes great responsibility If it’s true that celebrities are the superheroes of the modern age, will someone please design some cracking costumes for, oh, shall we say, ...

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Alternative Dark Knight Rises Posters
23 oct 2012 23:01

After what seems like decades of anticipation (it's been just four years), The Dark Knight Rises finally hit our grateful multiplexes. To celebrate the release, we're a) getting so excited we might throw up and b) sharing some of the greatest alternative posters for the movie with you all. Even though it's already been released, it's still inspiring some talented designers to give the poster their best shot.

After what seems like decades of anticipation (it's been just four years), The Dark Knight Rises finally hit our grateful multiplexes.

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Stunning Beatles-Inspired Art
23 oct 2012 22:55

The Beatles have inspired pretty much everything in music, and with Paul McCartney popping up at the Jubilee Concert and soon to be closing the Olympics, Beatlemania shows no signs of stopping, even as we reach 50 years since the Fab Four got together. Their influence has also extended into the field of art, with several iconic covers. And now a leading Californian gallery has commissioned a range of new works, inspired by John, Paul, George and Ringo. Gallery Nucleus, in Alhambra, is displaying the exhibition 'All Together Now: A Tribute to the Beatles', with works by over 80 diverse artists, from now until July 29. A selection are shown below, with a Yellow Submarine, Rocky Racoon, Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds and the guys themselves popping up.

The Beatles have inspired pretty much everything in music, and with Paul McCartney popping up at the Jubilee Concert and soon to be closing the Olympics, Beatlemania shows no signs of stopping, ...

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Donkey Kong Re-imagined With Famous Characters
23 oct 2012 22:50

The simplicity of Donkey Kong, coupled with the deviously addictive nature of the game, made it an indispensable element of our youth. So while we might feel a little protective over its usage (in the big screen adaptation, we want Steve Buscemi in a massive donkey suit), we're rather massive fans of this set of tribute art. The incredibly talented "Baz" has reinvented the classic set-up but with a different set of familiar characters each time. Each of which we would play until our eyes started to bleed. Or we get too thirsty.

The simplicity of Donkey Kong, coupled with the deviously addictive nature of the game, made it an indispensable element of our youth.

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Alternative Video Game Art
23 oct 2012 22:44

Whenever you hear an artist speak about his or her inspiration, if you're actually bothering to listen, then you've probably never heard the words Pac-Man or Double Dragon being used. Which is a shame and a lie and a travesty and something that needs to be addressed as soon as possible. In comes those forward-thinking folk at Gallery 1988 who've assembled a new show that highlights the very best video game-inspired art out there.

Whenever you hear an artist speak about his or her inspiration, if you're actually bothering to listen, then you've probably never heard the words Pac-Man or Double Dragon being used.

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DIY Pinhole camera
23 oct 2012 22:32

Like Bond, only less Russians Staring at people through small holes can be socially acceptable, as photographer Chris Keeney, author of Pinhole Cameras: A DIY Guide (£10.99, Princeton Architectural Press), shows us.

Like Bond, only less Russians Staring at people through small holes can be socially acceptable, as photographer Chris Keeney, author of Pinhole Cameras: A DIY Guide (£10.

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How to deal with an angry silverback
23 oct 2012 22:30

In the event of bumping into an irate male gorilla, simply yelling, “Get your hands off me, you damned dirty ape!” is unlikely to save your skin. Ian Redmond of the Gorilla Organisation ( teaches you how to cope should you encounter an angry silverback.

In the event of bumping into an irate male gorilla, simply yelling, “Get your hands off me, you damned dirty ape!” is unlikely to save your skin. Ian Redmond of the Gorilla Organisation (Gorillas.

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Famous Characters As Pac-Man
23 oct 2012 21:58

I love it when people take an icon we all already know and turn it into something hilarious. A combination of two different things = enhanced entertainment pleasure. I like.

I love it when people take an icon we all already know and turn it into something hilarious. A combination of two different things = enhanced entertainment pleasure. I like.

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Red Dead Redemption – Train
23 oct 2012 21:39

Billed as Grand Theft Auto in the Wild West, this game has all the open world freedom you’d expect from a game developed by Rockstar. Of course, being set in 1911 there’s little chance of throttling a superbike from a skyscraper; instead you need more traditional ways of plotting your demise. You can't go wrong with a steam engine...

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The Empire Strikes Back
23 oct 2012 21:30

Believe it or not, there are more Star Wars video games than all the stars in our solar system put together. You shouldn’t believe this. But still, the film franchise has spawned a hefty stack of digital spin-offs, and not many are as well remembered as this one which put you in a snowspeeder to face off against a looming AT-AT Walker.

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Super Cute, Extra Small Animals!!! =O
23 oct 2012 21:23

If these don't tickle your cute bone, then you are a terrible hideous monster. These are the best cute baby extra small petite animals =]

If these don't tickle your cute bone, then you are a terrible hideous monster. These are the best cute baby extra small petite animals =]

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The Glory Days: College!
23 oct 2012 21:21

Ahhh College. It was either the best of times, or the worst of times. If you were like these dudes, it was probably a bit of both. This is EXACTLY what college for. Then, five years later... your bro calls you up and says: "bro...I'm working at a coffee shop and I've racked up helllllaaaa debt". That's what you get for being a Communications Major =] ANNNYYY WAAAAAYYYS......... Back to the funny pics.

Ahhh College. It was either the best of times, or the worst of times. If you were like these dudes, it was probably a bit of both. This is EXACTLY what college for. Then, five years later...

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Ready for Some Sexy Fit Girls?
23 oct 2012 21:15

Men: you know there are few things sexier than women who take care of their body and get themselves in tip top excellent physical fitness shape. Ready. Set. Drool!

Men: you know there are few things sexier than women who take care of their body and get themselves in tip top excellent physical fitness shape. Ready. Set. Drool!

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23 oct 2012 13:40

We have some serious SF pride here at LOLJam. Or at least I do. I'm really stoked to see the Giants going to the Series again. Here are some of the most awesome celebratory photos of last night.

We have some serious SF pride here at LOLJam. Or at least I do. I'm really stoked to see the Giants going to the Series again. Here are some of the most awesome celebratory photos of last night.

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Tragically Half-Shaved Animals
23 oct 2012 13:23

The poor babies.

The poor babies.

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Pitbulls were originally bred as companion dogs.
23 oct 2012 12:55

Many families would even have a pitbull "nanny" for their babies.

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This was expected to be the "iPad Mini" event and, well, that's what it was. Here she is:
23 oct 2012 12:43

This is, quite simply, a shrunken iPad.
- It has a 7.9-inch screen compared to the normal iPad's 9.7 inches.

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Fail Blog: Wedding Edition
23 oct 2012 12:36

In case you didn't have a reason to not get married, here are some other reasons why you might reconsider your nuptials. Granted not all things are controllable, but they make you think about why you would put all that time and effort into something, a ceremony, that can be ruined this easily.

In case you didn't have a reason to not get married, here are some other reasons why you might reconsider your nuptials.

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Do not do this on public transit!
23 oct 2012 12:26

Now that more of us are using public transportation to get around it is becoming more pertinent that we all act appropriately when rolling on the public limo. Following is behavior we hope you will avoid.

Now that more of us are using public transportation to get around it is becoming more pertinent that we all act appropriately when rolling on the public limo.

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Weird Pictures From Seances
23 oct 2012 12:17

1870: A group of people in France hold a séance. At these events, the medium (presumably the guy in the blindfold) would hold hands with the other participants to show that he could not be manipulating any objects himself. But mediums had other methods for making tables tip.

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These Clowns will Creep you out!
23 oct 2012 12:13

I hate clowns. Always have and probably will not change anytime soon. So be warned when I say a clown will creep you out. I know. These clowns will creep you out. There, I warned you!

I hate clowns. Always have and probably will not change anytime soon. So be warned when I say a clown will creep you out. I know. These clowns will creep you out. There, I warned you!

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Pin-up Cats
23 oct 2012 12:04

Take your favorite pin-up illustration and replace the woman with a real life cat. What do you get? All kinds of awesome!

Take your favorite pin-up illustration and replace the woman with a real life cat. What do you get? All kinds of awesome!

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