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25 Times When Fast Food Places Didn't Even Try
06 feb 2015 11:51

Fast food can be a quick, easy option if you need a meal on the go or just lose all self-respect, but these pictures might convince you to just cook something at home next time.

Fast food can be a quick, easy option if you need a meal on the go or just lose all self-respect, but these pictures might convince you to just cook something at home next time.

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Vedran Štimac Combines Authors And Their Novels Into One Painting
06 feb 2015 10:44

Vedran Štimac from Pula (Croatia) makes original portraits of famous writers and persons. He tries to show their works (novels, poems) on their face. For every piece of work he needs approximately 10-15 hours, because he draws with rapidographs, and his drawing technique is dotting.

Vedran Štimac from Pula (Croatia) makes original portraits of famous writers and persons. He tries to show their works (novels, poems) on their face.

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This Barber Will Give An Old Man "Haircut" To Your Misbehaving Child
05 feb 2015 14:46

Today, spankings are taboo and "time out" means withdrawing to a room that probably has internet access and/or a video game system. Thus, parents are having to get extra creative when it comes to disciplining their misbehaving kids.

Today, spankings are taboo and "time out" means withdrawing to a room that probably has internet access and/or a video game system.

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This Creative Couple Had The Classiest Star Wars Wedding Ever
05 feb 2015 14:13

The Star Wars universe is no more than a fantastic dream to most people, but for at least one day, Jennifer and her hubby Joshua got to live the dream by having a Star Wars-themed wedding reception to celebrate their special day. It all began with two Stormtroopers, who greeted guests and escorted the bride and groom. There, they were greeted by a cake topped with Star Wars vehicles. Guests sat at tables with labels like “Rebel,” “Droid” and “Twi’Lek” and were given lightsabers to dance with.

The Star Wars universe is no more than a fantastic dream to most people, but for at least one day, Jennifer and her hubby Joshua got to live the dream by having a Star Wars- ...

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23 Times Pranks Got Taken To A Whole New Level
05 feb 2015 13:26

People are mean.

People are mean.

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Incredible Portrait Comprised of 20,000 Tea Bags by Red Hong Yi
05 feb 2015 12:32

Artist-architect ‘Red’ Hong Yi creates stunning works of art without the help of a pencil or paintbrush. Instead, she uses unconventional materials to form larger-than-life portraits that are impressive in both their technique and scale. 20,000 stained tea bags make up her most recent composition featuring a “teh tarik man,” which is a common scene in her native Malaysia. “Teh tarik” means “pulled-tea” in Malay, and it’s a sweet and milky drink served in local cafes that becomes frothy when...

Artist-architect ‘Red’ Hong Yi creates stunning works of art without the help of a pencil or paintbrush.

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20 Photos Reveal The True Mayhem Of A Wedding Bouquet Toss
05 feb 2015 11:24

"I haven't been training all year NOT to catch a bouquet." — Everyone in these photos

"I haven't been training all year NOT to catch a bouquet." — Everyone in these photos

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This Guy Battles Depression By Travelling
05 feb 2015 10:50

Depression is a real psychological condition that, for many, can be completely debilitating. One photographer – Michael Loffer – fights his depression in part by traveling around the world and taking beautiful photos. he insisted that he had managed his wonderful trips through thrift – by couch-surfing, hitch-hiking, not partying and living cheap – both at home and abroad. And, unlike most photographers, who use high-quality SLR cameras, he shoots with a $300 Nikon AW 100.

Depression is a real psychological condition that, for many, can be completely debilitating. One photographer – Michael Loffer – fights his depression in part by traveling around the world and...

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Deadly Viruses
05 feb 2015 09:53

The International Vaccine Institute collaborated with Seoul-based artists, designers, models, and photographer create striking images to raise awareness of neglected diseases. The concept was to use reproductions of the diseases cells painted onto models to attract attention to some of the diseases that affect the lives of millions around the globe.

The International Vaccine Institute collaborated with Seoul-based artists, designers, models, and photographer create striking images to raise awareness of neglected diseases.

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How Surgeons Used To Perform Nose Jobs During The Renaissance
04 feb 2015 13:02

You probably don't think there were many nose jobs performed during the Renaissance in Europe. However, the practice of cosmetic nasal surgery was surprisingly common and highly sought after during this time in history. The reason why is much different than the driving motivation for rhinoplasty today.

You probably don't think there were many nose jobs performed during the Renaissance in Europe. However, ...

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Textile Artist Creates Travel Snapshots
04 feb 2015 14:53

When she travels the world, Teresa Lim captures snapshots of her surroundings with needle and thread. In her series Sew Wanderlust, the artist embroiders surprisingly detailed canvases of places she visits on-site. This method of preserving memories lets her truly take in her surroundings. Lim must spend time sitting in one place, observing details and stitching as the scene unfolds. Unlike snapping quick photos, embroidering allows 24-year-old Lim to become a participant in the environment...

When she travels the world, Teresa Lim captures snapshots of her surroundings with needle and thread.

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Ordinary life of things
04 feb 2015 14:22

Stuff That Might Be Funny

Stuff That Might Be Funny

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This Single Dad Didn’t Know How To Braid His Daughter’s Hair
04 feb 2015 11:00

It's pretty early in 2015, but Greg Wickherst is already in the running for Dad of the Year. This father from Colorado mainly takes care of his almost 3-year-old daughter Izzy after he split up with his wife. Greg had no idea what he was doing when it came to hairstyling, so he turned to the cosmetology department at the college he works for as an admissions representative. The students quickly got him up to speed on all sorts of fancy ponytails and braids, which he now shows off on his...

It's pretty early in 2015, but Greg Wickherst is already in the running for Dad of the Year. This father from Colorado mainly takes care of his almost 3-year- ...

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The 30 Most Strangely Satisfying Images On The Internet
04 feb 2015 11:29

There's nothing quite like straight lines and perfect fits.

There's nothing quite like straight lines and perfect fits.

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Time Sliced
04 feb 2015 09:55

The idea behind doing the “Time Sliced” Series was to photograph iconic buildings around the World at sunset and capture the changing light from day to night in a single image. Each photo consists of 36 photos “Sliced” together to make a single image.

The idea behind doing the “Time Sliced” Series was to photograph iconic buildings around the World at sunset and capture the changing light from day to night in a single image.

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The Magnificent Pond in Hokkaido
03 feb 2015 14:37

This blue pond in Hokkaido, Japan, changes colors depending on the weather. For example, in spring it turns into spectacularly green color. The artificial pond was created as a part of erosion control system that was built to prevent Biei in case of an eruption of Mount Tokachidake. This pond is blue because of aluminum hydroxide.

This blue pond in Hokkaido, Japan, changes colors depending on the weather. For example, in spring it turns into spectacularly green color.

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Poetic Photos of Women Surrounded by the Beauty of Nature
03 feb 2015 14:19

Madrid-based photographer Elena del Palacio crafts images that conjure ethereal, dream-like scenarios in the wilderness. The vivid pictures feature young women who are often surrounded by the vast beauty of nature. They’re shown contemplating the world around them as well as being at rest. Babbling brooks, grassy fields, and gigantic tree roots become their bed in these peaceful tales.

Madrid-based photographer Elena del Palacio crafts images that conjure ethereal, dream-like scenarios in the wilderness.

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A Photoshoot In A Real-Life Disney Library – Admont Abbey
03 feb 2015 14:59

The world gasped in 1991 when the Beast first showed Belle his library in the classic Disney princess film. The Von Wong team pretty much had the same reaction walking through the alabaster doors of Admont Abbey – the oldest monastic library in the world very and reminiscent of Belle’s library. With pristine marble flooring, vibrant ceiling murals and ornate book shelves, it is the home to over 70,000 books and manuscripts on display.

The world gasped in 1991 when the Beast first showed Belle his library in the classic Disney princess film.

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22 Couples’ Products That Went Too Far
03 feb 2015 13:49

Or: 22 Reasons Your Friends Aren’t Calling You Back.

Or: 22 Reasons Your Friends Aren’t Calling You Back.

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Thumb-Shaped USB Drives
03 feb 2015 12:54

In late 2014 Justin Poulsen began to work on the blueprint plan for a direct mailer to promote his conceptual still life photography. Being his first foray into direct mail, he knew that he would need to create something that could stand out amongst the crowd of glossy 4×6 postcards. To encapsulate his “look,” he knew that whatever he made had to be tactile, visceral, and craft based. That’s when Justin and his friend Hans at Rethink came up with “Thumbs.”

In late 2014 Justin Poulsen began to work on the blueprint plan for a direct mailer to promote his conceptual still life photography.

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People Wearing Cats As Hats Is The Cutest Trend Right Now
03 feb 2015 10:15

Most animal lovers hate the idea of wearing fur because of the needless death and suffering it causes, but there's a perfect compromise if you want to look absolutely fabulous without hurting anything – just wear a lazy live cat! Given how popular this latest trend is, there are plenty of cats out there that are perfectly content napping on their owners' heads and keeping them warm and stylin'. Just make sure they're comfortable!

Most animal lovers hate the idea of wearing fur because of the needless death and suffering it causes, ...

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Take A Close Look At These Alien Creatures
03 feb 2015 09:50

Colored pencils are often used in art, but usually in the way that generates colored lines and shapes when they're rubbed on paper. This artist decided to use colored pencils to make her art, but in a different way. The sculptures of Jennifer Maestre are at once alien and familiar, from their organic yet unrecognizable shapes to their unusual but everyday material.

Colored pencils are often used in art, but usually in the way that generates colored lines and shapes when they're rubbed on paper.

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Can You Tell If This Little Guy Is A Cat Or A Dog?
03 feb 2015 09:17

It doesn't matter if you're a dog or a cat person. Everyone can appreciate this glorious ball of fluff.

It doesn't matter if you're a dog or a cat person. Everyone can appreciate this glorious ball of fluff.

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This Cat Is The Greatest Fashion Diva Of All Time
03 feb 2015 08:51

This is my cat Hummus. When she was very young she was diagnosed with Feline Leukemia. She is unable to play outside because she may fall ill or spread the virus to other cats in our neighborhood. That’s why we like to create activities for her at home. Every week she likes to get dressed up and shoot fashion portraits in our little cat sized photography studio. We do a new look every week as she gets bored very easily and she tends to break things around the house if she doesn’t get her...

This is my cat Hummus. When she was very young she was diagnosed with Feline Leukemia. She is unable to play outside because she may fall ill or spread the virus to other cats in our neighborhood.

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This Dad Updates His Tattoo Sleeve Every Year
02 feb 2015 12:06

Though almost every father can recount the many defining stages in his child's life over the years, not every father chooses to immortalize them, one-at-a-time, as tattoos scattered along his arm. But that's exactly what this dad from Peterborough, Ontario is doing.

Though almost every father can recount the many defining stages in his child's life over the years, not every father chooses to immortalize them, one-at-a-time, as tattoos scattered along his arm.

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Amazing Miniature Graphite Sculptures By Benjamin Kreze
02 feb 2015 11:16

Benjamin Kreze is a talented artist who works at many fields of arts including painting, photography, new media installation and graphite sculptures. Benjamin was first inspired when he saw the works of Dalton Ghetti and Willard Wigan. Benjamin started working with graphite and soon made his first works measuring only couple of millimeters. He tried to go as small as he can making a figure of a one millimeter man sitting on a cube. Most of his work Benjamin does with the naked eye, his eyes...

Benjamin Kreze is a talented artist who works at many fields of arts including painting, photography, new media installation and graphite sculptures.

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He Transformed An Old Coffee Table Into Unrecognizable Awesomeness
02 feb 2015 12:57

Some people feel the need to throw out old furniture. Maybe they think it's too old, or too ugly, and they believe that the only thing they can do is throw it away. But if there's one thing we can learn from the DIY ethic, it's that nothing should go to waste, even if it takes some work to save. And that's what one guy did when he bought this old coffee table at a flea market. The thing had seen better days and definitely wasn't something you'd want to display...

Some people feel the need to throw out old furniture. Maybe they think it's too old, or too ugly, and they believe that the only thing they can do is throw it away.

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Darn! Men with yarn
02 feb 2015 09:37

We are proud to present our new Club Geluk’s Craftsmen calendar: Darn! Men with yarn. We made this calendar in response to the pin up calendars you see in automobile repair shops: pin up girls dragging around tires and other auto parts while showing their sweaty bodies. So we thought: our textiles and craft shop, which is obvious more of a feminine domain, should have the exact opposite! Therefore, seven sexy men feature our calendar with seven sexy knits!

We are proud to present our new Club Geluk’s Craftsmen calendar: Darn! Men with yarn. We made this calendar in response to the pin up calendars you see in automobile repair shops: ...

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The Protectors Of Iceland
02 feb 2015 10:49

Ásgeir Jón Ásgeirsson did these paintings for the album “Með Vættum” by the Icelandic metal band Skálmöld. The inspiration comes partly from Heimskringla, an Icelandic Saga, but also from the amazing lyrics written by Snæbjörn Ragnarsson. The album tells the story of an unknown heroine who grows up with the wights (mythical creatures), protecting the land from harm.

Ásgeir Jón Ásgeirsson did these paintings for the album “Með Vættum” by the Icelandic metal band Skálmöld.

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35 Crazy Cats That Actually Love Water
02 feb 2015 10:20

While some cats do hate water, the common myth that ALL cats hate water is just plain wrong! Water can make cleaning their fur hard for some cats, and can cause ear infections if they aren't careful, but the cats in this list clearly don't seem to mind – they even enjoy it!

While some cats do hate water, the common myth that ALL cats hate water is just plain wrong! Water can make cleaning their fur hard for some cats, and can cause ear infections if they aren't careful, ...

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30+ Of The Most Creative T-Shirt Designs Ever
02 feb 2015 09:18

The t-shirt has become possibly the single most wide-spread garment of our century, but there are still millions of creative ways to play with this simple clothing design. This post is dedicated to simple but awesome t-shirt designs that use the t-shirt's canvas in a creative or clever way.

The t-shirt has become possibly the single most wide-spread garment of our century, but there are still millions of creative ways to play with this simple clothing design.

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Delightful Paper Dioramas Showcase Iconic Cities Atop Famous Foods
30 jan 2015 14:12

In Bea Crespo and Andrea G. Portoles’ delightful “Brunchcity” series, paper dioramas form iconic skylines that pop out of foods for which major cities are famous. Crespo, an illustrator, created the charming drawings, selecting and sketching landmarks that represent each city. For example, the ruins of Athens' Parthenon rises out of a dish of Greek yogurt, Cuba's capital building and a mural of Che Guevera stand on a bedrock of beans and rice, and a paper Coliseum teeters on the...

In Bea Crespo and Andrea G. Portoles’ delightful “Brunchcity” series, paper dioramas form iconic skylines that pop out of foods for which major cities are famous.

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Amazingly Realistic Large-Scale Sand Sculptures by Ray Villafane
30 jan 2015 14:45

While Ray Villafane is best known for his expertise in the art of food carving, he is also recognized for his magnificent, remarkably realistic sand sculptures. Using just sand and water, the artist sculpts incredibly detailed figures that tower above him as he works. Funny-faced people, nativity scenes, and hellish creatures from Dante's Inferno appear so lifelike that it's hard to believe they were formed from humble grains of sand.

While Ray Villafane is best known for his expertise in the art of food carving, he is also recognized for his magnificent, remarkably realistic sand sculptures.

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Tiger Shark: Close Up
30 jan 2015 13:00

These jaw-some images show what its like to look inside the mouth of a tiger shark. Captured in amazing detail, the unique pictures show the alien-like anatomy of the shark and reveal rows upon rows of razor sharp teeth and white coloured gills. The incredible photographs were taken when a curious shark began to inspect the camera of British born photographer, Adam Hanlon, 46. After sensing electronic impulses omitted by Adams camera, the inquisitive creature began to gently mouth at the...

These jaw-some images show what its like to look inside the mouth of a tiger shark. Captured in amazing detail, ...

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These 20 Pets Will NOT Give You Some Privacy In The Bathroom
30 jan 2015 12:19

Bathrooms are meant to be a private space for us to complete our *ahem* "personal business." But try telling that to your four-legged friends. Some pets are so adorably codependent, you can't even be mad when they pop up while you're sitting on the porcelain throne.

Bathrooms are meant to be a private space for us to complete our *ahem* "personal business." But try telling that to your four-legged friends.

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