
Hot Best New
07 may 2013 15:57

Here is your daily dose of random awesomeness. This hilarious photos gallery is a good one. The internet is is a wonderful place with pictures like these.

Here is your daily dose of random awesomeness. This hilarious photos gallery is a good one. The internet is is a wonderful place with pictures like these.

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Small Sofa
07 may 2013 15:12

Being tall seems like it is only an advantage. People are often envious of tall people. Tall people have their problems too. From doorways, to ceilings and sofas. Tall people don't always have it easy.

Being tall seems like it is only an advantage. People are often envious of tall people. Tall people have their problems too. From doorways, to ceilings and sofas.

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The Bionic Dog With Four Prosthetic Legs Hits Us In All The Feels
07 may 2013 13:00

Naki’o is the first dog to ever be fitted with four prosthetic legs. We wrote about him right after he received his new legs. To summarize, this cute mixed-breed dog lost all four paws to frostbite when his former owners abandoned the litter of puppies in their foreclosed home during a frigid Nebraska winter. As we said at the time, we want to hunt down those former owners and punch them in the face almost as much as we want to rub this dog’s belly and watch his little plastic legs kick. Veterinary technician Christie Tomlinson organized a fundraiser for the rescue dog, and Orthopets provided half-priced prosthetics which allow him to run, jump and even swim. Now Rick Wilking of Reuters (via io9) has offered an update to the story of Naki’o the bionic dog. They posted new photos of Naki’o and inform us he’s found a happy home in Colorado Springs. Just check this little fella out.

Naki’o is the first dog to ever be fitted with four prosthetic legs. We wrote about him right after he received his new legs.

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Make Tuesday Mega-Awesome With These Mega Man GIFS
07 may 2013 10:00

There are few characters that represent old-school gaming, for better or for worse, than Mega Man. Whether it's trying to get through that last damn level using nothing but muscle memory, robbing the corpses of your foes to steal their power, or the distinctive Mega Buster, there's nothing quite like playing the Blue Bomber. So, for your old-school memories and to brighten your morning at work, here are twenty Mega Man GIFs for your amusement. Just remember, you can't take your boss' powers in a fight.

There are few characters that represent old-school gaming, for better or for worse, than Mega Man.

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The Original iPhone Is Officially Obsolete
06 may 2013 17:31

Nearly six years after it showed the company a new direction and made them a fortune, Apple has decided it’s time to take the original iPhone out back with the shotgun. The original iPhone is officially obsolete, as opposed to being unofficially obsolete the microsecond the iPhone 2 came out. So what does official obsolence involve? Products that are considered obsolete—or perhaps for a more tasteful term, “vintage”—cannot be repaired or receive replacement parts unless they’re in the state of California, “as required by statute.” Californians can continue to get service and parts for their obsolete items through Apple retail stores, but the rest of us are pretty much out of luck. In other words, if for some reason you were still using a five year old phone and want to continue to use it, you’re probably going to be stuck getting parts through a Californian reseller or hunting up the original iPhone in yard sales and nerd swap meets. Honestly, we’re having trouble thinking of anybody who would actually do this, not least because the iPhone wasn’t actually that good at taking phone calls. So if you’ve got an original iPhone and want to help keep somebody trapped in an odd technological bubble, get that antique up on eBay! After all, you’re helping them out, just like that guy who keeps selling him eight-tracks is “helping” your dad.

Nearly six years after it showed the company a new direction and made them a fortune, Apple has decided it’s time to take the original iPhone out back with the shotgun.

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06 may 2013 17:10

Here are your must see Monday photos. This funny collection of photos is sure to brighten your day. This gallery has a little of everything. Photobombs, sexy, funny and more. Enjoy!

Here are your must see Monday photos. This funny collection of photos is sure to brighten your day. This gallery has a little of everything. Photobombs, sexy, funny and more. Enjoy!

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Game Of Thrones Season 3 Episode 6: Jon Snow And Ygritte Highlight
06 may 2013 17:01

Let’s revisit Ygritte going full Overly Attached Girlfriend early in the episode with a captioned screengrab and corresponding GIFs I’m a little too eager to share. Show her you know something once Jon Snow, amirite? Anyway, things got a — shockingly — bit more tense for the burgeoning couple later on, but I’ll leave that for tomorrow’s discussion. Until then, here’s Ygritte letting Jon Snow he’s not going off to college without a girlfriend…

Let’s revisit Ygritte going full Overly Attached Girlfriend early in the episode with a captioned screengrab and corresponding GIFs I’m a little too eager to share.

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Westboro Baptist Church To Picket Jeff Hanneman's Funeral
06 may 2013 16:38

I love everything about this story, except for the part where Slayer guitarist Jeff Hanneman is dead while everyone involved with the Westboro Baptist Church remains alive. The Westboro Parish Church has announced that they plan to protest the funeral of Slayer guitarist Jeff Hanneman. The fundamentalist Christian group has a history of picketing outside funerals of dead US soldiers and concerts of artists, with Radiohead and Foo Fighters being past victims of their attention-seeking hatred. The group plan to perform their cover of Ozzy Osbourne’s ‘Crazy Train’ at the funeral. (Via) They even sent out a tweet, so you know they mean business.

I love everything about this story, except for the part where Slayer guitarist Jeff Hanneman is dead while everyone involved with the Westboro Baptist Church remains alive.

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The New 'Man Of Steel' TV Spot Is Just A Wee Bit Epic
06 may 2013 16:35

If the Man Of Steel trailer and GIF roundup weren’t enough Superman epic-ness for your liking, a new TV spot and poster are here to save the day. The TV spot aired on ABC and includes a few new bits of footage, like Superman shouting something (Dad?) and flying around IN SPACE. We’ve also learned from an interview with Henry Cavill in British GQ that he could have lost the Superman role in Man Of Steel because he didn’t answer his phone when director Zack Snyder called him to make an offer. The reason he didn’t answer? He was engrossed in playing World of Warcraft. Says Cavill, “I saw it was him [calling] but the thing is, you can’t save World of Warcraft, you can’t pause it. It’s live.” Cavill did return the call, so there’s at least one person out who’s able to escape from Azeroth. But we can’t all be Superman.

If the Man Of Steel trailer and GIF roundup weren’t enough Superman epic-ness for your liking, a new TV spot and poster are here to save the day.

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College Student Studying
06 may 2013 16:32

It's finals week and you know what that means. College kids will be locked down and studying hard. OK, well maybe not all college kids. These kids make college look easy. Forget Finals Lets Party!

It's finals week and you know what that means. College kids will be locked down and studying hard. OK, well maybe not all college kids. These kids make college look easy. Forget Finals Lets Party!

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Ron Swanson's 15 Best Season 5 GIFs
06 may 2013 15:07

In a post-season finale interview with Entertainment Weekly, Parks and Recreation creator Ken Tremendous, er, Michael Schur said a sixth season of NBC’s best sitcom is “likely.” "While there’s no official word from NBC, signs and buzz point to a return visit to Pawnee. “I’ve been cautiously optimistic for five straight years, that’s not going to change,” says Schur. “I fully believe that we will be back next year, but until they actually make that phone call, I never like to say it’s a sure thing.” There are a plethora of reasons why Parks not returning would be terrible — many of which involve waffles and mouse rats — but the biggest is: there’s a new Swanson on the way. Now, I’m not going to refer to NBC baby killers, but…well, just renew the damn show, already. Until the official announcement comes, though, let’s take a look at some of the proud soon-to-be papa’s finest, most enlightening moments from season five.

In a post-season finale interview with Entertainment Weekly, Parks and Recreation creator Ken Tremendous, er, Michael Schur said a sixth season of NBC’s best sitcom is “likely.

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Hilarious Obituary for ‘Waffle House Mom’ Goes Viral
06 may 2013 13:08

We’re thinking Toni Larroux of Bay Saint Louis, MS., who died last week at 68, had a pretty quirky sense of humor. Her two surviving children certainly do. From the first line of the obituary they penned for their mother — “Waffle House lost a loyal customer on April 30, 2013. Antonia W. ‘Toni’ Larroux died after a battle with multiple illnesses: lupus, rickets, scurvy, kidney disease and feline leukemia” — you are clued in that this is not going to be the typical remembrance. As the obit progresses, the kids accuse mom of playing favorites, reveal unflattering nicknames, hint at illegitimate children and take shots at each other and other family members. The first local paper the Larrouxs submitted it to actually rejected the obit even though its conclusion, as well as its parenthetical phrasing, make it pretty clear that it is tongue-in-cheek. But another paper agreed to print it, and its dark and often awkward comedy struck a chord with readers who have pushed it to go viral. You can read the whole thing below. Do you think it goes too far? Or is it a fitting send off for a woman who obviously appreciated a good joke as much as a good waffle?

We’re thinking Toni Larroux of Bay Saint Louis, MS., who died last week at 68, had a pretty quirky sense of humor. Her two surviving children certainly do.

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32 Awful Tattoos To Make You Lose Faith In Humanity
04 may 2013 13:56

Before you think about getting a tattoo, please do yourself and the rest of the planet a favor, that it won’t ever be as bad as what you’re about to witness…. Maybe these 32 individuals lost a bet, maybe they got unlucky and ended up with the apprentice tattooist or maybe they just purposely decided to get some of the worst tattoos ever known to mankind, we can’t really be sure. What’s even more dumbfounding about these 32 acts of lunacy, is that they could have opted to get awesome tattoos like these (maybe not so much this lot mind you) – but instead decided to throw caution & logic out of the window. The result are typos, multiple penises on foreheads, ode’s to Wal-Mart and McDonald’s and even Psy from Gangnam Style…. Who knows, maybe they love them and if they do, that’s awesome. For the rest of us, we can only look on in horror. Do let us know which ones leave the greatest impression on you….

Before you think about getting a tattoo, please do yourself and the rest of the planet a favor, that it won’t ever be as bad as what you’re about to witness….

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Talented Mom Creates Epic Napkin Art For Her Kids Lunch
04 may 2013 13:54

There’s already quite a few awesome parents out there, but creative mother of two Nina Levy takes it to a whole new level. She’s a photographer, illustrator and sculptor based in Brooklyn and for the past 6 years she’s been inking incredible cartoons and popular characters onto the lunchtime napkins for her two sons. "I usually get requests, although they are sometimes hard to fulfill “I want Nightwing and Kid Flash blowing up the Brotherhood of Evil while Batman and Superman watch. Our napkins usually come back home along with all the uneaten food. My younger son actually uses them for their original purpose, while the other tells me, “oh, I only use the napkin to get attention, I just wipe my hands on my clothes." Probably one of the most exciting things of being a kid (aside from getting to go home at the end of the day) was discovering what was in your lunchbox – but for these two, they get the added bonus of some amazing art as well. To date, she’s singled handily created a staggering 2,000 unique custom napkins – which she’s listed right here on her Daily Napkins blog Below are a few of our personal favs, talk about being an awesome mum.

There’s already quite a few awesome parents out there, but creative mother of two Nina Levy takes it to a whole new level.

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14 Controversial & Disturbing Items You Can Buy On Etsy
04 may 2013 13:52

We want to preface this post buy saying we’re actually big fans of Etsy, the huge online community is a fantastic marketing place for sell your own handmade items or even track down some affordable (and often awesome) artwork. But like anything that is open to the public, occasionally you’re going to get a few unusual and often creepy items crop up…..There’s a difference mind you, between bizarre and downright nightmarish. These next 14 examples fall into the “I won’t be sleeping tonight” category - which makes you wonder, would anyone want them in their home? Let us know what you think, are we right in labeling them more than a little strange & unsettling? Or would you happy have them around the home to freak out your friends? If you’ve found items that just as peculiar, let us know by leaving links in the comments below.

We want to preface this post buy saying we’re actually big fans of Etsy, the huge online community is a fantastic marketing place for sell your own handmade items or even track down some...

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10 Things You Didn’t Know About Iron Man
04 may 2013 13:43

Ever since the release of the first ‘Iron Man’ film in 2008, the Marvel character has become a certified cultural icon, with his likeness appearing on everything from children’s backpacks to Burger King meals to boxes of frozen pizza. And with the release of ‘Iron Man 3‘ on Friday, Iron Man’s world domination seems almost complete. But despite being around for quite some time, he’s bound to have a few secrets tucked away in his exoskeleton. So, join us as we look at 10 things you may not have known about Iron Man.

Ever since the release of the first ‘Iron Man’ film in 2008, the Marvel character has become a certified cultural icon, ...

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The Best Dove Beauty Sketches Parodies
04 may 2013 13:25

Surely you’ve seen this ad from Dove, in which a forensic sketch artist draws women as they describe themselves, then as other women describe them, then everybody starts crying? If not, it’s here for the watching, just to give you some context before we settle in to what this is really all about — making fun of that ad. Obviously you can’t be this earnest while shilling soap and expect to get away with it. Not in this day and age. So here are our picks for the best parodies of the Dove Beauty Sketches ad. Some of them are NSFW due to language and/or depictions of human anatomy.

Surely you’ve seen this ad from Dove, in which a forensic sketch artist draws women as they describe themselves, then as other women describe them, then everybody starts crying?

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Taco Bell Doritos Locos Tacos Cause High School Lockdown
04 may 2013 13:12

If you spend a lot of time with high school students you should be pretty well acquainted with Taco Bell. Which is why it’s surprising that the delicious fast food was able to cause so much confusion at Del Campo High School in Sacramento, California. Turns out somebody had left a big bag of Doritos Locos Tacos and more goodies on the school’s baseball field on a recent morning. Whether this was the result of “fourth meal” munchies or just a forgotten lunch is unclear. What is clear is that at about 10 AM somebody reported the food bag as a “suspicious object.” Given the times, the school immediately went into lockdown mode and remained that way until 11 AM when security officials realized the only threat the suspicious object posed was to the digestive system. A school district spokesperson defended the reaction as a “precautionary measure.” They added that classes were not interrupted during the lockdown. What do you think? Have we become too paranoid about terrorism when seven layer burritos are confused for bombs?

If you spend a lot of time with high school students you should be pretty well acquainted with Taco Bell.

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World’s Biggest Sucker Loses Life Savings on Carnival Game
04 may 2013 13:09

We feel kind of bad that Henry Gribbohm lost his life savings, totaling $2,600, on a carnival game, but at the same time…COME ON, DUDE! Gribbohm was at the carnival in Manchester, New Hampshire, trying to win a Xbox Kinect by playing a game called Tubs of Fun. After throwing away $300 on the game (by this point he could’ve just bought an Xbox), Gribbohm left the carnival to get the rest of his savings. He lost all of that too. When he came back the next day to complain, the carny gave him $600 and a Rasta banana. Gribbohm has filed a complaint with the police, and they are now investigating to see if the game was rigged. Perhaps someone should investigate Gribbohm’s head.

We feel kind of bad that Henry Gribbohm lost his life savings, totaling $2,600, on a carnival game, but at the same time…COME ON, DUDE!

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The White House Is Now on Tumblr Because of Course It Is
04 may 2013 13:05

The Official White House Tumblr sounds like a parody website that would be full of political snark and GIFs. But it’s not a parody. The recently launched page is actually the official Tumblr for the White House. Like, for real. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t snark and GIFs. This is Tumblr after all. Launched last week, it’s part of the Obama administration’s commitment to making this “the most open and accessible administration in history.” Of course, the Tumblr also promises many pictures of Bo the White House dog because it knows where it’s internet bread is buttered. Check out some of the first photos and GIFs from the White House’s foray into Web 2.0.

The Official White House Tumblr sounds like a parody website that would be full of political snark and GIFs. But it’s not a parody.

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11 Panoramic Photo Fails That Will Freak You Out
04 may 2013 13:03

Taking good pictures is a really tricky skill to perfect, yet when photos are shot correctly, they can be awesome. (See: photobombs and perfectly-timed versions). But there is a bright side to photography failure — sometimes it can create a weird and strangely entertaining creation. Cue: panoramic fails. When attempting to take a panoramic picture, you usually have to snap a few separate shots to get an entire scene in the frame. The thing is, it’s super hard to get this right. When the spacing doesn’t align or something just goes wrong, the result is totally odd and really hilarious. Check out 11 panoramic photo fails below.

Taking good pictures is a really tricky skill to perfect, yet when photos are shot correctly, they can be awesome. (See: photobombs and perfectly-timed versions).

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Baby With Pants Down Video Bombs NBA Postgame Show
04 may 2013 13:01

The NBA playoffs is no time for child’s play. Or is it? A baby with his pants down stole the spotlight while analysts discussed the Houston Rockets win over the Oklahoma City Thunder on Wednesday night. It’s a short clip and the kid doesn’t even speak while he strolled across the court and into the shot, but it’s still adorably hilarious. Who knows — maybe this kid is the next LeBron? Before we know for sure, let’s make sure he suits up.

The NBA playoffs is no time for child’s play. Or is it? A baby with his pants down stole the spotlight while analysts discussed the Houston Rockets win over the Oklahoma City Thunder on Wednesday...

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Man Animates Drunk Wife’s Ridiculous Joke
04 may 2013 13:00

We wish somebody would follow us around and animate our drunken brilliance. Although, to be fair, arguing over the lyrics to a Go-Go’s song is not nearly as entertaining as this joke, told by Adam Patch’s wife after she drank an entire bottle of wine. We think this whole thing is just about perfect, and we hope it makes you laugh as much as we did. Because if you can’t laugh at a stupid joke told by a drunk person, how are you going to make it through Thanksgiving dinner with your family? Enjoy!

We wish somebody would follow us around and animate our drunken brilliance. Although, to be fair, arguing over the lyrics to a Go-Go’s song is not nearly as entertaining as this joke, ...

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Man Animates His Mom’s Epic Retelling of ‘The Matrix’
04 may 2013 13:00

To be honest, we haven’t watched ‘The Matrix’ in probably 13 years, so we’d just like to thank this guy’s mom for the refresher! Although we’re pretty sure the dude’s name is Morpheus, not Moshimo. Regardless, we’re pretty sure this is a fairly accurate plot synopsis, and the accompanying animation keeps us from nodding off like we usually do when somebody tells us what a movie is about. All in all, we say 10/10, would watch again, unlike ‘The Matrix,’ which we now don’t need to see for at least another 13 years. Bravo!

To be honest, we haven’t watched ‘The Matrix’ in probably 13 years, so we’d just like to thank this guy’s mom for the refresher! Although we’re pretty sure the dude’s name is Morpheus, not Moshimo.

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Rhett & Link: Worst Commercial You’ve Ever Seen
04 may 2013 12:59

Local commercials don’t get much worse than this. The ad for Arlen’s Transmission in Pasadena, California will leave you scratching your head in bewilderment and laughing in disbelief. Created by viral video wizards Rhett and Link (the good people responsible for the legendary Chuck Testa), this ad has the feel of a ‘Saturday Night Live’ parody with a dash of Rebecca Black’s ‘Friday’ sprinkled in for good (or bad) measure. The lyrics (“Shift it! Shift it!”), the singing, the dancing, the sexual undertones — it’s all so over-the-top terrible that you’re bound to forget it’s an ad for a body shop. Let’s just hope Arlen and his team are more adept fixing your brakes than they are at carrying a tune.

Local commercials don’t get much worse than this. The ad for Arlen’s Transmission in Pasadena, California will leave you scratching your head in bewilderment and laughing in disbelief.

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10 Horses Wearing Kentucky Derby Hats
04 may 2013 12:47

What’s the best part of the Kentucky Derby? The hats? The horse racing? The glasses filled with cold, cold whiskey? We couldn’t decide, so we put some hats on some horses to help us figure it out. It didn’t help. We’ll make up our mind tomorrow when the race is over.

What’s the best part of the Kentucky Derby? The hats? The horse racing? The glasses filled with cold, cold whiskey? We couldn’t decide, so we put some hats on some horses to help us figure it out.

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33 High School Students Were Suspended For Twerking
04 may 2013 12:38

“Twerking” is the latest dance craze. And by that we mean Miley Cyrus is quite fond of posting videos of herself doing it. But the administration at Scripps Ranch High School in San Diego are not fond of Twerking. In fact they just suspended 33 students for their own video of the dance, which they claim involves a female ”shaking their hips and bottom in a bouncy up and down motion, causing it to ‘wobble’ and ‘jiggle,’ often while a male observes the gyrations.” That’s…pretty accurate actually. According to a school spokesperson this violates school policy which forbids “verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature made by someone from or in the educational setting.” You see the problem was the students made the video on school grounds, possibly using school equipment. Then they put it up on YouTube. In addition to missing a few school days, six of the suspended students are seniors and won’t be able to attend graduation or prom, which would seem like the perfect venue to show off their latest “Twerks.” What do you think? Fair punishment? The video in question was recently removed from YouTube, but if you want to get a better idea of the dance you can check out Miley Twerking — while dressed as a unicorn for some reason — below.

“Twerking” is the latest dance craze. And by that we mean Miley Cyrus is quite fond of posting videos of herself doing it.

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"How To Loose A Guy in One Tinder." The Joys Of Trolling.
03 may 2013 18:21

Tinder is an app that allows people to connect based on location and mutual attraction. Well one user took it to a totally different level with her experiment on men. The 23 year old Emily Miller trolls guys with ridiculous talks ranging from ovulation to marriage, in order see how far they'll go and what they will tolerate in hopes of having sex with her. She called the experiment “How to Lose a Guy in One Tinder,” and so far it's been hilarious. Emily screencaps the conversations and posts them on her Tumblr. Check it out!

Tinder is an app that allows people to connect based on location and mutual attraction. Well one user took it to a totally different level with her experiment on men.

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Gross Toothpaste
03 may 2013 15:23

I'm sure you hate these things just as much as I do. There are situations in life we all experience that drive us crazy. These are a few of those moments we all have been through. Talk about pet peeves.

I'm sure you hate these things just as much as I do. There are situations in life we all experience that drive us crazy. These are a few of those moments we all have been through.

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Army Humor
03 may 2013 15:04

Its time for our hilarious daily photo dump. This collection of funny pictures is guaranteed to make you laugh. Take a moment to look through these funny pictures and smile because life is good.

Its time for our hilarious daily photo dump. This collection of funny pictures is guaranteed to make you laugh. Take a moment to look through these funny pictures and smile because life is good.

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Girl and Her Calculator
03 may 2013 14:45

This is a story of a girl and her calculator. You never know where love will strike. This girl loves her calculator and wanted everyone to know. She decided to take her calculator to Prom as her date and the calculator said yes. What a cute funny story.

This is a story of a girl and her calculator. You never know where love will strike. This girl loves her calculator and wanted everyone to know.

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Feeding Time
02 may 2013 16:46

I'm not sure exactly how your day is going but after looking at these photos it will get a little bit better. Here are some random and hilarious photos of the day to cheer you up and get you laughing. These funny and awesome photos are just what you are looking for.

I'm not sure exactly how your day is going but after looking at these photos it will get a little bit better.

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Epic Wedding Fail
02 may 2013 16:16

Romance is in the air. The engagement, the wedding and the honeymoon are all huge moments that reflect on how the loving marriage will unfold. Unfortunately, these people are not off to the best starts in their wedding plans. Every couple is different and unique but I don't see some of these couples lasting based on how things began. Here are some hilarious wedding/ engagement fails.

Romance is in the air. The engagement, the wedding and the honeymoon are all huge moments that reflect on how the loving marriage will unfold.

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Pulling off the Orange Juice Ring Fail
02 may 2013 16:03

We have all gone through some of these moments in our lives. Simple things in life can be so frustrating some times. Its situations like these that can be the worst. These are all terrible but funny fail situations we can all relate to.

We have all gone through some of these moments in our lives. Simple things in life can be so frustrating some times. Its situations like these that can be the worst.

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Amazing Behind The Scenes Photos From The Empire Strikes Back
01 may 2013 14:43

Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back – what can you say that hasn’t already been written about a movie that is now 33 years old, but still stands as one of the greatest sci-fi movies ever made? It cost a respectable $32M to make, but pulled in a mind-blowing $538M at the box office worldwide. Whilst three years ago the National Film Registry by the Library of Congress decided that the movie should be preserved for being “culturally, historically, and aesthetically significant.” Today it’s regarded (rightly so) as the darkest of the original Star Wars movies – with the saw-saw battle between good and evil often tilted in favor of the dark side.

Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back – what can you say that hasn’t already been written about a movie that is now 33 years old, ...

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