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Chinese Woman Takes Touching Wedding Photos With Her Very Sick Grandfather Before It’s Too Late
16 mar 2018 11:33

Fu Xuewei, a 25-year-old entrepreneur from Chengdu, China recently shared a beautiful set of wedding photos that are going viral. However, there’s an emotional twist to the photographs where no groom seems to be found. In fact, one is not even present as the only people featured in the photoshoot are Ms. Fu and her 87-year-old grandfather.

Fu Xuewei, a 25-year-old entrepreneur from Chengdu, China recently shared a beautiful set of wedding photos that are going viral.

Tags: china    family    grandfather    photoshoot    story    wedding    woman   
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A beautiful eye! :)
15 mar 2018 09:32

Karthikeyan Velappan has been sketching all his life, and he was into simple black and white sketches on paper, until he came across the apple pencil for the iPad pro. He has been doing some digital artwork over the last two months. And he’s been able to well adapt to the new style of putting out his imagination.

Karthikeyan Velappan has been sketching all his life, and he was into simple black and white sketches on paper, until he came across the apple pencil for the iPad pro.

Tags: apple pencil    art    artwork    digital    imagination    painting    pencil   
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Chinese Weather Woman Stuns The World By Not Aging For 22 Years On Screen, And Here’s The Proof
15 mar 2018 09:27

A video of Ms. Yang have recently gone viral on Chinese social media, showing her at work over her 22 year stint as weather presenter. Astonishingly, she looks almost exactly the same as when she began her job as a 22-year-old back in 1996, when the Spice Girls ruled the airwaves and we were in thrall to snake, on our Nokia phones.

A video of Ms. Yang have recently gone viral on Chinese social media, showing her at work over her 22 year stint as weather presenter.

Tags: aging    china    presenter    weather    woman    young    youth   
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At first glance, this looks like an ordinary day in a small village with people enjoying the sun outside
15 mar 2018 09:20

During World War 2, one B-17 Bomber cost a little over $200,000 to produce. That’s about $3,4 million in today’s economy. And since the US Army requested thousands of these planes, they wanted to take every measure when securing the Boeing factory that produced them. And by “every measure” I mean hiring Hollywood set designers to build a fake neighborhood atop it and getting actors to inhabit the area.

During World War 2, one B-17 Bomber cost a little over $200,000 to produce. That’s about $3,4 million in today’s economy.

Tags: boeing    factory    fake    history    rooftop    town    usa    war   
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Photographer Changes The Physical Appearance Of A Homeless Couple, And Now They Look Like Models
15 mar 2018 09:14

A talented photographer from Nairobi, Kenya, working under the name of Muchiri Frames, recently made an inspiring photo shoot which proved that love is pure and unconditional in its simplest form. Together with his team, they decided to do something special for Valentine‘s day. And this is when they met Sammy, also known as Blackie, in on of the parks of Nairobi, who‘s been living in the streets for a while now.

A talented photographer from Nairobi, Kenya, working under the name of Muchiri Frames, recently made an inspiring photo shoot which proved that love is pure and unconditional in its simplest form.

Tags: Kenya    Nairobi    couple    homeless    love    model    photography   
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I Photograph Babies Surrounded By My Handmade Mandalas
07 mar 2018 10:22

When I was 7 years old, I discovered graphic arts. It was my passion and I went that path for a very long time. Photography came along to my life after my children were born, and it has become my life. Baby photography is what I love the most. Babies represent: fresh start, birth, new beginning, innocence. I feel thankful for the opportunity to work and create “art” with the smallest models.

When I was 7 years old, I discovered graphic arts. It was my passion and I went that path for a very long time.

Tags: art    baby    mandala    photography    photoshoot   
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This Guy Continues To Paint Pop-Culture Characters Into Old Thrift-Store Paintings
07 mar 2018 10:14

Dave Pollot is a US painter who brings new life to old and forgotten art. He buys thrift store paintings and perfectly "enhances" them with pop culture symbols, giving a cool, nerdy spin to what's dusting away inside cracked frames. "Any scratches or marks are carefully touched up and then my own visions are added." Before focusing on repurposing discarded thrift art, Dave painted more ‘serious’ architectural paintings and landscapes.

Dave Pollot is a US painter who brings new life to old and forgotten art. He buys thrift store paintings and perfectly "enhances" them with pop culture symbols, giving a cool, ...

Tags: Dave Pollot    art    fun    painter    painting    thrift-store   
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Mom Gets Criticized Over Son’s Zombie Cake Photo Shoot, Reveals The Heartbreaking Secret Behind It
07 mar 2018 10:05

Little Phoenix celebrated his first birthday smiling in front of the camera during a zombie-themed photoshoot. When his mom shared it online, however, the internet wasn’t smiling at all. Australian mother Amy Louise has received a huge wave of backlash for organizing her toddler such a “disgusting,” “morbid,” and “offensive” experience. In response, she shared the story behind it, and it’s so heartbreaking, it will silence all of her haters.

Little Phoenix celebrated his first birthday smiling in front of the camera during a zombie-themed photoshoot. When his mom shared it online, however, the internet wasn’t smiling at all.

Tags: birthday    cake    mom    photoshoot    secret    son    zombie   
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Meet The Cutest Fish Vendor In Vietnam Who Is Taking The Internet By Storm With His Adorable Pics
07 mar 2018 10:00

There’s a street vendor in Vietnam that appears to be above his competition. Mainly because the merchant looks so appealing, he would probably persuade you even into buying sand in a desert. He’s a 3-year-old cat and his owner, Le Quoc Phong, calls him Dog. Together they’ve been spotted in a local market quite a few times. Like a true businessman, Dog is always well-dressed, looking stylish while he’s earning a living.

There’s a street vendor in Vietnam that appears to be above his competition. Mainly because the merchant looks so appealing, he would probably persuade you even into buying sand in a desert.

Tags: cat    market    merchant    photo    pyet    vendor    vietnam   
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US Olympic Skier Gus Kenworthy Rescued 90 Dogs From Korean Dog Meat Farm
02 mar 2018 13:44

Gus Kenworthy, 26, is an American freestyle skier from Colorado who recently made headlines after rescuing 90 dogs from a dog meat farm in South Korea while participating in 2018 Winter Olympics.

Gus Kenworthy, 26, is an American freestyle skier from Colorado who recently made headlines after rescuing 90 dogs from a dog meat farm in South Korea while participating in 2018 Winter Olympics.

Tags: Gus Kenworthy    dog    farm    rescue    skier    south-korea   
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Woman Continues To Hilariously Recreate Celebrity Instagram Pics, And The Result Is Better Than The
02 mar 2018 13:32

Celeste Barber - an Insta-famous comedian from Australia who gained her enormous following by hilariously recreating celebrity photos. She continues poking fun at the unrealistic and perfect images that our celebrities share on Instagram by adding some mundane twists making it way more down-to-earth and fun.

Celeste Barber - an Insta-famous comedian from Australia who gained her enormous following by hilariously recreating celebrity photos.

Tags: celebrity    comedian    fun    humor    model    parody    woman   
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Meet Leela, The Weirdest Pit Bull In The World Who Acts So Strangely Even Vets Can’t Explain It
02 mar 2018 13:23

Jokingly expressing doubts about the functioning of her brain, Leela’s owner, Imgur user xsoup4you presents her precious pooch in a series of cute pics that fully illustrate her eccentric nature. From some of the less-than-normal ways she chooses to arrange herself, it looks like Leela has been taking some yoga classes!

Jokingly expressing doubts about the functioning of her brain, Leela’s owner, Imgur user xsoup4you presents her precious pooch in a series of cute pics that fully illustrate her eccentric nature.

Tags: dog    photo    pics    pit bull    pyet    story   
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Brave Dog Gets Shot While Protecting His 16-Year-Old Owner From Armed Intruders
28 feb 2018 09:22

When on February 21st armed intruders invaded 16-year-old Javier Mercado‘s house, he was home alone with Rex. It all happened just after noon in Des Moines, USA – Javier heard a noise and looked through a window where he saw a car he didn’t recognize. “I then heard the sliding door break, and it is made out of just glass so it shattered really loud,” said Mercado. “My dog ran downstairs, and it just started barking and barking. I heard one guy scream, ‘the

When on February 21st armed intruders invaded 16-year-old Javier Mercado‘s house, he was home alone with Rex.

Tags: dog    intruder    owner    protection    pyet    shot    story   
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This French Designer Creates Dresses Like No One Else
28 feb 2018 09:16

French creator Sylvie Facon sews dresses with such beautiful fabrics and attention to detail, they would steal any catwalk. Facon even crafted one of her outfits from the spines of old texts. She worked on the dress with costume designer Morgane E. Grosdemange, and the steampunk-inspired garment highlights the incredible versatility of Facon’s skills.

French creator Sylvie Facon sews dresses with such beautiful fabrics and attention to detail, they would steal any catwalk. Facon even crafted one of her outfits from the spines of old texts.

Tags: art    beauty    costume    designer    dress    fashion    photo   
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#1 On Our Way To Mordor On Mt. Ruapehu
26 feb 2018 12:22

I recently spent a couple weeks traveling the North and South islands of New Zealand and I managed to hit almost every filming site from Lord of the Rings! Here are some shots that I was able to re-create or that lined up with scenes from the movies very nicely.

I recently spent a couple weeks traveling the North and South islands of New Zealand and I managed to hit almost every filming site from Lord of the Rings!

Tags: filym    location    lord-of-the-rings    photo    recreation    scene    trip   
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Rare Kitten Born With ‘Two Faces’ Grows Up Into The Most Beautiful Cat Ever
26 feb 2018 12:15

We usually stay away from two-faced people, but there’s nothing more adorable than a kitty with two-toned fur. Recently, professional animal photographer Jean-Michel Labat shot Narnia, an adorable British Shorthair cat in its home in France, and the pictures are making headlines all over the internet.

We usually stay away from two-faced people, but there’s nothing more adorable than a kitty with two-toned fur.

Tags: Narnia    beauty    cat    feline    photo    pyet    two-faced   
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Teacher In Ghana Teaches ‘MS Word’ On Chalkboard
26 feb 2018 12:10

A Facebook post by a teacher in Ghana has gone viral and won the hearts of many people, thanks to his unusual and improvised methods of teaching ICT (Information and Communications Technology), without a computer!

A Facebook post by a teacher in Ghana has gone viral and won the hearts of many people, thanks to his unusual and improvised methods of teaching ICT (Information and Communications Technology), ...

Tags: Ghana    MS Word    chalkboard    computer    school    teacher   
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10 years ago, Debra Suierveld, the owner of Abby, together with her children were playing with the one-year-old pup in the backyard of their home in Apollo, Pennsylvania
21 feb 2018 12:27

10 years ago, Debra Suierveld, the owner of Abby, together with her children were playing with the one-year-old pup in the backyard of their home in Apollo, Pennsylvania. At some point, the dog ran off, and even though the family searched everywhere for her, she was nowhere to be found. But this wasn’t the end of this story. 10 years later, Abby showed up on a porch of a house 8 miles away from her owner’s house.

10 years ago, Debra Suierveld, the owner of Abby, together with her children were playing with the one-year-old pup in the backyard of their home in Apollo, Pennsylvania.

Tags: disappearance    dog    family    photo    pyet    return    story   
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Photoshop Troll Who Takes Photo Requests Too Literally Strikes Again
21 feb 2018 12:20

We all want to have at least one perfect picture of ourselves. If we don't hire a professional photographer, however, getting one proves to be an impossible task. Maybe it's the bad lighting, maybe the composition is flawed, but there's always something that's ruining the shot. Luckily for us, Photoshop wizard James Fridman is taking requests from people who want their images tweaked. But if you decide to ask him for help, take extreme care.

We all want to have at least one perfect picture of ourselves. If we don't hire a professional photographer, however, getting one proves to be an impossible task.

Tags: James Fridman    fun    humor    photo    photoshop    pic    trolly   
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Rescued Husky Goes Through An Incredible Transformation In Just 8 Months
21 feb 2018 12:13

Meet Luna, a perfect example of this. Her pictures were uploaded by Imgur user BittersweetSymphony, who seemingly rescued Luna from the streets, looking skinny and mangy and nothing at all like the magnificent husky that she is. From the pics below, it’s clear to see just how much Luna has benefited, she’s completely unrecognizable from the dog that was rescued from the street!

Meet Luna, a perfect example of this. Her pictures were uploaded by Imgur user BittersweetSymphony, who seemingly rescued Luna from the streets, ...

Tags: Luna    dog    husky    pics    rescue    story    transformation   
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At the end of 2016, I was hit by a drunk driver in Thailand and ended up going through a 4 hour-long plastic surgery that saved my life…
16 feb 2018 11:14

At the very end of 2016, I was hit by a drunk driver in Thailand and ended up going through a 4 hour-long plastic surgery that cost over $10,000, which saved my life…

At the very end of 2016, I was hit by a drunk driver in Thailand and ended up going through a 4 hour-long plastic surgery that cost over $10,000, which saved my life…

Tags: adventure    life    man    photo    story    trip    world   
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Couple Order $300-Per-Person Dinner At #7 Restaurant In The World, And Here’s What They Get
16 feb 2018 10:16

Everyone has their dirty pleasures, and this couple has just paid 600 dollars to enjoy a very particular one. A 25-course meal at Gaggan restaurant in Bangkok that’s described as “a journey through modern Indian cuisine in 25 emojis.” I assume that most of us won’t be tasting it soon, so let’s at least have a look at what the number 7 restaurant in the world has to offer, shall we?

Everyone has their dirty pleasures, and this couple has just paid 600 dollars to enjoy a very particular one.

Tags: Bangkok    dinner    emoji    meal    photo    restaurant   
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Mom Carries Her Son’s Baby And The Story Behind It Is Beautiful
12 feb 2018 14:23

Kayla Jones, 29 from Texarkana, Arkansas, just wanted to start a family with her husband Cody. Unfortunately she had undergone a partial hysterectomy aged just 17. The solution was to find a surrogate mother. “My husband and I married in 2012 and my mother-in-law always joked about being our surrogate,” Kayla explained. “After a couple of our surrogate options did not work out, we started to take my mother-in-law more seriously.”

Kayla Jones, 29 from Texarkana, Arkansas, just wanted to start a family with her husband Cody. Unfortunately she had undergone a partial hysterectomy aged just 17.

Tags: couple    family    mother-in-law    pregnancy    story   
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Artist Spends Hours Arranging Natural Objects Into Stunning Mandalas, Leaves Them For You To Find
12 feb 2018 14:06

Nature is beautiful as it is, but James Brunt is constantly finding new ways to make it look even more appealing. James creates artworks using natural objects he finds around his home in Yorkshire, England, and their intricacy will please both your eyes and your soul.

Nature is beautiful as it is, but James Brunt is constantly finding new ways to make it look even more appealing.

Tags: art    artist    england    mandala    nature    stone   
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If Countries Were People
12 feb 2018 14:01

In the global arena, every country has its image, but how would they look as people? That was the question that Russian artist Anastasia Bulgakova thought about for a year before starting her latest project.

In the global arena, every country has its image, but how would they look as people? That was the question that Russian artist Anastasia Bulgakova thought about for a year before starting her...

Tags: art    country    idea    illustration    person    portrait    project   
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21 Situations Every Dog Owner Can Relate To
02 feb 2018 14:01

My name is Erez Zadok and I’m an illustrator and comic book artist and my goal is to create simple but relatable illustrations about the everyday joys of raising my female dog, Joya. In my weekly series of comics, Bundle Of Joya, I want you to know how it’s like to be a proud dog owner.

My name is Erez Zadok and I’m an illustrator and comic book artist and my goal is to create simple but relatable illustrations about the everyday joys of raising my female dog, Joya.

Tags: art    comic    dog    humor    illustration    owner    pyet   
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Incredible Images Of The Rare “Super Blue Blood Moon”
02 feb 2018 13:55

The rare “Super Blue Blood Moon” happened yesterday and I was fortunate enough to capture these images of it! Here, a father and daughter share a special moment that to me represents the passing of his appreciation for the environment and our responsibility to protect it.

The rare “Super Blue Blood Moon” happened yesterday and I was fortunate enough to capture these images of it!

Tags: daufhter    father    image    phenomenon    photography    supermoon   
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Artist Keeps Illustrating Everyday Life With His Wife In Comics And We’re Not Jealous At All
02 feb 2018 13:47

We just love these comics by Israeli artist Yehuda Adi Devir! We have more cute and oh-so-relatable snapshots of the domestic bliss Yehuda and his wife Maya share. The pre-wedding love affair has been presented endlessly as the height of romance, but we think that the everyday love that these two share, from the weird habits and quirks to simply helping each other carry the shopping, is much more romantic in its simple and lasting beauty.

We just love these comics by Israeli artist Yehuda Adi Devir! We have more cute and oh-so-relatable snapshots of the domestic bliss Yehuda and his wife Maya share.

Tags: artist    humor    husband    illustration    life    relationships    wife   
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Japanese Mom Captures Her Life With Her Twins And Triplets And It’s Just Too Adorable
01 feb 2018 11:17

Have five children – one set of triplets and one set of twins - might sound crazy and messy, right? But when asked to describe her life with 4-year-old triplets and almost 7-year-old twins in one word, the Japanese mom Sachina offered two: “organized chaos.” The mom is interested in children’s fashion and loves dressing up her triplets.

Have five children – one set of triplets and one set of twins - might sound crazy and messy, right? But when asked to describe her life with 4-year-old triplets and almost 7-year- ...

Tags: children    japan    life    mom    photo    triplets    twins   
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This is Dexter the emotional support peacock, trying to board a flight from Newark to L.A.
01 feb 2018 11:11

Emotional support animals are companions that a medical professional has prescribed as helpful to someone with a disability. These animals are usually dogs, and can fly aboard planes with their humans. But this woman had different ideas, and brought along her emotional support peacock for her flight to L.A. from Newark Airport.

Emotional support animals are companions that a medical professional has prescribed as helpful to someone with a disability.

Tags: airport    emotional support    flight    peacock    photo    pyet    story   
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Police Try To Troll Town, Probably Don’t Expect A Reaction Like This
01 feb 2018 11:05

People trust the police with their lives, so they expect that officers tackle their duties in a serious matter. This, however, means that if someone with a badge was to try pulling off a prank, it could go a long way. And it did. It all started with a Facebook post by the Allen County (KS) Sheriff’s Department, and ended with quite a few confused and pissed folks.

People trust the police with their lives, so they expect that officers tackle their duties in a serious matter.

Tags: humor    photo    police    prank    reaction    story    trolly   
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Our Dog Was Getting a Human Sister, So i Built Her a Room Under The Stairs
26 jan 2018 12:33

Molly the Westie found out she was going to be a big sister to a little human so I decided to build her a room of her own under the stairs before the baby arrived. Nothing existed there before, it was walled-in. I wasn’t sure how big the space was, or if it would even be possible, so was very happy with the end result… as was Molly!

Molly the Westie found out she was going to be a big sister to a little human so I decided to build her a room of her own under the stairs before the baby arrived.

Tags: diy    dog    idea    photo    pyet    result    room   
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Father-Of-Three Realizes He Can’t Keep Up With His Children, Transforms His Body Beyond Recognition
26 jan 2018 12:25

A 39-year-old man has decided to completely change his life around to become a better father and husband to his family. In just six months, his determination and hard work have already achieved results so unbelievable, his family hardly recognize him.

A 39-year-old man has decided to completely change his life around to become a better father and husband to his family.

Tags: body    change    father    man    result    transformation    weightloss   
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Cat Figures Out Owner Does Not Enjoy Her Live Gifts, Starts Bringing Giant Leaves Every Morning
26 jan 2018 12:18

It’s very common for cats to show their appreciation and affection by bringing gifts for their owners. Needless to say, these gifts are rarely welcomed by their ungrateful humans. This was the case with Baloo, a young cat with an owner named Ben. Baloo is not just any old cat however. She quickly figured out that Ben has other tastes in gifts, and went out to hunt for something nicer, something less…alive.

It’s very common for cats to show their appreciation and affection by bringing gifts for their owners. Needless to say, these gifts are rarely welcomed by their ungrateful humans.

Tags: animals    cat    gift    owner    photo    pyet    story   
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Trump Screaming In A Stack Of Newspapers
23 jan 2018 12:45

Photoshop wizards are constantly battling each other, using their magic powers to determine who can create the funniest images. We have compiled a list of before-and-after pictures from the wildest PS battles on the internet, and it will make your day.

Photoshop wizards are constantly battling each other, using their magic powers to determine who can create the funniest images.

Tags: battle    before-and-after    fun    image    photo    photoshop    winner   
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