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Heath Ledger’s Inspiration For The Joker Was Probably Tom Waits
03 jun 2013 19:34

Few performances are as memorable as Heath Ledger’s terrifying, smirking inevitability as The Joker in The Dark Knight, a role which earned him a posthumous Oscar. Now Kotaku and Newsarama have tipped us to a 1979 interview of Tom Waits which is eerily similar to The Joker’s voice, inflections, and mannerisms. Thinking Heath Ledger’s inspiration for The Joker may have been Tom Waits isn’t as far-fetched as it seems. The two worked together in Terry Gilliam’s The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus, a movie which took so long to develop that it’s conceivable the two could have met at some point before The Dark Knight filmed. A then 29-years-old Tom Waits can be seen shambling, smirking, and being captivatingly weird in a 1979 Australian talk show hosted by Don Lane in the video below. Skip to 1:30 to see the start of the interview. I kept waiting for Waits to offer a magic trick demonstration to host Don Lane. I’ll just have to settle for the magic of watching Cookie Monster sing Waits’ “God’s Away On Business” instead.

Few performances are as memorable as Heath Ledger’s terrifying, smirking inevitability as The Joker in The Dark Knight, a role which earned him a posthumous Oscar.

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Video: Heath Ledger's Mesmerizing Joker Diary For The Dark Knight
03 jun 2013 19:24

We’ve said this before but it bears repeating. Few performances are as memorable as Heath Ledger’s terrifying, smirking inevitability as The Joker in The Dark Knight, a performance which earned him a posthumous Oscar. Heath Ledger told Empire about his preparation for the role, “I sat around in a hotel room in London for about a month, locked myself away, formed a little diary.” Now we’ve seen the diary. The video below comes from the German documentary series “Too Young To Die”, which did an episode on Heath Ledger last year. They interviewed Heath’s father Kim Ledger, who produced the Joker diary and flipped through it on a table next to Heath Ledger’s Best Supporting Actor Oscar. The diary contains classic Batman panels as well as pictures from A Clockwork Orange, joker playing cards, and old pictures of circus clowns. Surprisingly, the pages we see don’t have any pictures of Tom Waits, whom we assumed was a huge influence on Ledger’s performance.

We’ve said this before but it bears repeating. Few performances are as memorable as Heath Ledger’s terrifying, smirking inevitability as The Joker in The Dark Knight, ...

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'Man Of Steel' 13-Minute Video, 8 New Pictures, And An Easter Egg
03 jun 2013 19:12

With all of the Man Of Steel footage, pictures, and GIFs we’ve compiled so far, you’d think we’ve seen it all. Then a thirteen-minute featurette comes along, packed with new footage and information, followed by a huge batch of pictures released by Warner Brothers this weekend. We also have some interesting updates from an interview director Zack Snyder gave to Collider. He suggested a sequel to Man Of Steel should precede Justice League, “I feel like you need to get Superman a little further down the road before you can do a Justice League movie.” He also talked about an Easter egg in one of the scenes. The following block quote could be considered a spoiler if you like your Easter eggs to be a surprise.

With all of the Man Of Steel footage, pictures, and GIFs we’ve compiled so far, you’d think we’ve seen it all.

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The 10 Best Candidates To Replace Matt Smith As The Next 'Doctor Who'
03 jun 2013 19:10

Mere seconds after the announcement that Matt Smith would be stepping down from Doctor Who at the end of the year (during the Christmas special, and after November’s 50th Anniversary special), the Internet exploded not with grief, but with suggestions for a replacement. Some of these suggestions have been completely batsh*t. Some of them are fun, yes, but we Whovians often get a big head about our beloved Doctor and are deluded into believing that the very same people that might be considered for the next James Bond would also be considered for the next Doctor Who. Idris Elba? Are you serious? Benedict Cumberbatch? Uh, he barely has time to film Sherlock, so he’s unlikely to sign on for a huge commitment like Doctor Who. The same goes for Martin Freeman, Tom Hiddleston, Rhys Ifans, and any other British star who is big enough to be well known in America. Daniel Radcliffe or Rupert Grint? Ninja please! That is just not how Doctor Who works. Yes, it’d be great if they brought in someone of color, or even if the Doctor was a woman. But hiring a known quantity — at least a quantity known to American audiences — is not exactly in line with history. Yes, it’s fun to dreamcast, but keep in mind that Doctor Who — despite a lot of progress since its early beginnings — is still a low-budget sci-fi show, and it’s ratings aren’t exactly The Walking Dead like (in fact, I believe it receives around 7 million viewers in Britain, and 2-3 million viewers on BBC America, which means even the combined international audience is two-thirds of what Big Bang Theory gets in America). In other words, we can expect someone like we’ve gotten in the past: A familiar face to Brits, but someone that’s not necessarily well known to Americans. Christopher Eccleston is the biggest star the series has ever landed, and I only knew him as a supporting player in 28 Days Later …, and even then, with that stature, he only agreed to one season (and apparently, to wash his hands clean of the series henceforth). So, what we’re likely to see — man, woman, black, or white — is another British actor, unfamiliar to most of us who will likely be familiar to British audiences, but not a superstar. These are not necessarily the best choice, but the best, most realistic candidates to replace Matt Smith in 2014.

Mere seconds after the announcement that Matt Smith would be stepping down from Doctor Who at the end of the year (during the Christmas special, and after November’s 50th Anniversary special), ...

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'Game of Thrones' Characters Reimagined As '80s And '90s Stereotypes
03 jun 2013 19:06

Have you ever wondered what HBO's Game of Thrones would look like if it were set in the 1980s and '90s? Of course you have! Mike Wrobel, French graphic artist living in Tokyo, has illustrated this scenario by creating character art saturated with color and reminiscent of '80s and '90s fashion stereotypes. There's grunge dude Jon Snow, Miami Vice fan Jaime Lannister, douchebag Joffrey (pardon the redundancy), Sansa Stark as a Beverly Hills teen who loves boy bands, and more. There's even Daenerys Targaryen with her pets. Whatever you do, don't tell her those pets are forbidden by her apartment's lease. It won't end well. All pictures via Mike Wrobel's website:

Have you ever wondered what HBO's Game of Thrones would look like if it were set in the 1980s and '90s?

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'The Last Of Us' Has Multiplayer. Here's How It Works.
03 jun 2013 19:04

You wouldn’t know it from most of the pre-release coverage, but 'The Last of Us' has a mutliplayer mode, and it seems like it’s going to be quite ambitious. Basically, you’ll join one of two factions and then your goal is survive for “12 weeks”. Every mutliplayer bout counts as a “day”, so you can do the math on how long it will take to finish the mode. The goal of each match (aside from murdering the opposing team of course) is to collect resources, which can either be used as supplies for your refugee camp, or armor/weapon upgrades and ammo. You can also completely customize your character’s appearance, outfit and loadout. So yeah, there’s a cool metagame going on here — the actual shootery gameplay on the other hand, looks a little bit more standard. Not bad mind you, just not mind-blowing. Hit the jump for a bit of leaked multiplayer footage…

You wouldn’t know it from most of the pre-release coverage, but 'The Last of Us' has a mutliplayer mode, and it seems like it’s going to be quite ambitious.

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‘Man of Steel’ Star Henry Cavill Is Pretty Super, Man
03 jun 2013 18:58

America, meet your new Superman: his name is Henry Cavill, and he’s definitely a ‘Man of Steel.’ Prepare to swoon. ‘Man of Steel’ doesn’t hit theaters until next week, but we just couldn’t wait to let you guys lay eyes on this patriotic hunk. In the film, Henry Cavill plays Clark Kent/Superman, an orphaned alien from the planet of Krypton, sent to Earth and fostered by a lovely couple in the hopes that they can raise him to be a morally upright young man. He does more than that, though. Seems his alien genetics have made him a bit of a super-man. Or Superman, rather. Clark has skills! He can fly, he has incredible strength, and he can use those powers to save lives. But should he reveal himself to be different from other normal humans? Should he use his powers for good an intervene with fate? What if he’s using his powers to stop the evil of other men? All these questions and more will be answered when the film hits theaters next week. But for now, let’s take in all of Cavill’s disarming handsomeness with these photos, which you can use as a primer on this up and coming hunk.

America, meet your new Superman: his name is Henry Cavill, and he’s definitely a ‘Man of Steel.’ Prepare to swoon.

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Michael Douglas Says Oral Sex Can Both Cause and Cure Throat Cancer
03 jun 2013 18:57

Back in 2010, Michael Douglas was diagnosed with Stage 4 throat cancer, and while most people thought it was due to a longtime cocktail of cigarettes and booze, Douglas is now going on the record saying it was actually caused by the sexually-transmitted disease HPV, which he contracted during some marathon rounds of administering oral sex. He’s a real giver, that one. Douglas admitted to the Guardian, “I did worry [at the time] if the stress caused by my son’s incarceration didn’t help trigger it. But yeah, it’s a sexually transmitted disease that causes cancer. And if you have it, cunnilingus is also the best cure for it.” Not ones to just take someone’s word for it (even someone who played Liberace so convincingly), the Guardian sought the medial expertise of neck surgeon Mahesh Kumar, who told the paper, “It has been established beyond reasonable doubt that the HPV type 16 is the causative agent in oropharyngeal cancer.” That said, he didn’t think HPV was the sole cause of Douglas’ cancer, nor is more oral sex the cure for it: “Maybe he thinks that more exposure to the virus will boost his immune system. But medically, that just doesn’t make sense.” After having chemo, Douglas has been cancer-free for two years now and is optimistic he will remain so, as this type of cancer only has a 5 percent chance of returning. Meaning Michael Douglas is once again free to, uh, be as cunning with his lingus as he likes.

Back in 2010, Michael Douglas was diagnosed with Stage 4 throat cancer, and while most people thought it was due to a longtime cocktail of cigarettes and booze, ...

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Jenna Jameson Calls Ex-Boyfriend Tito Ortiz a Lady-Beating Addict
03 jun 2013 18:54

Since breaking up last year, reigning porn queen Jenna Jameson and Tito Ortiz’s relationship has been anything but amicable. Now Jenna’s escalating, claiming Tito beat her and routinely abused drugs. A while back Jenna lost custody of her twin boys to Tito after a vicious custody battle, and now she wants to tell her side of the story … in 140 character pieces. Jenna went on a tweeting spree yesterday, May 30, accusing the retired MMA fighter of all sorts of dastardly deeds, including drug use and child neglect.

Since breaking up last year, reigning porn queen Jenna Jameson and Tito Ortiz’s relationship has been anything but amicable. Now Jenna’s escalating, claiming Tito beat her and routinely abused drugs.

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Angelina Jolie Makes a Stunning, Return to the Red Carpet
03 jun 2013 18:43

Angelina Jolie made her stunning, post-mastectomy return to the red carpet on June 2 at the London premiere of her partner Brad Pitt‘s summer action film ‘World War Z.’ Jolie, draped in a form-fitting, black Saint Laurent gown, wore an ear-to-ear grin. She looked as beautiful as ever and unintentionally stole the spotlight from the film — because, really, how could she not? Brangelina was monochromatic in black. With his scruffy facial stubble and shoulder-skimming locks, Angie couldn’t take her eyes off her fiance.

Angelina Jolie made her stunning, post-mastectomy return to the red carpet on June 2 at the London premiere of her partner Brad Pitt‘s summer action film ‘World War Z.

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Band Kid Has the Best Reaction Ever to Breaking Cymbal
03 jun 2013 18:31

Playing the crash cymbals for the ‘Star Spangled Banner’ in your school band is kind of a big deal. It’s definitely the most dramatic part of the song, and it only gets more dramatic when one of the cymbals breaks. What does one do when such a nightmare occurs? Take a cue from this kid who handled the situation like a bawse. We defy you to find a better example of someone making the most out of a potentially embarrassing situation. This is easily the best recovery in middle school band history. We give it a couple days before Ellen has this kid jamming with DJ Tony.

Playing the crash cymbals for the ‘Star Spangled Banner’ in your school band is kind of a big deal. It’s definitely the most dramatic part of the song, ...

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The Funniest Reactions to the ‘Game of Thrones’ ‘Red Wedding’ Episode
03 jun 2013 18:29

***SPOILERS*** ***THIS WHOLE POST IS A GIANT SPOILER*** ***IF YOU DID NOT WATCH ‘GAME OF THRONES‘ LAST NIGHT, CLICK AWAY*** Otherwise, hilarity awaits you. Fans who haven’t read the George R.R. Martin books on which the hit HBO show is based should’ve been expecting something crazy would happen after two back-to-back episodes featuring characters mostly sitting around and talking. Even though last night’s episode, ‘Rains of Castamere,’ was the one readers of the book series had been waiting for, wanting to share the shock and horror with people who only watched the show, even some of them were a little bit shocked by what went down at the Red Wedding. It’s one thing to read about the horrific event — it’s another thing entirely to watch a pregnant lady get murdered by belly stabbing. (We told you there would be spoilers.) And that was just the tip of all the craziness that went down. Obviously, the internet is in an uproar. People deal with things in their own way, so here are some of our favorite reactions to the episode. As an added bonus, a bunch of readers recorded their non-reader friends’ reactions to the episode, so we’ve got some pretty hilarious videos too.

***SPOILERS*** ***THIS WHOLE POST IS A GIANT SPOILER*** ***IF YOU DID NOT WATCH ‘GAME OF THRONES‘ LAST NIGHT, CLICK AWAY*** Otherwise, hilarity awaits you. Fans who haven’t read the George R.R.

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Daft Punk Song Makes for the Ultimate Johnny Galecki Fan Video
03 jun 2013 17:36

Get it while it lasts — videos with this much copyright infringement don’t usually last long on YouTube. Until it gets pulled, here is an amazing visual interpretation of Daft Punk’s summer jam ‘Get Lucky’ in what may be the ultimate Johnny Galecki fan video. Created by comedians Joe Mande and Noah Garfinkel, it’s probably more entertaining than every episode of ‘Big Bang Theory’ combined. Just a word of warning — it is a bit of an ear worm, so don’t be surprised if you can never hear the original lyrics again. Now that you’ve been warned, enjoy!

Get it while it lasts — videos with this much copyright infringement don’t usually last long on YouTube.

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Music Video Recreates All Your Favorite Scenes From ’80s Movies
03 jun 2013 17:30

Musician Jon Marco found a way to get everyone to listen to his punk pop-y song ‘Rhianna’ — he recreated just about every scene you loved from your favorite childhood movies in the music video. (And, no, the song isn’t an ode to the pop star.) The video is great for nostalgics or people who don’t have time to watch a whole bunch of movies. Don’t worry — this video isn’t actually eight minutes long. Well, the video is eight minutes long, but the song isn’t. It’s just that when you have this many special effects and actors, the credits are going to have to run for awhile. By the time the song is over, you’ll realize why the credits are so long.

Musician Jon Marco found a way to get everyone to listen to his punk pop-y song ‘Rhianna’ — he recreated just about every scene you loved from your favorite childhood movies in the music video.

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16 Ridiculously Stupid Board Games From Your Childhood
03 jun 2013 17:27

In a world now dominated by smartphones, iPads & millions of app, the trusty board game has long been consigned to the attic gathering dust. Back in the 80′s and 90′s they served as they ultimate way to entertain yourself with your friends and family. Of course there were the staple & universally loved likes of, Monopoly, Connect Four, Guess Who?, Snakes & Ladders and Cluedo but with each new film, hit TV series or breakthrough musical act, toy manufactures attempted to cash in and profit from their popularity. Just like food manufactures did when they released endless ranges of cereals featuring movie-ins and toys.

In a world now dominated by smartphones, iPads & millions of app, the trusty board game has long been consigned to the attic gathering dust.

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Iceland travels
03 jun 2013 17:25

Like many, author Stephen Markley loves the idea of travel – the concept of being amongst new communities, surrounded by different customs and (depending on how spontaneous and open-minded you are) learning to improvise and see where the days events take you. Which is why when it comes to traditional travel guidebooks, both he & his publisher Matthew Trinetti found them to be utterly inaccurate. “Guidebooks today are static and stale. Travelers in today’s connected world are better served by free, curated websites like TripAdvisor, or by asking friends or locals for travel advice. We’re creating a series of storybooks that are fast, fun, and educational.” Together they’ve published a bold, amusing and startling original book titled Tales of Iceland or “Running with the Huldufólk in the Permanent Daylight” currently one of the bestsellers on Amazon. It’s Markley’s second novel (following on from his wildly successful Publish This Book: The Unbelievable True Story of How I Wrote, Sold and Published This Very Book) and it looks his unusual and peculier travels around Iceland, a country itself that is home to just as many mountain trolls as desirable women.

Like many, author Stephen Markley loves the idea of travel – the concept of being amongst new communities, ...

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42 Eye-Catching Magazine Covers You Might Have Missed
03 jun 2013 17:23

Amongst the crowded world of newsagent stands and battling the rise of tablets & smartphones – the magazine industry certainly has a fight on its hands. Unlike the saying “Never judge a book by its cover” the opposite is true of magazines. Now more than ever, they need to b unique and striking enough to command your attention, especially against a background of hundreds of Photoshop faces glaring back down at you. A good magazine cover, draws you in, somehow mutes everything else around it and finally compels you to pick it up. It’s a tough act, especially with countless distractions surrounding you and yet under that kind of pressure, graphic designers often produced some of their best work. Now sales of particular issues vary depending on the title, subject and indeed the lead imagine (after all typography & illustration can only do so much) But cutting-edge graphic design has the power to transform a static image into something you perceive as worth interacting with and absorbing. That’s its true magic & why it’s considered a genuine artform. With that in mind, we’ve put together 42 eye-catching magazine covers from different eras, publications and countries that all have one common theme – they are all designed to dare to you find out more…

Amongst the crowded world of newsagent stands and battling the rise of tablets & smartphones – the magazine industry certainly has a fight on its hands.

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I'll kill you with my tuba!
03 jun 2013 13:12

Japanese teenagers do it again! After creating viral photo memes such as staged Dragon Ball Kamehameha attacks, Harry Potter Quidditch gamesVadering, they just don't seem to stop bursting out their creativity. This time they have come up with Tuba Guns, another clever photo meme in which band members fight one another with musical instruments. Check it out!

Japanese teenagers do it again! After creating viral photo memes such as staged Dragon Ball Kamehameha attacks, Harry Potter Quidditch games,  Vadering, ...

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photo by liefstoerstoutv
03 jun 2013 12:52

Baby Mugging is a rather new photo meme where people hold up a coffee cup in front of their babies to make it appear as if they are sitting inside, when actually he or she is lounging in the background of the photo. All you need to pull this off is a baby (adult, animal, etc.), a cup and a camera. Get inspired!

Baby Mugging is a rather new photo meme where people hold up a coffee cup in front of their babies to make it appear as if they are sitting inside, ...

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Black and White
03 jun 2013 12:30

Miami-based photographer Alex Beker has created “Feet & Paws,” a series of photos featuring the paws of dogs and the feet of their owners. Adorable!

Miami-based photographer Alex Beker has created “Feet & Paws,” a series of photos featuring the paws of dogs and the feet of their owners. Adorable!

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The Matrix (1999)
03 jun 2013 12:23

Tech Noir is a blog that features a large collection of cinemagraphs, seamless animated GIFs created using stills from popular films like The Matrix, Ghostbusters, The Dark Knight, and many, many more. Check it out!

Tech Noir is a blog that features a large collection of cinemagraphs, seamless animated GIFs created using stills from popular films like The Matrix, Ghostbusters, The Dark Knight, and many, ...

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Grumpy Cat
03 jun 2013 07:48

Grumpy Cat’s manager Ben Lashes and her rep Al Hassas have cut a movie deal with Todd Garner and Sean Robins of Broken Road Productions “to produce and assemble a package for a Garfield-like feature film with the famous frowning feline at the center.” Lashes was featured in The Wall Street Journal, alongside a stipple portrait of Grumpy Cat, where he discusses the other deals he’s helped make for her including a line of Grumpy Cat coffee-in-cans and bottled beverages and a forthcoming book titled, Grumpy Cat: A Grumpy Book: Disgruntled Tips and Activities Designed to Put a Frown on Your Face. Grumpy Cat was recently awarded the 2013 Webby Award for Meme of the Year.

Grumpy Cat’s manager Ben Lashes and her rep Al Hassas have cut a movie deal with Todd Garner and Sean Robins of Broken Road Productions “ ...

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Tyrannosaurus Rex Ruins The Wedding
03 jun 2013 07:36

Baton Rouge, Louisiana photographer Quinn Miller recently created a brilliant wedding photo that shows a ferocious Tyrannosaurus rex chasing down the bridal party. He used a stock photo of the dinosaur and his keen Photoshop skills to end up with this impressive result. The facial expressions of each member of the bridal party are priceless.

Baton Rouge, Louisiana photographer Quinn Miller recently created a brilliant wedding photo that shows a ferocious Tyrannosaurus rex chasing down the bridal party.

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Happy Birfday Rihanna. From, Peeje.
03 jun 2013 07:05

Skilled Photoshop ninja Patrick Thorendahl (aka “Peeje“) has taken his talent to Instagram and Facebook, where he digitally inserts himself into photos with various celebrities. In an interview with The Daily Dot, Peeje said that his photos “became popular through word-of-mouth exposure.”

Skilled Photoshop ninja Patrick Thorendahl (aka “Peeje“) has taken his talent to Instagram and Facebook, where he digitally inserts himself into photos with various celebrities.

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“Oh here we go” –Matt USMC
03 jun 2013 06:51

Nathan Fielder, star of Comedy Central’s Nathan for You, recently encouraged his Twitter followers to “accidentally” tweet their parents about a drug deal and to then tell them to ignore the text. That prank was quite successful and now he’s asked his followers to text the person they are dating “I haven’t been fully honest with you,” not respond for an hour and then tweet the result.

Here’s a look at some of the results (kids, if you like being in your relationship, don’t try this at home)

Nathan Fielder, star of Comedy Central’s Nathan for You, recently encouraged his Twitter followers to “accidentally” ...

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We’re ‘Breaking Bad’ for Aaron Paul
01 jun 2013 17:34

No, ‘Breaking Bad‘ still isn’t back yet, but we’ve got something to help tide you over until it returns for the final season in August: some super cute and sexy photos of star Aaron Paul. Normally I’d totally wait to let you guys swoon over these pics until closer to August, but I just couldn’t. The ‘Breaking Bad’ final season is too far away! If you’re like me, you’re seriously jonesing for a little Aaron Paul action, too. Paul stars as Jesse Pinkman on the hit AMC drama series about a high school chemistry teacher who is diagnosed with cancer and starts cooking meth to earn money for his family. Paul isn’t the meth-cooking teacher — he’s the former student of the teacher who now helps him cook the meth. Well, he was helping him. Now everything is sort of a huge mess. You really should just watch the show to see what I mean. It’s crazy-good. Unfortunately for all us ladies, Paul got married this week (to girlfriend Lauren Parsekian). But that doesn’t mean we can’t continue to stare longingly into his beautiful blue eyes. Also, this dude rocks a sensible sweater like no other dude — except for maybe Ryan Gosling.

No, ‘Breaking Bad‘ still isn’t back yet, but we’ve got something to help tide you over until it returns for the final season in August: some super cute and sexy photos of star Aaron Paul.

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Up-and-Comer Aaron Tveit Makes Us Feel All Right
01 jun 2013 17:34

Do you know the name Aaron Tveit? No? Well you should. Get on the Aaron Tveit bandwagon now so you can be a total Tveit hipster when your friends eventually catch on. Chances are, you’ve probably seen Aaron in action — he had a recurring role on ‘Gossip Girl,’ where he starred in 10 episodes as Tripp Vanderbilt (holy crap that name), and he’s had small roles in films like ‘Ghost Town’ and ‘Howl’ with James Franco. Tveit got his start in the theater biz with parts in ‘Rent’ and ‘Hairspray’ before hitting it big by playing Leonardo DiCaprio’s role in the stage version of ‘Catch Me If You Can’ (oh we will, Aaron Tveit — we will). It was that seasoned theater experience that landed him a role in the Academy Award-nominated ‘Les Miserables’ last year as Enjolras (holy crap THAT name), a soldier and a damn fine showman. Now the up-and-coming actor has a new TV show to call his own this year: ‘Graceland,’ in which he stars as Mike Warren, one of several government agency workers forced to live in a California beach house together. So basically it’s like ‘The Real World,’ but if everyone worked for the DEA, the FBI, and U.S. Customs. You know those Customs fools will be the ones complaining about people stealing their wine coolers.

Do you know the name Aaron Tveit? No? Well you should. Get on the Aaron Tveit bandwagon now so you can be a total Tveit hipster when your friends eventually catch on.

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Take A Shot Of Baby Raccoon Cuteness!
01 jun 2013 17:34

Having a bad day? Here's some baby raccoon cuteness to cheer you up and make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Having a bad day? Here's some baby raccoon cuteness to cheer you up and make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

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Beautiful Water Inspired Art.
01 jun 2013 17:13

Besides being refreshing, cool, soothing and powerful, water is life itself. I am a big fan of element inspired art, and here's a collection of some gorgeous water inspired creations.

Besides being refreshing, cool, soothing and powerful, water is life itself. I am a big fan of element inspired art, and here's a collection of some gorgeous water inspired creations.

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We’re Definitely Warming Up to James Wolk on ‘Mad Men’
01 jun 2013 16:58

It only took most of the season, but we’re finally coming around to newcomer James Wolk, who plays Bob Benson on ‘Mad Men.’ Maybe it was those short-shorts he wore this week … I swear, this is the last ‘Mad Men’ post for a while, you guys — I just can’t help it! Have you seen the men on this show? Every season they just add more and more sexy men for us to swoon over. One of the newcomers to season six is James Wolk, an actor you might recognize from his work on the short-lived show ‘Lone Star,’ from his sexy recurring role on Showtime’s ‘Shameless’ as Adam, or maybe from a few episodes of ‘Happy Endings.’ Now you can catch him on ‘Mad Men’ (almost) every week as Bob Benson, the mysterious guy who works in accounts on the newly-opened second floor of Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce. He just sort of appeared in the premiere episode — no one knew who he was or had ever spoken to him. Maybe he’s an investigative journalist undercover to report on the secrets of advertising! Maybe he’s a ghost! Okay, he’s probably real and it’s just that no one ever noticed him before. (But what fun is that?) Wolk’s Bob Benson has been charming us hardcore with the way he seems to genuinely care about Joan, who’s not an easy lady to win over. If he’s good enough for Joan Holloway, he’s good enough for us. And? He’s amazingly cute.

It only took most of the season, but we’re finally coming around to newcomer James Wolk, who plays Bob Benson on ‘Mad Men.

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We Want Aaron Staton from ‘Mad Men’ to Manage Our Accounts
01 jun 2013 16:57

We know it’s been total ‘Mad Men‘ madness around here lately, but can you blame us? The guys on that show are top notch hotties, and Aaron Staton (aka Ken Cosgrove) is no exception. Here’s what sets Aaron Staton apart on ‘Mad Men’: he’s just a bit more youthful and all-American looking than his older male counterparts. He’s not a hippie-type like Stan, and he’s not older like Don and Roger, and he’s not all petulant and miserable like Pete. He’s just a good dude trying to do his work and help the company flourish, and honestly, that boy does not get enough credit. Take last week’s episode, for example: Staton’s character, Ken Cosgrove, takes the clients from Chevy out for a night on the town, only to be practically tortured when they shoot a gun next to his ear at a shooting range, get wildly drunk, and then force him to wreck his car, leaving him with a bum foot. But at least he gave us a magical song and tap dance about it! (No, really — everyone was on drugs last week. It was sublime.) So while everyone is fussing over how sexy Don and Roger and Stan are, let’s take a moment to appreciate someone who’s a little less appreciated: Aaron Staton, we salute you!

We know it’s been total ‘Mad Men‘ madness around here lately, but can you blame us? The guys on that show are top notch hotties, and Aaron Staton (aka Ken Cosgrove) is no exception.

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Frozen Fruit Mix Related Hepatitis A Outbreak Strikes 5 States.
01 jun 2013 16:56

There has been an outbreak of frozen fruit mix related hepatitis A. 30 people from California, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico and Nevada have been infected. Many of them reported eating Townsend Farms Organic Antioxidant Blend, a mix of frozen berries and pomegranate seeds. The virus has been traced to contaminated pomegranate seeds from Turkey that are used in the mix. So far only Costco received the product and has removed it from the shelves. The Food and Drug Administration and the CDC continues the investigation.

There has been an outbreak of frozen fruit mix related hepatitis A. 30 people from California, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico and Nevada have been infected.

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Beyonce Doesn’t Appreciate Attempts to Airbrush Her Hotness
01 jun 2013 16:55

Beyonce is easily one of the most beautiful people on the planet, so the idea that anyone needs to retouch her whatsoever is pretty preposterous. And Bey got really (Sasha) fierce when she found out H&M wanted to retouch her bikini photos. A source told The Sun, “When Beyonce found out they had edited the way her body really looked, she hit the roof. She’s a true diva and was furious that she had been given such a snubbing. Her people refused to give the pictures the green light so H&M were forced to use the originals.” Um, have you seen these pictures? What in God’s name could they have tried to improve? “As with all campaigns there are discussions on which images should be used,” a rep for the retailer admitted. “Both H&M and Beyonce are very happy with the final result.” So is every other hot-blooded human on Earth. 

Beyonce is easily one of the most beautiful people on the planet, so the idea that anyone needs to retouch her whatsoever is pretty preposterous.

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What was ‘Behind the Candelabra,’ Anyway?
01 jun 2013 16:53

If you missed the premiere of the new HBO film ‘Behind the Candelabra’ — about the private life of Liberace and his young lover, played by Matt Damon — well then you are seriously missing out, friends. We’ve got all the best moments from the film in GIF form, including Rob Lowe’s scary-face!

If you missed the premiere of the new HBO film ‘Behind the Candelabra’ — about the private life of Liberace and his young lover, played by Matt Damon — well then you are seriously missing out, ...

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Dane Cook Ridiculed for Not Letting His Show Stream Live
01 jun 2013 16:50

Comedian Dane Cook joined up with other acts last night (May 30) for the Boston Strong concert to benefit victims of last month’s Boston bombings through One Fund Boston — but unlike his fellow do-gooders, he didn’t allow his set to stream live or be televised for those watching at home. Which, as expected, got him some flak from the internet. Whereas performances by Aerosmith, the Dropkick Murphys, Boston, Jimmy Buffett and the New Kids on the Block were all available to watch by home viewers, Dane Cook’s stand-up was not. In response to everyone’s Scooby ears, he took to Twitter with this explanation:

Comedian Dane Cook joined up with other acts last night (May 30) for the Boston Strong concert to benefit victims of last month’s Boston bombings through One Fund Boston — but unlike his fellow do- ...

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