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Strange Anime Quotes Definitely Lost In Translation
03 aug 2013 21:11

What can you possibly say about Japan that hasn’t already been said? As a culture and a nation, they are utterly obsessed with the strange, unusual and downright bizarre. If it’s furry, colourful and weird, whatever it is, you can be sure it’ll be a success in Japan. But whilst it seems they deliberately go out of their way to live in a hyper-reality of anime characters, complete with unquestionable scenarios with schoolgirls, cats as pieces of sushi and creating doll versions of themselves, the following bout of oddness doesn’t seem planned at all. In fact, when it comes to these quotes from popular anime shows, you can be sure that something definitely has become lost in translation somewhere. But you know what? That’s what makes them totally Japanese all the same.

What can you possibly say about Japan that hasn’t already been said? As a culture and a nation, they are utterly obsessed with the strange, unusual and downright bizarre.

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Devious Ferret Is Quite Adept at Pickpocketing
03 aug 2013 21:20

Coming in at number four on our list of “Reasons We Don’t Want a Ferret,*” is “they will steal the wallet right out of your pocket.” This video justifies that particular item’s high placement on the list. A person who gets their wallet stolen feels like a fool. A person who chases a ferret to get their wallet back has pretty much lost all dignity. *See below:

Coming in at number four on our list of “Reasons We Don’t Want a Ferret,*” is “they will steal the wallet right out of your pocket.

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Death Grips Equipment Destroyed After Lollapalooza No-Show
03 aug 2013 21:50

DEATH GRIPS R SO PUNK THEY DON’T EVEN SHOW UP AT THEIR OWN SHOWS. "Last night, Death Grips were tapped to play an officially sanctioned Lollapalooza aftershow at the Bottom Lounge in Chicago. They didn’t show up. According to several reports from Reddit and Twitter, after learning that the band wouldn’t play, fans proceeded to destroy their equipment, including a drum kit that was presumably Zach Hill’s. " DEATH GRIPS R SO PUNK THEY TAKE GMAIL SCREENSHOTS OF THEIR FANS’ SUICIDE NOTES. Wait, what? "Before it was announced that the band was a no show, the venue played recordings of Death Grips. The stage was set up with a backdrop that featured a Gmail screenshot of a suicide note, which was allegedly written by a Death Grips fan. Reddit user jadesaddiction transcribed the full note: SUBJECT: ready DATE: July 9 I am ready to take my own life. Many bad experiences led me to this dark void that I am locked in. Maybe by my own hands? I don’t really care anymore. I just wanted to say thank you for showing me the other side. the side that is locked away deep inside a person. I am mad. Mad all the time and depressed all the time. I can’t take it. I’m not afraid of dying but i am afraid that I can’t hear DG in the after life if there is such a thing. I don’t know, but I hope your music transcends to the unknown. A place where DG’s essence exists. A place where art exists. I love art. That’s the one thing that kept me alive? this long. So just to ease minds, DG didn’t “influence” me to do this. this is my own fucking choice. but thanks for making my life a little better. you’re my absolute fave and I will fight the gods if they don’t allow me to follow DG’s efforts can’t see Earth. Anyways, continue doing great things. I love you Stefan, Zach, and Andy. I will be watching. -AJJ " DEATH GRIPS R SO PUNK I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO SAY AFTER READING THAT. Sorry.

DEATH GRIPS R SO PUNK THEY DON’T EVEN SHOW UP AT THEIR OWN SHOWS. "Last night, Death Grips were tapped to play an officially sanctioned Lollapalooza aftershow at the Bottom Lounge in Chicago.

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A Rich Guy At The Galway Races Wiped His Face With $50
03 aug 2013 21:51

Imagine a rich, evil character from a cartoon. What one motion could that character do to instantly let you know that they’re rich and evil? Meet this asshole, a spectator at Ireland’s Galway Races, a popular horse-racing track we’d write about more on the sports side of UPROXX if had gorgeous breasts or pretended to fight. He’s standing in the background in a rainstorm during a televised interview with betting magnate Barry Orr (as in “we don’t trust the banks, so Barry Orr money”). When his face gets moist, he wipes it … but he does so using A FIFTY DOLLAR BILL. Because he can. Watch the clip below.

Imagine a rich, evil character from a cartoon. What one motion could that character do to instantly let you know that they’re rich and evil?

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Watch The Teaser Trailer For 'Sherlock' Series 3
03 aug 2013 21:53

Considering the devastating way series two ended, and the trio of disappointments of Benedict Cumberbatch’s Star Trek Into Darkness, Martin Freeman’s The Hobbit (I hate any movie that proves Kevin Smith right), and Steven Moffat’s Doctor Who series seven, the world needs Sherlock more than ever. Thankfully, it’s returning sometime in early 2014, a close enough date that BBC can begin releasing teaser trailers that say nothing and EVERYTHING. In the clip below, we see Sherlock reuniting with all his not-quite-friends-more-like-acquaintances-and-well-wishers, including a mustached Watson, who since we’ve last seen him has apparently joined the adult entertainment industry. That’s certainly going to give the Cumberbitches something to GIF about.

Considering the devastating way series two ended, and the trio of disappointments of Benedict Cumberbatch’s Star Trek Into Darkness, ...

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Mosaicultures Internationales de Montreal 2013
05 aug 2013 12:51

The majority of the artworks we feature on the site are either hanging from gallery walls or spray painted onto city walls. One of the last places you’d expect to find works of art is amongst the flora and fora in your garden.
But that’s precisely what you’ll find on display in the Montreal Botanical Garden’s right now. As part of the  Mosaïcultures Internationales Montréal 2013 – Land of Hope (MIM2013) 50 mind-blowing artworks from around 20 countries are on display – all of which are comprised from natural materials.
Hundreds of leaves, branches, flowers, vines, roots and meters of foliage are twisted and styled into some of the most stunning creations you’re every likely to see. As if that wasn’t impressive enough, the entire exhibition is 100% sustainable having received green certification from the city itself. You’ll be pleased to know the exhibition still has a few weeks to run, it ends on September 29 2013. Tickets range between $10.25 and $29.50, incredibly reasonable for a day that will surely take your breath away don’t you think?

The majority of the artworks we feature on the site are either hanging from gallery walls or spray painted onto city walls.

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This Is No Ordinary Mercedes-Benz Van
05 aug 2013 12:58

This black van is fairly unremarkable from the outside but you will be surprised at what it is hiding inside…

This black van is fairly unremarkable from the outside but you will be surprised at what it is hiding inside…

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Ordinary Objects Redesigned as Useless Items
05 aug 2013 13:21

Italian artist Giuseppe Colarusso, aka Mister Solo, redesigns ordinary objects as playful, nonsensical items in his series titled Improbabilitá, translated as Unlikely. Clearly inspired by Fluxus, Dada, and the works of Marcel Duchamp, the artist presents a whimsical array of everyday objects whose core components have been substituted with opposing elements. By replacing the handles of cutlery and eating utensils with strands of rope, Colarusso redefines their usability and purpose, ultimately rendering the objects useless. Even some of the unique designs like a two-container mug sounds like a good idea at first, but once you really think about it, it's bound to lead to disaster in the form of spilled liquid. Colarusso's unconventional take on the ordinary offers a quirky outlook that aids in defining what the norm is while signifying the importance of design.

Italian artist Giuseppe Colarusso, aka Mister Solo, redesigns ordinary objects as playful, nonsensical items in his series titled Improbabilitá, translated as Unlikely.

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Crocheting Artist Yarn Bombs An Entire Locomotive in Poland
05 aug 2013 13:24

Yarnbombing has been gaining momentum as a form of street art all over the world, but Polish crocheting artist Olek demonstrates what a real challenge is: in mid July she crocheted an entire locomotive in Lodz, Poland, that will be on display through August 19th. This is by far the largest project this New York-based artist has completed. It took Olek and her four assistants 2 days of round the clock work to finish the installation. The artist was so dedicated to the project, that after flying in to Poland she didn’t even have to time change her gown and mask from a ball in London she had gone to!

Yarnbombing has been gaining momentum as a form of street art all over the world, but Polish crocheting artist Olek demonstrates what a real challenge is: ...

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Stunning Before and After Makeup Photos by Vadim Andreev
05 aug 2013 13:25

While some artists have mastered the Photoshop brushes to give some of their models a much needed face or eye lift, Russian artist Vadim Andreev uses those from the make-up artist kit. And his results are sometimes so jaw-dropping it’s hard to believe the pictures weren’t retouched! Using only cosmetics, Vadim transforms women into stunning cover girls, and can do an equally good job with carnival make-up as well. No wonder there’s a popular saying in Russia that before you marry, you should take your bride to the sauna first – there you can you can see the real person, without all the cosmetics that can deceive you greatly. It’s an old saying/tradition long before the Photoshop era – so today this sauna test is probably even more important than ever before.

While some artists have mastered the Photoshop brushes to give some of their models a much needed face or eye lift, Russian artist Vadim Andreev uses those from the make-up artist kit.

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Jupiter Cake with Inner Layers and Detailed Atmosphere
05 aug 2013 13:28

After receiving a surge of attention and countless messages praising her for her Earth cake, self-taught cook Rhiannon (aka cakecrumbs) decided to try her hand at baking a structural layer cake of another planet—Jupiter. Unlike her first planetary dessert, featuring only one hemisphere, this one would be a complete sphere. Continuously learning from her experimental baking projects, Rhiannon had an easier time constructing Jupiter. She was awarded more room for artistic liberties with the time saved on figuring out how to appropriately construct the cake. As a result, her completed Jupiter Structural Layer Cake is an astounding display, boasting the large planet's detailed atmosphere.

After receiving a surge of attention and countless messages praising her for her Earth cake, self-taught cook Rhiannon (aka cakecrumbs) decided to try her hand at baking a structural layer cake of...

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Sharing is Caring
05 aug 2013 13:29

We're all familiar with the standard greeting cards - birthday cards, thank you cards, holiday cards and such - but it's not often that we send or receive cards that are meant to inspire. Holstee, best known for their massively popular Manifesto, recently collaborated with some of their favorite artists to create illustrations that promote the idea of mindful living.

We're all familiar with the standard greeting cards - birthday cards, thank you cards, holiday cards and such - but it's not often that we send or receive cards that are meant to inspire.

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Watch 'Breaking Bad: The Middle School Musical'
05 aug 2013 23:47

Here are a couple things that happen in the first minute or so of Internet heroes Rhett and Link’s newest video, a Breaking Bad musical starring children: 1) While singing an upbeat intro song, four children use the symbols from the periodic table to spell out “CANCER”; and 2) Child Walter White explains that he is going to begin making the purest rock candy the town has ever seen, then Child Jesse Pinkman (who is AMAZING in this) walks out and the two of them have the following conversation: Child Jesse: Yo, Mr. White. It’s me, your former student, Jesse. I hear you’re breaking bad now. Child Walter: That’s right, Jesse. Wanna take my life savings and buy an RV and make candy in the desert? Child Jesse: Sounds like an awesome decision. And it gets even better — and way, WAY darker — from there. I won’t spoil it for you, but let’s just say that Child Gus Fring is at least as badass as his adult counterpart. A+ for everyone involved.

Here are a couple things that happen in the first minute or so of Internet heroes Rhett and Link’s newest video, a Breaking Bad musical starring children: 1) While singing an upbeat intro song, ...

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Larry David's 'Clear History' Has Three New Clips
06 aug 2013 00:02

On Saturday night, HBO will air the new original film Clear History, starring Larry David, Bill Hader, Jon Hamm, Kate Hudson, Michael Keaton, Philip Baker Hall, Eva Mendes, JB Smoove and Danny McBride, and I assume that all of us comedy nerds are going to laugh ourselves into dorky slumber. At least, that’s the safe assumption, as it’s very difficult to imagine a film with that kind of cast and written by David, Jeff Schaffer, David Mandel and Alec Berrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrg to be anything but hilarious. Fortunately, HBO has released three new clips to give us a little taste of the HAHAs before Saturday, and I guess these will have to do. If it helps, try knocking yourselves unconscious so that you’ll wake up with amnesia and then watch them all over again like you’ve never seen them before. Sure, you’ll have no idea who those other people in your home are, but you’re better off never dealing with your stupid wiener kids again anyway.

On Saturday night, HBO will air the new original film Clear History, starring Larry David, Bill Hader, Jon Hamm, Kate Hudson, Michael Keaton, Philip Baker Hall, Eva Mendes, ...

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Teaser Trailer: Ender's Game movie, directed by Gavin Hood
06 aug 2013 00:03

Though it threatens to be subsumed by Ender's Game author Orson Scott Card's long history of controversial anti-gay stances, his book is considered by many a landmark science fiction novel, and the upcoming movie adaptation from X-Men Origins Wolverine director Gavin Hood is hotly anticipated. It opens November 1st, starring Harrison Ford and Asa Butterfield from Hugo, and today we have not a full trailer, but a shorter teaser for the full trailer. Nonetheless, as you'll see, it's more than enough to prove that Ender's Game contains all of the things that you've come to require of a sci-fi action movie!

Though it threatens to be subsumed by Ender's Game author Orson Scott Card's long history of controversial anti-gay stances, his book is considered by many a landmark science fiction novel, ...

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Movie Trailer: Paradise, from Diablo Cody, starring Julianne Hough
06 aug 2013 00:10

Diablo Cody’s directorial debut, Paradise, hits DirecTV this Friday, something that was only announced last week, via Cody herself on Twitter. It doesn’t seem like a carefully planned roll-out strategy, but I’m wearing mismatched socks right now so I’m not one to judge. It has a limited theatrical run scheduled for October, and stars former non-star star of Dancing with the Stars Julianne Hough as a conservative southern gal who goes to Vegas after getting “barbecued in jet fuel” during a plane crash. She gets to Vegas and meets up with Russell Brand, and they’re already halfway to a Rock of Ages reunion! Ooh, sing some Speedwagon!

Diablo Cody’s directorial debut, Paradise, hits DirecTV this Friday, something that was only announced last week, via Cody herself on Twitter.

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Video: Bakersfield man's Real-life working Wall E replica
06 aug 2013 00:11

Bakersfield, California is well on its way to becoming known as more than just the country’s third-most important pit stop for dirt and Sonic drive ins, as Bakersfield’s own Michael McMaster has built a real-life working replica of Wall E. Or, to put it another way, Johnny 5. According to the video, McMaster, who built his remote control Wall-E bot from scratch, had previously belonged to something called “The R2D2 Builders Club.” I would give anything to attend a meeting of the Bakersfield chapter of the R2D2 Builders Club. I guarantee at least half the meetings took place around a bonfire.

Bakersfield, California is well on its way to becoming known as more than just the country’s third-most important pit stop for dirt and Sonic drive ins, ...

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Journey To Mount Doom In Comfort With A Hobbit Hole Trailer
06 aug 2013 00:12

You know, I always found it a bit strange that Bilbo and Frodo decided to trek across Middle Earth on foot, usually just sleeping on the ground wherever they happened to be when it got dark. Aren’t hobbits all about comfort? The finer things in life? Maybe hobbits are just terrible trip planners. The fact that both of them thought cutting through orc-filled mountain tunnels would be a great idea kind of bears that out. Anyways, a Redditor by the name of Samm1t has gone and created something I think Bilbo and Frodo would have very much appreciated — a mini hobbit hole camper trailer! Hit the jump for a few more pics…

You know, I always found it a bit strange that Bilbo and Frodo decided to trek across Middle Earth on foot, usually just sleeping on the ground wherever they happened to be when it got dark.

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Sharlto Copley Is The Most Insane Person In 'Elysium' Pics And Video
06 aug 2013 00:14

Elysium opens this Friday, and Sony released new pictures and a featurette about Sharlto Copley’s character, whom director Neill Blomkamp describes as “a villain you haven’t really experienced before.” Matt Damon takes it a step further by saying, “Sharlto is either the most professional actor around or just the most insane person.” The most insane person? Would the most insane person leave bloodied limbs in the shower and sink of a co-star’s trailer, put blood and dirty underwear on the bed, and leave porn in the DVD player? Uh, nevermind. Check out the featurette and new images below. Could this all be an excuse to post shirtless pictures of Matt Damon? Maybe.

Elysium opens this Friday, and Sony released new pictures and a featurette about Sharlto Copley’s character, whom director Neill Blomkamp describes as “a villain you haven’t really experienced before.

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To Celebrate Shark Week, Here Are The Best Shark Movies
06 aug 2013 00:18

When Jaws came out in 1975, it essentially created a new subgenre of horror movie: The shark movie. And since it's Shark Week, and as such, we picked out the best of the lot, because some of these, in their own way, are pretty great. Even if that way is unintentional comedy. We're sticking solely to horror movies that involve sharks, and we'll be ranking them from best to "best." Also, we didn't include Jaws because come on. You've seen it. Not all of these will stick to the shark movie formula (essentially, the plot of Jaws stretched beyond all credibility), but often that's a good thing. Really, you'd think some of these mayors trying to keep a beach open would have seen a movie.

When Jaws came out in 1975, it essentially created a new subgenre of horror movie: The shark movie. And since it's Shark Week, and as such, we picked out the best of the lot, because some of these, ...

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DMC Says Jay-Z And Lil Wayne 'Ain't Hot'
06 aug 2013 23:03

Your reaction to this story likely depends on whether you grew up with Run–D.M.C. For those who did and still own a pristine copy of Raising Hell on vinyl, it’s a “about time someone said it” moment. To everyone else, though, it’s a reminder that as people get older, they get crankier and get off my lawnier, even if they’re kind of right. As reported by AllHipHop, DMC, a founding member of the Queens based Hip Hop group Run-DMC, added onto recent criticisms of some of hip hop’s biggest stars in saying, “Lil Wayne [and] Jay-Z ain’t hot, it’s just they’re programmed so many times people are brainwashed.” Throughout the 1980s, Run-DMC provided some of hip-hop’s earliest commercial successes. In his recent statement, DMC also noted that hip-hop has undergone a stark shift from its early epoch as a youth culture. “It was inevitable that hip-hop became commercialized but along the way our power got taken away,” he says. “Now you got the same 12 records on radio being played over and over again.” He’s not wrong, I guess, but he also appears to be coming from the perspective of someone who thinks FM radio is the be all and end all. Getting your song on the radio isn’t as important as used to be, and like Alice Cooper before him, DMC is ignoring the likes of Killer Mike and Young Fathers and Chance the Rapper. You might not hear them on HOT 97 as much as, say, Nicki Minaj, but they’re still greatly shaping the sound of hip-hop in 2013, for the better. Still, “Dumb Girl” is a great song.

Your reaction to this story likely depends on whether you grew up with Run–D.M.C. For those who did and still own a pristine copy of Raising Hell on vinyl, it’s a “about time someone said it” moment.

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Watch This: 'Unexpected Ballers' Shows Mormons Hustling At Basketball
07 aug 2013 00:02

Yesterday, the above video, “Unexpected Ballers,” hit the front page of Reddit and blew up into a viral hit accordingly, which means it’s only a matter of time before we find out that it’s actually a marketing clip for Keds or Crystal Pepsi 2.0. So let’s enjoy it for what it is while we can – a video of some white Mormon guys hustling some black basketball players as everyone has a great time. Naturally, you could dip into the comments on that video and read people ruining the feel good nature, but you’d be better off drinking an actual can of Crystal Pepsi from 1993.

Yesterday, the above video, “Unexpected Ballers,” hit the front page of Reddit and blew up into a viral hit accordingly, ...

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Sly Stallone calls Bruce Willis greedy and lazy
07 aug 2013 00:06

After going Twitter silent since July 24th, Sylvester Stallone screeched back into action today, announcing that The Expendables 3 is dropping Bruce Willis and picking up Harrison Ford. Between Harrison Ford starring and Mel Gibson playing the villain, it promises to be the grumpiest set since Terminator 4. But minutes after Stallone’s Harrison Ford tweet went up, a second tweet seemed to hint that a beef’s a brewing, with Sly tweeting “GREEDY AND LAZY… A SURE FORMULA FOR CAREER FAILURE”. (I’m not sure if Sly always has the caps lock on, or if the keyboard just does that automatically after a certain level of HGH). Either way, the question remains: are Sly and Bruce Willis beefin’? It would sure seem like it, though it’s hard to say how much Bruce Willis’s past history of being kind of a pain in the ass colors that view. And if “greedy and lazy” was meant to refer to Bruce, in Bruce’s defense, I always assumed wanting to get paid lots of money for not working very hard was The Expendables‘ entire raison d’etre. (I used a French phrase here to keep Sly from tearing my arms off and beating me to death with them). The Expendables 3 will be directed by some dude and open at a future date.

After going Twitter silent since July 24th, Sylvester Stallone screeched back into action today, announcing that The Expendables 3 is dropping Bruce Willis and picking up Harrison Ford.

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“Life is Hard” Series by Andrei Lacatusu
07 aug 2013 11:59

Life is hard. You know it. And talented Romanian illustrator Andrei Lacatusu knows. Inspired by this truth he created a wonderful series of illustration called “Life is Hard”. All illustrations are highly professional executed and surely worthy for your attention. Check them all and choose the most interesting one!

Life is hard. You know it. And talented Romanian illustrator Andrei Lacatusu knows. Inspired by this truth he created a wonderful series of illustration called “Life is Hard”.

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The Fanciest Butcher Shop in the World
07 aug 2013 12:01

The Victor Churchill butcher shop in Sydney has been running since 1876 and is now a premier meat market. Take a look inside to see why…

The Victor Churchill butcher shop in Sydney has been running since 1876 and is now a premier meat market. Take a look inside to see why…

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These Sneakers Have A Built-in Tent
07 aug 2013 12:04

If you can keep a house in your pocket, why not store a tent in your sneakers? The Sibling Collective created a pair of sneakers called Walking Shelter that store a simple tent in mesh netting attached to the back. While the concept is functional, it’s hard to imagine that people would actually wear these things… unless sneakers doubling as storage becomes a new footwear trend. “Oh, you got a tent in your sneakers. That’s cool. I got a blow up yacht in mine.”

If you can keep a house in your pocket, why not store a tent in your sneakers? The Sibling Collective created a pair of sneakers called Walking Shelter that store a simple tent in mesh netting...

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Cute Cat-Shaped Kindergarten
07 aug 2013 12:05

This is Kindergarten Wolfartsweier, a school designed by Tomi Ungerer and d’Ayla-Suzan Yöndel in Karlsruhe, Germany. But it isn’t any old stinking school that looks like prison for learning. This school is shaped like a cat. It’s even got a slide as a tail! I bet it’s a real fun place to go. Except when kitty gets a hairball. Yeah, definitely don’t want to be around for that. Math class is hard enough without having to listen to a cat hacking the whole time. And here you thought nails on a chalkboard was bad!

This is Kindergarten Wolfartsweier, a school designed by Tomi Ungerer and d’Ayla-Suzan Yöndel in Karlsruhe, Germany. But it isn’t any old stinking school that looks like prison for learning.

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The Passage of Time Shown in Layered Collages by Fong Qi Wei
07 aug 2013 12:44

The beauty of photography, in its essence, is conveyed by capturing a moment in time and freezing it out of its context. Singapore-based photographer Fong Qi Wei, however, uses photography to show the passage of time. In his time lapse series called ‘Time is a Dimension’, Fong doesn’t use a typical long exposure trick. He captures the passing time by layering different photos of the same spot with clear edge lines of each frame. Each collage is digitally cut and created from pictures Fong takes within 2 to to 4 hours. Fong usually works at sunrise or sunset, as the light and color palettes are most varied at those times.

The beauty of photography, in its essence, is conveyed by capturing a moment in time and freezing it out of its context.

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Top photo: Jimmy Sunshine, 31, Davis Square, Somerville, MA
07 aug 2013 12:50

Signs for the Homeless is an art project started by artists Kenji Nakayama and Christopher Hope in an effort to raise awareness about poverty and homelessness around the Boston area. The basic concept behind the ongoing project is that the two artists approach homeless people on the streets who are holding signs and propose an exchange. As their tag line states: "A sign in exchange for donations and a hand painted sign." Essentially, Nakayama and Hope offer $10 and create hand painted signs for each person they come across.

Signs for the Homeless is an art project started by artists Kenji Nakayama and Christopher Hope in an effort to raise awareness about poverty and homelessness around the Boston area.

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Here's What Happens When You Mix Soap, Oil & Ink Together
07 aug 2013 12:58

Whilst you use ink in your stationary, oil for your bike and soap to wash yourself everyday, its rare that all three liquids come into contact with one another. What would happen if they did? Would blending ink, soap and oil produce something similar? Or would they just cancel each other out into a soapy sludge? That’s precisely what Russian visual artist Ruslan Khasanov was compelled to find out and so he decided to embark on a series of fun experiments to test his theory. His inspirations came whilst cooking one night, when he noticed the mixture of soy sauce and oil separating out into small black beads in his dish. Taking the same logic, he mixed different quantities of soap, oil and ink together and filmed the results. Amazingly, his unique concoction produced a vivid blend of yellows, magenta, whites and blues – all completely experimental and all mesmerising to look at.

Whilst you use ink in your stationary, oil for your bike and soap to wash yourself everyday, its rare that all three liquids come into contact with one another.

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TRENDING NEWS! George Takei Wants The 2014 Winter Olympics To Be Moved
07 aug 2013 19:45

George Takei, who is also quite the scribe in matters of gay rights, is now supporting a petition on that has more than 59,000 signatures. Russia “intends to enforce its laws against visiting LGBT (lesbian, gay, bi-sexual and transgender) athletes, trainers and fans, meaning anyone even so much as waving a rainbow flag (and I presume many men enthusiastically watching and dramatically commenting on figure skating) would be arrested, held for weeks and then deported,” he writes in a blog post last week. “Given this position, the (International Olympic Committee) must do the right thing, protect its athletes and the fans, and move the 2014 Winter Olympics out of Russia.” (Via Yahoo! Sports) Takei also addressed one of the major semantic issues involved in the idea of moving something as massive and expansive as the Olympics, and that’s finding a city or cities that have the proper facilities available at such short notice. After all, it’s not like moving your weekly kickball kegger from one backyard to another. Instead of Russia, Takei recommended Vancouver as a repeat destination, as the facilities from the 2010 Winter Olympics are probably still in decent condition. Of course, you’d also have to take into account the travel arrangements of thousands of athletes, coaches, trainers and family members, not to mention all of the fans already planning to go cheer their countries on. But I’m sure that airlines and hotels will accommodate all of the changes. They usually seem pretty reasonable.

George Takei, who is also quite the scribe in matters of gay rights, is now supporting a petition on that has more than 59,000 signatures.

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Watch This: This 'Horrific Bowling Accident' Isn't Really Horrific
07 aug 2013 19:46

A bowler named Troy Walker competed at the 2013 Luci Bonneau Doubles Charity Bowling Tournament in Houston over the weekend, and according to the very convenient video with announcers from a charity bowling tournament, he was the victim of a “horrific bowling accident!” So was his arm ripped off when he reached into the ball return to get his stuck ball? Did he wave his hand over the air blower only to realize that it was blowing out a flesh-eating bacteria? Did you he insert his fingers into the holes only to realize they were the eye sockets of his twin brother’s skull? No. He went to bowl his 12th-consecutive strike for a perfect game and for some unknown reason the rake arm came down and stopped his ball. Unfortunate? Yes. Horrific? No. Oh, and fake? I’m not sure, but it wouldn’t surprise me at all.

A bowler named Troy Walker competed at the 2013 Luci Bonneau Doubles Charity Bowling Tournament in Houston over the weekend, ...

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A Dead Shark Has Been Found On The New York City Subway
07 aug 2013 20:00

I’m not sure if you guys have heard this or not, but it’s SHARK WEEK. Yes, you heard that right, it’s SHARK WEEK. I know, I know — it’s crazy because no one is talking about the fact that it’s SHARK WEEK, right? Well, maybe they will now, because a dead shark has been found on an NYC subway train and we’re sure this is a total coincidence and has absolutely NOTHING to do with the fact that it’s SHARK WEEK. Here’s what a tipster named “Mary M” told Gothamist about the dead shark that was found on a Queens-bound N train… “I board a car that’s not terribly full and as soon as I enter, a stench hits my nose. It’s not the typical urine/trash smell, it’s…fishy? I look down to the end of the car to see a dead shark on the floor. I think I stood there for a good minute just staring, thinking ‘Is this for real?! Oh come ON, NYC!’ One of my fellow passengers remarked ‘I’ve been riding the subway for 15 years, and this is the weirdest thing I’ve seen. And I’ve seen EVERYTHING.’ The train filled as we made our way to Astoria, every new passenger was getting excited about it. Once we got to Queensboro Plaza, an MTA employee made all of us move to another car.” And here’s a photo “Mary M took…

I’m not sure if you guys have heard this or not, but it’s SHARK WEEK. Yes, you heard that right, it’s SHARK WEEK.

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08 aug 2013 11:02

Nirvana costs more than $300 million. It was designed by Sam Sorgiovanni and built by Oceano. Nirvana is 290 feet (88 m) long. It can go up to 22 miles per hour (about 19.5 knots maximum speed). The yacht has a reptile room, on-board spa and fitness center, interior elevator, and helicopter pad.

Nirvana costs more than $300 million. It was designed by Sam Sorgiovanni and built by Oceano. Nirvana is 290 feet (88 m) long. It can go up to 22 miles per hour (about 19.5 knots maximum speed).

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Firefighters Rescued a Giant Man
08 aug 2013 11:08

Firefighters had to smash a hole in the wall to save a 882-pound man (400 kg). Michael Lehberger Riegelsberg, Germany, called emergency services when he had heart failure. Firefighters used a cat digger and an ambulance built for four people to take him to a hospital.

Firefighters had to smash a hole in the wall to save a 882-pound man (400 kg). Michael Lehberger Riegelsberg, Germany, called emergency services when he had heart failure.

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