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How To Get Into Private Party
19 may 2013 23:15

Even at the risk of sounding like Tony Robbins, I believe the key to getting into secret parties is: confidence. Act like you belong there, or better yet, pretend you’re the bodyguard for someone famous like Gwyneth Paltrow, who was in Shallow Hal with…“banana-fingered self-help guru” Tony Robbins. *hears Inception music played by farts* That’s how “gonzagtv” crept his way into an exclusive Cannes party, which had “lots of of champagne, lot of beautiful women…but in fact it was very boring.” If only the event had been for Shallow Hal 2: Tit for Fat.

Even at the risk of sounding like Tony Robbins, I believe the key to getting into secret parties is: confidence.

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'The Office' Series Finale GIFs
19 may 2013 23:14

Of the hundreds of reasons why NBC's The Office was so beloved and so great for so long, the one that always stuck out the most was its reliability. We've all been there: sh*tty job, sh*tty town, sh*tty boss, sh*tty life. For most of us, life isn't going to be easy; you have to make the most of a bad situation, a point Jim Halpert brought up during the talking head montage at the end of last night's The Office's series finale. "Everything I have," he said, speaking as much to the camera crew as himself, "I owe to this job...this stupid, wonderful, boring, amazing job." There was a lot of "stupid" and "boring" in "Finale," but there was just as much, if not more, "wonderful" and "amazing." We want good things to happen to the people we've spent nine years with, and nearly everyone was given their happy endings: Michael has kids with Holly, Dwight and Angela are married, Jim and Pam are moving to Austin for Athlead, excuse me, Athleap, Stanley's officially changed his name to Florida Stanley. But much of the episode felt a little too convenient (since when are Dwight and Kevin friends?), too self-congratulatory (the crowd cheering for Andy, even though we're the crowd and would boo that Baby Wawa; plus, that Auto-Tune remix yikes), too mawkish (Erin reuniting with her birth parents) for it to be truly great. Then again, even at its best, The Office, with its tricky mix of heart of humor, was always slightly sloppy. That was often part of its charm, though; if the show had been too perfect, it wouldn't have resonated the way it did, and this rose-colored episode was "too perfect." (I initially didn't like the Michael Scott appearance because of how inconsequential it felt, until I realized that was the point: he's not the Michael Scott we know anymore; he finally realized not all parties are for him.) "Finale" may have played well in the moment, but I don't think it's one of The Office's greatest moments. But hey, at least we'll have seasons two-seven to come on back to, and yes, that's what she said.

Of the hundreds of reasons why NBC's The Office was so beloved and so great for so long, the one that always stuck out the most was its reliability.

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'Star Trek' Moments
19 may 2013 23:12

No one acts as hard as William Shatner. I don't mean the kind of hard where someone like Daniel Day-Lewis will spends months, if not years researching, then becoming their character — I mean hard as in HARD. William Shatner doesn't act; he ACTS. He chews scenery the way James Doohan did sandwiches, and that's why we love him. As opposed to certain other Star Trek: The Original Series actors, it's unlikely Shatner will ever appear in one of the rebooted Star Trek films, which is a damn shame; Shatner vs. Peter Weller would have been great. Anyway, here are 10 of James T. Kirk's greatest AAAACCCCCCTTTTTTIIIINNNNNNGGGG GIFs.

No one acts as hard as William Shatner. I don't mean the kind of hard where someone like Daniel Day-Lewis will spends months, if not years researching, ...

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How 'Game Of Thrones' Should End
19 may 2013 23:11

Guys. GUYS. Quit your fighting. There’s plenty of Iron Throne to go around. Robb, Joffrey, Stannis, Daenerys, Senile Sadie, you all think you’re the one and only who should be leading the Seven Kingdoms. But you’re wrong, oh so wrong. In fact, as punishment for all the bloodshed and misery you’ve caused (R.I.P. Renly and, oh yeah, all those bastard King’s Landing babies), I’m calling my boy George R.R. Martin to let him know that none of you will ever sit on that horribly uncomfortable looking mess of metal and blister blood. This is how Game of Thrones should end.

Guys. GUYS. Quit your fighting. There’s plenty of Iron Throne to go around. Robb, Joffrey, Stannis, Daenerys, Senile Sadie, ...

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Filibuster Animated
19 may 2013 23:07

As you probably remember and will never forget, Patton Oswalt broke the Internet last month when NBC released a video of him filibustering on Parks and Recreation about Star Wars, The Avengers, The Fantastic Four, and X-Men…for nine whole minutes. It was the most spectacularly Patton Oswalt’y thing Patton Oswalt’s ever done, not to mention the first time in *checks math* forever Star Wars has deserved to be slobbered over. His tirade has now been improved, though, thanks to the work of “iZacLess” who animated the entire sequence. If Star Wars Episode VII doesn’t look EXACTLY like the banner image, I am going to be furious.

As you probably remember and will never forget, Patton Oswalt broke the Internet last month when NBC released a video of him filibustering on Parks and Recreation about Star Wars, The Avengers, ...

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George Takei Responds To Anti-Gay Protesters
19 may 2013 22:52

As much as I love Star Trek, the original series, the acting in Star Trek: Into Darkness, the movie, is about 34,294 times better (number provided by Mr. Spock). Chris Pine’s William Shatner is better than William Shatner’s William Shatner, Zoe Saldana and Zachary Quinto are given more to do as Uhura and Spock then Nichelle Nichols and Leonard Nimoy ever did, and Alice Eve, well, I don’t want to spoil anything, but Alice. Eve. The one major exception: Hikaru Sulu. John Cho is a very good actor, but no one can play the Enterprise’s helmsman with such delicious delight as George Takei. His slinky “oh my” is a thing of legend, and as we’ve highlighted time and time again, he’s making the Internet a better place to be. BuzzFeed had the wise idea to get Takei, one of the world’s foremost gay rights advocates, to respond to anti-gay protestors who attended the Prop 8/DOMA hearings outside the Supreme Court in March. He’s as good at shaming bigots as he is at fencing.

As much as I love Star Trek, the original series, the acting in Star Trek: Into Darkness, the movie, is about 34,294 times better (number provided by Mr. Spock).

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Canadian Singer Hilariously Botches 'The National Anthem'
19 may 2013 22:46

What the heck is going on in Canada? First, Rob Ford and now, the video below, taken from the Memorial Cup, in which “some local Canadian female anthem singer had to do both the Canadian and American anthems and BUTCHERED the American anthem, forgot words, made up words, sang words in the wrong places.” It’s painful to get through and a decent excuse if America ever needs a reason to invade Canada. FYI: the teams playing in the Memorial Cup (a junior hockey tournament): the Halifax Mooseheads and the Portland Winterhawks, because apparently the Saskatoon Denimbeavers were disqualified for OD’ing on maple syrup.

What the heck is going on in Canada? First, Rob Ford and now, the video below, taken from the Memorial Cup, ...

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Yahoo Just Bought Tumblr For $1.1 Billion
19 may 2013 22:43

Your GIFs and selfies, they now belong to Yahoo. The Wall Street Journal is reporting that the “Yahoo board has approved a deal to pay $1.1 billion in cash for the blogging site Tumblr.” All Things D has the specifics: Yahoo has been mulling a deal with the hip blogging site…Sources said that the Silicon Valley Internet giant’s CEO Marissa Mayer has decided that buying Tumblr was going to be “the stake in the ground of what her strategy is going forward for Yahoo.” And that’s to attract younger audiences with the kind of user-generated content Tumblr has pioneered to huge growth.

Your GIFs and selfies, they now belong to Yahoo. The Wall Street Journal is reporting that the “Yahoo board has approved a deal to pay $1.1 billion in cash for the blogging site Tumblr.

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Season 38 Musical Performances
19 may 2013 22:36

It’s easy to bag on Saturday Night Live for their musical guests, but just as the “SNL isn’t as funny as it used to be” argument is played out and incorrect, history often looks kindly at the artists the show books. Take, for instance, last year: yes, there was the Karmin fiasco and One Direction should never have performed on the same stage that Fear once did and Lana Del Rey hadn’t yet thawed out of her accidental ice shell, but otherwise, solid. Radiohead, the Black Keys, Robyn, Kelly Clarkson, Coldplay, Jack White, the Shins, Arcade Fire, Usher, the Rolling Stones — even if you don’t like a lot of those bands (*coughcoldplaycough*), it’s not as if they were unworthy of performing on SNL. In a year, when we look back at season 38 of SNL, which ended last night, how many miscues will we count? Justin Bieber, definitely, and probably Macklemore and Ryan Lewis and fun.; otherwise, not too shabby. Rarely spectacular, usually good, briefly awful, not unlike SNL itself. Here are seven of the season’s best performances.

It’s easy to bag on Saturday Night Live for their musical guests, but just as the “SNL isn’t as funny as it used to be” argument is played out and incorrect, ...

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UVA Graduation Speech
19 may 2013 12:17

While most of you suffered through graduation speeches from former deans and, ugh, SENATORS, University of Virginia students were treated to remarks from none other than Stephen Colbert. For over 17 minutes, The Colbert Report host discussed UVA’s high party school ranking in Playboy (“I only read Playboy for the rankings”), the university’s ousted then rehired president (“I want to thank president Teresa Sullivan. You are way better than that last president, Teresa Sullivan, she was terrible”), and self-obsessed millennials (“Your generation needs everything to be about you…and that’s very upsetting to us baby boomers because self-absorption is kind of our thing”). But Colbert saved his most inspiring material for the end: “I believe we have given you a gift, a particular form of independence,” he said, referring to the Steely Dan demographic, “because you do not owe the previous generation anything. Thanks to us, you owe it to the Chinese.” Haha, we’re doomed. Hear the whole thing below.

While most of you suffered through graduation speeches from former deans and, ugh, SENATORS, University of Virginia students were treated to remarks from none other than Stephen Colbert.

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Human Doll Cloning
19 may 2013 12:05

If you’re a leading actor in a movie franchie, you can expect a miniature figurine of yourself to be created and sold by the millions. George Lucas has made more money from Star Wars figurines & merchandise than the movies themselves. And lets not forget the rock band KISS who have licensed their likeness in hundreds of dolls, toys and action figures. But for regular individual in the street, having an action figurine of yourself was something of a dream…until a Clone Factory located in Akihabara, Japan stepped in to fill the void. Using a combination of SLR’s, 3D rendering and plaster moulds (plus a fee of $1,300) you can now have yourself cloned in miniature It’s both awesome and quite nightmarish in equal amounts. Japanese blogger Danny Choo decided to find exactly what went on behind the scenes and below are some images from his day trip to the centre as well as the final result. Did we mention they even clone pets? Let us know what you think by leaving a comment below, would you be tempted to have yourself immortalised in miniature?

If you’re a leading actor in a movie franchie, you can expect a miniature figurine of yourself to be created and sold by the millions.

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21 Brillant Objects Made From Recycled Materials
19 may 2013 12:04

Out of all the items we purchase every day, how many do we keep for over a year? Not many. Now more than ever, we seem quite at ease constantly discarding and throwing away items at will. You might take one last sip from a plastic bottle and toss it aside in the bin or your keyboard dies and you launch it onto the scrap heap for the council to pick up. We seldom keep anything and whilst we might recycle, we often don’t reuse. With that in mind, today’s post is designed to give you little inspiration and some examples of every time items that you can reuse and convert into some pretty cool items for you home, plus they’ll prove to be a major talking point! So next time you’re about throw away an item, just think – it might look really good on your wall, hanging from the ceiling or even make a unique chair to sit on. If you have any suggestions, please leave us a comment in the post below we’d love to hear them!

Out of all the items we purchase every day, how many do we keep for over a year? Not many. Now more than ever, we seem quite at ease constantly discarding and throwing away items at will.

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Adventure Time's 13 Greatest Sports Moments
19 may 2013 00:00

If you aren't familiar with the show, it follows the various quests and activities of a human boy and his dog as they live and fight monsters in the Land of Ooo, a post-apocalyptic Earth full of candy people, inter-dimensional vampire demons, anus-obsessed ghosts and every D&D joke imaginable. It's a show you either love from the moment you give it a shot, or spend the rest of your life side-eying. Hopefully you're in the first group. Be sure to check out the moments and the other Sports On TV columns after the jump, and don't miss the Peppermint Butler commenting badge we're giving you for sharing our list around and dropping a comment. Do that, and you're tops blooby.

If you aren't familiar with the show, it follows the various quests and activities of a human boy and his dog as they live and fight monsters in the Land of Ooo, ...

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You Will Never Sleep After These 1950's Kids Safety Manual Scenes!
18 may 2013 17:47

Okay, I feel lucky to have been born in the 90's, because if I was a child during the publishing and teachings of this safety manual, I would probably be damaged for life. Whoever created this had a very direct way of communicating, I'm sure. Check these kinda funny, but mostly "wtf?" scenes from the 1950's kids safety manual, just don't show them to your kids!

Okay, I feel lucky to have been born in the 90's, because if I was a child during the publishing and teachings of this safety manual, I would probably be damaged for life.

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These Cat GIF's Will Make You Melt!
18 may 2013 17:18

Kitties never fail to entertain! Enjoy these cute and funny GIF's.

Kitties never fail to entertain! Enjoy these cute and funny GIF's.

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Caffeine Dispensing Toothbrush?!
18 may 2013 16:58

Colgate-Palmolive has recently filed a patent application for a toothbrush with the ability to deliver a dose of chemicals to the user. It could be used to dispense painkillers, diet pills or invoke sensations such as cold or heat. But the idea has taken it's course particularly towards caffeine. Although this easy to use caffeine toothbrush might sound appealing to many coffee drinkers who don't have the time to make a cup in the morning, or may be need the energy but don't necessarily like the taste, the FDA is skeptical and is investigating the safety of the caffeine dispensing brush, focusing on adolescents and children. I guess we'll find out the future of this interesting device soon.

Colgate-Palmolive has recently filed a patent application for a toothbrush with the ability to deliver a dose of chemicals to the user.

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Birds And People Are Really Not That Different.
18 may 2013 16:37

Animals are in so many ways similar to us. Let these funky birds prove it, and make you laugh!

Animals are in so many ways similar to us. Let these funky birds prove it, and make you laugh!

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Man Cuts Off His Dong In A Drunk Fight With Girlfriend!
18 may 2013 16:11

After getting into an argument with his girlfriend a drunk Taiwanese man performed what is known as autopeotomy on himself by cutting off his penis with scissors. I can only imagine the words that accommodated the action. To add insult to injury, he then flushed the cut off bit down the toilet! Isn't it always the crazy jealous women doing that to their men, wow what a stupid situation. He slipped into a coma from massive blood loss before he was brought to the hospital by his terrified and "never to be happy again" girlfriend. He eventually came out of the coma, and doctors expect him to make a full recovery. He now has an inch-and-a-half of his penis left, and is probably greatly regretting his actions.

After getting into an argument with his girlfriend a drunk Taiwanese man performed what is known as autopeotomy on himself by cutting off his penis with scissors.

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15 Star Trek Hotties From All Times.
18 may 2013 15:27

Star Trek sure knows how to pick women characters. The names are sexy, but the women are even hotter! Check out these Star Trek hotties from all times.

Star Trek sure knows how to pick women characters. The names are sexy, but the women are even hotter! Check out these Star Trek hotties from all times.

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Just A Naked Chinese Dude With A Cross, Nothing Outrageous Here.
18 may 2013 14:47

The Wingjing Streaker strikes again! A young artist Li Binyuan, who has graduated from the prestigious China Central Academy of Fine Arts is known for his outrageous streaks in the Beijing's Wangjing area. Li admitted, "I've done this about ten times." "At first, it all started because I was bored and this seemed fun," said Li. "Later, it just became something to do." He also said that when he becames stuck and frustrated with his art work, streaking helps him release that energy. Although public nudity is illegal in China, a Beijing lawyer named Liu Xiaoyuan said that since that occurred at night (and perhaps didn't disturb the peace), criminal charges are unlikely. What a fun way to vent huh guys? You go Liu!

The Wingjing Streaker strikes again! A young artist Li Binyuan, who has graduated from the prestigious China Central Academy of Fine Arts is known for his outrageous streaks in the Beijing's...

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Amazing Drawing On Water.
18 may 2013 14:25

Wow this is so unique and cool. I don't know what he's using, seems like some water resistant paint, and oil, but what a trip!

Wow this is so unique and cool. I don't know what he's using, seems like some water resistant paint, and oil, but what a trip!

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Nicki Claims She "Never Spread Em' Open".
18 may 2013 13:41

Nicki Minaj recently gave an interview about her rise to the top of the hip-hop game and she especially emphasized that she never "opened her legs" in order to help her career. She might be a lot of different things, but despite her vulgar and crazy image, this woman seems to be a totally different person deep inside. "When I started being around Young Money, Wayne thought I was shy, but it wasn't that I was shy, I just didn't want anybody to think I was easy. No matter what my lyrics were saying, when I got around these guys, I was a prude, because I didn't want anyone in this game to ever be able to say 'I had s*x with her' or 'when she needed a deal, she had to...' No," Nicki explained in an interview. "And 'til this day, not one single man in this industry can say that and I pride myself on that. That's the only bit of advice I would give the up-and-coming female rappers. You could be as sexy as you want, but just maintain your dignity around these guys." (MTV)

Nicki Minaj recently gave an interview about her rise to the top of the hip-hop game and she especially emphasized that she never "opened her legs" in order to help her career.

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The Best Of Neil deGrasse Tyson Memes.
17 may 2013 19:51

This is one of my favorite memes! I totally feel like him all the time too. Get your laughs on people, and stay badass, so we can make fun of you ;-)

This is one of my favorite memes! I totally feel like him all the time too. Get your laughs on people, and stay badass, so we can make fun of you ;-)

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10 Hottest Bikes!
17 may 2013 19:36

Lets appreciate the beauty and power of these machines! Feast your eyes.

Lets appreciate the beauty and power of these machines! Feast your eyes.

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10 Sprinkler GIFs to Get Us in the Summer Mood
17 may 2013 19:10

Summer will be here before we know it, and you know what that means. Sprinkler season is fast approaching, and obviously the best way to celebrate is by rounding up the greatest sprinkler GIFs on the Web. From raccoons to kiddos, all sorts of folk are fans of said summer fun, although sometimes playing in a sprinkler ends in hilarious fails. So let’s all enjoy some pre-summer sprinkler entertainment, shall we?

Summer will be here before we know it, and you know what that means. Sprinkler season is fast approaching, ...

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Morning News Anchor Pulls ‘Anchorman’-Style Prompter Prank
17 may 2013 19:09

One Today Show reporter in Australia had a real Ron Burgundy moment. It seems Roz Kelly will also read anything that’s on the teleprompter. Fortunately, her co-anchor Karl Stefanovic didn’t put an F-bomb in there like Veronica Corningstone, but he did get her to imply that she enjoys the “cookies” in Amsterdam. Kelly took it in stride, and has warned Stefanovic that this means war. We all know how this ends — somebody is going to fall into a bear den at the zoo. Oh, wait, that was ‘Anchorman.’

One Today Show reporter in Australia had a real Ron Burgundy moment. It seems Roz Kelly will also read anything that’s on the teleprompter.

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10 Smiling Horses Guaranteed To Make You Smile, Too
17 may 2013 19:09

Horses are funny creatures. Tthey’re totally into Skrillex hair and crazy hats. And don’t even get us started on Mr. Ed. Even without talking, horses still crack us up, which is good, because horses can’t actually talk. They can wear a ridiculous horse grin though. Truth be told, a picture of a smiling horse is probably funnier than the funniest thing you’ve ever said. There’s pretty much no way you can look at one and not crack a smile yourself. See what we mean below.

Horses are funny creatures. Tthey’re totally into Skrillex hair and crazy hats. And don’t even get us started on Mr. Ed.

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Natural Immune System Boosters!
17 may 2013 19:08

When flu or allergy seasons are around our immune system is under constant stress, and might need an extra hand to cope with all the pathogens. Here's a list of essential foods containing elements that are sure to boost your immunity. Of course besides these, multi-vitamins should be your daily ritual, because I'm sure none of us get all the essential vitamins and minerals from what we eat.

When flu or allergy seasons are around our immune system is under constant stress, and might need an extra hand to cope with all the pathogens.

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‘Sad Cat Diary’ Offers Hilarious Insight Into the Feline Mind
17 may 2013 19:07

Internet superstar Ze Frank has made a video documenting the diary entries of sad cats. If cats could write a diary, and their brains followed the same brand of logic that human brains do, we imagine this is exactly what a sad cat’s diary would be like. Yes, they almost make Henri the Existential Cat seem cheery. Contains some NSFW language, because these cats are really depressed, and sometimes swear words make them feel better. Enjoy!

Internet superstar Ze Frank has made a video documenting the diary entries of sad cats. If cats could write a diary, and their brains followed the same brand of logic that human brains do, ...

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Tobias Funke’s Sizzle Reel Is Everything You Hoped It Would Be
17 may 2013 19:07

‘Arrested Development‘ mania is really picking up as we near the release of the show’s long-awaited fourth season on Netflix. Here’s a little bit of goodness to help you make it through the next nine days. It’s Tobias Funke’s “Sizzling Reel,” which is just Tobais Funke (David Cross) green-screened into a bunch of different movies for your viewing enjoyment. As an added bonus, he also says “Insert me anywhere” over and over again. Because it’s not Tobias Funke without some unintentional awkward double entendres.

‘Arrested Development‘ mania is really picking up as we near the release of the show’s long-awaited fourth season on Netflix.

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Hilarious Graduation Memes to Help You Avoid the Real World
17 may 2013 19:06

It’s graduation season and you know what that means! No, we’re not referring to caps and gowns and awkward Sunday brunches with distant relatives. Graduation season is time for graduation memes! They’re funny, they’re sad, and some might hit a little too close to home for you recent or not-so-recent grads. But whether or not you’re off to an exciting new stage in your life or staying in school a little longer, check out these memes below.

It’s graduation season and you know what that means! No, we’re not referring to caps and gowns and awkward Sunday brunches with distant relatives.

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An Exquisite Collision Of Sine Waves & Beautiful Visuals
17 may 2013 19:04

Daniel Sierra is studying his MFA at the School of Visual Arts in New York, he’s now officially an A grade student on the back of his fascinating animated video titled Oscillate. It’s an experiment that he says “aims to visualize waveform patterns that evolve from the fundamental sine wave to more complex patterns, creating a mesmerizing audio-visual experience in which sight and sound work in unison.” and it’s truly mesmerising and even therapeutic to watch. It was rightly award Vimeo’s Staff Pick Of The Week, watch it below to find out why.

Daniel Sierra is studying his MFA at the School of Visual Arts in New York, he’s now officially an A grade student on the back of his fascinating animated video titled Oscillate.

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17 Incredulous & Embarrassing First World Problems
17 may 2013 19:03

One of our favourite Twitter hashtags is #1stworldproblems a cheeky reference to that fact it isn’t easy being a privileged citizen of a developed nation. So it wasn’t going to be long until someone decided to combined some of the most superficial & narrow-minded tweets into a visual series. It’s amusing, depressing & dumbfounding in equal amounts. It might suck that you don’t have wifi right now, but none of us should ever lose sight of the fact there are scenes like this happening every day in 3rd world countries. Kick back, relax and prepare to shake your head at 140 characters of self-indulgent first world problems.

One of our favourite Twitter hashtags is #1stworldproblems a cheeky reference to that fact it isn’t easy being a privileged citizen of a developed nation.

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20 Unique Faces In 20 Unlikely And Hidden Places
17 may 2013 19:02

You’ve probably heard countless news reports of people claiming they’ve seen the face of Jesus appearing on all sorts of objects from toast, household items to rock formations and pita bread. And how many times have you looked at a building or group of objects and thought they make out some kind of face? It’s actually a real phenomenon, but not a supernatural occurence. It’s called ‘Pareidolia‘ and it’s purely psychological (unless you believe in miracles) there’s even an entire subreddit, dedicated to the concept Your brain randomly perceives an image as being significant in some form, drawing a pattern, shape or recognizable element from the meaningless scattered data in front of you. But in these next 20 examples, faces will either leap out at you, slowly fade into focus, maybe even fade out of focus or not appear at all. They’ll vary from scary, to funny, to sneaky to happy and everything in between. See if you can spot these 20 unique faces in these 20 unlikely and often hidden places….

You’ve probably heard countless news reports of people claiming they’ve seen the face of Jesus appearing on all sorts of objects from toast, household items to rock formations and pita bread.

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Lamborghini Build Incredible One-Off Car For Themselves
17 may 2013 19:01

Iconic Italian car manufacturer Lamborghini recently celebrated its 50th birthday – quite an achievement for a brand that is the epitome of style, class, and luxury. It’s even more impressive when you consider their world-famous cars start at the low-end of six figures. For 50 years they’ve been highly sought after by the ultra-rich and admire by virtually everyone else. They kicked off the celebrations with a 4.5 km convoy of Lamborghini supercars, driven by people from 29 different countries.

Iconic Italian car manufacturer Lamborghini recently celebrated its 50th birthday – quite an achievement for a brand that is the epitome of style, class, and luxury.

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