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Richard Branson dressed as a stewardess
13 may 2013 06:40

He might be one of the most powerful men in the world, but Sir Richard Branson was the brunt of a thousand jokes on Saturday night as he donned a skirt and a full face of make-up on a flight to Malaysia. The billionaire entrepreneur swapped his boxer shorts for a pair of stockings after losing a Grand Prix bet with AirAsia chief executive Tony Fernandez two years ago. The Virgin boss - who even shaved his legs for the flight - served drinks and pledged to clean the toilets on the special flight - all while sporting the red AirAsia uniform, which included a skirt suit and crisp white shirt.

He might be one of the most powerful men in the world, but Sir Richard Branson was the brunt of a thousand jokes on Saturday night as he donned a skirt and a full face of make- ...

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Celebrities Read Mean Tweets About Themselves On Kimmel
13 may 2013 03:14

Sometimes, when you’re sitting in the waiting room at the doctor’s office and there’s nothing to read except months old magazines and pamphlets about cholesterol, it can be easy to see a picture of a celebrity making a stupid face on the cover of, say, People magazine, and think to yourself “UGH SO-AND-SO HAS SUCH A STUPID DUMB FACE AND I HATE HIM/HER AND I WANT HIM/HER TO DIE,” because, at that moment, that person only exists in the fanciful world of television and professional photo shoots. Then you think, “You know what? I should tell everyone,” and you can, because you have a smart phone with a Twitter app and the Internet is basically magic. So you tap it out real quick and hit send, including the celebrity’s Twitter handle, and then the nurse calls your name and you head back to the exam room and never think about it again.

Sometimes, when you’re sitting in the waiting room at the doctor’s office and there’s nothing to read except months old magazines and pamphlets about cholesterol, ...

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The Daily Show
13 may 2013 03:06

I’m not a big fan of ‘Daily Show’ correspondent Aasif Mandvi for two reasons: 1. His voice 2. His role as Commander Zhao in M. Night Shyamalan’s The Last Airbender, which is easily the most ignorant-of-itself film adaptation this side of The Scarlet Letter. That said, he has won a small place in my heart for yesterday’s piece about how kids should consider NOT going to college and bringing in goddamn NEW JACK when it was time to scare the kids straight. If you aren’t familiar with the work of New Jack, he’s a pro wrestler, former ECW star and former bounty hunter with four justifiable homicides (!) who owns Wolverine claws, jumps off of balconies for little-to-no pay and is not afraid to beat a guy to death for real in front of children. He’s great, in the worst way that pro wrestling can be great, and it was surprising to see him here. But you know what? A pro wrestler who kills people is still a better fit for ‘The Daily Show’ than Olivia Munn. New Jack’s appearance is after the jump.

I’m not a big fan of ‘Daily Show’ correspondent Aasif Mandvi for two reasons: 1. His voice 2. His role as Commander Zhao in M.

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The Incredible Cuttlefish, An Infographic by Doghouse Diaries
10 may 2013 16:22

Doghouse Diaries recently posted this tentacular infographic about the incredible cuttlefish. Did you know the broadclub cuttlefish can hypnotize prey by displaying flashing stripes on its body? Now you do. The infographic is a response to Why the mantis shrimp is my new favorite animal by The Oatmeal.

Doghouse Diaries recently posted this tentacular infographic about the incredible cuttlefish. Did you know the broadclub cuttlefish can hypnotize prey by displaying flashing stripes on its body?

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Justin Timberlake Meets ‘Iron Man 3′ in ‘Suits That Fly’
10 may 2013 16:09

‘Weird Al’ Yankovic may have some company in the song parody game. This video for ‘Suits That Fly’ is a very well-done take on Justin Timberlake’s ‘Suit & Tie’ that pays homage to ‘Iron Man 3.’ It even features a singer who looks eerily similar to Robert Downey Jr.’s Tony Stark and a sultry blonde in the vein of Gwyneth Paltrow’s Pepper Potts. Check out the original video for ‘Suit & Tie’ to compare and see if ‘Weird Al’ really does have some new competition. And while you’re in a Justin Timberlake parody mood, take a listen to our ‘Suit & Tie’ parody song, ‘Fruit and Pie.’

‘Weird Al’ Yankovic may have some company in the song parody game. This video for ‘Suits That Fly’ is a very well-done take on Justin Timberlake’s ‘Suit & Tie’ that pays homage to ‘Iron Man 3.

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Awesome Karaoke Couple At Gas Station On Leno
10 may 2013 15:11

Look, we don’t need to tell you that watching Leno is worse than having an entire sack of angry rattlesnakes forcefully inserted into your cancer-stricken ass. You know this. I know this. We all know this. (Well, everyone except the old people in middle America who watch him. But we know this too, so let’s just move on.) But last night something miraculous happened: the show produced a highly entertaining bit.

Look, we don’t need to tell you that watching Leno is worse than having an entire sack of angry rattlesnakes forcefully inserted into your cancer-stricken ass. You know this. I know this.

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Hidey Ho
10 may 2013 13:43

Here it is, your Friday photo dump. This is a hilarious collection of photos and memes to help get you through your work day. The weekend is hours away! You almost made it. This should help.

Here it is, your Friday photo dump. This is a hilarious collection of photos and memes to help get you through your work day. The weekend is hours away! You almost made it. This should help.

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How Rude
10 may 2013 13:29

Here are some hilarious and witty tweets to brighten up your day. These funny inappropriate tweets are sure to put you in a good mood. These people are hilarious. This is truly what twitter was made for.

Here are some hilarious and witty tweets to brighten up your day. These funny inappropriate tweets are sure to put you in a good mood. These people are hilarious.

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Spider Man
10 may 2013 13:18

Walking in funny ways has become a fun internet Gif. These are the best of the best silly walking Gifs. Have you been walking down the street and seen any of these funny walking styles?

Walking in funny ways has become a fun internet Gif. These are the best of the best silly walking Gifs. Have you been walking down the street and seen any of these funny walking styles?

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Nicki Minaj or He-Man
10 may 2013 13:09

Lets play a game of, "Who Wore It Better." Here are some celebrities in outfits that have appeared in other places. Compare and contrast. You decide. Who Wore It Better?

Lets play a game of, "Who Wore It Better." Here are some celebrities in outfits that have appeared in other places. Compare and contrast. You decide. Who Wore It Better?

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Do and Don’t GIFS for the Weekend
10 may 2013 12:00

As we’re sure you know, the weekend is coming up. For some, that means getting some much needed rest, while others are already planning their social schedule. Here are some Do’s and Don’ts to take advantage of what looks to be a lovely spring weekend!

As we’re sure you know, the weekend is coming up. For some, that means getting some much needed rest, while others are already planning their social schedule.

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Grumpy Cat Had An Art Show Once. It Wasn't Awful.
10 may 2013 01:00

Last year Grumpy Cat (AKA Tardar Sauce) won us over with her cuddly curmudgeonliness. This little Ron Swanson in the form of a snowshoe cat became even more popular than we could have imagined, justifying a second meme watch filled with fan art and photoshops. But the fan dedication doesn't end there. Now an arts center put together The Grumpy Cat Art Project to raise money for a children's playground. The Lowe Mill Arts and Entertainment center in Huntsville, Alabama, collected Grumpy Cat art by over 30 artists in residence at Lowe Mill, the largest arts center in the Southeast US. "Art can elevate even the silliest subject," says Dustin Timbrook, one of the event's organizers. Grumpy Cat could use some elevation; have you seen how stumpy her cute little legs are? Well, you can see her legs in this GIF, which was also Grumpy Cat's response to whether or not she'll check out the show's opening on May 31st.

Last year Grumpy Cat (AKA Tardar Sauce) won us over with her cuddly curmudgeonliness. This little Ron Swanson in the form of a snowshoe cat became even more popular than we could have imagined, ...

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Conker's Bad Fur Day: Squirrel Vivisection And Pikachu Beating
10 may 2013 00:38

Conker’s Bad Fur Day is a pretty edgy game — kind of shockingly so considering it was funded by Nintendo and released back in 2001. That said, just because countless dick jokes and a giant singing poop monster made it through to the final product, doesn’t mean a lot of other stuff didn’t hit the cutting room floor. An uncensored beta version of Conker just popped up online, and folks are discovering it contains all sorts of interesting cut content, and it’s not exactly the stuff you might expect (more poop, dick and boob jokes). One of the cut scenes features a rather disturbing vivisection of another non-Conker squirrel. Another (very unpolished) scene involves Pikachu taking a beating from a mobster. Gee, wonder why that idea was shot down?

Conker’s Bad Fur Day is a pretty edgy game — kind of shockingly so considering it was funded by Nintendo and released back in 2001.

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‘Spagging’ Makes Pouty Faces Tolerable and Hilarious
09 may 2013 19:38

The “duck face.” It’s an epidemic across all forms of social media, and why it exists, we haven’t the slightest clue. You know what we’re talking about– that ultra pouty, furrowed brows, I’ve-got-’tude-right-now-and-you-can’t-handle-it sort of expression. And yes, we’ve been guilty of doing it maybe once or twice in 2007. Whatever. But whether you’re a fan or a facial-pouting hater, we think you’ll enjoy the versions we recently discovered. Ladies and gents, say hello to ‘spagging’. A Photoshop genius recently took to Imgur and shared the greatest improvements of said duck face. Basically, the user made everyone look like they’re slurping up a piece of spaghetti. Again, genius. See what we mean below.

The “duck face.” It’s an epidemic across all forms of social media, and why it exists, we haven’t the slightest clue.

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09 may 2013 14:56

Sean Connery has supplied us with some amazing quotes over the years. These are some of the best of the best from Scotland's great man. These funny and interesting quotes might just make you feel better about yourself. If nothing else you will probably feel smarter after reading them. Thank you Sean Connery for these amazing pieces of wisdom.

Sean Connery has supplied us with some amazing quotes over the years. These are some of the best of the best from Scotland's great man.

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Lawn Mower In Car
09 may 2013 14:38

These people had a plan and stuck to it. Some of the results were better than the others. In the end they all can say "Yup!, Totally Nailed it." Job well done everybody. Epic wins and fails.

These people had a plan and stuck to it. Some of the results were better than the others. In the end they all can say "Yup!, Totally Nailed it." Job well done everybody. Epic wins and fails.

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Batman Poops!
09 may 2013 14:14

Sometimes the art and quotes we find in public restrooms can be extremely creative and hilarious. Here is some excellent bathroom graffiti. These quotes and drawings are too funny.

Sometimes the art and quotes we find in public restrooms can be extremely creative and hilarious. Here is some excellent bathroom graffiti. These quotes and drawings are too funny.

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The 20 Best Alison Brie GIFs From Community Season 4
09 may 2013 13:58

As divisive as the fourth season of Community has been (for the record, I've quite enjoyed it) I'm certain the only gripe we should all share is the lack of Alison Brie GIF-able moments. I mean, Dan Harmon had the good sense to plan them well in advance. Is it really that hard to write in scenes combo-ing low cut blouses and slo-mo action? Nope. I've got plenty on my hard drive. It's not like S4 has been completely devoid of Alison Brie-Annie Edison GIFs though. With the finale bearing down on us I've labored through the interwebs to collect all the best ones, in episodic order. You guys owe me. Fair warning: these lean more funny & charming than yowza, which coincidentally enough is how I take my ladies. Alison, text me baby.

As divisive as the fourth season of Community has been (for the record, I've quite enjoyed it) I'm certain the only gripe we should all share is the lack of Alison Brie GIF-able moments.

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Best Of The 80s Don Draper Mad Men Parody Twitter Account
09 may 2013 13:55

Parody Twitter accounts are SO 2010. I’m well aware. Nowadays they pop up after every semi-interesting current event and it takes something of Modern Seinfeld or Florida Man proportions to catch our collective attention. That’s actually a good thing, because when a truly moderately brilliant one comes along we can celebrate it as the exception that proves the rule. So without further ado, I present “80′s Don Draper” by Onion contributor John McNamee. There will be some debate over apostrophe placement (maybe he’s possessed by the ’80s?), but if you’re not immediately won over by the profile imagery alone, I have nothing for you. Oh wait, I do. I have a handful of the best nostalgia-meets-formula tweets the account has shot out in its week of existence. Noid references will never not work on me.

Parody Twitter accounts are SO 2010. I’m well aware. Nowadays they pop up after every semi-interesting current event and it takes something of Modern Seinfeld or Florida Man proportions to catch...

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Kim Kardashian Met Gala Dress
08 may 2013 16:35

The internet feasted on the dress Kim Kardashian wore to the Met Gala. When you combine, Kim Kardashian, Her man Kanye West, a major event like the Met Gala and a Dress that looks like an old couch you give the internet gold for a day. Here are some of the best reactions to Kim Kardashians Hideous Floral Print Dress.

The internet feasted on the dress Kim Kardashian wore to the Met Gala. When you combine, Kim Kardashian, Her man Kanye West, ...

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Friendly Fire
08 may 2013 16:20

We live in a crazy world. To say some people are smarter than others is an understatement. There sure are a lot of dumb people around us. Idiots are everywhere.

We live in a crazy world. To say some people are smarter than others is an understatement. There sure are a lot of dumb people around us. Idiots are everywhere.

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Am I The Only One Around Here Who Thinks John Goodman Deserves an Oscar?
08 may 2013 16:00

John Goodman has a special talent for making any movie that he was in, exceptionally good. The Big Lebowski put our now favorite comedic relief on the map and ever since then, the internet hasn't been able to get enough of him. It's time everyone spoke up and said what needs to be said, and our man John is the right man for the job!

John Goodman has a special talent for making any movie that he was in, exceptionally good. The Big Lebowski put our now favorite comedic relief on the map and ever since then, ...

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21 Examples of Starbucks Employees Completely Massacring Names
08 may 2013 15:13

If there’s one thing we love about Starbucks, it’s that they always give us a place to go to the bathroom. Aside from that, it’s also always a good time when they mix up a customer’s name. When a Hong Kong Starbucks employee thought a woman named Virginia was actually named Vagina, we laughed. We figured why not keep the laughs coming and found some more Starbucks name fails. We also included what the original name is supposed to be, since it’s not always entirely clear. You’re welcome.

If there’s one thing we love about Starbucks, it’s that they always give us a place to go to the bathroom. Aside from that, it’s also always a good time when they mix up a customer’s name.

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‘Star Trek’ Honest Trailer Tackles the Lens Flare Issue Head On
08 may 2013 15:12

In case you were letting the prospect of Benedict Cumberbatch in ‘Star Trek Into Darkness‘ get you all worked up, here’s Screen Junkies reminding you exactly what the last ‘Star Trek’ movie really was. Will we even be able to see Cumberbatch’s face through all the lens flares? After watching this Honest Trailer, we’re not sure. We just hope Captain Kirk hasn’t changed his punched face expression, because now that it has been pointed out to us, we want to see it more and more. More, we say!

In case you were letting the prospect of Benedict Cumberbatch in ‘Star Trek Into Darkness‘ get you all worked up, ...

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10 Jackee Movies That Need to Exist
08 may 2013 15:11

Do you ever ask yourself “wouldn’t every movie be better if it starred Jackée?” Well, stop asking yourself stupid questions. Of course every movie would be better if it starred Jackée. Need proof? Check out these posters featuring the beloved star of ’227′ in tons of movie vehicles so you don’t even have to use your imagination to understand how glorious it would be.

Do you ever ask yourself “wouldn’t every movie be better if it starred Jackée?” Well, stop asking yourself stupid questions. Of course every movie would be better if it starred Jackée.

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Backstage Riders From Famous Bands Visualized
08 may 2013 15:09

Henry Hargreaves (the talented conceptual photographer responsible for recreating the Last Meals Of Inmates On Death Row) is back with another compelling photographic project. Now part of being a rockstar is basically being able to have any outlandish request fulfilled and catered too and it’s this theme that Hargreaves focuses on in his fascinating new series ‘Band Riders’. He’s looked at the backstage riders / requests from some of the biggest artists in the world, including the likes of Lady Gaga, Axl Rose, Foo Fighters & Prince and then beautifully re-created them in stunning and stylish detail. A rider is basically a clause in the contract between the band and promoter that stipulates certain items will be available backstage to the artists as part of their performance fee – these can vary from food & alcohol to condoms and candles. Generally speaking, the bigger the band the more extravagant the request. Certain artists can only drink certain brands, other musicians require daily injections. It puts it into context how bizarre and silly some of them seem, but when you are touring the world from one sold out arena to another, you’re probably entitled to a few perks aren’t you? Head over to VICE to see the entire series.

Henry Hargreaves (the talented conceptual photographer responsible for recreating the Last Meals Of Inmates On Death Row) is back with another compelling photographic project.

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'Arrested Development's' Bluth's Original Frozen Banana Stands
08 may 2013 13:41

As George Bluth Sr. once screamed at Michael while jerking him around by his collar, “THERE’S ALWAYS MONEY IN THE BANANA STAND” (No Touching), and clearly Netflix agrees, as they are now launching their own Bluth’s Original Frozen Banana Stands around the world. The first banana stand popped up in London today, and will be touring the UK for a couple of weeks. As the May 26th date approaches in the United States, however, those banana stands will be popping up around the country, which will give us all an excuse to say “banana” and “nuts.” Banana stand location and dates can be found on the official Arrested Development twitter account. The original frozen banana only cost $1, while you can get a Simple Simon for half that. Even figuring conversation rates, THAT’S A STEAL. Here’s pictures of the first one in action.

As George Bluth Sr. once screamed at Michael while jerking him around by his collar, “THERE’S ALWAYS MONEY IN THE BANANA STAND” (No Touching), and clearly Netflix agrees, ...

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Amy Poehler, Tina Fey, and Liam Neeson on: ‘Anchorman 2′
08 may 2013 13:24

Anytime Amy Poehler and Tina Fey are in a film together, two things are guaranteed: 1. It is guaranteed to be funny. 2. Everyone is going to watch it, including me, and I'm not even an 'Anchorman' film fan. Production on the sequel the world, (or at least a small segment of the population anyway) has been waiting for with bated breath is finally underway. That’s right — ‘Anchorman 2′ is busy filming yet another news-anchor-on-news-anchor fight scene with brand new cameos from brilliant comediennes Tina Fey and Amy Poehler, with Sacha Baron Cohen, character actor John C. Reilly and veteran Liam Neeson joining in as well. Yes, Liam Neeson. Because his attempts at comedy worked out so well the first time. From what we can tell, Fey and Poehler ganged up on Cohen, Steve Carell‘s character Brick brought back his weapon of choice (the trident) and later what appears to be a flamethrower, Neeson led a battle cry that included Confederate War Soldier John C. Reilly, and someone threw in a random minotaur for funzies. Check out all the pictures below for the insanity.

Anytime Amy Poehler and Tina Fey are in a film together, two things are guaranteed: 1. It is guaranteed to be funny. 2.

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This Lego 'Battle Of Helm's Deep' Will Storm The Gates Of Your Heart
08 may 2013 12:00

So, a couple guys going by Rich-K and Big J went and built the Battle of Helm's Deep using Lego, and well, it just may be the most impressive movie-inspired Lego creation to date. Honestly it's a tough call -- Lego Hogwarts is still be the most obsessively detailed Lego creation I've ever seen, but Helm's Deep may take the cake, if only because it's just so damn epic. Scroll down for more pictures of Lego Helm's Deep...

So, a couple guys going by Rich-K and Big J went and built the Battle of Helm's Deep using Lego, and well, it just may be the most impressive movie-inspired Lego creation to date.

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‘Star Trek’ Actors Leonard Nimoy & Zachary Quinto Have a Spock-Off
07 may 2013 20:40

Car commercials have a habit of making such little sense that it’s often not until you get to the end of the ad that you even know it’s for a car. Which is sort of the case with Audi’s new Spock vs. Spock ad, which pits actors Leonard Nimoy and Zachary Quinto against each other in a race to prove which is the superior Spock. In this imaginary world (which we secretly hope is real), Quinto and Nimoy have a fun rivalry in which they play online chess and race each other to golf courses. Unfortunately for Leonard Nimoy, however, he doesn’t have a far-superior and magical Audi but rather an allegedly inferior Mercedes-Benz that makes old Spock spout the F-word. (Points to you, Mercedes, for eliciting such human emotion from him.) Check out the entire video above for even more adorable, not to mention the best use of the Vulcan death grip — and the most random use of Nimoy’s ’70s song ‘The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins’ — ever.

Car commercials have a habit of making such little sense that it’s often not until you get to the end of the ad that you even know it’s for a car. Which is sort of the case with Audi’s new Spock vs.

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Jennifer Lawrence Photobombs Sarah Jessica Parker At Met Ball
07 may 2013 20:19

Feeling that last night’s Met Gala was entirely too stuffy, Jennifer Lawrence proved yet again why she’s amazing: she gloriously photobombed Sarah Jessica Parker, who thought she’d put the horse comparisons to rest by wearing a mohawk to last night’s fashion event. Even Marion Cotillard and Lena Dunham had to laugh.

Feeling that last night’s Met Gala was entirely too stuffy, Jennifer Lawrence proved yet again why she’s amazing: she gloriously photobombed Sarah Jessica Parker, ...

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Sombre Images From Inside The Wreckage Of Car Crashes
07 may 2013 16:37

Here’s a photographic series that is a sombre as it is compelling. Danish photographer Nicolai Howalt has crawled inside the wreckage of numerous car crashes and captured those final moments of impact. There is no blood, no mention of the drivers or details about how the accident or crash happened – yet each car featured has either been in a severe and potentially fatal accident. Collectively they serve as a stark and sombre reminder of the dangers of driving carelessly and without caution on the road. There’s something a little dream-like about Howlat’s powerful and visually confronting work. You can’t help but imagine what it might have been like had it been you sitting in those front seats, that sharp twinge and recognition of our own mortality and a very real fear of what fate may have had in store for the future. You can see more of his striking work via his official site as well as purchase limited edition copies of his book you can purchase his book here: [ ] And please remember next time you get behind the wheel, try not to end up in one of his future photographs…

Here’s a photographic series that is a sombre as it is compelling. Danish photographer Nicolai Howalt has crawled inside the wreckage of numerous car crashes and captured those final moments of...

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A Series Of Famous Battleground Gifs From Fighting Games
07 may 2013 16:34

When it comes to fighting games, especially when you were playing against a friend, after you’ve selected your characters there was always the debate and which location to do battle in. Each fighter usually comes from a unique part of the world, so you can have you match in their hometown or in a neutral country – either way there was often much wrangling and debate “China?” “Brazil?” “Downtown L.A.?” the list of battlegrounds are as exotic as they are diverse.

When it comes to fighting games, especially when you were playing against a friend, after you’ve selected your characters there was always the debate and which location to do battle in.

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Charles Ramsey Rescues Missing Women, Becomes Internet Hero
07 may 2013 16:27

Charles Ramsey is a hero after freeing three women who had been kidnapped and held captive by his neighbor for 10 years. The Cleveland, Ohio man has also quickly become a viral video star after giving a series of descriptive interviews about the rescue. “I barbecued with this dude! We ate ribs and whatnot, and listened to salsa music,” Ramsey explained when describing neighbor Ariel Castro. Castro now stands accused of kidnapping Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus and Michelle Knight, who have all gone missing over the past decade. It was Berry, whose disappearance in 2003 was big news in Cleveland, that Ramsey heard screaming, and then freed from a partially locked door by kicking it in. While it took a little while for Ramsey to realize this was the Amanda Berry, he knew from the get-go something was seriously amiss. “I knew something was wrong when a little pretty white girl ran into a black man’s arms. Something is wrong here. Dead giveaway,” he told local reporters. In addition to his interviews, Ramsey also proved to be quite entertaining on the 911 call he placed after freeing Berry — which led to DeJesus and Knight being rescued. That NSFW recording is below, and after you listen to it we think you’ll agree that Ramsey needs to get the auto-tune treatment and a hefty endorsement from McDonald’s.

Charles Ramsey is a hero after freeing three women who had been kidnapped and held captive by his neighbor for 10 years.

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Baby says flamingo
07 may 2013 16:00

There are many great things to watching a child grow up: their first step, their first word, and of course, watching them turn simple English into dirty, foul-mouthed words that make any adult crack up. As you can see, young Paige is having a little trouble describing what she’s holding in this video with her father. We didn’t know there was a way to butcher the word flamingo so much, but we’re definitely not complaining. Apparently BIll Cosby was right, kids do say the darndest things!

There are many great things to watching a child grow up: their first step, their first word, and of course, watching them turn simple English into dirty, ...

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