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10 Side-Splittingly Funny Rollercoaster Action Shots
01 may 2013 14:40

Aside from hurtling down a track of metal at a 70 degree angle, one of the best things about getting on a rollercoaster is the inevitable ‘action shot’. That moment when the rollercoaster is at its steepest point, where you think you’re about to plunge to your death and just as you tip over the edge…. BOOM – there’s a camera capturing your terrified expression as you plunge 30ft down into the abyss below. Well here’s 10 individuals that decided to make their action shot moments a little more memorable, for all the right reasons. We won’t ruin all the fun for you though, best here’s 10 of the funniest rollercoaster action shots we’ve come across in a while!

Aside from hurtling down a track of metal at a 70 degree angle, one of the best things about getting on a rollercoaster is the inevitable ‘action shot’.

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When Comic Books Meet Super Hero Films
01 may 2013 13:27

Artist Billy the Butcher combines the artwork of Marvel Comics with screenshots from their popular film adaptions in a collection called “The Superhero Media Crossover Project.” “It’s easy to forget how much the comic stylings of the 60’s and 70’s have inspired modern films and just how timeless those two-dimensional, spandex-clad superheroes can be,” Billy writes on his website. “This series replaces live action with the lines they were born from, interlacing cinematography with storyboard.” The result blurs the line between film and comic books. Check out a few examples of his work below.

Artist Billy the Butcher combines the artwork of Marvel Comics with screenshots from their popular film adaptions in a collection called “The Superhero Media Crossover Project.

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40 People Who Are Celebrating 'National Burger Month'
01 may 2013 13:08

May means many things to many people. It's the beginning of wedding season, Cinco de Mayo is coming up, it's when summer blockbuster movies start to come out, it's way too long until the NFL is back, and it's the month that gave us Christina Hendricks. But most importantly, May is NATIONAL BURGER MONTH. *shotguns 17 burgers like Liz Lemon eating pizza* Why May? No one seems to know, but who cares? Any excuse to eat burgers, be they cheesed or otherwise, is a good one for us, and now we use the "I'm doing it for the good of the nation" card. In honor of the calender flipping from April to May, here's a collection of people (and animals) who are celebrating National Burger Month the right way.

May means many things to many people. It's the beginning of wedding season, Cinco de Mayo is coming up, it's when summer blockbuster movies start to come out, it's way too long until the NFL is back, ...

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The Lannister Plotline From This Week's 'Game Of Thrones' In A Text
01 may 2013 12:31

Some people complain that Game of Thrones is too complicated. However, the confusion about who is who on the show often can be confusing, and the credits at the end of each episode are often very helpful. Some of the context that the book readers are privy to is missing for us and so, occasionally, we get an older white guy with a beard confused with another older guy with a beard. The names can be confusing, too. There’s A LOT of names, and you’ve got Bran and Brienne and Bronn and Grenn and Gendry and Gilly and Jory and Jojen and Jeor Mormont, and a lot of other names, and many of those people have NICKNAMES like The Hound or The Kinslayer or Khaleesi, and MY GOD, many of these characters are only onscreen for a few minutes each episode or in some cases, they only appear every few episodes, and many of them look similar and they’re all sleeping together and plotting against each other, and HOLY SH*T it can get complicated. Take, for instance, the final scene in this Sunday’s episode. Tywin was talking to Tyrion and Cersei about who they are meant to marry, and there were a lot of names being passed around, and it might have been difficult to follow without rewinding. But thanks to a Redditor, that last scene has been perfectly encapsulated with picture-perfect clarity in a single text:

Some people complain that Game of Thrones is too complicated. However, the confusion about who is who on the show often can be confusing, ...

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Top 8 Actors That Can Play Batman After The Dark Knight Rises
01 may 2013 11:35

Warner Bros. has already made clear their intentions to reboot the franchise sometime in the future and on top of that, they also have a Justice League film coming up. Of course, this means that they’re going to have to find someone else to take on the iconic role of Batman (even if they do end up killing him off in Nolan’s trilogy). Christian Bale has done such an excellent job with the role and it would be near impossible for any actor to follow in the footsteps of such a talented individual. Yet, if there had to be a group of actors with a shot at doing it, I think I have an idea of who would be on the list. With that in mind, I present to you ten actors that could play Batman once Warner Bros. decides to reboot the franchise. Warning: These choices are inspired, different, unexpected and some of them, completely nuts. But hey, whoever said we like to conform?

Warner Bros. has already made clear their intentions to reboot the franchise sometime in the future and on top of that, they also have a Justice League film coming up.

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14 Hilariously Unexpected GIFs
30 apr 2013 23:46

Sometimes life takes unexpected turns, but we can usually roll with the punches. You know—getting mail shoved in our mouths or suffering the consequences of a bonfire Harlem Shake. Whatever. But then there are situations that are completely unexpected and out of left field, AKA the kind that are totally hilarious. What happens when squirrels turn into ninjas? Or when mud zombies come to life? Ohhh, just you wait. Check out our favorites below!

Sometimes life takes unexpected turns, but we can usually roll with the punches. You know—getting mail shoved in our mouths or suffering the consequences of a bonfire Harlem Shake. Whatever.

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Camel Tries to Eat Little Girl and It’s Adorable
30 apr 2013 23:44

Quick – what do camels eat? This video shows they may have a hankering for little girls. While enjoying a drive-thru zoo in Kansas City, one family found itself fending off a camel when the creature decided to poke its head into the car and get a little too personal with the girl after the family ran out of food for the animal. To her credit, the girl seems remarkably calm, even as the camel tries to turn her into the catch of the day. Eventually, her dad drives away, leaving behind a funny memory — not to mention a still-hungry camel.

Quick – what do camels eat? This video shows they may have a hankering for little girls. While enjoying a drive-thru zoo in Kansas City, ...

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He Isn't Going To Buy Anything
30 apr 2013 16:24

These people just don't care what society says any more. They do what they want when they want. These people give no F*cks. Let these people be an inspiration to you. They live how they want to live.

These people just don't care what society says any more. They do what they want when they want. These people give no F*cks. Let these people be an inspiration to you.

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Cats in Captain Hats is the new 'In Thing'.
30 apr 2013 15:00

There's really nothing we need to say about this gallery. It's a bunch of cats wearing little captain and pilot hats. (Can someone tell us where we should pick up our Pulitzer?)

There's really nothing we need to say about this gallery. It's a bunch of cats wearing little captain and pilot hats. (Can someone tell us where we should pick up our Pulitzer?)

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Harry Styles Spotted Smooching Rod Stewart’s Daughter Kimberly
30 apr 2013 14:00

On April 25, One Direction member Harry Styles was seen with music legend Rod Stewart, dining out with the ‘Do Ya Think I’m Sexy’ singer and his family — and reportedly macking on Stewart’s 33-year-old daughter Kimberly. Styles, 19, joined the clan for dinner in Los Angeles after seeing Rod in concert and left with the Stewarts when they exited in their Rolls Royce. Or at least tried to, what with the paparazzi refusing to move out of the way and all. Sources for TMZ say the couple were flirting and fooling around the entire meal. Celebuzz concurs, saying the duo were spotted kissing and holding hands.

On April 25, One Direction member Harry Styles was seen with music legend Rod Stewart, dining out with the ‘Do Ya Think I’m Sexy’ singer and his family — ...

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Then and Now: Your Favorite ’80s Female Pop Stars
30 apr 2013 13:00

Back in the 1980s, these lady pop icons filled your ears and your hearts with joy while you doodled the names of the boys you liked in your journal. But where are some of your favorite female singers today? Let’s check in with Pat Benatar, Tiffany, Joan Jett, and many more to see what’s changed in the last 30 years.

Back in the 1980s, these lady pop icons filled your ears and your hearts with joy while you doodled the names of the boys you liked in your journal.

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The Best Of The Confession Kid Meme Reminds Us We Were Stupid As Kids
30 apr 2013 11:00

The Confession Kid meme started late Friday night, caught on at Reddit, and exploded to about 2000 image macros of this regretful kid confessing things he used to believe. It struck a chord, in that all of us can admit we believed some really stupid things as a kid. Case in point: at age five my mom yelled, "You're going to be grounded when your father gets home!" at me just because I kind of, just slightly, set the dining room table on fire a little bit. I then ran out of the house screaming because I'd never heard the word "grounded" before and thought it meant I'd be buried alive. We believed weird things as kids. (Like that building a fire on the dining room table would be great for roasting marshmallows...) We've collected 25 of the funniest, most common, and most embarrassing admissions made by Confession Kid fans this weekend. All pictures via Quickmeme.

The Confession Kid meme started late Friday night, caught on at Reddit, and exploded to about 2000 image macros of this regretful kid confessing things he used to believe.

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Dressing For Spring
29 apr 2013 16:15

Spring can be a little confusing, hot one day cold the next. For the most part it isn't that hard to figure out the weather pattern. These girls however are more confused than most people. They want to wear short clothes to get tan and look hot but also wear their big comfy boots. These girls simply don't know how to dress for the spring season.

Spring can be a little confusing, hot one day cold the next. For the most part it isn't that hard to figure out the weather pattern. These girls however are more confused than most people.

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The Craziest Animal Hybrids Ever Imagined
29 apr 2013 14:29

Animal hybrids -- real or completely imagined -- are a topic of endless fascination, especially on the internet. Let's take a stroll through several of the craziest ever imagined and clarify once and for all whether they are works of fiction or something you should lie awake at night thinking about. First up: Bearsharktopus. Yes, it's a Photoshop Matt Ufford, and it's biologically impossible. On the other hand, imagine rolling out of your sleeping back and seeing this thing closing in on your campsite. Yes, pants would need to be changed.

Animal hybrids -- real or completely imagined -- are a topic of endless fascination, especially on the internet.

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People Love Throwing Things At One Direction's Harry Styles
29 apr 2013 14:04

Back in February, One Direction fans around the world held their collective breath when a random fan threw a shoe at the stage during the boy band’s performance in Glasgow, and striking Harry Styles right in the bangers and mash. But as people wondered if the leader of One Direction would ever get another One Erection (trademarked joke) the girl responsible for this hilarious, I mean heinous act came forward and apologized, claiming: “I just wanted him to touch something belonging to me.” And thus, the future of the world grew even dimmer than we believed it could. But it turns out that this wasn’t an isolated act. It seems that people chucking things at Styles’ crotch is a bit of a pastime at One Direction shows and appearances, as it seems to happen quite often. At least often enough for someone to put together this GIF collection of Styles being hit by random objects.

Back in February, One Direction fans around the world held their collective breath when a random fan threw a shoe at the stage during the boy band’s performance in Glasgow, ...

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The Best Of 'Texts from Superheroes', A Superpowered Parody Site
29 apr 2013 13:54

Texts From Superheroes is a single-serving site which features snarky text messages between superheroes (and sometimes supervillains). The texts are created by internet comedian Diana McCallum and stand-up comedian Andrew Ivimey. They shed light on such superhero trivia as how Wonder Woman and Superman have sex, what Shocker's sidekick's name should be, and why Robin hates Halloween. Also, everyone's parents are dead. Especially Batman's. Below you'll find our 24 favorite texts out of the hundred or so at Texts From Superheroes. Thanks to Neatorama for the assist and LATFG for the cosplay picture above.

Texts From Superheroes is a single-serving site which features snarky text messages between superheroes (and sometimes supervillains).

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'Guardians Of The Galaxy' Casts Lee Pace. Elk Rides For Everyone!
29 apr 2013 13:46

Lee Pace majestically rode an Irish Elk into our hearts as Thranduil in The Hobbit. He was also one of the actors who auditioned to play Star-Lord in Guardians Of The Galaxy. According to The Wrap, Marvel and director James Gunn were so impressed with Pace’s audition that they brought him back to audition for an unnamed villain. He’s reportedly in final negotiations for the role. If all goes well, Lee Pace will be the villain in a cast which includes Chris Pratt as Star-Lord, Zoe Saldana as Gamora, Michael Rooker as Yondu, the WWE’s Dave Bautista as Drax the Destroyer, and Ophelia Lovibond as (maybe) an aide to The Collector. Whichever villain he’s playing, we’re sure he’ll be tilting his head.

Lee Pace majestically rode an Irish Elk into our hearts as Thranduil in The Hobbit. He was also one of the actors who auditioned to play Star-Lord in Guardians Of The Galaxy.

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Gwyneth Paltrow Named World's Most Beautiful Woman
29 apr 2013 13:40

Gwyneth Paltrow, who’s never met a piece of food she’d rather eat than name her kid after, has been named the World’s Most Beautiful Woman by People, only a week after Star Magazine released a poll claiming that Paltrow’s also the Most Hated Celebrity in Hollywood. Take that, Mel Gibson and/or Roman Polanski. It seems like a baffling, ill-advised choice by People, until you realize, oh, that’s right, she’s thin, blonde, blue-eyed, and is married to the tamest of tame rock stars — she IS People, People is she. The proof is in the GOOP’y pudding. “Around the house, I’m in jeans and a T-shirt. I don’t really wear makeup. That’s what they’re used to,” she says. As for her husband, Chris Martin, “He’ll make a joke about it. If I’ve gotten fully dressed up, he’ll be like, ‘Oh, wow! You’re Gwyneth Paltrow!’ He’s used to seeing me in like baggy shorts and frizzy hair.” I imagine that family spends most of their day making $20,500 omelets while yelling “I’m Gwyneth Paltrow!” at each other, while wearing jeans and t-shirts, obviously, as they’re just like us. What, you mean your white t-shirt didn’t cost $90? You MONSTER. Anyway, need some help reacting to this news? We’ve got you covered

Gwyneth Paltrow, who’s never met a piece of food she’d rather eat than name her kid after, has been named the World’s Most Beautiful Woman by People, ...

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The Best of Confession Kid Meme
29 apr 2013 12:15

It is Monday again... Most of us are sad, that the weekend is over. But we'll try to keep your spirits high with our compilations of pure fun. Here is one of them, a compilation of one of the most popular memes. Very funny)

It is Monday again... Most of us are sad, that the weekend is over. But we'll try to keep your spirits high with our compilations of pure fun.

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22 New Images From Season Four Of 'Arrested Development'
29 apr 2013 00:01

For those of you playing at home just catching up, Arrested Development season four will be released to Netflix in its entirety on Memorial Day weekend. Don’t make other plans. I understand that it’s a holiday weekend and you may want to spend time with your family, but your family will always be there. An entire season of Arrested Development released on one day may never happen again. Besides, it’s just 15 episodes (or about seven and a half hours), it shouldn’t be that hard to marathon. Skip sleep for a night. It’ll be worth it. Anyway, they’re releasing new promotional materials and still images from season four in a hurry this week. Earlier, we showed you a few new still images from the new season, but now we have even more, all from the same source: this week’s issue of Entertainment Weekly (although, the images are snaked from Reddit). In addition, we have official versions of the Netflix character posters that we saw earlier this week in cities around America. All of those are below, including our first look at Kristen Wiig and Seth Rogen. In addition, EW also has an outtake from this season, featuring Lucille blowing smoke into Buster’s mouth. Literally. There’s a lot to feast your eyes on. Take your time. Remove your pants. Grab a drink.

For those of you playing at home just catching up, Arrested Development season four will be released to Netflix in its entirety on Memorial Day weekend. Don’t make other plans.

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The 11 Greatest Movies We Never Want to See Again: ‘Dear Zachary’
28 apr 2013 16:14

There are great movies you want to revisit and fall in love with all over again, and then there are movies that are great, but are so powerfully disturbing, profoundly unsettling, or deeply upsetting that you can acknowledge their greatness but refuse to ever endure the experience again. We’ve culled together a list of what we think are the greatest movies we never want to see again, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t check them out. Each of these films are effective and great in their own ways, but all of them are too unnerving to ever revisit. Read on to check out our list of the greatest movies we never want to see again — does your favorite painful experience make the cut?

There are great movies you want to revisit and fall in love with all over again, and then there are movies that are great, but are so powerfully disturbing, profoundly unsettling, ...

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Gym Fail
26 apr 2013 16:08

Friday is finally here and we can all celebrate the upcoming weekend. Friday always brings out the funny photos and today is no exception. These are the best of the funny and random photos around the web today. Enjoy a good laugh.

Friday is finally here and we can all celebrate the upcoming weekend. Friday always brings out the funny photos and today is no exception.

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He Will Never Have a Girlfriend
26 apr 2013 09:54

The “He Will Never Have a Girlfriend” meme of a stick-figure cereal guy who makes terrible predictions of future heartthrobs, originated on Reddit, and has prompted many others to make their own versions. It is also another way to compare looks of current Hollywood hunks with themselves when they had just crawled out of their diapers.

The “He Will Never Have a Girlfriend” meme of a stick-figure cereal guy who makes terrible predictions of future heartthrobs, originated on Reddit, ...

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The End Of The Duck Face Era.
25 apr 2013 16:36

Remember how trendy the duck face used to be? All the silly little girls did it, and were instantly cool, like OMG! Well the end of the duck face has come. These spaghetti memes created by Redditors are proof that it's a total joke now, so ladies and some confused men, please stop puckering, a natural smile is much more beautiful.

Remember how trendy the duck face used to be? All the silly little girls did it, and were instantly cool, like OMG! Well the end of the duck face has come.

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Corona Slushy
25 apr 2013 16:12

I know what you are thinking when you see these pictures. Something seems off but I assure you this is all legit. No need to ask questions this is all top ranked stuff. OK, well maybe not but how could you tell? These people almost got away with pulling a fast one.

I know what you are thinking when you see these pictures. Something seems off but I assure you this is all legit. No need to ask questions this is all top ranked stuff.

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Hilarious, Gross, Embarrasing Photo Fails.
25 apr 2013 14:32

We've all had the occassional "natural" picture taken which was then hid far far away to never be posted anywhere! Well some people like to deliberately take WTF pix and actually post them places. I still don't get it, but here you go, enjoy.

We've all had the occassional "natural" picture taken which was then hid far far away to never be posted anywhere! Well some people like to deliberately take WTF pix and actually post them places.

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These Kids Don't Give A F*ck!
25 apr 2013 13:22

Kids possess such innocence that allows them to do the silliest things without any shame or fear. Don't we all just wish we could go back and live in a world of our own rules, imagination, and fun! Well unfortunately we'd either end up in jail or the nut house :-/ All we can do is watch these goofy kids not giving a f*ck with joy.

Kids possess such innocence that allows them to do the silliest things without any shame or fear. Don't we all just wish we could go back and live in a world of our own rules, imagination, and fun!

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"He got fan mail."
25 apr 2013 12:16

Hilarious comedian and talk show host Conan O'Brien is the focus of Reasons My Talk Show Host Is Crying, a blog parodying the viral hit Reasons My Son Is Crying. From a monologue joke being received with laughter and getting fan mail to "too many" oranges being in a bowl, the talk show host is captioned with ridiculous things that have caused him to blubber like a big baby. The illogical yet hilarious motives behind his crying fits are complemented by the funny man's scrunched up, over-the-top, sobbing face.

Hilarious comedian and talk show host Conan O'Brien is the focus of Reasons My Talk Show Host Is Crying, a blog parodying the viral hit Reasons My Son Is Crying.

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Couple Express Their Feelings Through Cute Emoticon Re-enactments
25 apr 2013 11:56

This fun-loving pair has developed their own method of communicating with each other when they are not together. Take a look.

This fun-loving pair has developed their own method of communicating with each other when they are not together. Take a look.

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Game Of Thrones Season 3 Episode 4: Image & GIF Tributes To Daenerys
24 apr 2013 16:00

We're a few days removed from Sunday's most excellent Game of Thrones and the internet has had plenty of time to soak in the copious amounts of awesome that took place. Daenerys Stormborn's approval rating is at an all-time high and those who mocked her in Season 2 find themselves falling in line along with the army of the Unsullied. One does not simply showcase that much badasswery without gaining the adoration of many, if not all.

We're a few days removed from Sunday's most excellent Game of Thrones and the internet has had plenty of time to soak in the copious amounts of awesome that took place.

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Paper Portrait
24 apr 2013 15:35

Here is another version of the webs awkward, hilarious and random photo collection. These photos will give you a good smile and laugh and help you get through the middle of your day. Enjoy!

Here is another version of the webs awkward, hilarious and random photo collection. These photos will give you a good smile and laugh and help you get through the middle of your day. Enjoy!

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Best Wife Ever Recreates Husband’s Favorite TV Show Openings
24 apr 2013 15:27

Leigh Lahav, an Israeli animator and illustrator, is married to Oren Mendezitsky, a TV obsessed couch potato. Instead of chastising her husband for spending too much time in front of the tube, Leigh decided to celebrate his favorite lazy pastime by recreating the intros to all of his favorite TV shows. Impressive doesn’t begin to describe this quirky project, which was a birthday present for Oren, who has the best wife ever. Stream the thing and check out Leigh and friends putting their stamp on everything from ‘Mad Men’ to ‘New Girl,’ ‘Arrested Development’ and ‘Adventure Time.’

Leigh Lahav, an Israeli animator and illustrator, is married to Oren Mendezitsky, a TV obsessed couch potato.

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Watch the ‘Adventures of Christopher Bosh in the Multiverse!’
24 apr 2013 15:24

Chris Bosh might be the most underrated member of Miami’s ‘big three’, but did you know that he has a pretty awesome back story? We can’t decide if Adventures of Christopher Bosh in the Multiverse! is the most insane thing we have ever seen, or the greatest thing we have ever seen. We have always speculated that the illusive Chris Bosh might not be of this world, but now we have solid proof of that theory. We aren’t quite sure what to make of all of it, but it does tie up some loose ends: We now know how Mike Miller lit up the court during the NBA Finals last year. It totally explains the Miami Face Eater, and how that whole situation went down. We now understand Chris Bosh’s history of odd behavior. According to Deadspin, Chris Bosh has nothing to do with this piece of Oscar gold. His lawyers have even contacted the film’s creator (?) and asked for a cease and desist. He has neither ceased, nor desisted so far.

Chris Bosh might be the most underrated member of Miami’s ‘big three’, but did you know that he has a pretty awesome back story?

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Reporter Shuts Down Double Kiss Video Bomb
24 apr 2013 15:17

We are so glad Boston field reporter Mike Tobin denied these two girls who attempted to plant one on either cheek while he was in the middle of a report. What kind of person goes up to somebody who’s broadcasting a report about a terrorist attack and tries to interrupt it by getting smoochy? The only way this could’ve been better is if, instead of straight-arming them away, he had planted his hands in both of their faces. Fortunately for those two ladies, Mike Tobin is a classy guy, so he just said “please don’t do that.” Respect.

We are so glad Boston field reporter Mike Tobin denied these two girls who attempted to plant one on either cheek while he was in the middle of a report.

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Best Dramatic Interpretations of the Deranged Sorority Girl Email
24 apr 2013 15:14

It probably comes as no surprise to you that we are positively enamored with that insane email sent out by a University of Maryland sorority girl last week. That much filth and vitriol doesn’t come along neatly contained in one missive very often. Now, in a trend we like much more than those awful S— Girls Say videos (remember how terrible those were?), people are recording dramatic reading of this email. We couldn’t be more excited, unless Michael Shannon was to do one. JUST KIDDING, Michael Shannon did do one, and the world is awesome right now. Here are our five SO NSFW favorites.

It probably comes as no surprise to you that we are positively enamored with that insane email sent out by a University of Maryland sorority girl last week.

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