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9 Series To Binge-Read On Marvel Unlimited
09 jul 2013 14:02

The Marvel Unlimited app seems perfect. Ten bucks a month and you get most of the Marvel Comics catalogue from the beginning of time all the way to six months ago. Unfortunately, bugs and glitches relegated it to being an exercise in annoyance until its newest update about a month ago finally made things more functional. When you finally get to the app, the unending selection may seem overwhelming (even with a pretty nifty search engine), so I'm here to help you grab nine series to binge read. Every series run here runs at least about 30 issues deep so you can occupy your summer of sh*tty TV shows and *gulp* baseball with some quality comic reading. These are also good jumping-on series to get your friend or girlfriend who's not into comics yet introduced. So there you go.

The Marvel Unlimited app seems perfect. Ten bucks a month and you get most of the Marvel Comics catalogue from the beginning of time all the way to six months ago.

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Ranking Jay-Z, Kanye West Albums, From Worst To Best
09 jul 2013 14:01

So. You may have heard that Jay-Z and Kanye West recently released new albums. Yeah, I had no idea, either, but it's true: the mentor dropped Magna Carta Holy Grail, hopefully not into a toilet (that's a cell phone joke, you see) while the student put out Yeezus. It certainly seems like you can't talk about one without the other, so in honor of the new additions to their discography, I thought now's as good a time as any to rank both Hova and Ye's studio albums, from worst to best. One note: I didn't include collaboration records, like The Best of Both Worlds or even Watch the Throne. I don't think anyone will cry foul over Unfinished Business' lack of an inclusion. Probably not even Jay-Z.

So. You may have heard that Jay-Z and Kanye West recently released new albums. Yeah, I had no idea, either, but it's true: the mentor dropped Magna Carta Holy Grail, ...

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Actor Matthew Goode Is Lookin’ Good
09 jul 2013 13:47

British actor Matthew Goode makes us swoon with his proper fancy swagger and sly good looks, and we’re just wondering why he isn’t in more movies. What is wrong with you Hollywood people? Get with the Goode program already. Maybe if you were paying more attention to Matthew Goode’s amazing sexiness and his immense talent, we’d get to see him in more movies. Channing Tatum who? (Kidding! Don’t ever leave us, C-Tates.) You may recognize Matthew Goode from his work in this year’s dark coming of age film ‘Stoker,’ in which he co-starred with Mia Wasikowska (her name is so fun to say out loud — try it) and Nicole Kidman. Or you might remember him as the evil Ozymandias in ‘Watchmen.’ He also starred in the romantic comedy ‘Leap Year,’ a movie best forgotten. None of those ring a bell? How about Tom Ford’s (yes, the fashion designer) directorial debut, ‘A Single Man.’ In that film, Goode got all cozy with Mr. Darcy himself, Colin Firth. Talk about swoon-times. And if you’re a BBC-watcher, Goode starred in the critically-acclaimed series ‘Dancing on the Edge’ for the overseas network. If you haven’t seen him in any of those things, we recommend you start doing your homework and start getting into Matthew Goode because — well, we’ll let these photos speak for us.

British actor Matthew Goode makes us swoon with his proper fancy swagger and sly good looks, and we’re just wondering why he isn’t in more movies.

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20 Angry Notes From Victims of Theft
09 jul 2013 13:30

Have you ever been so angry that you just HAD TO MAKE A SIGN!? Well, that’s exactly how upset these victims of thievery were.

Have you ever been so angry that you just HAD TO MAKE A SIGN!? Well, that’s exactly how upset these victims of thievery were.

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Dog’s hilariously spastic reaction to the taste of a lime
09 jul 2013 13:16

This boxer is very confused by the sourness of citrus, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t want more…

This boxer is very confused by the sourness of citrus, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t want more…

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Hanz Zimmer
09 jul 2013 13:08

He might not adorn glossy magazine covers or be sponsored by a perfume brand, but German film composer and music producer Hans Zimmer in many ways defines Hollywood. He’s composed the musical score for well over 100 films, many of which have been fantastically popular and incredibly successful. He’s the musical mastermind behind the soundtracks for the likes of The Dark Knight, Inception, Crimson Tide, Gladiator, The Last Samurai and even The Lion King – a universal classic. Millions of movie fans around the world have been swayed by his sweeping melodies, dramatic pauses, brooding beats, upbeat rhythms and rich arrangements. That makes him probably one of the most listened to musicians in modern music and yet he remains some of an enigma to the public. As of recently, Hanz Zimmer let in professional photographers from the press enter his home in order to give us all a view from the inside. What inspires, intrigues, and keeps him on his toes? Being surrounded by special neat artifacts that spark his creative joy. Let's take a look at those now. 

He might not adorn glossy magazine covers or be sponsored by a perfume brand, but German film composer and music producer Hans Zimmer in many ways defines Hollywood.

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San Francisco Fog
09 jul 2013 13:06

Shooting any form of time-lapse video takes a tremendous amount of patience, but San Francisco Bay resident Simon Christen certainly has more than most. For 2 long years he’s been waking up at the ungodly hour of 5am hastily consulting weather satellites and forecasts. He was attempting to see if any fog was scheduled to be in the area and if so he would quickly make the 45 minute trek around to Marin Headlands to shoot the rolling candy floss-like fog as it rolled and swept down the valley. Some days it was too overcast, other days the fog was too sparse – but sometimes, just sometimes the natural elements combined for a few extraordinary moments. It’s those moments that he’s flawlessly captured in his startling time-lapse film aptly titled ‘Adrift’ (the follow-up to his previous work The Unseen Sea). Sit back, switch your audio on and prepare to stare in amazement at just how beautiful the world and its natural elements can be. You can also see more images from the 2 year project via his 500px profile.

Shooting any form of time-lapse video takes a tremendous amount of patience, but San Francisco Bay resident Simon Christen certainly has more than most.

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Disney princesses waiting to kill unwitting passersby
09 jul 2013 13:05

In a brief series of temporary graffiti in Stockholm entitled “Dark Princesses,” street artist Herr Nilsson imagined Disney’s lovely heroines having a sinister side…

In a brief series of temporary graffiti in Stockholm entitled “Dark Princesses,” street artist Herr Nilsson imagined Disney’s lovely heroines having a sinister side…

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10-year-old beats international chess master in a 4-minute game
09 jul 2013 13:03

Two days after he turned 10, back in 2010, chess prodigy Samuel Sevian, a student at the U. S. Chess School, played International Master Greg Shahade in an impromptu game of speed chess. It went unexpectedly well for him as a player and amusingly well for us as his audience…

Two days after he turned 10, back in 2010, chess prodigy Samuel Sevian, a student at the U. S. Chess School, played International Master Greg Shahade in an impromptu game of speed chess.

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15 Photographs With Inspirational Messages
09 jul 2013 12:36

Canadian Julian Bialowas is not only a freelance graphic designer, photographer and co-creator of the magazine 16HOURS he’s also the driving force behing ’365q” – a year long photographic project. Over the course of the year, he found, heard and researched inspiring quotes and phrases placing them over the beautiful photographs that he took in his hometown to Alberta and other locations. These are the magnificent results.

Canadian Julian Bialowas is not only a freelance graphic designer, photographer and co-creator of the magazine 16HOURS he’s also the driving force behing ’365q” – a year long photographic project.

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7 Year Old Writes a Letter to NASA and NASA Responds!
09 jul 2013 12:23

Dexter, a 7 year old boy, wrote a letter to NASA about wanting to visit Mars and become an astronaut. This was the unexpected reply that he received…

Dexter, a 7 year old boy, wrote a letter to NASA about wanting to visit Mars and become an astronaut. This was the unexpected reply that he received…

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Dutchess The Blind Therapy Dog
09 jul 2013 12:21

Dutchess is a blind therapy dog who works with individuals with autism. She visits classrooms and becomes part of a child’s reading class, assisting with speech goals or other academic endeavors.

Dutchess is a blind therapy dog who works with individuals with autism. She visits classrooms and becomes part of a child’s reading class, assisting with speech goals or other academic endeavors.

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08 jul 2013 18:20

Here are Monday's top funny photos. This Gallery is too funny! After a long fourth of July weekend we are back to work. Here are some hilarious pictures and memes to help brighten the start of your work week!

Here are Monday's top funny photos. This Gallery is too funny! After a long fourth of July weekend we are back to work.

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Elijah Wood
08 jul 2013 18:11

According to these pictures Elijah Wood is the center of the universe. Our planet revolves around Elijah Wood once a year. He emits life-giving rays that warm our children as they play in the fields. Without Elijah Wood there would be no life! Just don't stare at him for too long!

According to these pictures Elijah Wood is the center of the universe. Our planet revolves around Elijah Wood once a year.

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Guy Hula Hoops 100 pound Tire!!!!!! WORLD RECORD!
08 jul 2013 17:29

Check out this amazing video! Talk about Ab exerciser! Paul “Dizzy Hips” Blair hula hoops with a 98-pound tractor tire. If you thought you were a good hula hooper then think again. This man's got you beat. This must be some type of world record!

Check out this amazing video! Talk about Ab exerciser! Paul “Dizzy Hips” Blair hula hoops with a 98-pound tractor tire. If you thought you were a good hula hooper then think again.

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2nd Floor
08 jul 2013 17:26

It's hard living in an apartment complex and having to deal with different neighbors. You hear them argue, you hear their music and sometimes you hear them get down. These neighbors decided to leave nice passive aggressive notes to let the people next door to them know how they are feeling about the living situation.

It's hard living in an apartment complex and having to deal with different neighbors. You hear them argue, you hear their music and sometimes you hear them get down.

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Chris Pratt Is Looking Ripped For 'Guardians Of The Galaxy'
08 jul 2013 17:21

On NBC’s Parks and Recreation, Chris Pratt plays the lovably oafish Andy Dwyer, who isn’t exactly known for his incredible physical prowess. However, in next year’s highly-anticipated (eventual) Marvel blockbuster Guardians of the Galaxy, Pratt plays Peter Quill, AKA Star-Lord, who is a half-alien/half-human intergalactic warrior who fights intergalactic forces that like to destroy planets and enslave entire species, so he presumably needed to be in a little better shape for this role. As you can see in the photo above that Pratt posted to his Instagram yesterday, he’s doing a pretty good job of shedding his Dwyer pounds. While Pratt admits the selfie is “kinda douchey,” I think the rest of us fellas are more concerned that it’s making us look bad. But not his Parks and Rec co-star Lowe, as he’s just worried that they may have lost their Andy.

On NBC’s Parks and Recreation, Chris Pratt plays the lovably oafish Andy Dwyer, who isn’t exactly known for his incredible physical prowess.

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You May Want To Think Twice Before You Eat At Golden Corral
08 jul 2013 17:18

If you grew up in the South, there’s a good chance you’ve eaten a buffet meal or two at Golden Corral. Grandparents love it, especially on Sundays after church. I’ve had my share of greasy grub there, that’s for sure, the highlight of which has always been the fresh-baked cookies. Maybe I’ll stick to cookies if I ever find myself at a Golden Corral at any point in the future. That’s because over the weekend a Redditor named Brandon Huber — who goes by the handle GCWhistleblower – posted some photos like the one above taken inside the Golden Corral kitchen he works in that shows the place overflowing with garbage in close proximity to food. His caption reads: “Just an average day for a Golden Corral Employee, best working conditions ever!” Huber also added… This is an average day, not an isolated incident. They never have enough dishwashers because no one wants to get paid minimum wage when it’s only one or two dishwashers for the whole restaurant when there really need to be at least four in order to run things properly. They are understaffed and it’s like this at every local location within 100 miles (I have worked at more than one location), not to mention the dishwasher can quit and go to any other restaurant and earn at least 2-3 more dollars an hour. And then, if that weren’t enough, Huber posted the following video of food that had been moved outside near the restaurant’s dumpsters when health inspectors showed up…

If you grew up in the South, there’s a good chance you’ve eaten a buffet meal or two at Golden Corral. Grandparents love it, especially on Sundays after church.

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The Villager From 'Animal Crossing' Is In 'Skyrim'. He has an Axe.
08 jul 2013 17:18

So, the Villager from Nintendo’s relaxing house-decorating series Animal Crossing is going to be a fighter in the next Smash Bros. game. He’s just a tad creepy. Of course, the Smash Bros. games are only rated T, so the Villager won’t be able to get up to anything too evil. But what if the Villager was let loose in a bloody M-rated game, like say, Skyrim? Things are about to get a bit graphic folks… You know, I’m going to go way out on a limb here and say maybe Nintendo didn’t foresee the Internet’s reaction to the Animal Crossing Villager.

So, the Villager from Nintendo’s relaxing house-decorating series Animal Crossing is going to be a fighter in the next Smash Bros. game. He’s just a tad creepy. Of course, the Smash Bros.

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Cat explosion
08 jul 2013 17:16

This photo gallery has a little of everything. Funny, sexy and awesome pictures and Gif's. Enjoy this daily dose of awesomeness.

This photo gallery has a little of everything. Funny, sexy and awesome pictures and Gif's. Enjoy this daily dose of awesomeness.

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M.I.A. Documentery Director Leaks Footage, Quits Project
08 jul 2013 17:15

Maya Arulpragasam isn’t the only one who’s MIA — so is the director of her documentary. (Sorry.) Last year, the Noize Bringer announced that she was being filmed for a documentary, directed by Steve Loveridge, featuring archival interviews with Diplo, Kanye West, Switch, Spike Jonze, Richard Russell, and Jimmy Iovine. Then, over the weekend, Loveridge leaked footage of the untitled-project…then almost immediately quit the damn thing. Though the clip was uploaded by Loveridge, it’s been removed due to a copyright infringement claim from the IFPI (International Federation of the Phonographic Industry). M.I.A. hinted that the film was being blocked from release, writing, “im gonna need @kickstarter and my fans to help make this exist, ive been black listed through normal channels!!!!!!!” Loveridge also posted an email exchange with a Roc Nation representative, who claimed that the label was indeed going to move forward with the project and get it done in time for the release of Matangi and her festival performances. After the Roc Nation rep explained that the leak “screws with everything we’ve been working on setting up MATANGI,” Loveridge replied, “I really couldn’t give a flying f*ck. Count me out. Would rather die than work on this… nothing personal ”. That’s the nicest “f*ck you, everyone” I’ve ever seen.

Maya Arulpragasam isn’t the only one who’s MIA — so is the director of her documentary. (Sorry.) Last year, the Noize Bringer announced that she was being filmed for a documentary, ...

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The 10 Definitive Chubby Chris Pratt As Andy Dwyer GIFs
08 jul 2013 17:13

Chris Pratt revealing the new Guardians of the Galaxy version of himself over the weekend has me contemplating the future physical appearance of everyone's favorite lovable oaf going into the next season of Parks and Recreation. Not only because I'm fascinated by man meat transformations, but also because he got all fit for Zero Dark Thirty not long ago only to immediately get extra chubby for another role right after. Hence why Andy Dwyer Season 5 was at peak chubbiness. Could it happen again? Or will Schur & Co. have to write in a storyline where running becomes much more possible. Chris Pratt: Physical enigma. So as a precautionary measure here's a collection of definitive chubby Andy Dwyer GIFs. You know, for the sake of posterity. Disclaimer: this collection is in no way definitive.

Chris Pratt revealing the new Guardians of the Galaxy version of himself over the weekend has me contemplating the future physical appearance of everyone's favorite lovable oaf going into the next...

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Nicki Minaj Grabs Stripper’s Bootay While at Gentlemen’s Club
08 jul 2013 17:03

Nicki Minaj got down and dirty at a gentlemen’s club in Queens, N.Y. last night (July 7). The ‘Pink Friday’ rapper dove right into the action — and there’s photographic evidence on her newly created Instagram account to prove it. The snapshot above features Minaj grabbing a stripper’s butt while sticking out her tongue in a playful fashion. “I love bad bitches dats my f—in problem,” reads the text beneath the photo. Another snapshot shows her popping her bodacious booty in a dancer’s lap with the caption, “I endorse these strippers.”

Nicki Minaj got down and dirty at a gentlemen’s club in Queens, N.Y. last night (July 7). The ‘Pink Friday’ rapper dove right into the action — and there’s photographic evidence on her newly...

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7 Depressing Alternate Endings That Were Way Better Than The Originals
08 jul 2013 15:59

Call me a glutton for punishment, but I don’t believe in Happy Endings quite as strongly as Hollywood seems to: the grimmer and more emotionally affecting an ending, the more enduring it is in the memory. There’s no chance Se7en would be as profound as it is if the final shot was a post-credits reveal of Gwyneth Paltrow with her head still attached, and I can’t help but shake the feeling that Buzz and Woody would have been better off melted, rather than being forced to face more future rejection when Bonny grows up. Adversity and depression inevitably lead to the most profound works of art, it’s just simple science. So it’s always deeply upsetting when Hollywood has the chance to make a statement with a grim ending and then drops it in favour of something more upbeat. Sometimes, the original, or alternate endings where everyone dies, or life doesn’t all turn up flowers and roses are far superior to the Hallmark-inspired garbage we end up being fed. So with that in mind, here we have 12 depressing movie endings that would have actually improved their movies, and why Hollywood probably wimped out of using them…

Call me a glutton for punishment, but I don’t believe in Happy Endings quite as strongly as Hollywood seems to: the grimmer and more emotionally affecting an ending, ...

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5 Films With Cat Based Horror Mayhem
08 jul 2013 15:51

Our feline friends have a long history in Cinema of being attached to malevolence. Much more so than dogs, who in reality may seem more avuncular than cats, but are far more likely to cause real physical damage to the body should they turn malevolent. It is not hard to cast a massive rabid St Bernard like Cujo as an instrument of terror. And it is easy to crap yourself when confronted with him. All cats can really do is swipe at you with their claws, but the great thing is that directors have tried to make them horror bad guys in several films that are either laughably silly or genius, with the mediocre in between. I have selected a choice of five films which feature baddie cats. I live in fear of ever encountering them – purr me.

Our feline friends have a long history in Cinema of being attached to malevolence. Much more so than dogs, who in reality may seem more avuncular than cats, ...

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10 Hilarious GIFS of Exploding Actresses
08 jul 2013 15:26

We know women have a tendency to get a little hyped up about things they love, but these girls really lose their heads. We recently stumbled across the Exploding Actresses Tumblr, full of GIFs from iconic movie scenes in history where some of Hollywood’s most famous actresses get really stoked about stuff. Whether these babes are excited about jewelry gifts, faking orgasms in a diner, or finally landing that tricky dance move they’ve been working on all summer, Exploding Actresses gives new meaning to the phrase “having a blast.” Check out some of our favorites below, and be sure to follow the Tumblr for more.

We know women have a tendency to get a little hyped up about things they love, but these girls really lose their heads.

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Rihanna Got Drunk Enough to Get Booted From a Music Festival [VIDEO]
08 jul 2013 15:21

What happens when you’re the most famous singer on the planet and you get wasted at a music festival? The same thing that happens to the rest of us: You get kicked out. Rihanna learned that the hard way this weekend. Rihanna was escorted, along with two hangers-on, away from the Open’er Festival in Poland to wild applause. Security tried carrying the three ladies out upright, but failed, which could mean a few things: One, they actually didn’t drink much and just have a very low tolerance, especially in heat and sun (doubtful). Two, Rihanna takes her own tracks like ‘Pour It Up’ and ‘Cheers (I’ll Drink to That)’ to heart, even when she doesn’t write much for them. Or three, the most likely scenario: The Wanted need to do more research on their own song subjects.

What happens when you’re the most famous singer on the planet and you get wasted at a music festival? The same thing that happens to the rest of us: You get kicked out.

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Solange + Beyonce Basically Boycotted Their Dad’s Wedding
08 jul 2013 15:19

Beyonce and her younger sister Solange proved they were firmly Team Tina in terms of their parents’ divorce. The singers were both no-shows at their father Mathew Knowles’ wedding. Knowles tied the knot with former model Gena Avery on Sunday, June 30, in the Knowles’ hometown of Houston, Texas. But Bey and Solange weren’t making their pops’ nuptials a priority. That may have to do with the fact that Knowles and ex-wife (and mama to Bey and Sol) Tina split in 2009 when it was revealed that Mathew had a love child by an actress. Whoops! Knowles told TMZ that his girls sent their regretful declines because they had other plans already. Considering Solange is busy on the festival circuit and Queen Bey is embarking on the Mrs. Carter Show tour, the idea that they had a lot on their plates isn’t too far fetched — especially if the wedding was planned after their itineraries were in place. Still, Knowles and Avery were engaged for over a year, so… In any case, Knowles explained, “Unfortunately, Beyonce and Solange had previous engagements, which made it impossible for them to attend.” To quote Beyonce in ‘Grown Woman’: “Mmmhmmm.”

Beyonce and her younger sister Solange proved they were firmly Team Tina in terms of their parents’ divorce. The singers were both no-shows at their father Mathew Knowles’ wedding.

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Jenni ‘JWoww’ Farley Goes Gangsta After Being Hacked on Twitter
08 jul 2013 15:16

If you’re going to hack into a celeb’s Twitter account, you may want to stay away from the women of ‘Jersey Shore.’ They don’t take these things — or anything, really — lightly. And this weekend was proof of that after Jenni ‘JWoww’ Farley’s account was hacked and she struck back. First there a warning from Jenni’s old Jersey pal, Snooki, indicating that while JWoww enjoys a vulgar tweet now and then, what her followers were seeing on Sunday were not her words.

If you’re going to hack into a celeb’s Twitter account, you may want to stay away from the women of ‘Jersey Shore.’ They don’t take these things — or anything, really — lightly.

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Katy Perry Wins Suit Against Hair Company That Dropped Her
08 jul 2013 15:11

You may recall that multi-hued hair chameleon and singer Katy Perry was recently embroiled in a lawsuit with the company ghd (Good Hair Day), which dropped her contract because she’s supposedly just not that popular anymore. Katy sued — and now we know she won. Katy claimed that ghd backed out of an oral agreement to pay her $2 million for a two-year extension on her ghd endorsement deal. ghd said this was false and sued her, claiming she had a “significant decrease in appeal across Europe” and furthermore her image was “increasingly polarizing … with negative perceptions in all markets” — hence the company’s decision to drop her. According to TMZ, the suit and Katy’s counter-suit were settled with ghd receiving nothing, and Katy being paid “a significant amount of money.” In other words, the rich got richer. How’s your Monday?

You may recall that multi-hued hair chameleon and singer Katy Perry was recently embroiled in a lawsuit with the company ghd (Good Hair Day), ...

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Wimbledon Champ Andy Murray Is Courting Us Pretty Hard
08 jul 2013 15:04

Even if you don’t watch tennis, by now you probably know that Andy Murray won Wimbledon yesterday — and we certainly wouldn’t mind helping him drink some champagne out of the giant gold chalice of a trophy. I don’t watch tennis; in fact, I don’t watch sports of any kind, but that’s not keeping me — and you, if you’re anything like me — from swooning over Andy Murray. I mean, he looks like Andrew Garfield after a hard night of drinking turned him into a legit man. Not to say that Andrew Garfield isn’t manly, of course, but Andy Murray looks like Andrew Garfield on a testosterone high. And he’s athletic, which gives him another sexy advantage. Anyway, Murray is also the 2012 Olympic tennis champ — which makes it even more remarkable that as a child, the Scottish hottie was diagnosed with a problem in which the two parts of his knee never quite fused together like they’re supposed to. Clearly, though, he overcame that to kick major ass on the court, thus making him all the more inspiring.

Even if you don’t watch tennis, by now you probably know that Andy Murray won Wimbledon yesterday — and we certainly wouldn’t mind helping him drink some champagne out of the giant gold chalice of...

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Courtney Stodden Flaunts Her New Boobs & Creepily Kisses Her Mom
08 jul 2013 14:53

Courtney Stodden has a brand new pair of boobs, so to show them off she covered her nipples with pasties, wriggled into a leather thong, threw on her best fishnet dress, and went clubbing in Hollywood. Oh, and then she made out with her mother. Well, come on — what would you wear to make out with your mom? Courtney and her husband Doug Hutchinson (resplendent in guy-liner) posed for the assembled paparazzi on their way to Plastic Martyr’s Birthday Bash at Bar Sinister, making out with each other while wearing matching cross necklaces that unfortunately didn’t ward off anything. But if the sight of Doug and Courtney sucking face doesn’t faze you, just wait — because at around the 2:38 mark, she starts smooching with momager Krista, who was also in attendance. No, we don’t know why. And yes, this is the same person who tried to convince us her daughter would never do porn. Now if you’ll excuse is, we have some bleach to pour into our mind’s eye.

Courtney Stodden has a brand new pair of boobs, so to show them off she covered her nipples with pasties, wriggled into a leather thong, threw on her best fishnet dress, ...

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Animals That Can Twerk Better Than Miley Cyrus [Videos]
08 jul 2013 14:44

Listen, we’re not going to get into the whole “Miley Cyrus cultural appropriation” thing — others have already done a pretty good job with that one. We’ll just say we found a cat that is a sight better at twerking than Ms. Cyrus. In fact there’s more than one cat up to the task. And a couple of dogs. And a whole bunch of PETA protesters in animals costumes. Man, the internet is weird.

Listen, we’re not going to get into the whole “Miley Cyrus cultural appropriation” thing — others have already done a pretty good job with that one.

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Beautifully Illustrated Disney Princesses Wearing Traditional Clothing
08 jul 2013 14:41

These gorgeous illustrations are the work of artist Claire Hummel. She had the inspired idea to illustrate Disney’s most popular Princesses wearing clothing and accessories which were unique to the time period the film was originally set in. Elegantly drawn and beautifully coloured, it makes you wonder why Disney themselves didn’t put in that extra bit of work and to recreate their characters a little more accurately? Then again, Disney is all about the stuff of fairy tales isn’t it. You can see more drawings and rich illustrations by Claire via her official DeviantART profile - do let us know is your fav!

These gorgeous illustrations are the work of artist Claire Hummel. She had the inspired idea to illustrate Disney’s most popular Princesses wearing clothing and accessories which were unique to...

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How The World's Greatest Minds Influenced Each Other
08 jul 2013 14:40

Over the centuries our understanding and interpretation of what creativity is, has altered drastically. The more we’ve experimented with it, the more we’ve learnt. For starters, it doesn’t exist in a vacuum, it needs to be paired with knowledge to maximise its potential. Secondly, creativity and curiosity make the perfect partnership constantly driving each other and finally, you actually need to create in order to be creative. The last point seems self-explanatory, but the world is full of individuals out there who deem themselves “creative”, talk lots and produce little. The root of all forms of creativity lies within the power of inspiration – without that spark, we’d still be fumbling around in the darkness. Thankfully, the following individuals have had a truly illuminating effect on our world – inspiring the scientific , artistic and philosophical communities to new daring heights. The ‘Circles Of Influence’ is a fascinating infographic that looks at the symbiotic relationships historical figures have had with creativity. Meticulously mapped out by Michelle Legro and Maria Popova and elegantly brought to life by illustrator Wendy Macnaughton it’s a revealing look at how the world’s greatest minds influenced and inspired one another. Even the very best need a little push every now and then.

Over the centuries our understanding and interpretation of what creativity is, has altered drastically. The more we’ve experimented with it, the more we’ve learnt.

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