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Video: Hello Flo's 'The Camp Gyno' Is A Very Courageous Commercial
30 jul 2013 16:57

For those of you who might be unfamiliar 'Hello Flo' is a new online delivery reminder service that ships “care packages” featuring tampons and other period-related items to women, based on their, um, schedules. Basically, it’s a lot like the Dollar Shave Club in theory and philosophy, except totally different as far as what’s in the box. (I swear that no pun was intended.) So how do you get people buzzing about this kind of nontraditional service? Easy. You create a hilarious commercial/viral video and sit back and wait for people to either praise it or complain about how vulgar it is. In this case, Hello Flo’s “Camp Gyno” commercial has brought plenty of compliments and complaints – go ahead and browse the comments for some typical YouTube fun – as more than 875,000 people have already viewed this ad on YouTube. Obviously, the complaints come from people who don’t think that a girl should be talking about her “red badge of courage” and, much more bluntly, her vagina. But at the risk of editorializing, I like to think that karma is going to make sure that I eventually have five or so daughters, and the particular moment at the center of this ad will be as familiar to me as hieroglyphics or the lyrics to Letters to Cleo’s “Here and Now.” So for that idea alone, I’m going to need a “Camp Gyno” commercial or two to keep me from going bald and having four heart surgeries by 50.

For those of you who might be unfamiliar 'Hello Flo' is a new online delivery reminder service that ships “care packages” featuring tampons and other period-related items to women, based on their, um, ...

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Freddie Mercury, Michael Jackson's 1983 Duet Is Coming Out
30 jul 2013 17:10

It’s among the most-desired unheard recordings in pop music history, right up there with Chinese Democracy before there were 17 layers of guitars added to the mix: it’s the duets of Michael Jackson and Freddie Mercury. The two singers hooked up at Jackson’s mansion in California in 1983, and over a six-hour session, they laid down three songs together: “There Must Be More to Life Than This,” “State of Shock,” and “Victory.” If those titles sound familiar, that’s because you’ve heard versions of them before (“There Must Be More To Life Than This” appeared on Mercury’s Mr. Bad Guy solo album, while “State of Shock” is a single from The Jacksons’ Victory, with special guest Mick Jagger), though never the original demos. GOOD NEWS EVERYBODY. A number of duets recorded by Queen frontman Freddie Mercury and Michael Jackson are to be released for the first time later this year. The Times reports that around three tracks the pair recorded in 1983 will be made available to fans with Queen guitarist Brian May quoted as saying there will be, “something for folks to hear” in two months time. Mercury and Jackson worked together 30 years ago in California but failed to release anything substantial as they could not secure time to record further tracks. Revealing some tension between Jackson and Mercury, Jim “Miami” Beach, a lawyer who became Queen’s manager, said that the pair fell out when Jackson brought a llama into the studio: “Mercury rang me and said: ‘Miami, dear, can you get over here? You’ve got to get me out of here, I’m recording with a llama.’” Rumor has it, if you play the songs backward, you can hear Prince’s Camille.

It’s among the most-desired unheard recordings in pop music history, right up there with Chinese Democracy before there were 17 layers of guitars added to the mix: ...

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'Kick-Ass 2' Videos Channel 'Ferris Bueller's Day Off' And 'Batman'
30 jul 2013 17:22

Kick-Ass 2 opens August 16th, so Universal is releasing red band Comic-Con trailers and two new clips (below). The first clip is a spin on Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, in which Hit-Girl (Chloe Moretz) is trying to get home before her legal guardian (Morris Chestnut) gets there. I really wish they would have used “March of the Swivelheads” by The English Beat in this scene. Just own it.

Kick-Ass 2 opens August 16th, so Universal is releasing red band Comic-Con trailers and two new clips (below).

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'Cop Selfies' Confirms The Sad Fact That Even Cops Take Selfies
30 jul 2013 17:27

Selfies. People who are not teenage girls do actually take them, sadly. Would John Wayne, the iconic American male, strike a pose in a mirror, whip out a smart phone and snap a photo of himself to send to someone? You know damn well he wouldn't! Which is what I find Cop Selfies -- a Tumblr devoted to, well, cop selfies -- a little heartbreaking. Cops aren't supposed to take selfies, dangit! Back in my day, the cops just did things like pop you for speeding in a school zone and help you unlock your car when you accidentally locked the keys inside. Now they're taking selfies? America is OVER! And here is some of the evidence...

Selfies. People who are not teenage girls do actually take them, sadly. Would John Wayne, the iconic American male, strike a pose in a mirror, ...

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Listen: 'I Wanna Be With You' by DJ Khaled, Nicki Minaj
30 jul 2013 17:00

Hm, let’s see. Less than a week after DJ Khaled creeped the world out with a marriage proposal video to Nicki Minaj, who still hasn’t answered, probably because she was too busy twerking, comes a new song of his called “I Wanna Be with You,” featuring none other than Rick Ross, Future, and…Nicki Minaj. WAIT. Was that proposal a marketing sham? YOU USED ME, KHALED. YOU USED ME.

Hm, let’s see. Less than a week after DJ Khaled creeped the world out with a marriage proposal video to Nicki Minaj, who still hasn’t answered, ...

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Craig Ferguson - July 29, 2013 - Courtney Love, full interview
31 jul 2013 19:00

As soon as I saw that Courtney Love would be a guest on The Late Late Show I knew Craig Ferguson would have a field day. But I had no clue things would take the turn they did. The interview was destined for greatness as soon as Ferguson remarked that Love looked “respectable” (the crowd “ooh’d” in response). While I figured the whole thing would just be Ferguson poking gentle fun at Love, I didn’t expect them to talk about the time she tried to sleep with him, only to have him brush off her advances. “Maybe it was something in my breath, you were like, ‘No, it’s too much trouble,’” Love recalled. To which a laughing Ferguson responded, “Um, yeah.” Last night marked one of the few times I can remember Ferguson seeming mildly uncomfortable in an interview. Courtney Love will do that to ya. Enjoy.

As soon as I saw that Courtney Love would be a guest on The Late Late Show I knew Craig Ferguson would have a field day. But I had no clue things would take the turn they did.

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Moreos Are A Delicious, Evil Life Hack
31 jul 2013 14:00


What. No. It can’t be real. It…it just can’t be. YOU MANIACS. YOU BLEW IT UP. DAMN YOU. DAMN YOU ALL TO HELL.

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What If The 'Game of Thrones' Houses Were Modern Companies?
31 jul 2013 12:00

If Game Of Thrones were set in the modern day, what would the Great (and not so great) Houses of Westeros do for their riches, besides murder and espionage? Every great fortune needs a legitimate veneer, after all. Shutterstock created Game Of Brands, a set of fake ad campaigns and brands for those power-hungry families participating in modern-day capitalism. Things haven’t changed much. House Targaryen is still dominating the sky. The Lannisters continue to pay their debts while also proffering investment advice to help you manage the lion’s share. The Baratheons are your source for security guards, while The Arryns will get that message across Westeros with their many satellites and servers. The Greyjoys are now running maritime expeditions. (Will there be hot dogs served onboard?) The Freys run Frey Celebrations, a division of The Lannister Investment Group. They’ll help you plan that wedding, and what ever could go wrong? And Stark Outfitters can provide the gear you need for any extreme weather conditions. Winter is coming, after all. Some of our favorite examples are collected here (minor spoilers). You can check out the rest of the ad campaigns, and the rationalization behind each, over at Shutterstock. Thanks to The High Definite for the assist.

If Game Of Thrones were set in the modern day, what would the Great (and not so great) Houses of Westeros do for their riches, besides murder and espionage?

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The Danger of Scuba Diving
31 jul 2013 12:01

Kristy and her fiance Ryan went scuba diving in Belize. The girl did something wrong and her face looked nasty afterwards.

Kristy and her fiance Ryan went scuba diving in Belize. The girl did something wrong and her face looked nasty afterwards.

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31 jul 2013 12:02

Dettifoss is the most powerful waterfall in Europe. It's located in Vatnajökull National Park in Northeast Iceland. It is situated on the Jökulsá á Fjöllum river, which flows from the Vatnajökull glacier and collects water from a large area in Northeast Iceland. The falls are 330 ft (100 m) wide and have a drop of 150 ft (45 m) down to the Jökulsárgljúfur canyon. It is the largest waterfall in Europe in terms of volume discharge, having an average water flow of 193 m3/s.

Dettifoss is the most powerful waterfall in Europe. It's located in Vatnajökull National Park in Northeast Iceland.

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People Can Achieve Anything They Put Their Mind to
31 jul 2013 12:19

Lucy Doyle is a 31 year old mom of two whose chronic shyness caused her to comfort eat for many years, which contributed to her being overweight. Since 2011 she has lost 70 lbs by cutting out junk food and going to gym three times a week.

Lucy Doyle is a 31 year old mom of two whose chronic shyness caused her to comfort eat for many years, which contributed to her being overweight.

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Ways to Kill Wolverine That Might Actually Work
31 jul 2013 12:24

It is almost impossible for this particular superhero to die due to his incredible healing power.

It is almost impossible for this particular superhero to die due to his incredible healing power.

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Awful Tattoos To Make You Lose Faith In Humanity
31 jul 2013 12:28

Before you think about getting a tattoo, please make us all a promise here at SBSG, that it won’t ever be as bad as what you’re about to witness…. Maybe these 32 individuals lost a bet, maybe they got unlucky and ended up with the apprentice tattooist or maybe they just purposely decided to get some of the worst tattoos ever known to mankind, we can’t really be sure. What’s even more dumbfounding about these 32 acts of lunacy, is that they could have opted to get awesome tattoos like these (maybe not so much this lot mind you) – but instead decided to throw caution & logic out of the window. The result are typos, multiple penises on foreheads, ode’s to Wal-Mart and McDonald’s and even Psy from Gangnam Style…. Who knows, maybe they love them and if they do, that’s awesome. For the rest of us, we can only look on in horror. Do let us know which ones leave the greatest impression on you….

Before you think about getting a tattoo, please make us all a promise here at SBSG, that it won’t ever be as bad as what you’re about to witness….

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Artist Redesigns Portraits of Masculine Figures in Pink
31 jul 2013 12:46

The Pinks is a series of portraits by painter Scott Scheidly that transforms male political and pop culture figures using a pink color palette. Iconic, masculine characters like Blondie (played by Clint Eastwood) in The Good, the Bad and the Ugly are given a redesign to reflect the power that the color pink has over public perception and one's perceived identity. Pink, a color often associated with docile femininity, is regarded as an emasculating hue. Some have argued that the alteration in the color of these typically masculine figures alludes to a re-examination of sexuality, though the artist's intention is more so about evaluating the rosy pigment itself. He says, "[P]retty much every time I see a write up on the series it refers to it as 'gay'. However in a nutshell it’s how color and symbology can change perception."

The Pinks is a series of portraits by painter Scott Scheidly that transforms male political and pop culture figures using a pink color palette.

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Dashing Portraits of Cats Dressed in Royal Attire
31 jul 2013 12:47

Tashkent-based Uzbek artist Eldar Zakirov digitally painted portraits of cats for Hermitage Magazine as though they are refined gentlemen in royal attire. Styling his whimsical renditions like classic oil paintings, there is an unbelievably realistic quality to them that makes the viewer question whether they're actually looking at accurate depictions of cats dressed in formal uniforms. Cats have always had an air of regality about them and now Zakirov's digital paintings heighten that sense of elitism and prestige. Fitfully clothed in what appear to be fine fabrics, intricately patterned and designed with embellishments, each of these whiskered figures exude an imposing (though also amusing) confidence. They represent a feline court where even the "waiter cat" is in a three-piece tuxedo.

Tashkent-based Uzbek artist Eldar Zakirov digitally painted portraits of cats for Hermitage Magazine as though they are refined gentlemen in royal attire.

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New Daft Punk Tribute Features Dancing Pictogram Men
31 jul 2013 12:49

Designer Matteo Civaschi and his team at Milan-based creative studio H-57 just came out with a hilarious new tribute to Daft Punk's hit song Get Lucky. Using those classic pictogram men they've come to be famous for, his group created an awesome video that you can't but want to watch from beginning to end. (Though it gets good at :50 seconds.) "It all began just by animating one of our 'graphic men' (those we use in our short stories) to the rhythm of Get Lucky, just because it was fun. Then, we enjoyed it and started to figure out different moves and steps. Everyone here contributed their own dance! "Soon we decided to make a real video, a tribute to Daft Punk. "It took about 14 days, including many nights awake. Now we're tired but happy, so we'll probably go to bed, together with our computers that are still smoking after the last render."

Designer Matteo Civaschi and his team at Milan-based creative studio H-57 just came out with a hilarious new tribute to Daft Punk's hit song Get Lucky.

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Jon Snow
31 jul 2013 13:05

We finally did it! After seeing so much great fan art come out for the epic fantasy drama Game of Thrones, we felt it was time to put together the ultimate collection. These 20 pieces were chosen because they're either gorgeously made or incredibly funny. To date, 30 episodes of the television drama have been shown, putting us at the end of season 3. Though you'll have to wait till 2014 to watch season 4, you can, of course, read the books or take a peak at some significant spoilers creator George R. R. Martin recently dropped to E Online, below. "We have a big battle that the wonderful Neil Marshall that did the Battle of Blackwater back to direct, that's very exciting for me. We have another Royal Wedding, this one is not red; this one is a different color. We have the introduction of some great new characters. We finally introduce one of the most popular characters from the books: Prince Oberon Martell. The Red Viper of Dorne will be introduced for the first time and there will be some other new characters that I think the fans will like. The Wildlings are continuing to move toward the wall. We'll see many of the characters, we'll see what happens to Tyrion and Cersei and Jaime and all of the remaining Starks, the few that are left and hopefully it will be another great season." Now, here are our 20 favorite fan art pieces from the hit series Game of Thrones.

We finally did it! After seeing so much great fan art come out for the epic fantasy drama Game of Thrones, we felt it was time to put together the ultimate collection.

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Don’t park like a jerk. 
31 jul 2013 13:08

This is a video for all the people who have wanted revenge to everyone who has ever parked like a jerk. A warning to all future jerk parkers: they're coming to get you now.

This is a video for all the people who have wanted revenge to everyone who has ever parked like a jerk. A warning to all future jerk parkers: they're coming to get you now.

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The Almost Human Trailer Is Delightfully Gory
31 jul 2013 13:11

The Toronto International Film Festival has been the debut venue for such critically-acclaimed films as Ray, American Beauty and The Wrestler, and this year’s scheduled films certainly won’t buck that trend. Among the films that will premiere at this year’s TIFF are Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom, Beyond the Edge and All is By My Side, among others, but the film that probably won’t have too many critics talking Oscar buzz is Almost Human, which has a new trailer this week. That’s not to say that the alien/supernatural horror film, written and directed by Joe Begos, doesn’t look fun as hell. The story focuses on a guy named Mark who “disappeared from his home in a brilliant flash of light” and returns to his old stomping grounds to blast people to bits and pieces with his shotgun and occasionally an ax. It’s my frontrunner for the feel-good movie of 2013.

The Toronto International Film Festival has been the debut venue for such critically-acclaimed films as Ray, American Beauty and The Wrestler, ...

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5 U.S. cities mapped using only their Starbucks locations
31 jul 2013 13:11

Can you recognize various cities around the world based only their distribution of Starbucks? Slate has a 20-map, multiple choice quiz to test just that. If, however, you’re feeling lazy or are too indifferent to submit your geographic and coffee shop knowledge to evaluation, then read on. Here are a few of the U.S. towns from their list already labeled…

Can you recognize various cities around the world based only their distribution of Starbucks? Slate has a 20-map, multiple choice quiz to test just that.

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Larry David's Jimmy Kimmel Visit Was Just One Big Stand Up Act
31 jul 2013 16:11

Which is a very good thing. Larry David doesn’t make many late night talk show appearances — for all the obvious reasons — but last night he dropped by Jimmy Kimmel Live for an extra long visit to both make up for cancelling on Jimmy previously and to promote his mysterious Clear History HBO movie where he looks unrecognizable. We’ll get to that a couple videos down though, because Larry was in no rush. As you’ll see in the first clip above he starts bagging on Jimmy’s obnoxious sliding reveal door right from the beginning, and from there segues into how great cancellations are, and the whole thing just turns into one big casual standup session where Kimmel plays set-up man. Which is tremendous because no one wants to hear Larry David talk about how great it was working with so and so, they want him to talk about how he hopes a script doesn’t have night scenes so he won’t have to work in the evening.

Which is a very good thing. Larry David doesn’t make many late night talk show appearances — for all the obvious reasons — but last night he dropped by Jimmy Kimmel Live for an extra long visit...

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MSNBC Anchor Uses Dirty Word to Describe Anthony Weiner Texting Pal
31 jul 2013 16:41

So much for journalists being impartial. MSNBC anchor Thomas Roberts caused a stir Wednesday when he called Sydney Leathers, the woman at the center of Anthony Weiner’s latest sex scandal, ‘bats***.’ Roberts made his comment after playing part of Leathers’ interview with Howard Stern, although he did catch himself just as he said it. Still, the damage was done. Kind of like what this whole embarrassing matter has done to Weiner’s chances of becoming mayor of New York City.

So much for journalists being impartial. MSNBC anchor Thomas Roberts caused a stir Wednesday when he called Sydney Leathers, the woman at the center of Anthony Weiner’s latest sex scandal, ...

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Houston Beer Can House!
31 jul 2013 17:39

A retired South Pacific Railroad upholsterer John Milkovisch started a project of "beerifying" his house in 1968. It took him 18 years to cover his Houston home in an estimated 50,000 beer cans. Hundreds of beer top garlands hang from the roof, the exterior of the house is covered with flattened can siding, and front and back yards are decorated with pull tabs and other can pieces. After Milkovisch's passing in the 1980s the house was given to and is now run as a museum by the Orange Show Center for Visionary Art.

A retired South Pacific Railroad upholsterer John Milkovisch started a project of "beerifying" his house in 1968. It took him 18 years to cover his Houston home in an estimated 50,000 beer cans.

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Prostitutes on Floating Barges in Utrecht
01 aug 2013 11:58

The Dutch town of Utrecht is famous for two bizarre highlights: mechanical music museum and floating hookers on barges. Window prostitution occurs mainly along the Vecht to the Zandpad, also known as Red Bridge. The window prostitutes are working in houseboats . The windows are visible from the car, the use of the car is popular among prostitution customers. There are about 40 boats and 140 working girls.

The Dutch town of Utrecht is famous for two bizarre highlights: mechanical music museum and floating hookers on barges.

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Abandoned Underwater Strip Club
01 aug 2013 11:59

Sounds impossible, but it's real. The club is located on the shores of the Red Sea in Eilat, Israel. First it was an underwater restaurant, then it was re-opened as a strip club for a while, then shut down altogether about a year ago.

Sounds impossible, but it's real. The club is located on the shores of the Red Sea in Eilat, Israel. First it was an underwater restaurant, then it was re-opened as a strip club for a while, ...

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Incredible Fly Geyser in Nevada Created Purely by Accident
01 aug 2013 12:22

The Fly Geyser, also known as Fly Ranch Geyser, is a small man-made geothermal geyser, located in Washoe County, Nevada, and besides spitting water up to 5 feet into the air, it strikes you with beautiful vibrant colors, making the whole landscape look like a painting. The geyser actually developed by mistake from a leaking geothermal well, which was first drilled back in 1916. Sometime in the 1960s the geothermally heated water found a crack and erupted. It has been spewing gushes of hot water ever since. The colored rock itself has been growing and forming from the dissolved minerals, which continue accumulating and thus shape the travertine mound around the geyser. The beautiful colors form due to the thermophilic algae. As the geyser is located on a private ranch and has its owner, it’s hidden from the viewers behind a high fence and a locked gate with spikes on top of it.

The Fly Geyser, also known as Fly Ranch Geyser, is a small man-made geothermal geyser, located in Washoe County, Nevada, and besides spitting water up to 5 feet into the air, ...

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The Most Touching Moments in People’s Lives Caught on Camera
01 aug 2013 12:37

Writer and reporter, Richard Deitsch asked his Twitter followers to share photos that capture important moments in people’s lives. Here are some of the most memorable shares.

Writer and reporter, Richard Deitsch asked his Twitter followers to share photos that capture important moments in people’s lives. Here are some of the most memorable shares.

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A Retrospective On 50 Years Of Flight Attendant Fashion
01 aug 2013 13:15

You know what they say about fashion, that ultimately everything ends up being recycled, reinterpreted and brought back into the mainstream. But it’s hard to have a reference point when the outfits of yesteryear a stacked in boxes and stored in countless attics around the world. That’s The Museum Of Flight why just south of Seattle, USA is such a rare find. Housed within their walls is an historic collection of US flight attendant outfits spanning from 1930 through to 1980. It’s one of the few places that has managed to collect and preserve some iconic uniforms worn by the trusty flight attendant, who’s actual career in the skies spans some 80 years.

You know what they say about fashion, that ultimately everything ends up being recycled, reinterpreted and brought back into the mainstream.

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Mock Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream Flavors Based on Well-Known Books
01 aug 2013 13:41

Philadelphia-based publisher Quirk Books has created a set of six mock Ben & Jerry’s ice cream flavors based on famous books. Berry Potter and the Container of Secrets is “a magical blend of butter beer, Bertie Bott’s Strawberry Flavour Beans and chocolate frogs” and the cleverly named War and Peach flavor is “An ambitious, sweeping, and impeccably detailed frozen treat of truly epic proportions, with so many ingredients that you’ll forget most of them existed by the time you’re halfway through your cone. Not easy to get through without a headache, but if you make it, you can brag about finishing it for the rest of your life.”

Philadelphia-based publisher Quirk Books has created a set of six mock Ben & Jerry’s ice cream flavors based on famous books.

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“Alice in Candyland”
01 aug 2013 13:45

DisHollywood is an upcoming solo art show by artist José Rodolfo Loaiza Ontiveros at the La Luz De Jesus Gallery in Los Angeles featuring José ‘s “latest visual project which attempts to re-mix beloved characters from Disney fairy tales with other entertainment icons from the world of cinema, celebrity and music.” The art show will open on Friday, August 2, 2013 from 8-11 PM and be on display until Sunday, September 1st. You can view more previews online at the La Luz De Jesus Gallery and Hi-Fructose Magazine websites.

DisHollywood is an upcoming solo art show by artist José Rodolfo Loaiza Ontiveros at the La Luz De Jesus Gallery in Los Angeles featuring José ‘s “ ...

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The Definitive Career Timeline Of 'Breaking Bad's' Aaron Paul
02 aug 2013 20:51

I don’t exactly know why this is true, but the Internet has a deep fascination with Aaron Paul’s pre-Breaking Bad filmography. People rightfully went berserker when Jay Leno revealed that Paul had been on the Price is Right back in the day, and last week, Leno also unearthed Aaron Paul’s (terrible) stint on the original Beverly Hills 90210. Whenever people spot Aaron Paul in a before-he-was-famous role, we get emails. We appreciate those emails. It’s how we found out he was in Birds of Prey. Yesterday, in fact, an awesome reader, FallOutBoy (The Radioactive Man Sidekick, not the Band) sent us screen shots of Aaron Paul in his episode of Bones. Why FallOutBoy was watching first season episodes of Bones, well, that’s a question we probably shouldn’t ask. However, it got me thinking: Let’s just knock this all out at once. Let’s dig up photos from Aaron Paul’s entire career timeline, from 1999 — when he moved to Los Angeles — until 2014, when he’s set to appear in Need for Speed, a movie about a street racer who was framed by a wealthy business associate (I’m far more excited for his 2013 role in A Long Way Down, the adaptation of the Nick Hornby novel). So, without further ado, here’s photographic evidence of most of Aaron Paul’s movie and television roles (at least the ones with available images on the Internet). He has gone through some bad hair phases, folks, but I gotta say, nerdy Aaron Paul is my favorite early Aaron Paul.

I don’t exactly know why this is true, but the Internet has a deep fascination with Aaron Paul’s pre-Breaking Bad filmography.

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Welcome To The Future, Everybody. DogTV Is Officially Here.
02 aug 2013 21:03

DogTV, which launched Thursday on DirecTV, is a 24-hour pay channel providing programming designed and produced to appeal to canines. The channel is divided into three kinds of programs, “Relaxation,” “Stimulation” and “Exposure.” Programs run three to six minutes and give dogs either soothing pastoral scenes or provide them with snippets of everyday life that normally cause anxiety, such as someone ringing the doorbell. Look, I get what you’re trying to do here. I do. You’re trying to point out that there are better things a person can do with five dog-related dollars a month, because dogs may not be 100% biologically designed to sit back and watch television all day. Fine. You’re probably right. But allow me to present this counterpoint: SSSSSHHHHHUUUUUUUTTTTTT UUUUUUUUUUPPP. Shut the hell up. Think really hard about what you want to say, form a cohesive argument, and then take it to your graves without sharing it with anyone. For God’s sake, THERE IS A TV CHANNEL FOR DOGS NOW. TV. FOR. DOGS. Even if its only viewers turn out to bestoned college students, this is an important moment in history. (I’d rank it just behind the invention of the light bulb.) Let’s give it, like, a week before you crap all over it with your “science” and your “quotes from animal experts.” I mean, Jesus Christ, look at this video.

DogTV, which launched Thursday on DirecTV, is a 24-hour pay channel providing programming designed and produced to appeal to canines.

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A Retrospective On 50 Years Of Flight Attendant Fashion
03 aug 2013 21:02

You know what they say about fashion, that ultimately everything ends up being recycled, reinterpreted and brought back into the mainstream. But it’s hard to have a reference point when the outfits of yesteryear a stacked in boxes and stored in countless attics around the world. That’s The Museum Of Flight why just south of Seattle, USA is such a rare find. Housed within their walls is an historic collection of US flight attendant outfits spanning from 1930 through to 1980. It’s one of the few places that has managed to collect and preserve some iconic uniforms worn by the trusty flight attendant, who’s actual career in the skies spans some 80 years. So what changed from 1930 to 1980? Unsurprisingly pretty much everything! Boots replaced shoes, skirts replaced dresses, brights colour replaced the drab, big hair came and went and yes, even tartan made an appearance. Here’s your unique guide to the style down the aisle as it were – anyone else wish we could bring the good old days back?

You know what they say about fashion, that ultimately everything ends up being recycled, reinterpreted and brought back into the mainstream.

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15 Surprising Examples Of Superman Being A D***head
03 aug 2013 21:09

He’s one of the most iconic and oldest superheroes of all time. the man of steel, the devilishly handsome and decidedly buff Superman. And whilst many of us think of him as virtuous and wholesome character with an iron clad set of morals – we’re sadly been erroneously mislead. You see, it turns out Superman is actually intensely misogynistic, incredibly manipulative, often uncaring and certainly more than a little selfish. Surprised? We were too, until we stumbled upon an entire movement dedicated to “Superman is a dick” created by our friends over at Superdickery They’ve hunted down and collated over 300+ examples of The Man Of Steel at his very worst stretching as far back as the 1940′s! You can see the full list right here, but in the meantime prepare to raise your eyebrows and shake your head in disbelief as we look at 15 damming examples of Superman being a total dickhead.

He’s one of the most iconic and oldest superheroes of all time. the man of steel, the devilishly handsome and decidedly buff Superman.

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Showcasing The Body As Art 10 Striking Tattoo Portraits
03 aug 2013 21:10

Unlike these 32 awful tattoos that will make you lose faith in humanity, gifted photographer Eddie McShane captures 10 unique individuals whose bodies truly are works of art. His subjects vary in age, gender and size yet they all share a deep passion for self-expression. You can be sure that a lot of work and indeed money went into the following tattoos which McShane has documented in vibrant detail. Through his candid & emotive portraits, you’re able to gain a compelling insight into the individual behind the persona and ink. The key figures in their lives, their religious beliefs, their childhood street to even their favourite furry friend – are all etched and documented into their skin. Make sure you view the full series via McShane’s official website:

Unlike these 32 awful tattoos that will make you lose faith in humanity, gifted photographer Eddie McShane captures 10 unique individuals whose bodies truly are works of art.

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